Should any “exclusive” Nintendo Switch Plus game be made available as a Cloud Version to base models

  • Yes

    Votes: 373 56.0%
  • No

    Votes: 293 44.0%

  • Total voters


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
I know it and even so I am against the model of revisions with exclusives, I find it very manipulative and dishonest.
I don't see how, it allows games that wouldn't otherwise be feasible for the base Switch to be ported over. I'd rather have RE7 on the Switch Pro than not have RE7 on any Switch period.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't think it would hurt anyone if they didn't. And it wouldn't be new for Nintendo to make certain games exclusive for certain models. They've been doing that since the DS days.
Nov 4, 2017
I don't have much faith in Nintendo when it comes to online stuff... Also game streaming seems a long way off in Australia. Our internet is too crappy (thanks to LibNat shitheads) and the cost of server hosting is expensive.


Oct 25, 2017
New Orleans, LA
I can't believe so many of you are a-ok with cloud games; it's like an extra layer of bullshit on the bullshit that is digital software.

At some point in time those cloud servers aren't gonna be up anymore, meaning the $60 you dropped on Super Mario New Wacky Nonsense 4D doesn't work anymore.

At least a digitally purchased game is still playable once the store goes offline, you don't even get that luxury with cloud games.


Feb 4, 2020
Considering the Switch is only four years old, I imagine people would have a right to feel pretty annoyed or angry about Nintendo leaving them behind on certain games - or allowing other companies to. The portability of the Switch is one of the primary selling points of the device, so a cloud version seems like a pretty poor compromise.

I'm extremely doubtful Nintendo would go this route in the first place. I must admit I might pay money to see a Nintendo-designed and run cloud gaming service in action though, lol.


One Winged Slayer - Formerly Undead Fantasy
Oct 25, 2017
It is truly beginning to sound more and more like late 2021 is finally the timeframe that we can be expecting a beefed up Nintendo Switch. I call it Nintendo Switch Plus, envisioning the Plus to be visually reminiscent of a D-Pad...but that's another topic.

What I am proposing in this thread is the idea of the system being powerful enough to run new games (and should indeed take advantage of that capability) that are not able to be run on the base Nintendo Switch or Nintendo Switch Lite, but said titles would still be accessible as Cloud Versions across all models.

Devil May Cry V, Resident Evil 2&3, Final Fantasy VII Remake coming out in cartridge form or available via eShop for Nintendo Switch Plus? Heck yeah, I'll take that. There is both enough untapped would-be Nintendo Switch owners out there, that would buy this "more capable" upgraded system, if it could play more top tier, graphically demanding third party games, on a comparable level to what PS4 Pro - Xbox Series S would offer...and an audience that would gladly upgrade their beloved hybrid console if in some ways, they're almost getting a next-gen experience out of Nintendo.

At the same time, however, you don't want to alienate the 83 million (will be 90+ by this fall) install base of the OG models. I think a smart compromise would be to make it a requirement that if a new title can't run in a lower quality, scalable and still competent form on the base models, that third parties make a Cloud Version of it.

In other words, don't release a broken or otherwise super messy looking Injustice 3 that can barely run on Nintendo Switch or Nintendo Switch Lite, but when popped inside a Nintendo Switch Plus, it's fine. No. If however, Injustice 3 can perform like Mortal Kombat 11 on Nintendo Switch, on the base models, but run far better on the NS+, then go ahead and release one cartridge/download, with a "Runs Best on Nintendo Switch +" logo.

Or...and this goes back to my main topic. Should said game truly be a demanding title, have a mandatory Cloud Version of the game be available so that at least it's available in some capacity to the 90 million Nintendo Switch owners out there.

I personally love this idea. What are your thoughts? Thanks all!
How would a 80+gb game come out on a cart? SE won't even use 32gb ones in the US.
Oct 29, 2017
I can't believe so many of you are a-ok with cloud games; it's like an extra layer of bullshit on the bullshit that is digital software.

At some point in time those cloud servers aren't gonna be up anymore, meaning the $60 you dropped on Super Mario New Wacky Nonsense 4D doesn't work anymore.

At least a digitally purchased game is still playable once the store goes offline, you don't even get that luxury with cloud games.
No one wants Cloud 3D Mario or Zelda, they are thinking Resident Evil 8, 9, Yakuza 7, 8 etc in case they can be ported to the "Switch Plus", but not to the Switch.

I think this makes sense as long as you only have to buy one copy regardless of what system you have. Just that you can't play it natively on the original Switch.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe so many of you are a-ok with cloud games; it's like an extra layer of bullshit on the bullshit that is digital software.

At some point in time those cloud servers aren't gonna be up anymore, meaning the $60 you dropped on Super Mario New Wacky Nonsense 4D doesn't work anymore.

At least a digitally purchased game is still playable once the store goes offline, you don't even get that luxury with cloud games.
Under the current implementation of cloud games on the Switch, you pay to have access to the game for a predetermined number of days. Nobody is under the impression that these will be available forever.

Deleted member 79058

Account closed at user request
Aug 25, 2020
I don't like the idea about buying cloud games on a portable, since you may not have a good connection to the internet all the time. But if that's the only console the person have... and there's no way to make the game run on the original hardware, then I'm in.

Well actually I'm talking about OG Switch owners getting the shaft, I actually quite like the N3DS

Me too. I love the bigger screens and all the additional buttons. Shame Nintendo didn't add 2nd stick support for Kid Icarus.

Deleted member 17210

User-requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Mid gen refreshes are obnoxious enough without exclusives (see Ghost of Tsushima's frame rate drops on the base PS4). I really hope there aren't Switch games that aren't on the older model.


Oct 25, 2017
Chicago, IL
My only concern really is not being able to find this "new" Switch console for months or a year due to high demand and immediate selling out plus scalpers.. The current nextgen console situation and video cards.. It is bad as everyone knows.

In regards to the topic at hand, it would be a bad idea to have the games be exclusive to the new model. I just don't see it happening. In the same way that the DS has multiple models that had the same games. We shall see though.
Dec 11, 2017
Right now it seems like signs are generally pointing towards the upcoming Switch being effectively the successor to the current one. It's most likely going to last a good while longer.

If this thing wasn't so beefy, I'd think that a true successor would be necessary by fall, 2023. But if this upgrade gets some exclusive games (while cloud versions of them are technically still available on base models), then I don't think a brand new system is mandatory for a while longer. So much remains to be seen.

Clouds are acceptable as sources for rain, not for games.

Though clouds are also good for game saves, right?

As long as buying the cloud version lets you play the "real" version on the pro and vice versa it should be fine.

See that would be cool. Cloud version coming with your physical cartridge/download!

Id love that tho I imagine it isn't possible. Unless they use something like a graphene battery and go to 20Wish, I assume the best we can get is 8-12GB LP RAM, 6-8 cores @2-2.5Ghz, and 1.5-2.5 Teraflops with a 1080p screen.

frankly If switch 2 in 2023 is just a PS4+ portable, I'd be fine with it.

What you described would be quite a significant and awesome upgrade. Even if this NS+ is basically a modern PS4 Pro, that would be stellar.

I mean, it does seem much better hardware wise, but I don't think that matters in any way in how the business side of things will work out. Major AAA companies won't port exclusively to it if the user base is small, and Nintendo won't make Zelda/Pokémon/Mario exclusive to it unless they actually plan on ending support for the launch Switch.
I also think it will be messaging hell for Nintendo trying to explain all of a sudden (be it 2 or 3 years from now) to everyone who bought a Switch that they can't play the new Switch games on their Switch, because it isn't a Switch Plus. I don't think Nintendo will be the first company to completely forego generations of consoles and go full on hardware iterations of it.
I bet we will see a few exclusive that could only happen on the new hardware, but nothing expensive or that would require a lot of resources to happen.

There are some that wouldn't mind either, if Nintendo took an iPhone-esque approach, but with new models coming out once every two years. Maybe not the most likely, but not bad either, depending how each one differs.

I wouldn't play them personally, but it's fine I guess.

I would be more open to the idea if this was the case.

That's fair.
I said yes, but only if this is the case.

True, that would help.

My preference goes native scaled version - > cloud version - > late native port - > Thor 2: The Dark World.

Poor Thor 2!

If the rumors that a new Switch is coming out later this year & that it's noticeably more powerful than the existing one, I'm expecting Splatoon 3 at the very least will be exclusive to it.

I could see Splatoon 3 looking a lot better on NS+, but not be an exclusive to it. First party Nintendo games, I think, should run on all systems, from cartridge or eShop.

It wouldn't affect anyone playing on the upgraded model so I can't think of a reason anyone should vote no

Good thought!

Those exclusives, if they exist at all, will be few and far between just like with New 3DS. It just doesn't make commercial sense for third parties. Switch Plus/Pro isn't going to be Switch 2.

That doesn't make any sense at all, especially for a multiplayer game that thrives on the size of its community. And Switch is only 4 years old, and 2 years old for Switch Lite, Nintendo isn't going screw over their existing userbase so quickly.

I was trying to come up with a having your cake abs eating it too concept, but is it likely? Hard to tell.


How many exclusive games did the New versions of Nintendo consoles get? Xenoblade for the New 3DS and some (mostly irrelevant) DSiWare for the DSi.

I don't think this is going to change much with the New Switch.

Not many, but this upgraded mode does appear to be quite a bit more powerful than what New 3DS was to the original.

Sounds terrible. Just make the Switch 2 if the jump is that significant.

If that happens though, NS' life of guaranteed titles coming out for it, probably won't be as long lasting. No company will abandon it ASAP because of the install base, but I don't think Nintendo needs Nintendo Switch 2 just yet.

Yeah I was floating that idea before. My idea would be that you get a Cloud version with every "Pro" or Switch successor purchase. You can play the cloud version if your hardware isn't supported and you can play natively when you have the required hardware.
It's vastly better than not having access to games.
Would also mean that you don't have to miss out on launch games when you can't secure the console itself.

I like that thought and has a very similar idea. Excellent.

It also doesn't make a lot of sense to release another Splatoon on a system that already has one.

I think Nintendo is going to 3rd pillar the new Switch - if it's successful early on, they'll turn it into the Switch 2 and they'll make a lot of upcoming games exclusive to it. If it's not successful, they'll turn it into the nSwitch and it'll just run existing Switch games better. I think they're aiming for it to be the Switch 2, but they'll leave room to backpedal if early reactions are negative. In any case, it won't be called the Switch Pro or the Switch 2.

It would be wild if this thing was indeed Nintendo Switch 2 at launch this fall. Entirely possible.

Fuck that noise.

The Switch is meant to be a portable device, and if I suddenly can't play a chunk of my library because I'm away from a Wi-Fi connection that's some bullshit.

On top of that, cloud gaming has made great strides in recent years but it's still not ready for primetime, and especially not everywhere in the country (or world).

Could be solid for folks whose only console, home or otherwise, is a Nintendo Switch.

I don't see a need for any exclusives at all. It's not like the 3DS, which was so underpowered, and such a different internal architecture, it couldn't handle ports from Wii. Switch is different - most console games could be ported to Switch with graphical compromises (see: Witcher 3). If Nintendo ever releases a more powerful Switch, I think it should run the exact same games as Switch, just with better graphics (and NOT 4k - 4k isn't needed, just better 1080p graphics).

With NS+, bring Mortal Kombat 11 to looking like the Xbox One and PS4 versions and I'd be very happy with that.

Just leave it in the dust

Leave what in the dust?

Beyond that, I think the plausible target audiences for these games on Switch would overlap heavily with the people who would be buying upgraded Switches anyway. I'm sure there's demand for those games on the Switch platform, but the cloud versions would be competing with the native versions here.

Perhaps native versions come with cloud access. Play now on your base models, but have the cartridge/eShop download for when you upgrade.

I think this will happen because it is already happening with Control and Hitman. I don't see it as a common practice except for the big multiplatform titles that couldn't come to OG Switch in any other way.

Those ran well in my opinion.

Not a chance they would put such a giant damper on one of their biggest, fastest growing franchises, especially a multiplayer focused one. None of the assets looked particularly better than anything in 2, if it were to be exclusive to the stronger device you would expect it to look better even from such an early trailer.

I see Splatoon 3 running on everything.

that would take a significant leap in infrastructure that Nintendo doesn't have. and not in an "lol nintendo" kinda way. they're better off handing such kind of services to Nvidia with their Geforce Now platform

Maybe Nintendo teams up for such a feature.

They are already doing cloud versions and will have more reason to when the native Switch Pro exclusives start becoming more frequent.

Right on.

If there was truly no way for it to run on the base version without serious compromises then sure. It would be better than nothing.

That's how I see it too.

Should they put exclusives as cloud: yes. Do I want pro exclusives: not really.

What do you hope the new system to primarily be?

I mean they could do that as a solution, but I personally have zero interest in playing a cloud version. I don't plan on getting the new switch model as of now, so I would prefer there not to be exclusives, but even if there are, as long as they're not Nintendo only exclusives I probably won't care as they'll be playable somewhere else.

Interesting take, but I wonder if you were an NS-only player, would you feel differently.

It would be a good option, but it shouldn't be mandatory.

Fair enough.

Exclusives are a bad idea. It's bad for consumers and the devs.

Even bad for gamers if at least there's still a cloud version available over nothing at all?

Nothing has been announced but even if the rumours are true, it won't get exclusive games. It'll likely be similar to Xbox One X and PS4 Pro.

That could very well be the case.

I don't think Nintendo are going to make any revision exclusives themselves this time; at least not for a few years, if the iterative model people have speculated about comes to pass.

The thing about Nintendo's first-party exclusives on New 3DS is that they were all downports from more powerful hardware. Xenoblade, Fire Emblem Warriors and SNES Virtual Console. Nintendo don't have more powerful hardware to port down from; and they'll be making new Switch games with both the old and new models in mind.

Nintendo aren't barring third-parties from making exclusives. It'll happen. They have games running on PS4 / Xbox One that might be able to run acceptably on the Switch thanks to the new model. Most publishers probably won't want to sacrifice that existing install base, but if it's between releasing the game on the Switch family at all, or not, some will be willing to take the trade-off. Just a reminder that one of the few physical New 3DS exclusives was Minecraft; it was a late port, but still noteworthy.

The Control and Hitman Cloud versions aren't available in my country, so let's just say I don't see that as an elegant solution.

Good points.

It wasn't really the case with none of the previous devices, the entire lines died with the initial one, hell even with Game Boy, in Japan the last Game Boy game came after the last Game Boy Color game.

And if it's ports of PS4/XB1 they really aren't exclusives either...

I meant NS family-exclusive, like if you were a solo NS owner, not yet ready to buy a new system of any kind.

I don't think this system is going to play out like past revisions. It's already looking very different on the tech side based on the recent Bloomberg reports.

Also, exclusive in this context is relative to the current Switch. Other platforms are irrelevant.

This does feel like a "new waters" platform.

So Xbox Gamepass but only for cloud games? I would love that because for $30 a year that would be a steal! Though I doubt they would do that.

Something like that, but you'd still have to buy the game, one by one...or perhaps, when you buy the cartridge/eShop download, you get the cloud version for your base model, before you upgrade.

If the rumored increase in power is true, then I will be surprised if Ubi does not port at least one of the recent AC games to the Switch Plus, one that can't run on Switch or at least not well enough to bother.

Heck I can already picture the box in my head. "Assassin's Creed: The Ancient World Collection".

Yeah, why wouldn't Ubisoft want their latest Assassin's Creed on as many platforms as possible? You get it!

That's what I'm thinking Capcom will do for the RE games. Though for games like Guilty Gear Strive, Tekken 7, & even Devil May Cry 5, I'm not sure if a cloud version would be a viable option given that they require more precise inputs.

The OP is mainly talking about third-party games that otherwise wouldn't be feasible on the OG Switch.

Thanks for your input and I'm glad you got it.

Third party? Ok, I play them on PC anyway.

Should have no first party exclusives tho.

Some like that portable in house factor. But if you have a PC, then yeah, that will win when it comes to graphics.

I highly doubt that Nintendo will do any Switch Pro exclusives themselves anytime soon.

Probably not "them".

Edit: nvm misread op!

It's all good!

But again, would you rather have RE7/RE2make/RE3make/DMC5/GGST/T7/FFVIIR/etc. on the Switch Pro or not have those games on any Switch at all? Plus we already have reports that there will be some third-party exclusives for the Switch Pro. The XB1X comparison isn't comparable because the PS4/XB1 were already at the top of the console horsepower food chain at the time.


Oh whoops I misread op!

All good!

If we start getting exclusives on the new machine I'll just give up and sell my Switch.

Would you buy the new model?

I doubt that devs/pubs would do a native version and a cloud version for a single game because the ROI just wouldn't be there to justify doing both. I imagine that if a game can't run on the OG Switch natively, then a cloud version would be all that the platform in general gets (if it's even worth bothering to do so).

I also doubt the Switch Pro gets a bunch of major exclusives either, since platform segregation is the last thing Nintendo wants happening when the Switch is merely in the middle of its life cycle at this point. It'll be considered the same type of upgrade that DSi, N3DS, PS4 Pro, X1X, etc. were.

Could be the case.

It's better that than not at all?

But I imagine whatever Nintendo makes will be scaleable. Anything more ambitious will be saved for whatever system comes next. Third parties are another story.

True. I see Nintendo scaling anything they make, for all three. Third parties might not be able to scale everything.

Can I just respond to the fact that holy shit, I'm wildly impressed by an OP responding to so many people on their topic! Great work! 💪🏾

Hey thank you! This is something I started back in the day when I was working for and after that. Whenever I make a thread, I always respond to every single person. It's my thing. 😁 I appreciate your comment!

I know it and even so I am against the model of revisions with exclusives, I find it very manipulative and dishonest.

Even 4.5 years into a platform's life?

So it's like a New 3DS all over again

But with more potential

I'm more worried about how the next Switch revision will handle old games. Just sold my regular Switch but kept Zelda and Mario Odyssey. Fully expecting having to rebuy them if i want to take advantage of the hardware. If so, i think i'll just skip it.

I think...certainly hope, that Nintendo Switch 2 will be 100% backwards compatible with all NS games!
Oct 26, 2017
Why are people dragging up decades old examples? The DSi, N3DS or GBC are completely irrelevant when it comes to the switch. The market and the delivery mechanisms for content have changed significantly since even the N3DS.
The only relevant examples are the Pro versions of last Gen consoles and more importantly iPhones. If you want to see how intergenerational compatibility works then that is where to look. There will be a gradual fadeout of older hardware rather than a sudden cutoff point. I actually expect Nintendo themselves to drive adoption of the new system by releasing exclusives sooner rather than later.
Honestly offering a cloud version as an interim option for people on older hardware would be a good compromise. Since you already own the game, you could play it natively as soon as you upgrade, but in the mean time you can play the next best thing. I would expect Nintendo to tie this to NSO, as streaming is a non negligible cost.
Again speculation. Pure speculation.


Oct 25, 2017
I was honestly kind of blown away how well the trial versions of Hitman 3 and Control run even on my dusty 50mbit connection (which I actually upgraded to 250mbit since then). Very playable and while the image quality isn't perfect it's far better than most natively running Switch ports look.

If the pricing wasn't ridiculous (I'm not going to spend 70€ for a cloud version that will be discontinued sooner rather than later) I'd actually considering buying them.


Oct 29, 2017
I expect this will be on case by case basis for those third party publishers, for example if an online multiplayer game runs natively on Switch Pro but can't on the OG (like say Destiny 2), a cloud version would actually make sense since you need an internet connection anyway.

For single player games, that seems less likely overall imo.


Aug 11, 2020
If it worked well, sure. But I don't see a lot of these third party developers going through all of that effort (maybe it isn't much idk) for a cloud version that very few people will go in on.


Oct 30, 2017
doesn't seem likely given that the advances are likely to be in resolution and possibly frame rate rather than anything more profound, so cloud streaming itself would undermine the boost. hard to imagine that any games designed with the next switch in mind would run better enough in the cloud that you wouldn't rather just have a native version.


Aug 20, 2018
Final Fantasy VII Remake coming out in cartridge form

oh boy...a 90gb cartridge. sounds fun. Does it either cost $100 or will the cart only contains half the game and the player got to download the other half?

Before anyone retort me using 'muh compression'.....there's only so much you can compress...we are not living in HBO's silicon valley' world.....there's no real life pied piper......there's no magical 'middle-out' compression.



One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
If it gets to that point then rather just call it the switch 2 instead of obfuscating the fact. Many region can't play cloud games due to latency so it would actively hurt them.

I suppose it makes sense for third party titles that need to be ported over but even if I could play it in my market I'd rather not get it. One of my biggest deciding factors for buying multi Plat games on switch is portability so cloud gaming just kills that.

I'd be interested to know how many first world switch owners have no access to a gaming pc or competitor consoles. That's the only market I see for these cloud ports.

Now exclusives would be a different story but I don't see many if any of those happening as it will just annoy existing customers for games that should already be optomized for the base hardware.

Would be nice seeing games with unlocked frame rates reach 60fps tho
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Oct 27, 2017
I mean, it's Nintendo.

If it's Switch 2 and The Next Switch, it'll have exclusives like any other new console. Likely there'll be a period of limited cross-gen.

If it's Switch Plus, Super Switch, Switch Pro, etc...; It might have like 3 titles with significant upgrades and then they'll completely forget about it and you'll get your better resolution/framerate and like it.

Hey, Ninty can always grow and change, but no matter what, Nintendo is always going to Nintendo.

I don't think they're going to bother with Cloud versions. The tech could work, but a lot of people are biased against it, and the infrastructure in a lot of places is problematic.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
A good way to screw over a 80+ millions user base lol
Like I asked before...
...would you rather have RE7/RE2make/RE3make/DMC5/GGST/T7/FFVIIR/etc. on the Switch Pro or not have those games on any Switch at all?
I wouldn't expect Nintendo themselves to do any exclusives anytime soon (if ever). But third-party developers are already rumored to be bringing exclusives to the Switch Pro that wouldn't otherwise be possible on the OG Switch.
Oct 27, 2017
Even if this NS+ is basically a modern PS4 Pro, that would be stellar.
True but I said PS4+ not pro. I don't think Pro level is possible in a handheld in 2023. Maybe? But I don't see Nintendo being the one to release a 4TF handheld.

honestly I'm not convinced Nintendo will even hit 2Ghz on the cpu. But like I said before and I think you agree, even a switch 2 as powerful; more or less, as the PS4, would be great


Oct 27, 2017
If they made exclusives for the minor bump in performance, Nintendo can go fuck themselves.


Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
If they made exclusives for the minor bump in performance, Nintendo can go fuck themselves.
Based on the rumors, it doesn't seem like it'll be a minor bump. And even then, I would rather have the third-party games in question be on the Switch Pro than not on any Switch at all. We already know that Capcom tried & failed to port RE7 to the OG Switch (so other RE Engine games like RE2make, RE3make, & DMC5 that weren't made with the Switch in mind from the start likely won't fare any better), while the likes of GG Strive & Tekken 7 can't even hit 900p on the base PS4.
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One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Right now it seems like signs are generally pointing towards the upcoming Switch being effectively the successor to the current one. It's most likely going to last a good while longer.
What? No, it doesn't seem like it. I don't think Nintendo is ditching the regular Switch and Switch lite 3 years from now to focus entirely on the Pro version, they're definitely going to release and market a proper successor, unless they want another Wii U situation.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think making game sexclusive to an updated version of the same console is bullshit, but I would those with the OG version rather have a cloud version than nothing at all.


Oct 27, 2017
Porto, Portugal
There won't be Switch Plus exclusives.

Switch OG and Lite comprise too big a market.

I venture to guess that Wii U is still very much present in Nintendo's memory. Cutoffs like that will only happen with a very CLEAR new console.


Oct 27, 2017
If they made exclusives for the minor bump in performance, Nintendo can go fuck themselves.

Nintendo most certainly won't, but third parties definitely will. And they'll be nothing more than quick port jobs, games that cannot run on base model.

We have two games previously leaked could be Switch Pro exclusive: Red Dead Redemption 2 and Borderlands 3.
Oct 25, 2017
If we are strictly speaking of the high-end 3rd party titles, then I think that's a reasonable solution. Nintendo published titles should appear natively on all Switch hardware.


Nov 7, 2017
I think many people in this thread are gonna be surprised. Assuming the Bloomberg DLSS story is correct, which it most likely will be, this new Switch will be a massive tech upgrade and completely incomparable to the New 3DS or DSi examples (makes no sense that everyone keeps bringing this up, a cutting-edge graphics tech vendor never made anything for those systems).

For first party Nintendo games, Nintendo will most likely not make exclusive games for this iteration as the type of games Nintendo makes do not require that level of power, given Nintendo's games go for more unique art-styles rather than the typically generic realistic graphics. They will however, create enhanced versions of games for the new Switch, but the graphical differences between OG Switch and this new Switch will be dramatic and incredibly noticeable, making the urge for most users to upgrade.

For third party games, however?....

OG Switch owners: be prepared to see an influx of cloud versions for new modern 3rd party games that simply cannot run on the original Switch as it is too weak of a system. Go look in the eShop today, there are a few examples out there already. There's no reason for anyone with an OG Switch to complain, as your system technically will be getting those games just delivered in a different format, the OG system is from 2017, mobile graphics hardware has dramatically improved since the original hardware and you can't realistically expect that model to last forever (again this is more geared towards 3rd party support)

Deleted member 7572

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
there will be no switch plus exclusives. well maybe one game like on n3ds
There absolutely will be third party games that can't run on the base Switch that will receive Pro ports.

If the 10th port of Resident Evil 4 can sell near a million copies on the Switch, Capcom isn't going to leave that money on the table for ports of 2, 3, 7, etc.


Oct 25, 2017
A cloud version is effectively the same as it not coming out as far as I'm concerned, and I'd treat any such titles accordingly.

I couldn't even get through the title screen on Control.


Oct 28, 2017
There won't be Switch Plus exclusives.

Switch OG and Lite comprise too big a market.

I venture to guess that Wii U is still very much present in Nintendo's memory. Cutoffs like that will only happen with a very CLEAR new console.

There will be software that appears on the Plus that doesn'ta appear on the OG. That is 100% going to happen.

Most publishers would want to make an OG version if it is feasible thougu for obvious reasons.


Apr 22, 2020
I don't expect any Switch Plus/Pro exclusives. It does not make any sense from a business perspective to limit a new game to such a small userbase. Especially since the new hardware will be just a boosted version of the original one, I don't see why some games would be limited to just the Switch Plus.
Feb 27, 2019
You're deluded if you think there will be Switch Plus exclusives from Nintendo. Why would they exclude 80+ million people from buying a new game? It ain't how Nintendo works folks.