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Damn Silly

Oct 25, 2017

this is gonna be exhausting


Oct 25, 2017
honestly, what the fuck do you even do if your competitor is this cut-throat

MS could outspend Sony if they really wanted to get into that fight, it doesn't seem like they have any real plans for throwing huge amounts of money at making big AAA titles exclusives though, their focus is on building their GamePass library and spending money where it's needed in buying and building up their own studios to have a better output themselves. It makes far more sense for MS to buy up studios who can make them more exclusive content which they own vs spending a huge sum making third party titles exclusive which probably won't net them much of a return in the long run and end up on another platform anyway.


Oct 27, 2017
I think these things are really bad for the industry as a whole, but mostly for consumers. Even though I'm buying both consoles, I'd still want to buy it on the platform where it either performs best, has the best controls or the best features, but I want to have that choice.

I do get it though; people will often buy the consoles their friends have so you need to make sure people buy it right from the start. There's a large group that care about these things, being first, having exclusive items, levels etc. They end up buying the console that has this and word of mouth will take care of the rest. As a result you can scale back these types of investments half way in the gen.


Oct 30, 2017
Its not Final Fantasy people because multiple final fantasies had been exclusives or timed exclusives. Is other like Street Fighter or Tomb Raider type of deal. Bethesda is now in bed with Sony could be something big like Elder Scrolls.


Jan 31, 2018
I don't expect other than japanese games... rpg's or action games, also the expected Silent Hill... maybe some Capcom title like Dino Crysis (let me dream) or Resident Evil VIII.


Oct 30, 2017
MS is still doing it , it just harder for them to get bigger games because Sony has bigger user base and expect to also in next gen .

What games are they doing it with? The majority of Microsoft's console exclusives or timed exclusives are AA PC-centric developers that typically don't have the bandwidth to develop for all platforms simultaneously. Microsoft has been working with these types of developers for years now, alongside their recent push onto PC gaming. I think a lot of people are confusing Microsoft building a strong relationship and logical ecosystem for AA PC-centric developers to leverage, similar to what Sony did with Indie developers at the beginning of this generation, and a true Moneyhat.
Oct 27, 2017
I don't see people being particularly pissed for Deathloop and Ghostwire Tokyo. Those games are first coming to PS5 and PC.
I'm annoyed with it. Those are really bad moneyhats considering Bethesda can clearly afford to release them everywhere. I'll wait until they are day one on Game Pass for the Xbox versions.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
It's been going on forever tho. I bought a 360 in 2007 because it had some incredible timed exclusives: Bioshock and Mass Effect being the most notable.

Mass Effect wasn't timed exclusive. Microsoft published the game and funded the development. Down the line, EA bought BioWare. Different situation completely. If EA didn't buy BioWare the whole series would've only been on Xbox and PC AFAIK.
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Oct 25, 2017
Next-gen isn't even here and I'm already disgusted by it.

I hate this garbage on any platform, console or PC. I hate that 3rd party titles are being used like this be it Sony and Microsoft or EGS on PC. It's such a shit practice. First party? Sure, go nuts. Do whatever. That at least makes sense. This is just pathetic.


Oct 29, 2017
I don't really agree with these deals, though since it's allowed by law - they'll do what they can get away with. With all the talk about how good gamespass is a great deal for gamers, many publishers don't quite think it's a great deal for them. The deals are cheap for Sony if they don't expect to sell much on xbox and they can't depend on MS to give them sweetheart deals to be on Gamespass. Market share will make it near impossible for MS to get many of these deals, unless they outsell Sony early.


Oct 27, 2017
But that's my point. They're gonna have to counter if Sony is out there buying up timed exclusivity to some of these bigger games and MS has a lot more money to spend than Sony. It's one thing to do this shit with indies, but AAA games that have a history of being multiplatform is an entirely different story.

It doesn't end well regardless of which platform you're playing on.
This doens't end well. If MS said "fuck it" and does the same thing, this is a going to be an pretty terrible start to a generation. If MS doesn't, and takes some high road, it's "LOL, Xbox has no games."


"This guy are sick" says The Wise Ones
Nov 1, 2017
I mean they have within the past year made a massive deal about bringing past games over to Xbox between Final Fantasy and Kingdom Hearts. It would be a huge kick in the balls to fans to immediately trash all of the goodwill.
Right? If they have any common sense they would refuse any offers to make FFXVI exclusive. But who knows with this company's history


Oct 25, 2017
I don't think GTA as timed exclusive is that big of a deal. These games were on PlayStation 2 for a long time, I remember the big deal with Microsoft announcing they finally got it too. Who knows anymore lol


Oct 25, 2017
As long as they're still coming to PC, I'm happy. Though at least with Microsoft I know that's going to happen.


Oct 27, 2017
What is this...? Why?

Let's not act like MS doesn't have their own deals and exclusives....

Phil would be making every one of these deals if he could....
Well, at least take significant market share. Neither should dominate. Make them fight for our money.

Domination means easier to deprive competition of titles.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Sucks that the PC gets fucked with all this exclusive stuff as well when the console makers duke it out. At least with MS they support the PC as well, Sony just screws us.


Oct 25, 2017
Yay. Instead of Playstation AND Xbox gamers playing a game, it can be JUST Playstation gamers for awhile. It's a win-win [/s]

Timed exclusivity continues to be the dumbest of all exclusivities.


Dec 28, 2017
Historically, they've had them under marketing too. But what do I know? :P
you're 100% right

honestly the more i think about it, the more i think this is one of those games

having both spider-man and batman under the same banner even for a limited time would be so weird lmaoo


Oct 27, 2017
The games division does not. They have at best similar buying capabilities.
MS has more money than Sony, but maybe the Xbox branch doesn't have more money than the PS branch.
MS have a lot more money than Sony but there games division does not and it cost MS more for these deals .
So they have to spend more than Sony for the same thing .
Maybe one of these days the good ole war chest argument will cease.


Oct 29, 2017
Calling it now, Just Dance 2021: Magic Mike Meets-x-Striptease Starring Big Sexy Kevin Nash & Demi Moore (Channing Tatum is the exclusive Xbox character 6 months later.)


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
This doens't end well. If MS said "fuck it" and does the same thing, this is a going to be an pretty terrible start to a generation. If MS doesn't, and takes some high road, it's "LOL, Xbox has no games."

MS already started doing the same thing. They had 22 timed exclusives at their event.


Oct 25, 2017
They better be supremely confident in their pricing and are somehow able to convince these developers that the pricing is fair--especially during a pandemic. I cannot imagine how people will react if the PS5 is $500-$600 USD and they've secured a bunch of exclusives in some fashion, locking people out of those games or experiences by sheer virtue of cost.
I hadnt thought about it until now but what if by some crazy turns of events PS5 is actually MORE expensive than the Series X and all this moneyhatting is Sony trying to basically force consumers into buying their system first? Seems like a fools errand if so.
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