
Oct 25, 2017
Blade will probably move to 2026, but other than that that's 3 movies + 2 shows across the year, which seems pretty reasonable/plausible to me. And probably what Marvel will set as the standard going forward.
As much as I'd like that, new MCU each quarter sounds like a lot. That something like 4 hours of movie and with a 6 episode season, 30 minutes an episode 6 hours of TV


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
oh shit i just realized

if Marvel brings in the FF as being from an alternative, retro-sci-fi reality as the posters predict, and their movie ends with Galactus devouring their world and them lifeboating into 616 somehow we would potentially already have an unknown Reed Richards of 616 who can easily be The Maker along the way, who is just as smart, but went bad at some point in time because his life didn't have the FF in it. Now he hates Richards for stealing the power and fame he could have had. That would be literally perfect and much easier than explaining yet another "Ultimate" universe of sorts. And his eventual reveal as another Reed would make SO much more sense for MCU viewers as well, since it's super logical, but no one will think about it by the way he comes up as a mystery villain.. I can not fathom Marvel not having the same idea at least, make it so!


Chicken Chaser
Oct 27, 2017
How does that 2025 bloated schedule align with what they've said about you know... Not inflating MCU?
They don't learn anything


Freelance Market Director
Oct 25, 2017
How does that 2025 bloated schedule align with what they've said about you know... Not inflating MCU?
They don't learn anything

The reason 2025 is so packed is because they delayed a bunch of stuff for quality control and by having a packed 2025 they can delay more projects if they need to since they already have a bunch coming out.

So yes, they did learn and are hedging their bets and giving themselves room to delay stuff more if they have to without having a dry year.


Oct 25, 2017
oh shit i just realized

if Marvel brings in the FF as being from an alternative, retro-sci-fi reality as the posters predict, and their movie ends with Galactus devouring their world and them lifeboating into 616 somehow we would potentially already have an unknown Reed Richards of 616 who can easily be The Maker along the way, who is just as smart, but went bad at some point in time because his life didn't have the FF in it. Now he hates Richards for stealing the power and fame he could have had. That would be literally perfect and much easier than explaining yet another "Ultimate" universe of sorts. And his eventual reveal as another Reed would make SO much more sense for MCU viewers as well, since it's super logical, but no one will think about it by the way he comes up as a mystery villain.. I can not fathom Marvel not having the same idea at least, make it so!

We already have Fantastic Four 2015 which is also based on the ultimate FF run. Fans have been asking for that reed as the maker


Oct 25, 2017
Providence, RI
How does that 2025 bloated schedule align with what they've said about you know... Not inflating MCU?
They don't learn anything

What exactly are they supposed to do? Cancel multiple projects that are already deep into production? All of this stuff has been in the works for a while and cutting back/refocusing the MCU isn't something that can happen overnight. The reason the schedule is bloated is due to both quality control and strike-related delayed that pushed projects out of 2024.

That line-up is also inflated a bit by including Friendly Neighborhood Spider-Man, which is not MCU.

(And honestly, is anyone looking at something like Marvel Zombies as "more MCU?" That feels like counting X-Men '97 as an MCU project. Marvel shouldn't even refer to it as being part of Phase 5 at this point, with how separate from the MCU it is with no chance of crossing over.)


Oct 25, 2017
Idk, was 2023 a Marvel overload? 3 movies and 2 shows is what they did last year.

I think it probably was, yeah. I think the only thing I know that people wanted to see was Guardians 3, only my hardcore marvel fans and I saw Marvels and Antman. What did we have for shows? Loki, What If (I don't really think people actually count it as MCU though) and Secret Invasion?

The problem I see with my casual fan friends is if the TV show doesn't grab them in episode 1, they don't both continuing it. Antman and Marvels people didn't see in my orbit because no one cares about Antman and Marvels among other things, was not well advertised and there just was no hype or sense of urgency to see it.

As far as the TV shows, I only know one person off the internet who liked Loki. Plenty of other friends have said it was "too weird/too confusing/unessessary" and checked out of it in Season 1 or just didn't care to watch S2. Secret Invasion is well... Secret Invasion. I love What If but a lot of people just won't take animation as serious as live action. IMO Marvel wasted their time and money on those shows, even though I enjoyed all 3 to various degrees. I don't think it earned them any goodwill.

2023 overall, seems like it should be universally agreed upon as probably the most disastrous year for them with Guardians 3 being the only bright spot.

Yeah, this whole "let's somehow word everything the worst way possible" anti-marvel agenda (in lack of a better word) is seeping into this thread as well, and it shows. It's like thousands of other movies and shows don't exist.

If you actually knew anything about this thread (among other Marvel threads) and weren't slinging mud, you'd see I post in it all the time and am pretty positive. But I guess it's easier to make blanket assumption.
People I know just don't want to watch content they don't like to keep current with the MCU, especially when it seems like a waste of their time when there are better and more interesting things to watch.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
People I know just don't want to watch content they don't like to keep current with the MCU, especially when it seems like a waste of their time when there are better and more interesting things to watch.
Cool, and they're free to do so, without constantly telling people who do like the stuff and do like to keep current everything about how it's too much, fatigue, overload, blah blah when we're getting like 2 movies and 2-3 shows a year. Now what?


Oct 25, 2017
Cool, and they're free to do so, without constantly telling people who do like the stuff and do like to keep current everything about how it's too much, fatigue, overload, blah blah when we're getting like 2 movies and 2-3 shows a year. Now what?
They aren't posting or telling people? You're literally getting upset over nothing. I was asked if the amount of content was too much in 2023, I explained that it wasn't too much for me but it was too much for a lot of my IRL friends. Then you got upset I answered the question or that the people who don't even post here have an opinion on it?

If I have something wrong here, do correct me. I thought the subject of discussion here was the future of the MCU and related spoilers, and talking about their potential line up of content each year.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
They aren't posting or telling people? You're literally getting upset over nothing. I was asked if the amount of content was too much in 2023, I explained that it wasn't too much for me but it was too much for a lot of my IRL friends. Then you got upset I answered the question or that the people who don't even post here have an opinion on it?

If I have something wrong here, do correct me. I thought the subject of discussion here was the future of the MCU and related spoilers, and talking about their potential line up of content each year.
I got you wrong then, I'm sorry. It's a thing I get easily annoyed by these days I guess, so I apologize for misunderstanding your intent here.


Oct 25, 2017



Oct 27, 2017
I think it probably was, yeah. I think the only thing I know that people wanted to see was Guardians 3, only my hardcore marvel fans and I saw Marvels and Antman. What did we have for shows? Loki, What If (I don't really think people actually count it as MCU though) and Secret Invasion?

The problem I see with my casual fan friends is if the TV show doesn't grab them in episode 1, they don't both continuing it. Antman and Marvels people didn't see in my orbit because no one cares about Antman and Marvels among other things, was not well advertised and there just was no hype or sense of urgency to see it.

As far as the TV shows, I only know one person off the internet who liked Loki. Plenty of other friends have said it was "too weird/too confusing/unessessary" and checked out of it in Season 1 or just didn't care to watch S2. Secret Invasion is well... Secret Invasion. I love What If but a lot of people just won't take animation as serious as live action. IMO Marvel wasted their time and money on those shows, even though I enjoyed all 3 to various degrees. I don't think it earned them any goodwill.

2023 overall, seems like it should be universally agreed upon as probably the most disastrous year for them with Guardians 3 being the only bright spot.
I agree last year was their worst year, but I don't think it's because they put out 5 things. It's because most of those 5 things were really bad!


Oct 25, 2017
2023 overall, seems like it should be universally agreed upon as probably the most disastrous year for them with Guardians 3 being the only bright spot.
Eh, 2010 and 2011 were worse (2009 and 2020 kinda too since nothing was released those years)
2010 had only Iron Man 2, and 2011 had Cap 1 and Thor 1
Not a single bright spot on those years
A case can be made for 2008 and 2013 as well, since those had only one good movie each

2023 does have the distinction of being the year where they hit one of their highest highs with GotGV3 and one of their lowest lows with Secret Invasion though
Oct 30, 2017
Your Imagination
I may have to dip out of this thread if we are going to get any DP leaks - the outdoor filming shots didn't give a huge amount of the game away and I'd rather not be spoiled on cameos etc. if certain ones do turn out to be real.


Oct 25, 2017
Ill say it again, I hope all those other DPs are in one scene, killed off, and the rest of the movie spends its run time on literally anyone or anything else. Hated them in the comics, hate how they look here.


Oct 31, 2017
The recent episode of Xmen97 was reading the big event could've been orchestrated by Cassandra Nova, who is rumored to be the villain in Deadpool 3. Maybe there's something to that? Or just coincidence, heh.


Oct 27, 2017
I still find it kinda weird that we getting Red Hulk in a Cap movie instead of Hulk project.


Oct 25, 2017
Wow, they really going to have him fight Red Hulk in this? That's going to be something. No idea how they'll pull that off without making him look like a chump. Even Thor struggles with him. .

T002 Tyrant

Nov 8, 2018
I mean that first one is in clip footage in the trailer. The one who also played a Fox superhero…now that's who's probably got a proper cameo.

Chris Hemsworth's cameo I believe is edited footage: Deadpool is shown his future and it's Thor crying over Deadpool's body (instead of Loki).

Seems like a throwaway gag.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
I think it probably was, yeah. I think the only thing I know that people wanted to see was Guardians 3, only my hardcore marvel fans and I saw Marvels and Antman. What did we have for shows? Loki, What If (I don't really think people actually count it as MCU though) and Secret Invasion?

The problem I see with my casual fan friends is if the TV show doesn't grab them in episode 1, they don't both continuing it. Antman and Marvels people didn't see in my orbit because no one cares about Antman and Marvels among other things, was not well advertised and there just was no hype or sense of urgency to see it.
I don't think 2 shows and 3 movies are a lot. Casual people don't care cause they didn't have good word of mouth. People will be on board again once the quality is consistently high. A few years ago I was excited for Ant Man 3. I was 100% there day one. Then I saw a few mcu movies I didn't like, then read the reviews and reactions and skipped it. Am glad I did, once I saw it on +. That's how it works, people will mostly ignore bad movies.


Oct 25, 2017
Famke Janssen "hints" (not really) at an appearance in Deadpool 3:
As for yet another unanticipated return in July's Deadpool & Wolverine, she said: "I don't know. I doubt it, but you never know."

Also the latest report says that there's a resistance against Cassandra Nova consisting of but not limited to Gambit, X-23 and Elektra. [edit] It's from MTTSH so whatever, but others have heard the same thing.


May 14, 2019
Also the latest report says that there's a resistance against Cassandra Nova consisting of but not limited to Gambit, X-23 and Elektra. [edit] It's from MTTSH so whatever, but others have heard the same thing.

Well, the actors you'd think would be in those roles are in the movie so I buy it.