
Prophet of Regret
Jul 4, 2018
I feel bad for thinking Connor vs
Mayweather was some carny shit haha. Jake going to be digging up graves of old boxers and fighting them soon.


Oct 27, 2017
I've seen this movie before, but I don't think a computer simulation is needed to know who would win at their peak.


Oct 27, 2017
Good luck



Oct 30, 2017
Paul has realized he'll never compete with legit top tier boxers. So he'll wring as much money out as possible on side show fights or beating up retired journeymen, never stepping foot in the ring with a real boxer.


Charitable King
Oct 27, 2017
We had a whole thread about people lamenting that he's actually a good fighter.

Oh, did not see that, interesting. Last note I remember about him or Logan Paul boxing was Logan flailing with his punches with Mayweather, I think?

He is not bad, he is not that good either. There is a reason he fights mostly older retired fighters and it's not just money.

Paul has realized he'll never compete with legit top tier boxers. So he'll wring as much money out as possible on side show fights or beating up retired journeymen, never stepping foot in the ring with a real boxer.

Interesting, kinda makes sense. Thanks for that


Oct 25, 2017
I can't imagine this is all that real. Mike wants to do a wrestling match against his brother, so I take it he's a fan of theirs.
Oct 30, 2017
Hopefully nobody gets hurt. Either Mike from his age or Jake because even old Iron Mike can murder somebody with an uppercut. Either way, I refuse to watch this just like the other Jake Paul events. Not really into the YouTuber spectacle of amateur vs retiree.


Oct 28, 2017
Gruntilda’s Lair
60 or not, I think Tyson could mess him up. Dude is in excellent shape and moves pretty fast still all things considered. You all should see some of his recent training bouts. No way I'd underestimate him.

Johnny Blaze

Oct 29, 2017
I'll say Mike can still take Jake's head off no problem, but it won't come to this in a staged exhibition.


▲ Legend ▲
Nov 17, 2017
Unless they're just playing around or something, this is just wrong.


Oct 26, 2017
they must be offering tyson a huge load of money for him to accept this


Sep 2, 2022
Isn't a hit to the reputation/legacy already protected given his age? His age is very clearly noticed just like your posts so it is already known he wouldn't be beating Tyson in his prime and not like people in their 60s are known to be good fighters anymore.

That won't stop the narratives. Somehow Jake gets seen as "legitimate" because he beat a guy who was one of the greatest boxers of all tie at one point. Then again it could be scripted shit like Logan vs Mayweather.


Oct 30, 2017
I know nothing about boxing, though Tyson's reputation obviously needs little introduction.

So actual boxing enthusiasts: Has Paul developed into an actual fighter, or is this just the next stop on the influencer fluff train?

i would say he's done pretty well to get to the level of journeyman pro boxer who could make a non-influencer living from it, given his accelerated timeline.

but no he is not a credible fighter against anyone serious

Garp TXB

Apr 1, 2020
Even if it's scripted, I hope Tyson's muscle memory kicks in, he loses control of himself for a moment, and unleashes his best uppercut at the perfect time. Even at his age I think it would do well enough.

(Just to be clear, no way I'm watching this, just later watch the footage of Paul getting his bell rung over and over)


Oct 25, 2017
I can't believe Tyson would risk his legacy on this dude.

Although Tyson has looked good in his training footage from the past couple years, Jake will no doubt be much faster. Speed is the first thing to go with age. However, strength and technique can be maintained which Mike should have. But unfortunately the universe is a bitch and keeps letting Jake win so he'll likely win this one as well.



Oct 25, 2017
They almost certainly agreed to make it a glorified sparring match much like the Tyson/Holyfield match from a few years back. Jake Paul's "boxing career" is floundering and this is just another desperate attempt at attention (and a way to desperately avoid fighting an actual, real, credible boxer)


Oct 28, 2017
Yep. Say what you want about Tyson's overall skills as a boxer, but there's no denying he could hit like a truck.

I'll never forget the first time I saw Mike's highlight reel. I had been aware of him my whole life as a kid, grew up with Punch Out, but I had never seen one of his fights. I just knew of him because he was famous. When I was fully grown up in the military, and something of a martial artist myself, a highlight reel video made the rounds in my email. I was just astonished at his power. There was one body blow I remember in particular; it was a short punch, one that started with like his whole forearm forward of his waist, only travelling a few inches, and it still just looked like a fucking car crash. All of his punches are like that, he has a wild kind of explosive power. He released a video of himself hitting some bags like a couple years ago, and it looks like he still has it. I would certainly hesitate to put money on a 60-year old versus a young man, but I do think there is a very non-zero chance he could crush Paul if his conditioning is decent.


Oct 26, 2017
Seems really stupid to have someone as old as Tyson boxing again, even if they will be going soft. Anyway I'm sure this will be a tremendously shit fight, that will get just so many views and they'll both make ungodly amounts.


Oct 28, 2017
Jake Paul - 27 years old
Mike Tyson - 57 YEARS OLD

Doing some quick and in depth math.. my calculations show that's a 30. Year. Age. Difference.

I hope it's a very large check Mike..


Oct 25, 2017
would be a real shame if mike got in the ring and started having flashbacks to his heyday and maybe let his temper flare a lil bit and maybe took a Pauls fucking head off. real shame.


Oct 25, 2017
Jake Paul - 27 years old
Mike Tyson - 57 YEARS OLD

Doing some quick and in depth math.. my calculations show that's a 30. Year. Age. Difference.

I hope it's a very large check Mike..

Paul is also quite a bit bigger (which is part of his schtick) than Tyson. This is the Jake Paul MO, get a guy whose name looks good on a resume but when you dig down you realize he's going to be fighting a 60 year old 5'9 guy whose athleticism is shot and who probably will be gassed after 2 rounds of action. But hey he'll be able to say "I beat Mike Tyson!"