Dark Knight

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
When they go into the house, run up and stab their tires.

Make their lives as shitty as possible and their jobs as hard as possible.


Jan 8, 2019
Laws aren't inherently moral. All the people targeted are human beings. We need to take care of them and give them a pathway to become a citizen, not that I care much about borders to begin with. The handling of the law is absolutely disgusting. Concentration camps have no place anywhere. I also have problems with the law itself.
i agree with this because i think laws should be constantly evolving because society constantly changes and we can discover what we once thought of as wrong could be an error on our ancestors part. which is why i think there should be an age and shorter term limits on all higher government jobs because its usually the older generation that's against change, but thats a whole other conversation.


Oct 26, 2017
Yes, the same way people are arrested with a warrant signed by a judge. People living with someone like that aren't asked to prove they haven't broken the law or rounded up along with the person on the warrant.
Most people can prove their identity pretty easily in the US, most cannot prove their citizenship status. Again, can you're prove you an american citizen with what's in your pockets right now?
And if not, ask yourself why aren't you worried that an ICE agent will stop you and ask you to prove you're an American.

This is not about warrants, they specifically talk about "collateral deportation", they wanted to round brown people and this is as far as they think they can get away with.
Even if the courts agree, I still think it's not functionally different than operation wetback, and I hope no one is for that type of shit (if someone is, let's fucking talk about that).

You don't need ICE to execute warrants, and they don't execute most criminal warrants against immigrants.

Deleted member 25888

User requested account closure
Oct 29, 2017
I guess so, how petty and it just seems so stupid.. Asshats.

Would this warning be a net benefit to the people targeted though? At least maybe they have time to get out of town or plan to be somewhere else this weekend?

ICE themselves even think talking about it is dumb. From the article:

They probably hope ICE agents get hurt. This would then further the agenda against immigrants.


Jan 8, 2019
The thing is, there is a reason that the immigration problem hasn't been solved, and that's because there isn't a good solution, and mass deportation would hurt the Republicans. It's just that Trump is too stupid he doesn't actually understand why Conservatives actually do want cheap labor to stick around. If Trump thinks the minimum wage will ever be lowered so that Zach Smith is making $4 picking lettuce, he's insane, and Republicans like McConnell know this.

Hence it's typically a problem that Republicans grumble about and exploit, but neither party actually wants to deal with it.
its things like this that makes me lose hope in the future. because as much as we can discuss this here or people can protest i feel like politicians wont give a damn and the status quo wont change and if it even does it wont be any time soon.

Mr. Wonderful

Oct 27, 2017
So what action are we taking on the left. Are we organizing protests? Going to try to help protect? What are we doing?


Oct 25, 2017
I'm going to just assume they have no intention of ever actually doing this. It's too asinine, literally wouldnt even work in a fraction of the cases they have I'm sure.

If they try though, its gonna be guerrilla warfare in the streets and I will be right there with em


Oct 26, 2017
The thing is, there is a reason that the immigration problem hasn't been solved, and that's because there isn't a good solution, and mass deportation would hurt the Republicans. It's just that Trump is too stupid he doesn't actually understand why Conservatives actually do want cheap labor to stick around. If Trump thinks the minimum wage will ever be lowered so that Zach Smith is making $4 picking lettuce, he's insane, and Republicans like McConnell know this.

Hence it's typically a problem that Republicans grumble about and exploit, but neither party actually wants to deal with it.
I disagree.
I think the issue is that people are really unclear with what they're trying to solve.
It is true that removing ten million people is difficult (not to mention inhuman) but that's assume that the solution to the problem is removing the people who are undocumented.
I personally think that giving them documents is a very simple solution, and one that was done in the past and caused really no issues.

We can talk about how to reduce the number of visa overstays (which is what this issue is mostly about), I think there's a lot that needs to be done there, but I first want to make sure I discuss it when we agree on the goals. Because fighting about the details of the seasonal worker program with a Republican who really just want less Mexicans is pointless, and further reframe the discussion about just how should we deport people, and not about whether we.


Oct 26, 2017
Crazy this popped up in the news today. My girl friend works for a printer/paper supply company, City of Aurora (Denver suburb) is one of their clients, and yesterday the city called my girl friend's company to come fix their printer ASAP and mentioned having to print a bunch of stuff for ICE. She told me about it and we thought it was kind of interesting, and then this morning I see this on CNN.


Feb 11, 2019
Oct 27, 2017
If you know folks who are immigrants, or people who can be allies to immigrants, please advise that they know their rights in this country with regards to warrants and law enforcement.

The ACLU has a wealth of good information on common scenarios and helpful contacts if you or someone you know has dealings with immigration enforcement

Police or ICE are at my home
How to stay reduce risk to yourself
  • Stay calm and keep the door closed. Opening the door does not give them permission to come inside, but it is safer to speak to ICE through the door.
Your rights
  • You have the right to remain silent, even if officer has a warrant.
  • You do not have to let police or immigration agents into your home unless they have certain kinds of warrants.
  • If police have an arrest warrant, they are legally allowed to enter the home of the person on the warrant if they believe that person is inside. But a warrant of removal/deportation (Form I-205) does not allow officers to enter a home without consent.
What to do when the police or ICE arrive
  • Ask if they are immigration agents and what they are there for.
  • Ask the agent or officer to show you a badge or identification through the window or peephole.
  • Ask if they have a warrant signed by a judge. If they say they do, ask them to slide it under the door or hold it up to a window so you can inspect it.
  • Don't lie or produce any false documents. Don't sign anything without speaking with a lawyer first.
  • Do not open your door unless ICE shows you a judicial search or arrest warrant naming a person in your residence and/or areas to be searched at your address. If they don't produce a warrant, keep the door closed. State: "I do not consent to your entry."
  • If agents force their way in, do not resist. If you wish to exercise your rights, state: "I do not consent to your entry or to your search of these premises. I am exercising my right to remain silent. I wish to speak with a lawyer as soon as possible."
  • If you are on probation with a search condition, law enforcement is allowed to enter your home.



Oct 26, 2017
fuck we're gonna have to get the underground rail road v2 going.

someone should make an ICE location tracking/reporting app


Oct 25, 2017
Is this really happening???? People should be making a big deal about it, but I see nothing on some news channels


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
I know this is Trump's doing but I really dont ever want to talk about him and instead talk about how it's actually the Dems doing.


Oct 25, 2017
This won't end well.

They're going to target people who have mostly settled into their lives because they are more "documented" and easier to find, than those who are living and scrounging day to day.

It's so wrong. More families will be separated and the dream of a better life ruined.


May 30, 2019
It's fascinating seeing people in my community(immigrants) talking about this. You'd think everyone here would be on the immigrants(the ones being deported) side, but...not really. Some really, really hate illegal immigrants because they resent them over how difficult it was to immigrate legally. Some of them have issues as well where coming legally put them in a much worse financial position than those that just arrived with no prep and got sorted out eventually because of how some dumb shit turned out.

That said, I'm still 100% on the side of the immigrants because leaving aside the specifics of cost/benefit/difficulty and all that...end of the day, we all came to the US/Canada for the same reason - a better life. Sometimes it's not even about finances, a lot of the community(and my family, really) actually took huge paycuts to move to here. It's just that things like being able to walk outside without being afraid of being kidnapped...are fucking priceless. That's one thing I think my friends who were born here will never understand, how it feels fucking weird to obsessively look over my shoulder or have to remind myself I don't have to stuff my watch in my pocket when walking in the streets. I've been here since I was a kid and some habits still stick with me. I still feel a tinge of irrational fear when I pull my phone in a public place like it's gonna be stolen immediately. Like there's an inner peace about living here that's fucking priceless. I'd rather be poor here than rich in my home country.

Everyone deserves to live in a place where they don't have to feel like that man. And I get the resentment, I really do...but it having been shitty for us(people who came legally) doesn't mean that we should wish other people go through the same shit. Because it's tough. And I wish a lot of people in my community understood that those who come illegally also have to deal with the constant fear and paranoia of losing it all the next day. Like yeah we had to stress a lot at first, but once we were here we were never concerned about showing documents to any officer or anything.

So when I hear about people being deported it really, really...I guess freaks me out in an emotional level. Because I imagine getting used to being able to pull my phone out in public, go for a picnic with my fiancee without worrying about being mugged, and then I imagine losing all that and it sounds worse than death. Hope to god there's a way for people not to be deported :/


Oct 28, 2017
Remember if you see an ICE vehicle, don't slash their tires or smash their windows. That would be sooo bad


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Call for a general strike from the grassroots that actually disrupts commerce and government functions on the eve of the raids.
I mean. This really cool and everything. There isnt a single person in our government that would do this.. except for maybe Trump himself. I really like it though a general strike should have happened ages ago.

I think our anger is misplaced. If we didnt want ICE raids maybe we shouldnt have elected Trump. Not every shitty thing Trump does falls on the feet of Democrats. Hes the president and he doesnt give a shit and noone in the house was ever going to make that different.
Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta GA


Oct 25, 2017
This isnt gonna happen. This administration doesnt have the logistics or smarts to pull something of this massive scale off.

Mr. Giggles

Oct 31, 2017
This is fucked up. It's so dangerous to carry around stuff like citizenship certificates and passports all the time, should they get lost or stolen... yikes, be careful


Nov 7, 2017
Don't worry, the #resistance has been organizing for 2 years and are ready for this.

This isnt gonna happen. This administration doesnt have the logistics or smarts to pull something of this massive scale off.

I would like to believe this, but where there's a will there's a way, a lot of ICE agents would do this for free if they could.