
Oct 25, 2017
So, anyone hyped for Paladin Cecil in almost 3 days? :p
With his son, I bet they'll be a deadly combo, throw Balthier for good measure and his Lufenia won't stand a chance.
They'll be pretty good until Squall rework.


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
So, anyone hyped for Paladin Cecil in almost 3 days? :p
With his son, I bet they'll be a deadly combo, throw Balthier for good measure and his Lufenia won't stand a chance.
They'll be pretty good until Squall rework.
There is noting BUT hype for him : P
I'll have his son with him, they got a lot of synergy thanks to the multiple Hp hits of his son, and the Hp and Brv damage up of the pops.

I'll have to round it out with another Dps with support capabilities, maybe Strago or Firion or something : P


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, on the P. Cecil hype train. Tempted to use the BT token on banner drop. Otherwise, I'll try to hold off until the Gabranth banner...
Oct 25, 2017
I mean, everyone playing the game is pulling for him right lol

The servers seem to suck whenever a new banner drops, can ONLY imagine when he drops.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I mean, everyone playing the game is pulling for him right lol

The servers seem to suck whenever a new banner drops, can ONLY imagine when he drops.
I like to log in about 5 minutes before the banner drops and then, as soon as the clock hits 6 (PST), go to the banner and do as many pulls as I can, and then I log out for several hours until the server chills out.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm also glad for Lann & Reyn, poor lads were so bad for so long, I expect some massive reworks.

Here it is :

Glad to see Tama for the BT but Reddit is sad that it deconfirm the character, there's still Enna Kros and I said earlier in this thread that I wanted to see Brandelis because his model would be a real challenge, haha they'll need to put the villain in it one day or another.
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Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
I am legitimately mad about the twin's BT+ rework and LD. I don't wanna bring down the mood, but this is absolutely an unnecessary escalation that contiues to exacerbate problems with current JP content.

Looks great to have Tama show up tho, would have liked for her to be there after LD (on top of heads : D )for a little follow up, could have been cute, but I like her as the BT.

In fact, Garlands's BT+ video illustrates this:

Take a look at the damage between the two. Do you see the issue here?

Gonna spoiler this rant because it is totally a rant, and I apologize : P

Garland is expected to be this big damage dealer with massive power on single foes, and has been buffed a tad to get some more AoE power.

But outside of his (very useful) 50% spd down aura, damage is all he does.

The twins are the same, minus spd down but plus a lot of imperil, and they absolutely clown on him by doubling his damage output ALONE, much less on multiple targets.

This is what I mean, the game is rigged. Unless you get Really lucky with what characters they decide are shored up significantly enough to be top of the line, you are always gonna play this absolute gamble with "they were boosted, but not enough to be as strong as these other ones."

I know this isn't an issue the game hasn't tackled constantly for the whole game cycle, but I can't help feeling like it's never been this exaggerated. The fact that it happens in real time and we have the foresight is worse, because we KNOW who's a waste of time and who isn't, and that's gonna affect everyone who wants to pull to complete new content significantly.

It'll be about Faves Vs Meta, more then EVER before, because Faves literally won't be able to beat content. Anything less then top, definitely, but useless at top because of held-back damage.

People are literally unable to beat events in Jp, either With the headliner character, or Without them, this is getting out of hand and it shows by how it totally throws away older units with how massive the HP totals have to be to compensate for the powercreep.

All this to say is, Lufenia is hard, but only becauee the mechanics are tough and interesting, requiring flexibility in your roster the same way Abyss and Dimensions End had to.

But this? Until it's corrected, this WILL be the Dark Age of Dissidia, and you will all need to be extra careful who you pull for in several months. It's gonna be rough, and you'll have to just deal with it. But we'll be there for you, And we'll work together to defeat this content, and rise to the challenge!
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Oct 25, 2017
I am legitimately mad about the twin's BT+ rework and LD. I don't wanna bring down the mood, but this is absolutely an unnecessary escalation that contiues to exacerbate problems with current JP content.

Looks great to have Tama show up tho, would have liked for her to be there after LD (on top of heads : D )for a little follow up, could have been cute, but I like her as the BT.

How so?

Garland is expected to be this big damage dealer with massive power on single foes, and has been buffed a tad to get some more AoE power.

But outside of his (very useful) 50% spd down aura, damage is all he does.

The twins are the same, minus spd down but plus a lot of imperil, and they absolutely clown on him by doubling his damage output ALONE, much less on multiple targets.

This is what I mean, the game is rigged. Unless you get Really lucky with what characters they decide are shored up significantly enough to be top of the line, you are always gonna play this absolute gamble with "they were boosted, but not enough to be as strong as these other ones."

I know this isn't an issue the game hasn't tackled constantly for the whole game cycle, but I can't help feeling like it's never been this exaggerated. The fact that it happens in real time and we have the foresight is worse, because we KNOW who's a waste of time and who isn't, and that's gonna affect everyone who wants to pull to complete new content significantly.

It'll be about Faves Vs Meta, more then EVER before, because Faves literally won't be able to beat content. Anything less then top, definitely, but useless at top because of held-back damage.

People are literally unable to beat events in Jp, either With the headliner character, or Without them, this is getting out of hand and it shows by how it totally throws away older units with how massive the HP totals have to be to compensate for the powercreep.

All this to say is, Lufenia is hard, but only becauee the mechanics are tough and interesting, requiring flexibility in your roster the same way Abyss and Dimensions End had to.

But this? Until it's corrected, this WILL be the Dark Age of Dissidia, and you will all need to be extra careful who you pull for in several months. It's gonna be rough, and you'll have to just deal with it. But we'll be there for you, And we'll work together to defeat this content, and rise to the challenge!

I suppose on top of that is the fact that I'm assuming the BT+ drop rate is as low as the BT? Definitely puts a damper on the otherwise decent drop rates lol Especially if we are going to run into scenarios where the BT/BT+ is effectively NEEDED.
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Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
The short version is, Lufenia+, the difficulty of JP right now, has been the most significant level of powercreep the game has ever had, and it threatens to destroy the balance of utility vs damage that has kept many units useful the entire game.

If it gets any worse, which it shows no signs saying otherwise, even I would have to say using resources on an offbanner like Aphmau would be a waste of time, because having a character who denies a mechanic but deals 10% of the other character's damage is a liability no matter what.

Sucks but we'll continue to see how it develops.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I don't necessarily disagree, that damage is absolutely insane. I do think that you're being slightly hyperbolic on the doom and gloom though. But a few counter points:

Maxing old units has always been bad compared to maxing current units. Feeling cheated out of using old characters is only a problem if you don't pull for new ones. And the only reason you wouldn't be able to pull for new ones is because you haven't been playing content.

Also damage units have by far been the worst units and this seems like something to attempt to correct. (Probably poorly, I would guess some sort of reset at this point eventually.) But more to my point a character like CoD was absolutely unparalleled in damage the day she came out. And yet barely anyone pulled for her, unless you love FFIII like me. The reason is because she was basically useless garbage (solo DE notwithstanding) even then and 3x the useless garbage a week later.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I think CoD's problem was that her play mechanic was just shitty and unfun. Don't do shit and hold back your other characters for a bunch of turns, and then you get a super attack. But using her other good attack resets that counter, and now you have to wait again, and also don't let your other characters break.

It's like a punishing, weaker version of Lightning, and I was fine with that right after I soloed that one DE with her.


Oct 29, 2017
You know what's bullshit? The abyss where you had a crystal requirement AND weapon requirement. To make it worse the weapon requirement only had 11 choices at the time and only like 5 were even viable. Then of course having the crystal requirement made it even more bullshit and narrowed your choices further. Then the cherry on top was it was the hardest fight ever in GL at the time.

You wanna know how bullshit that fight is? Because 6 months later it is still bullshit because since then we only got 1 new dagger user.

The stuff for lufenia+ though? I don't see it as being too bad. Basically what I see is people are complaining because they don't want to pull?

As long as you are given a few options to bring into a fight and don't have to pull on a weekly basis then you are fine. I mean people who think they can pull one time 3 months ago and be set for the future - I don't even know what to say to that

This might come off as me trying to defend SE, but in reality I am just sick of the complaining people do the moment something changes or becomes a bit more challenging.

I have ROUTINELY completed fights with non recommend units and teams and have done so for the past 3 years without much of an issue. This to me means the game is fairly balanced if I can do this on a regular basis for as long as I have been doing it.

The medusa fight is the hardest fight we have so far (more than Reno/Sephiroth/Ciaran) and I think its balanced great despite the difficulty of it, and I hope more fights are like the medusa fight in terms of balance

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I remember that one Abyss when Vivi's LD dropped that required blue crystal, dagger user, and FFIX character. Hmm. I wonder who it could be.

Also, I've learned a long time ago that, no matter what game you make, some people will do their darndest to shit on it.


Oct 25, 2017
The latest Lufenia+ orb condition is deal 850k damage in one turn, tells you how crazy the powercreep went there.
Oh and the boss is immune to bravery and HP damage during launch, just lol they went f*ck you Cid Raines.
And time to get gold framed debuff as well because :

  • if player act 10 consecutive times Boss will cleanse debuffs (include silver-framed debuffs) and get a turn immediately


Oct 29, 2017
The latest Lufenia+ orb condition is deal 850k damage in one turn, tells you how crazy the powercreep went there.
Oh and the boss is immune to bravery and HP damage during launch, just lol they went f*ck you Cid Raines.
And time to get gold framed debuff as well because :

  • if player act 10 consecutive times Boss will cleanse debuffs (include silver-framed debuffs) and get a turn immediately

Before people freak out there needs to be context:

- BT+ units can do 850k in 1 turn
- You can have 2 BT+ units effects in same party
- There are multiple units in JP that can do 850k in 1 turn
- AND MOST IMPORTANT: the orb goes away at 50% HP, so you no longer have to deal with it

And kourio forgot the best part :D enemies can now use LD attacks xD


Oct 25, 2017
One thing I'm curious, since I'm getting all BT most like (except Shantotto, I'll wait for BT+) if it's easy to get them to BT+ 3/3 or I will have to make some decisions on who to max first.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah it seems like players learn pretty damn quick that NOT pulling is tantamount to suicide when it comes to being able to do Lufenia's or even some Chaos stuff. I know that I would have certainly fallen into that were not for everyone here giving me great advice lol

I think CoD's problem was that her play mechanic was just shitty and unfun. Don't do shit and hold back your other characters for a bunch of turns, and then you get a super attack. But using her other good attack resets that counter, and now you have to wait again, and also don't let your other characters break.

It's like a punishing, weaker version of Lightning, and I was fine with that right after I soloed that one DE with her.

Does he BT/BT+ help her out any? I randomly lucked into her entire kit and whilst I love her to death, doing nothing but breaking for that specific skill use and the EX is friggin boring.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2017
I think CoD's problem was that her play mechanic was just shitty and unfun. Don't do shit and hold back your other characters for a bunch of turns, and then you get a super attack. But using her other good attack resets that counter, and now you have to wait again, and also don't let your other characters break.

It's like a punishing, weaker version of Lightning, and I was fine with that right after I soloed that one DE with her.

Sure, but I'm more talking viability. Squall had the exact same problem, and most of us only pulled for him at all because we already knew he was getting a really good LD board. Even then he will get outclassed again and have absolutely no purpose. Because damage is bad. Hence why they feel the need to really bring it on their damage characters in the future.
Probably DPS characters should have this kind of disparity over supports since the game started. The end of chaos was Support only teams. Why use anyone but Arciela Alphinaud and Aphmau? It seems to me like future content is going to try and create teams that are Orb Character, Damage, Utility.
I'm not saying that it's not going to come to a head I'm just saying it makes sense.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I do kind of feel like they inadvertently designed themselves into a corner by pushing up the power levels a little too quickly. Like, gold framed debuffs and skills that beat immunity to those skills are kind of obvious issues.

I'm actually quite impressed (as I always am with devs) that they finally got around the invite delay issue by just having bosses jump in no matter what after a while, but it seems like players actually hate that. It's definitely better than the skill, then immunity, then skull that gets around it, then immunity to that, and then skills that--no, really--get around that treadmill that we've been on.

The reality of live service games is that where they go is dictated by business requirements. I'm just glad we haven't gotten the point where the really aggressive MTX strats are coming out.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It could just be me but having your endgame entirely focused on a damage race is admittedly kind of boring. I feel the same way with other gacha such as Genshin.... they lock 600 gems every 2 weeks behind content on a timer which is really annoying especially when that game has super low rates and takes forever to build units. Not saying I hate Lufenia or anything like that but I really wish they could completely remove the orb conditions and just make every boss immune to delay/launch or whatever and just have it be a huge battle of attrition. It would still be extremely hard but at least you wont randomly blow up because of a timer. I just dislike timers in games so much because It's really not interesting. So i'm kinda dreading Lufenia + impressions especially if it means I have to pull on every banner when the time comes.


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.

This vid by Quwie illustrates what I'm talking about, and I hope it gets enough traction that it goes back to the devs and they can change course on their current trajectory, if they'd stop immediately countering characters and slow down on progressing to harder and more rediculous damage races until they can bring more characters up to par (when was the last time Fang even got looked at?), that'll significantly help lessen the issues the game is facing.

Also, this reddit user had good points in response to the video as well:

Hidden content
You need to reply to this thread in order to see this content.
I hid it since it's content by a non-famous person who I don't wanna get doxed or something : P

Anyway, I kinda think that is a neat idea, but I generally want the ramp up in egregious countering to slow down a tad, it's not fun, and it won't be fun if we have to pull for CoD and Bartz purely so we can have a chance at doing the content without it being a massive hassle.


Oct 25, 2017
It seems like Agrias LD with her confuse is a really good thing to have for Lufenia+
And yeah it's a bit sad because the more restrictive those fights get, the more we will have the need to cheese them, I just read someone saying it's like Chaos where they drop a new difficulty without letting us prepare (like regular Lufenia) and it'll make a lot of character useless and we'll have to wait until powercreep does its thing.
So, just like when Chaos released, there is hope that thing will get better there like maybe next month, we have the luxury of the forecast for Global so if you really want to complete everything you might as well pull for those key characters.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I watched that video and read all that, but I think the problem is that it falls back to claiming the devs are lazy. And, honestly, what I see is the opposite, where they are actually experimenting with new methods of countering too-strong mechanics. It just so happens that players don't like the new methods.
Oct 25, 2017
I do kind of feel like they inadvertently designed themselves into a corner by pushing up the power levels a little too quickly. Like, gold framed debuffs and skills that beat immunity to those skills are kind of obvious issues.

I'm actually quite impressed (as I always am with devs) that they finally got around the invite delay issue by just having bosses jump in no matter what after a while, but it seems like players actually hate that. It's definitely better than the skill, then immunity, then skull that gets around it, then immunity to that, and then skills that--no, really--get around that treadmill that we've been on.

The reality of live service games is that where they go is dictated by business requirements. I'm just glad we haven't gotten the point where the really aggressive MTX strats are coming out.

Whats funny also is how absolutely GHASTLY the value proposition is for buying gems directly. Admittedly many games that dont have as many "packs" or "costumes" (a la say FGO or Re:Saga) tend to have better ratio'd currency/dollar levels, but still this game THROWS currency at you like a stripper. Might even beat out Re:Saga for most consistent payout of summonable currency.

The worth of flatly DPS characters in this game is...something else I will say lol when referencing Lufenia level content or higher. So much so that it seems you're pulling units for event content and then there is a good chance they won't be "top tier" immediately after. Tricky stuff.

I'm still an arms reach or so for consistently clearing Luffy content so maybe I haven't hit that wall yet but even so. Interesting to see whats in the future.
Oct 25, 2017

This vid by Quwie illustrates what I'm talking about, and I hope it gets enough traction that it goes back to the devs and they can change course on their current trajectory, if they'd stop immediately countering characters and slow down on progressing to harder and more rediculous damage races until they can bring more characters up to par (when was the last time Fang even got looked at?), that'll significantly help lessen the issues the game is facing.

Also, this reddit user had good points in response to the video as well:

[Hidden content]

I hid it since it's content by a non-famous person who I don't wanna get doxed or something : P

Anyway, I kinda think that is a neat idea, but I generally want the ramp up in egregious countering to slow down a tad, it's not fun, and it won't be fun if we have to pull for CoD and Bartz purely so we can have a chance at doing the content without it being a massive hassle.

Yeah I'm sorry the reddit post is very well put but that youtuber is insufferable lol


Nov 7, 2017
the HELP Menu.
Yeah I'm sorry the reddit post is very well put but that youtuber is insufferable lol
Yeah, he sorta doesn't jell with everyone, I haven't looked at his content for a long while because his style isn't for me either, just felt like a relevant point from an experienced player.

Anyway, in the end, we all have a lot of fun and cool content and characters we can do over time, and I see this as a temporary issue brought on from pressures Covid has had on developers all over the place.

We have the advantage of foresight, as we have always, and we can always adjust if something comes up.

I love this game because the devs seem to truely care about player input, and I'm certain this is a temporary issue at best. Let's have fun with the game and just be wary of this period as it comes.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
The other grim reality with live service games--particularly mobile games--is that you can never stop the content furnace. So as games age and revenue declines, you will still have to churn out the same amount of content, and usually this means that the team that remains with the game while others move onto new projects will have to do more with less or rely more on vendor services that don't know your game or players as well as you do.

This game is pretty old now, so I wouldn't be surprised if that's also happening.
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, he sorta doesn't jell with everyone, I haven't looked at his content for a long while because his style isn't for me either, just felt like a relevant point from an experienced player.

Anyway, in the end, we all have a lot of fun and cool content and characters we can do over time, and I see this as a temporary issue brought on from pressures Covid has had on developers all over the place.

We have the advantage of foresight, as we have always, and we can always adjust if something comes up.

I love this game because the devs seem to truely care about player input, and I'm certain this is a temporary issue at best. Let's have fun with the game and just be wary of this period as it comes.

Doesn't make me enjoy the game any less an make no mistake I'm lovin it!


Oct 29, 2017
I must be the only person who plays this that doesn't have (or care) about favorites :(

I remember feeling a bit guilty that I didn't splurge on Ramza and didn't get his costume when he first came out since tactics is my favorite FF :(

The shame I brought to my family name for not spending on husbundos :(

On the other hand 8 and 13 are my least favorite and I actually got lights costume lol (I legit don't like lightning as a character)

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I must be the only person who plays this that doesn't have (or care) about favorites :(

I remember feeling a bit guilty that I didn't splurge on Ramza and didn't get his costume when he first came out since tactics is my favorite FF :(

The shame I brought to my family name for not spending on husbundos :(

On the other hand 8 and 13 are my least favorite and I actually got lights costume lol (I legit don't like lightning as a character)
I'm kind of similar, except almost everyone is a fav, as long as I've played their game.
Oct 25, 2017
I must be the only person who plays this that doesn't have (or care) about favorites :(

I remember feeling a bit guilty that I didn't splurge on Ramza and didn't get his costume when he first came out since tactics is my favorite FF :(

The shame I brought to my family name for not spending on husbundos :(

On the other hand 8 and 13 are my least favorite and I actually got lights costume lol (I legit don't like lightning as a character)

I think the game is just a big nostalgia bomb for most people lol I know if it weren't for the FF license my interest would most definitely be less.

I tend to have sporadic favorites.


Oct 29, 2017
I think the game is just a big nostalgia bomb for most people lol I know if it weren't for the FF license my interest would most definitely be less.

I tend to have sporadic favorites.

Don't get me wrong, I did get this for the FF license. It's not like I hate the games. I just don't have any attachment to certain characters like some people do because this isnt canon to any of the FFs (and i played all of them) so no reason to get attached to it like a canon game.

Like just because a character was good, fun, or a fan favorite in their original game, doesn't mean they will be in OO. Let's not forget it took yuna like 4 years to finally be good despite being a fan favorite (and a favorite of mine)


"oh its shelke from that ff7 spin off...cool" - my reaction


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Well Shelke was only because there is some DoC in the ps5 Yuffie chapter of remake coming right? It's such a shite character to add too not to mention DoC is a terrible game.
Oct 25, 2017
Don't get me wrong, I did get this for the FF license. It's not like I hate the games. I just don't have any attachment to certain characters like some people do because this isnt canon to any of the FFs (and i played all of them) so no reason to get attached to it like a canon game.

Like just because a character was good, fun, or a fan favorite in their original game, doesn't mean they will be in OO. Let's not forget it took yuna like 4 years to finally be good despite being a fan favorite (and a favorite of mine)


"oh its shelke from that ff7 spin off...cool" - my reaction

I guess the "canon" aspect doesn't bother me much either lol Oddly enough I was a MASSIVE fan of the Dissidia games so the homages to those titles in this game are a treat.

Yeah I don't know that anyone was excited about fucking Shelke. Clearly it was either mandated or a dev had a boner for her lol

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I will posit a third possibilty: use an unpopular character to test out a new game mechanic. If she makes money, you can attribute it to the gameplay and not the character.

Or maybe she's just way more popular in Japan. I don't know.

Or maybe onboard a new vendor and test out how they do with making new characters, in which case you wouldn't want to risk someone more valuable. Plus, again, if it's successful, you want to make sure it's not because of character popularity.

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I think I probably would have liked Type-0 more if it actually came out here on PSP or even Vita. But playing a game that looked and played like a PSP game on PS4 just didn't feel good.


Oct 29, 2017
I had a horrible experience with FF4 and FF5.

FF4 I got about 60% or so and then my save crashed and then I tried FF5 and got about 40% and my save crashed.

Needless to say I didnt have the strength to restart those 2 games from scratch despite liking them (FF4 especially)

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
I had a horrible experience with FF4 and FF5.

FF4 I got about 60% or so and then my save crashed and then I tried FF5 and got about 40% and my save crashed.

Needless to say I didnt have the strength to restart those 2 games from scratch despite liking them (FF4 especially)
Aw, man, those are the best ones!

Septimus Prime

Oct 25, 2017
Don't do this to me :( I already made peace with not playing them again....

Although I did get the FF4 remake on DS....but quit around the time cecil became a paladin. I remember saying to myself something along the lines of "what an idiot" about cecil and then stopped
So, that DS one is really interesting because they clearly went out of their way to subvert players like me, who know FF4 really well. Like, they did shit like reverse enemy weakness (making enemies resist holy to fuck over Cecil--hmm, sounds familiar--for using Excalibur, for example), mix up enemy roles so you get hosed for using old strategies, and things like that. They also leaned really hard into character roles, really pushing you to play Cecil defensively and Edge as a glass cannon and whatnot.

I really liked it, but I would liken playing it to experience FF4 as I would playing FF7R to experience FF7.

I'd honestly go for the PSP version to get the best experience of that game. It has all the updates from the GBA version, plus updated sprites that make everyone but Kain look better, and it also includes The After Years, so you can see what Ceodore is all about.

But yeah. I can't not recommend FF4.

5's good, too.
Oct 25, 2017
I think I probably would have liked Type-0 more if it actually came out here on PSP or even Vita. But playing a game that looked and played like a PSP game on PS4 just didn't feel good.

I wanted to love the game, loved the battle system but a mix between the motion blur, the HORRIFIC voice acting, and blatantly made for PSP feel was just too much.
So, that DS one is really interesting because they clearly went out of their way to subvert players like me, who know FF4 really well. Like, they did shit like reverse enemy weakness (making enemies resist holy to fuck over Cecil--hmm, sounds familiar--for using Excalibur, for example), mix up enemy roles so you get hosed for using old strategies, and things like that. They also leaned really hard into character roles, really pushing you to play Cecil defensively and Edge as a glass cannon and whatnot.

I really liked it, but I would liken playing it to experience FF4 as I would playing FF7R to experience FF7.

I'd honestly go for the PSP version to get the best experience of that game. It has all the updates from the GBA version, plus updated sprites that make everyone but Kain look better, and it also includes The After Years, so you can see what Ceodore is all about.

But yeah. I can't not recommend FF4.

5's good, too.

PSP is the best for FF I-II-IV. Also The After Years!