
Oct 25, 2017
Why is "competing with Marvel" such a top priority?

Shouldn't WB just make the best films that do justice to the source material? I'm guessing there's more than enough built in audience to make it financially successful and there's overlap between Marvel and DC fans too.


Nov 5, 2017
Reminder that Wonder Woman made more money in US than every superheroes movies that year including Justice League.
There are always audience for DC movies, they just rejected ZS's version.
I feel that's a weird conclusion when ZS casted and partly wrote the story to that WW movie. IMO ZS was partly responsible for WW's big success.

Audiences rejected BvS, mostly because that movie is a collection of ideas place end on end and barely connected. But nearly every creative casting choice that stemmed from that movie has resonated very well. Batfleck(his costume), WW and Aqua Man's casting. People like and are interested in DC and generally ZS stuff. But BvS and WBs ensuing panic has ruined the larger connected universe(the single movies still have a chance to do alright)
Oct 27, 2017
DC doesn't need to beat Marvel. They just need to do their own thing and let Marvel have the schtick superhero comedies. DC is best when it stays on a certain edge and pushes the boundaries of flaws in Superheros. No DCEU movie should be less than R. Period. DC Titans, Doom Patrol and ZSJL are fine examples of the direction DCEU needs to stay in. Keep more of the classic golden age ideas on national networks such as CW.


Nov 3, 2017
if BvS didn't kill that chance, Suicide Squad was the nail in the coffin already.
Seriously after these 2 in 2017, Justice League could have been the best movie of all time, it wasn't gonna be able to compete with hitters Marvel brought at that time.


Oct 30, 2017
They didn't need to follow the Marvel path to be successful. You don't need an individual movie first before the team up. You can manage to introduce characters and have buildup arcs successfully within the team up film, as we saw with how Cyborg was portrayed in his cut. Their issue is that they never have an actual concrete plan and they freak out and pivot back to their safe zone (Batman, Superman) when things are unclear. Also, letting Snyder throw random toys at the wall he thought were cool isn't the way to go.

We never got GM's Justice League Mortal for that reason, so who knows if they could have actually pulled it off with that approach. Granted, in hindsight, we didn't need to see Armie Hammer become more popular.


Nov 7, 2017
Had Snyder stuck with the project, WB just would've edited it down to a reasonable runtime for theaters - and it would've been BvS all over again.

WB needed somebody to sit them down in 2013, and tell them point-blank that the only way to dethrone Avengers would be actually establishing individual characters to ramp up hype for a teamup film.


Oct 27, 2017
That isn't a Snyder problem, it is a Warner one.

Isn't the discussion about how neither cut would have been critically successful and has nothing to do with who's problem it is?

Whedon was brought on for reshoots before Snyder left the project. Snyder's theatrical cut would not have been as successful as his HBO Max directors cut has been because of the very same reasons that affected the original theatrical cut. It's irrelevant who's fault it was because no matter who's cut was used, it would have suffered the from most of the same problems.


Oct 25, 2017
DC is best when it stays on a certain edge and pushes the boundaries of flaws in Superheros.
Then why does almost every DCEU movie that tries to do that get panned by audiences and critics while the ones that don't are well received.

The who "DC = dark and adult" thing that people cling to is the most cringe worthy shit honestly, they are a flexible company, that's their strength, not purely appealing to edgelords.

No DCEU movie should be less than R. Period.
Oct 27, 2017
Then why does almost every DCEU movie that tries to do that get panned by audiences and critics while the ones that don't are well received.

The who "DC = dark and adult" thing that people cling to is the most cringe worthy shit honestly, they are a flexible company, that's their strength, not purely appealing to edgelords.

It's the DC I prefer. I have Marvel for the PG stuff. Your milage may vary.


Oct 25, 2017
Greater Vancouver
DC doesn't need to beat Marvel. They just need to do their own thing and let Marvel have the schtick superhero comedies. DC is best when it stays on a certain edge and pushes the boundaries of flaws in Superheros. No DCEU movie should be less than R. Period. DC Titans, Doom Patrol and ZSJL are fine examples of the direction DCEU needs to stay in. Keep more of the classic golden age ideas on national networks such as CW.
Billy Batson confronting his mother in Shazam is infinitely darker, more human, and more earned than anything in Snyder's R rated DC movies.

Doom Patrol is fucking great, and 98% of that is because it's not about the superhero shit, but just about damaged people.

But Snyder going "Batman is going to say 'fuck'" is a goddamn 13-year-old's mentality of what 'maturity' means.


SaGa Sage
Oct 25, 2017
Clark sacrificing himself for all of earth in BvS is up there as well. Those were "earned" moments as well
I think it would have felt more earned if it wasn't immediately coming off of MoS, since neither film really did a great job in setting up a superman who would make that sacrifice.

Which I suppose speaks to the issue that a Snyder Cut would have never actually competed with Marvel, since DC's logistical problem of rushing the story meant that a lot of good beats these movies could have had never had room to be properly setup (and why the other user said that the more self contained thing in Shazam felt more earned because it did give more room to setting that up within the more self contained story).


Oct 25, 2017
Superman's death in BvS has almost no impact coming immediately after his introduction in the previous film.
Grand Opening?
Grand Closing.
Oct 27, 2017
Superman's death in BvS has almost no impact coming immediately after his introduction in the previous film.
Grand Opening?
Grand Closing.
There has obviously been some time that has passed and he has saved many, as seen by the montage of flood victims and rocket explosions. Did you think that man of steel ended and a week later Doomsday? There's a literal title card that says "18 months later" after the fight with Zod. How much of a movie do you need to see Superman saving kittens from trees? We've seen it. That wasn't was these movies are about. Those actions were implied several times on why they saw Superman as their savior. Well earned.


Dec 25, 2017
WB overreacted to the online complaining about the destruction, critics, and the "not ma Superman" in regards to Man of Steel and it all went downhill from there. The studio started interfering after that and it didn't help anything. Snyder's plan wasn't perfect and it wasn't going to out do the Avengers, but it had a large enough audience to make WB a profit if they stuck with it.

I like that Man of Steel was a different type of Superman movie. I grew up on the older takes on Superman and didn't want to see them again. I wanted to see in DBZ type fights and that's what MoS gave me. Batman v Superman gave a different take on Batman and I enjoyed it for what it was. Batman being bitter, plotting a murder , and murdering others was just fun to watch to me. It was a more gritty world of DC heroes and I just enjoyed it for what it was.


Oct 29, 2017
I'm surprised people actually think the Snyder cut is good. The story is still bad, just longer. The acting just as wooden as the original. The CG, oh my, the CG. It's so bad.


Oct 25, 2017
There has obviously been some time that has passed and he has saved many, as seen by the montage of flood victims and rocket explosions. Did you think that man of steel ended and a week later Doomsday? There's a literal title card that says "18 months later" after the fight with Zod. How much of a movie do you need to see Superman saving kittens from trees? We've seen it. That wasn't was these movies are about. Those actions were implied several times on why they saw Superman as their savior. Well earned.
From the point of view of the viewer-me. Not as a fictional character in the movie.