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Nov 7, 2017
ITT people who think primary-ing a democrat is a crime of the highest order.

Or some kind of secret russian plot.

Deleted member 3345

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm looking more and more at her stances. Manning seems legit wanting to changing things, voting rights, police brutality, etc.

It's also been what ten? twelve years? since here indiscretions. How long was assange, snowden and manning doing their thing? There's a reason what she exposed was treated so harshly. A low level person doesnt know the ultimate goal of an operation.

As of right now, Manning is a traitor for releasing what she did, and knowingly doing so. She did not have a clearance level to know the details of those things.

Mannings own words the cables were "interesting" bereft of all context.

Someone earlier mentioned skating uphill on ice skate. That's this. If Manning can do good. Go for it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Dumb as hell for more than one reason (even if this was a good idea on its own, which is debatable, she's not going to get an ounce of traction in a state where the Dem base is composed of a lot of government workers).

But yes, if she wants to get anywhere, she needs to take this chance to denounce wikileaks and what they have become in the strongest possible terms.


Nov 2, 2017
I don't think it's to help a Republican get elected, I think it's more intended to get wings of the Democratic party to turn even more on one another in a broader sense. We all know there are some pretty major cracks - those were on display the last two years between the establishment and the Bernie folks, Bernie keeping his donor lists secret from the DNC, etc. Maximum discord. Now, who could POSSIBLY benefit the most from Americans of all political stripes turning on and hating one another. Hmmmm...
The progressive movement is not a Russian conspiracy. I'm serious astounded your post is real.
Oct 25, 2017
I don't think it's to help a Republican get elected, I think it's more intended to get wings of the Democratic party to turn even more on one another in a broader sense. We all know there are some pretty major cracks - those were on display the last two years between the establishment and the Bernie folks, Bernie keeping his donor lists secret from the DNC, etc. Maximum discord. Now, who could POSSIBLY benefit the most from Americans of all political stripes turning on and hating one another. Hmmmm...

Yet all she does for the most part on twitter is accuse every democrat who exists ever of not being progressive enough while saying next to nothing about republicans running for election.

ITT people who think primary-ing a democrat is a crime of the highest order.

Or some kind of secret russian plot.

No more like in this topic you deliberately LIE considering that I said I WELCOME to her running in the primary SO LONG AS SHE DOESN'T DISCOURAGE PEOPLE FROM SUPPORTING THE PRIMARY WINNER in the main election and/or run third party in the main election.

But then again I'm still waiting for you to address why Manning has NOT denounced someone who has:

- Belittled the concept of male privilege
- Alluded to the "Great Replacement" (aka White Genocide) theory
- Offered James Damore a job
- Downplayed/Defended Milo Yianopolis's pro-pedophilia comments as just "teen sex quote"
- Clearly knowingly helped Trump
- Had the Wikileaks account post a very blatantly antisemitic tweet
- Knowingly fed the pizza gate conspiracy nonsense


Oct 25, 2017
The progressive movement is not a Russian conspiracy. I'm serious astounded your post is real.

Chelsea Manning doesn't really seem like she has any area of progressive expertise beyond "i went to jail for stealing a bunch of state documents and giving them to a foreign intelligence organization"

I'm pretty sure the progressive MOVEMENT isn't a Russian conspiracy, but considering that Chelsea Manning is notable ONLY for leaking TO the Russians, I'd say she's more than suspect.
Oct 25, 2017
The progressive movement is not a Russian conspiracy. I'm serious astounded your post is real.

Most aspects are not, but there are definitely more toxic fake progressive movements. Like the kind that try to religiously claim Tulsi Gabbard is somehow more progressive than most Democrats. The kind that involve people like HA Goodman, Jimmy Dore, Michael Tracey, Jordan Chariton, Tim Black, Glenn Greenwald, etc.

I emphatically disagree. Provide proof of your conspiracy.

So why do some of these people claim that Tulsi Gabbard is more progressive than most Democrats when she has an extremely conservative voting record in congress for a Democrat, particularly one representing a D+22 district.


Nov 7, 2017
No more like in this topic you deliberately LIE considering that I said I WELCOME to her running in the primary SO LONG AS SHE DOESN'T DISCOURAGE PEOPLE FROM SUPPORTING THE PRIMARY WINNER in the main election and/or run third party in the main election.

But then again I'm still waiting for you to address why Manning has NOT denounced someone who has:

I know you have been directing hostile posts at me since I simply asked for proof that she supported Assange, but can we keep it civil and not call each other liars, please?

You said you don't believe she is running in good faith, and have been implying that she is a secret Assange Ally.

It's almost like this was entirely to just sow discord within a democratic race just enough to split the democratic/progressive vote in the actual Senate Election so that a Republican could actually win the Maryland Senate Seat.

Wasn't this post to insinuate there is an ulterior motive you have yet to prove? Beyond saying she (rightly) attacks democrats in twitter?


Oct 25, 2017
Most aspects are not, but there are definitely more toxic fake progressive movements. Like the kind that try to religiously claim Tulsi Gabbard is somehow more progressive than most Democrats. The kind that involve people like HA Goodman, Jimmy Dore, Michael Tracey, Jordan Chariton, Tim Black, Glenn Greenwald, etc.

Ah, good 'ol Tulsi. Assad's favorite American!
Nov 20, 2017
I emphatically disagree. Provide proof of your conspiracy.

Is it a conspiracy that Stein was at a Russian state dinner with IMPERIALIST WARMONGER Michael Flynn? That RT and Sputnik are vehicles of leftist agitprop? That 'writers' working for Counterpunch were actually fake propagandists? That leftist hashtags are often amplified through a Russian bot network? (And these are just the first few instances I can think of.)

Oh but I guess it's not a Russian conspiracy since Glenn Greenwald is literally not Russian. Checkmate neolibs!
Oct 25, 2017
I know you have been directing hostile posts at me since I simply asked for proof that she supported Assange, but can we keep it civil and not call each other liars, please?

You said you don't believe she is running in good faith, and have been implying that she is a secret Assange Ally.

And I told you that the whole point is that she literally has ZERO posts about Assange in spite literally having worked with him. Considering how many democrats she is constantly denouncing on twitter, her LACK OF DENOUNCEMENT of Julian Assange can only be interpreted to imply an endorsement of him in the same way that Wikileaks was clearly endorsing Trump in 2016.

Seriously we went over this like 3 times and you keep refusing to address that she is perfectly willing to denounce all sorts of democrats but somehow Julian Assange is not worth denouncing for her.

Wasn't this post to insinuate there is an ulterior motive you have yet to prove? Beyond saying she (rightly) attacks democrats in twitter?

If it's right for her to denounce Democrats, then why is it right for her to NOT denounce Julian Assange?


Nov 2, 2017
Most aspects are not, but there are definitely more toxic fake progressive movements. Like the kind that try to religiously claim Tulsi Gabbard is somehow more progressive than most Democrats. The kind that involve people like HA Goodman, Jimmy Dore, Michael Tracey, Jordan Chariton, Tim Black, Glenn Greenwald, etc.

So why do some of these people claim that Tulsi Gabbard is more progressive than most Democrats when she has an extremely conservative voting record in congress for a Democrat, particularly one representing a D+22 district.
Certain Bernie supporters propped up Tulsi Gabbard. I don't understand what that has to do with Russia.


Nov 2, 2017
Is it a conspiracy that Stein was at a Russian state dinner with IMPERIALIST WARMONGER Michael Flynn? That RT and Sputnik are vehicles of leftist agitprop? That 'writers' working for Counterpunch were actually fake propagandists? That leftist hashtags are often amplified through a Russian bot network? (And these are just the first few instances I can think of.)

Oh but I guess it's not a Russian conspiracy since Glenn Greenwald is literally not Russian. Checkmate neolibs!
Which progressive voices advocated for Jill Stein. She's a kook and been active long before 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
ungrateful scumbag imo. Not for what Manning did but for shitting on Obama after he pardoned her.


Oct 25, 2017
I predict she Tim Canovas this. She'll try to run on a national stage and ignore issues that matter to the constituents while also trying to smear the opposition as much as possible

She's barely lived in MD long enough to get a crab cake and is just chilling in a fancy Bethesda apartment. No way she actually feels like she can be a good rep of the state. And if she does, she's a sociopath.
Oct 25, 2017
Certain Bernie supporters propped up Tulsi Gabbard. I don't understand what that has to do with Russia.
Anything that goes against what Democrats consider acceptable is a Russian conspiracy now

Why did these people (who I am not saying are ALL of the bernie fanbase but a significant chunk) claim to hate the democrats for not being progressive enough while also propping up a politician who:

- has a history of Islamophobia
- has a much more conservative voting record than most democrats
- Supports Bashar Al-Assad's Genocide of his own people
- Has a history of homophobia
- Failed to condemn the appointment of Steve Bannon as a White House advisor (there were numerous congressional democrats who signed a letter condemning such an appointment and Tulsi was NOT one of them)
- Recently responded to a question of if Trump is racist by saying "I'm not interested in 'name calling'"

Like what the fuck am I supposed to think of the kind of people who suggest that this socially regressive piece of shit is more progressive than someone like Cory Booker?


Nov 7, 2017
Seriously we went over this like 3 times and you keep refusing to address that she is perfectly willing to denounce all sorts of democrats but somehow Julian Assange is not worth denouncing for her.

I already told you why I think she wouldnkt want to even look at that can of worms.

Saying collusion is the only rational reason for her silence is dishonest, considering the whirlwind that is her history with Wikileaks I can't blame her for avoiding the topic: to avoid a whole retrial in the media, when there are more important things to adress.

Like I said, occams razor is handy here, when weighing why she would avoid the topic.

Crazy, I know, but as a Marylander, I will stick with Ben.

How brave of you to dismiss her without even looking at her platform, this is how a healthy democracy is supposed to work, I think.


Oct 25, 2017
People are being extremely unreasonable at this point. Supporting Cardin is somehow Toxic patriotism? Get out of here with that bullshit. Cardin is a top tier Liberal Democrat who consistently votes progressive policies forward.

If Manning wants to do some good how about work on unseating Andrew Harris who is Republican and in the House. Manning could then develop the credentials to eventually be a legitimate political power. Harris supported Roy Moore included endorsing him. He was in favor of Government shutdown and even voted against ending the shutdown. He opposed legislation honor Marylou Angelo branding her a commie who deserved no honors. That's the kind of person to unseat
Oct 25, 2017
I already told you why I think she wouldnkt want to even look at that can of worms.

And I already responded by saying that your explanation is NOT sufficient because normally when she apparently feels betrayed (according to the way she tweets about Democrats), she prefers to denounce those that betray her explicitly on Twitter.

Yet somehow she does NOT denounce Assange on Twitter. WHY?????

Saying collusion is the only rational reason for her silence is dishonest, considering the whirlwind that is her history with Wikileaks I can't blame her for avoiding the topic: to avoid a whole retrial in the media, when there are more important things to adress.

Like I said, occams razor is handy here, when weighing why she would avoid the topic.

Bullshit. She has NO FUCKING PROBLEM talking about all sorts of stuff regarding her disdain for the CIA.

Try again.

Deleted member 1041

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
She's the one who leaked that stuff to wikileaks and practically legitimized them, right?

Nah, I'm good.


Nov 7, 2017

Nah, I don't think you are discussing in good faith here, I have nothing else to add to my post.

No, her actual crimes are the ones "of the highest order." I know it's shocking that some of us don't want to elect a criminal to the Senate.

Oh no people found out about sleazy undemocratic backdoor deals at the highest levels of diplomacy, how did the US ever recoup from that terrible blow?


Nov 2, 2017
Or, and I know this sounds crazy, the people of Maryland might actually be happy with the representation that Ben Cardin has been providing. Crazy, I know, but as a Marylander, I will stick with Ben.
If they(and you) make that choice thats perfectly fine. The main issue in this thread is people ridiculing Chelsea for running at all.


Nov 2, 2017
Whats really fucking funny is even in the mirror world where she won she rightfully wouldn't qualify for any type of security clearance at all
Oct 25, 2017
Nah, I don't think you are discussing in good faith here, I have nothing else to add to my post.

No I explained very sufficiently why your explanations don't work.

But I think it's very revealing that you only used the word "rightly" when describing denouncing Democrats and not the hypothetical of denouncing an alt-right scumbag like Julian Assange.

Because to you it's more important to oppose Democrats than to actually oppose an alt-right scumbag like Julian Assange.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
The purity tests strike again

I don't consider what Manning did a crime because of her intentions and the nature of what she leaked. This is only a few steps away from saying Hillary shouldn't be allowed to run because EMAILS and FBI.


Nov 2, 2017
No, I believe no one is above criticism.

And sticking to wanting her to denounce Assange is ridiculous, go read her Twitter account and see if she is pure enough for you.
Whats patriotically toxic about Cardin again? What could she do better then him? Would her inability to get security clearance for anything make her a good Senator? Would being brand new to the state she wants to represent make her a good voice for Maryland? She doesn't have to be "Pure" but she is a shit candidate going after a already progressive Senator and thats fucking stupid and worthy of mockery


Oct 25, 2017
The purity tests strike again

I don't consider what Manning did a crime because of her intentions and the nature of what she leaked. This is only a few steps away from saying Hillary shouldn't be allowed to run because EMAILS and FBI.



Nov 7, 2017
Whats patriotically toxic about Cardin again? What could she do better then him? Would her inability to get security clearance for anything make her a good Senator? Would being brand new to the state she wants to represent make her a good voice for Maryland? She doesn't have to be "Pure" but she is a shit candidate going after a already progressive Senator and thats fucking stupid and worthy of mockery

Shouldn't democracy be dynamic, and power challenged? What is the danger here? Other than wasting Manning's time? (because honestly of course she won't win)
Oct 25, 2017
No, I believe no one is above criticism.

And sticking to wanting her to denounce Assange is ridiculous, go read her Twitter account and see if she is pure enough for you.

It's not about a purity test. We are talking about someone who Manning DIRECTLY WORKED WITH. Kinda a big fucking deal to know that Manning is willing to condemn alt-right scumbags even if they are alt-right scumbags who she previously worked with.

Oh I'm sorry did that make too much sense to you?

Out of curiosity, did you think Wikileaks was a russian front in 2009?

Well since we NOW know that Wikileaks is clearly a Russian Front propping up the alt-right (a political group that hates Trans people like Chelsea Manning), I assume Manning would want to denounce Wikileaks/Assange more recently, right?
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