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Oct 25, 2017
Out of curiosity, did you think Wikileaks was a russian front in 2009?

I either had not heard of or cared until the Manning story, but given the circumstances and the people involved it seemed pretty obvious to me that wikileaks - which itself said it was dedicated to exposing sensitive information from western governments - was backed by a state, likely Russia. There's probably people here on resetERA that can vouch for me lol considering how vocal i was about it in Manning/Assange/Glenn Greenwald threads on the old board.
Oct 25, 2017
TYT endorsed Clinton.

Depends on what part of TYT. Cenk said to vote for her in the general, but a shitload of the people Cenk had on his show (like that scumbag Jimmy Dore), were discouraging people from voting for Hillary and to this day continue to discourage people from supporting pretty much any democrat.

But they were critical of Yas Queen during the primaries therefore they're Russian agents dude. /s

Except you had people like Jimmy Dore not simply criticizing democrats, but outright discouraging people from voting for democrats in the general election.


Nov 7, 2017
It's not about a purity test. We are talking about someone who Manning DIRECTLY WORKED WITH. Kinda a big fucking deal to know that Manning is willing to condemn alt-right scumbags even if they are alt-right scumbags who she previously worked with.

Oh I'm sorry did that make too much sense to you?

Like I said, you are being willfully obtuse, go read her twitter if you are convinced she is somehow a sleeper agent for the alt-right is the reason she won't broach the topic that sent her to jail and solitary confirnement leading to multiple suicidal episodes.

I either had not heard of or cared until the Manning story, but given the circumstances and the people involved it seemed pretty obvious to me that wikileaks - which itself said it was dedicated to exposing sensitive information from western governments - was backed by a state, likely Russia. There's probably people here on resetERA that can vouch for me lol considering how vocal i was about it in Manning/Assange/Glenn Greenwald threads on the old board.

Thanks for the reply, I agree that with hindsight, suspecting that a big foreign entity being in play was not illogical at the time.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Boy this thread took a turn.

It's perfectly fine to not want to elevate to office someone that has shown incredibly poor judgment in the past, especially when most voters are already perfectly happy with their current senator. But Jesus guys not everything is a Russian-backed ploy.

Deleted member 3345

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Oct 25, 2017
Boy this thread took a turn.

It's perfectly fine to not want to elevate to office someone that has shown incredibly poor judgment in the past, especially when most voters are already perfectly happy with their current senator. But Jesus guys not everything is a Russian-backed ploy.

Uhm. The poor judgement and what manning did is directly tied to the russian backed ploy.

Holy shit.
Oct 25, 2017
Like I said, you are being willfully obtuse, go read her twitter if you are convinced she is somehow a sleeper agent for the alt-right is the reason she won't broach the topic that sent her to jail and solitary confirnement leading to multiple suicidal episodes.

What do you mean she won't broach the subject? Are YOU being willfully obtuse? She does talk this shit on twitter:

She retweeted this:

She tweeted this:

She tweeted this:

So I'll say it one more time.


You're gonna need a better excuse.

BONUS: What the fuck is she suggesting with these fucking tweets? Seems like she is trying to downplay the Russia investigation?:

Oct 25, 2017
Utterly unconvinced, if your goal was to show how she is an alt right stooge.

So rather than give an argument, you are now responding by just mentioning you aren't convinced (and giving no reasons why).

Yeah I'm really convinced you are arguing in good faith when you can't even respond with an actual argument.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
You know what manning was convicted for, right?

You know she had no idea of wikileaks' connection to Russia, right? Whatever Russia got out of it then has no bearing on her or her current run for the Senate or the people thinking it's some Russian attempt to, hell I don't know, destabilize our democracy or whatever it is they're thinking.

Deleted member 3345

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
You know she had no idea of wikileaks' connection to Russia, right? Whatever Russia got out of it then has no bearing on her or her current run for the Senate or the people thinking it's some Russian attempt to, hell I don't know, destabilize our democracy or whatever it is they're thinking.

Yes, and manning was a soldier who was tasked with classified information and decided to send classified info on things "I found interesting" to some random organization run by assange (which WAS known at the time) .


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
I'm looking more and more at her stances. Manning seems legit wanting to changing things, voting rights, police brutality, etc.

It's also been what ten? twelve years? since here indiscretions. How long was assange, snowden and manning doing their thing? There's a reason what she exposed was treated so harshly. A low level person doesnt know the ultimate goal of an operation.

As of right now, Manning is a traitor for releasing what she did, and knowingly doing so. She did not have a clearance level to know the details of those things.

Mannings own words the cables were "interesting" bereft of all context.

Someone earlier mentioned skating uphill on ice skate. That's this. If Manning can do good. Go for it.

Oh, do please explain to me the grand master plan for gunning down civilians while laughing.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
What the hell do you think Russia has been doing the last 5 or 6 years across Europe and with their meddling in our election? EXACTLY THIS.

Exactly this?



Russia has its fingers in plenty enough actual pies for us to be angry about without creating new ones out of thin air. "But hear me out!"



Nov 7, 2017
So rather than give an argument, you are now responding by just mentioning you aren't convinced (and giving no reasons why).

Yeah I'm really convinced you are arguing in good faith when you can't even respond with an actual argument.

You know my position, I don't think she is a double agent, nor will I throw her under he bus for what she doesn't say, that would be batshit insane.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
Russia really succeeded in their goal if people are seriously using them for grounds on why a candidate shouldn't run.


Oct 25, 2017
Exactly this?



Russia has its fingers in plenty enough actual pies for us to be angry about without creating new ones out of thin air. "But hear me out!"


This is precisely what Russia has been doing in Europe. Finding divisions within NATO allies - and then throwing money at both nationalist political parties and willing leftists, social media influencing, military excursions (see Ukraine) and making up fake news targeted at particular insecurities. Wikileaks is part of this effort.

Chelsea Manning - who has absolutely zero experience in public service, no education, nothing to bring to the table - comes out firing at other progressive democrats, suddenly moves to Maryland, lives in an area that some posters here insist should be out of her budget, and then declares a senate run against a popular sitting progressive senator? I'm not saying she's a russian agent, but we've seen Putin do this before. All she has to be is a useful idiot, much like Trump. Someone should take a look at where her money and her election war chest are coming from.


Oct 25, 2017
How brave of you to dismiss her without even looking at her platform, this is how a healthy democracy is supposed to work, I think.
It has nothing to do with dismissing her, but rather being able to see what Cardin has already done for the people of my state, the working relationships he has with other members of the Senate (that Manning does not have), and wanting that sort of thing to continue.

If they(and you) make that choice thats perfectly fine. The main issue in this thread is people ridiculing Chelsea for running at all.
My post was directed at the idea that supporting Cardin was "toxic patriotism", as though there is no other reason we could not support Manning over Cardin.
Oct 25, 2017
You know my position, I don't think she is a double agent, nor will I throw her under he bus for what she doesn't say, that would be batshit insane.

Who said anything about a double agent? All I have been suggesting is that she is knowingly trying to help the alt-right by spending all of her time pretty much ONLY attacking democrats under the false guise of claiming they aren't progressive enough. She wouldn't be the first person to do this shit. I mean that's literally what Jill Stein did.

Exactly this?



Russia has its fingers in plenty enough actual pies for us to be angry about without creating new ones out of thin air. "But hear me out!"


Show me where I said I think she is some Russian plant.

I'm more of the opinion that she's just some scumbag who has such a vendetta against Obama that she is willing to pull this "only attack dems while claiming to be progressive" bullshit that I have seen alt-right scumbags do on social media all the fucking time.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I fully support people running against a politician that attempts to outlaw support for BDS. Hell even criticizing israel in general has been on the chopping block before. Chelsea manning to me is just as good as anyone else knock out faulty incumbents


Oct 27, 2017
And calling what the US did an accident is downright disgusting, basically denying war crimes and murder of journalists. Inexcusable! The pilots were even laughing during the crime!
The crew estimates the group is twenty men. Among the group are two journalists working for Reuters, Namir Noor-Eldeen and Saeed Chmagh. (While the two are carrying media cards, a military officer claimed they were not wearing distinctive clothing identifying themselves as such.)

Politifact states: "When Assange points out in the context of justifying the title "Collateral Murder" that the word "RPG" was not used until after permission to engage was given, he leaves the impression that the soldiers were given the okay to open fire on a group of unarmed men, or men believed to be unarmed. But the video and accompanying audio make clear that the soldiers in the helicopter said they spotted "weapons" among those in the group—later allegedly identified by an internal army investigator as an AK-47, RPG rounds and 2 RPG launchers, one of which was loaded. Assange later acknowledged "Based upon visual evidence, I suspect there probably were AKs and an RPG, but I'm not sure that means anything".

Has any of this been proven false? Because otherwise, while the "gung-ho" attitude of the helicopter's crew is horribly shitty, they didn't intentionally fire with the intention of killing journalists or innocent Iraqi civilians, but armed men that were near advancing US troops. That's kind of a massive difference.
Oct 25, 2017
I fully support people running against a politician that attempts to outlaw support for BDS. Hell even criticizing israel in general has been on the chopping block before. Chelsea manning to me is just as good as anyone else knock out faulty incumbents

I see you finished listening to and/or reading a bunch of Kulinski and Dore types tell you that that one vote alone is enough to now justify putting Cardin in the category of "neoliberal centrist".

Meanwhile I still haven't seen Manning condemn Wikileaks or Julian Assange. You would think she would want to get that out of way considering her past history working with alt-right scumbag Julian Assange.


Oct 25, 2017
I see you finished listening to and/or reading a bunch of Kulinski and Dore types tell you that that one vote alone is enough to now justify putting Cardin in the category of "neoliberal centrist".

Meanwhile I still haven't seen Manning condemn Wikileaks or Julian Assange. You would think she would want to get that out of way considering her past history working with alt-right scumbag Julian Assange.

That's a new one. Where did Assange express alt-views?
Oct 25, 2017
That's a new one. Where did Assange express alt-views?

But then again I'm still waiting for you to address why Manning has NOT denounced someone who has:

- Belittled the concept of male privilege
- Alluded to the "Great Replacement" (aka White Genocide) theory
- Offered James Damore a job
- Downplayed/Defended Milo Yianopolis's pro-pedophilia comments as just "teen sex quote"
- Clearly knowingly helped Trump
- Had the Wikileaks account post a very blatantly antisemitic tweet
- Knowingly fed the pizza gate conspiracy nonsense

Oct 25, 2017
To give you an idea of the kind of bullshit Manning CONSTANTLY pulls on twitter, here's her falsely equating a FISA warrant to Trump pardoning Arpaio:

Oh look another dumb fucking false equivalency from Chelsea Manning:

Yeah I really trust someone like THAT to be genuine in their progressivism.

Kurdel Volimar ? Care to comment?
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Oct 25, 2017
Also, BTW, Reuters tried to FOIA the footage Manning leaked 3 years before it was leaked. Their own employees were killed in the massacre. It wasn't Top Secret. The government just wanted to keep it covered up.
Yep. The government will cover up heinous shit without legitimate reasons.

This is not how Democracy is supposed to work. Whistleblowers shouldn't need to exist, but in our world they do.

If you embarrass the US Government, they will throw you in a cage with the fury of a thousand suns. They will treat you like absolute shit.

There is no legitimate recourse to shed light on and stop the US Government from performing heinous acts.

Going to the NY Times, the WSJ, the Guardian, or Wikileaks would be treated the same by the government. I also don't remember people having any evidence that Wikileaks was a Russian propaganda arm when these leaks happened.

Edward Snowden is on the run from the United States.

The indiscriminant leaking is an excuse the government fashions to sway public opinion against Manning. They make up stuff about people being killed because of the leaks.

Our society shouldn't so easily turn whistle-blowers into secret Russian agents. Nixon and Hoover would probably agree with treating whistleblowers this way, but a free society deserves better.

I know nothing about Chelsea Manning's political beliefs or how she is qualified to be a US Senator. It's just weird how hard-line people are on leakers.

Daniel Ellsburg broke the law when he leaked the Pentagon Papers and this country was better for knowing the truth.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017

Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions (BDS) is a Palestinian-led movement for freedom, justice and equality. BDS upholds the simple principle that Palestinians are entitled to the same rights as the rest of humanity. - From their mission page.

To give you an idea of the kind of bullshit Manning CONSTANTLY pulls on twitter, here's her falsely equating a FISA warrant to Trump pardoning Arpaio:

Oh look another dumb fucking false equivalency from Chelsea Manning:

Yeah I really trust someone like THAT to be genuine in their progressivism.

Kurdel Volimar ? Care to comment?

I don't give a shit about her progressivism. I'm not going to vote for her.
Oct 25, 2017
That's a new one. Where did Assange express alt-views?

Oh now THIS I was waiting for:

Here's him offering James Damore a job:

Here's him attempting to defend Milo by downplaying his pro-pedophilia comments as "teen sex quote":

Here's him belittling the notion that male privelege exists:

Doesn't even support Bernie Sanders:

Peddles the "Great Replacement" Theory (aka "White Genocide"):

Blatant Antisemitic Tweet from the Wikileaks Account:

Satanic Conspiracy crap that would lead to people believing in PizzaGate:

You honestly think I am going to spend time defending Chelsea Manning's tweets to prove she isn't a secret Alt Right agent posing as a progressive?


Well this is basically the millionth time you haven't actually given an argument, but rather a refusal to argue.

Usually a refusal to show one's logic is a sign of a bad faith argument.


Oct 25, 2017
Oh now THIS I was waiting for:

Here's him offering James Damore a job:

Here's him attempting to defend Milo by downplaying his pro-pedophilia comments as "teen sex quote":

Here's him belittling the notion that male privelege exists:

Doesn't even support Bernie Sanders:

Peddles the "Great Replacement" Theory (aka "White Genocide"):

Blatant Antisemitic Tweet from the Wikileaks Account:

Satanic Conspiracy crap that would lead to people believing in PizzaGate:

Seems pretty bad, but if even a character like Assange is willing to stand up to the military industrial complex and the surveillance state, what does that say about liberals?
Oct 25, 2017
Seems pretty bad, but if even a character like Assange is willing to stand up to the military industrial complex and the surveillance state, what does that say about liberals?

So your response to blatant proof of Julian Assange being a new age neonazi is "well a new age neonazi is better than someone who I think supports THAT MILITARY INDUSTRIAL COMPLEX"?

You're not helping your argument if so.


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey

Boycott Divestment Sanctions. Its a primarily Palestinian created organization created to force Israel to change course on their illegal settlements through political action based on the UN historical declarations made by a majority of countries outside of the US and Israel.

Typically, something like this has been PR'ed to death by the right wing israeli government, fashioned to be antisemitic and something which creates hatred of jews around the globe(as if it wasnt their own actions that did that).

BDS has a lot of opposition in the US in regards to politicans who are biased to israeli for religious reasons, and so the political incumbent that manning would be running against(along with anyone else who wanted to run i guess) is someone who had sponsored a bill that criminalized BDS all together. That is, if you supported BDS AT ALL, you were going to prison

We should all be able to see how this is clearly wrong


Oct 25, 2017
New Jersey
I see you finished listening to and/or reading a bunch of Kulinski and Dore types tell you that that one vote alone is enough to now justify putting Cardin in the category of "neoliberal centrist".

Meanwhile I still haven't seen Manning condemn Wikileaks or Julian Assange. You would think she would want to get that out of way considering her past history working with alt-right scumbag Julian Assange.

Resorting to whataboutism? That's not you. .

Why should she have to condemn anyone to "prove" anything in the first place regardless of what or who they are? For being thrown in prison for years after revealing all that shit, she doesnt owe anyone anything.

Back to the actual point i made in my post, i'll reiterate it. If someone is going to support a bill to criminalize support by ANYONE for an organization that is attempting to end clearly illegal means of operation by israel, that is someone that should not be in a position of power and i fully support their ousting.


Nov 2, 2017
Resorting to whataboutism? That's not you. .

Why should she have to condemn anyone to "prove" anything in the first place regardless of what or who they are? For being thrown in prison for years after revealing all that shit, she doesnt owe anyone anything.

Back to the actual point i made in my post, i'll reiterate it. If someone is going to support a bill to criminalize support by ANYONE for an organization that is attempting to end clearly illegal means of operation by israel, that is someone that should not be in a position of power and i fully support their ousting.
For a mentally unstable person with zero political experience who wouldn't qualify for basic security clearance if she somehow got elected and isn't even from the state. Oh Inou, your purity test garbage is so annoying. You do realize Maryland is also filled with Federal employees who don't think highly of what she did right?
Oct 25, 2017
I still don't get the fuss. Her appeal is mainly impractical DSA bros and she is running in one of the corrupt neolib shill identity politics strongholds thats filled with government workers who hate her guts.

She really isn't a threat.


Oct 25, 2017

Wow there are a decent bit of people who don't like calling Chelsea she in this thread. I think I'll see myself out.


Dec 4, 2017
How is this person qualified? And then...why Maryland when they have a solid Democrat? Anyway, Manning's best shot would be granola-land or the left coast based off of the stupid twitter shit constantly being put forward. Nobody cares about US "imperialism" when basic needs like healthcare and access to education affect them daily.
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