
Oct 26, 2017
2560 x 1440 all day baby. I think that's the sweet spot for game resolutions but if you are wanting those high frames. 1080p it is,


Nov 2, 2017
So you're saying I'm part of the 1%...



Oct 25, 2017
i wonder how many of them game on a comfy couch. whenever people post their setup on msgboards i don't see many.

4K + couch must be some rare birds.


Oct 27, 2017
Netflix, arguably the biggest media distributor today, just started rolling out their 4k videos.

Just started? Netflix has had 4k HDR content for 2 and a half years.

Seriously, where have you been? At least in the US, I've been able to stream 4k for almost 3 years, not even counting UHD Blu Rays.

There are more 1080p options than 4k on stores... if you look at cheaper options then 1080p are the only options.

I can guess even 720p TVs sells more than 4k TVs.

Define "cheap." People are spending $800+ on smartphones while you could pick up 50-inch 4k TVs for $300-500. I was say that "under $500" is the first tier in TV prices.

Deleted member 9237

User requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
1% is not that little, tons of people use Steam, many of whom aren't hardcore gamers, many are kids etc.


Oct 25, 2017
the price of a 4K monitor is already enough to scare most people off .
Ad then most people's realization that if they wanted to go 4K they would have to buy a quite expensive card to be even able to play games at acceptable Framerates on top of that and it is not surprising most people go "eff that !"


Oct 26, 2017
There are more 1080p options than 4k on stores... if you look at cheaper options then 1080p are the only options.

This is definitely -not- true. Almost all of Best Buy's display TVs on the floor are 4K. They want to sell you 4K tvs. They cost more and they want you to buy other 4K related shit.


Jan 27, 2018
Steam doesn't count multi monitor, i got my 4K screen & Steam counts me as 1440p. It also doesn't take into account higher refresh rates, im more interested in how many people are gaming beyond 60hz.
Nov 9, 2017
I try to play everything at 4k 60 FPS. From my library, only Ni No Kuni 2, Far Cry 5, and DQ XI feel like they look far superior in 4k 60 FPS. To get a solid 60 FPS with all of the features I like, I have to run FFXV, Witcher 3, and GTA V at 1440p.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt-account
Oct 29, 2017
I prefer my 1080p 144hz monitor over 4k 60hz ones, and I really don't feel like shelling out for 4k 144hz. I'm still rocking a 970 anyways.


Sep 29, 2018
I absolutely do not regret upgrading my monitor and pc for 4K gaming but i understand why the adoption rate it's so slow. 1080p is still a very good resolution for most people and performance is king on PC hence 1080p does the job plus, everything is more expensive at 4K. I do wonder how long it will take for 1080p to fizzle out, not for a long time i think.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Berkeley, CA
For me, it's a power thing. I haven't upgraded in a while and I'm still using the 970 I bought 3 years ago in addition to even older other parts. That combined with the high price of GPU's recently means that even if I wanted to upgrade I wouldn't because the relative cost to me is too expensive to be worth it. When I finally do upgrade though I plan on targeting 4k, that probably will come with an entire system refresh so I'm in no hurry.

I always consider myself a mid-tier enthusiast, so when 4k becomes acceptable with a 3-400 dollar graphics card + parts I already have then I'm in. Until then, 1080p with a high refresh rate is good enough for me. I don't have a 4k TV at home nor do I have a PS4 Pro/Xbox1 X for the same reason. Cost-benefit doesn't work out in my favor right now.


Oct 25, 2017
I play most games at 1080p on my 4k display simply because I have to run them at lowish settings on my gtx 1080 to get 60fps at 4k. It's not worth the visual sacrifices I have to take. Baked in checkerboard rendering would be a great compromise.


Oct 27, 2017
I had the choice to go with a 4K monitor earlier this year - decided to go 2560x1440 and 144hz g-sync instead. It's already a high enough resolution to look great close up, plus I would much rather have the faster refresh rate and, of course, g-sync.


Oct 26, 2017
They want of couse because it is expensive and they get more money from them.

But every Best Buy has more 1080p TVs than 4k TVs to sell.


Like there wont be 1080p TVs in Best Buy by the end of next year outside of a couple budget models. Walmart and the like probably have slower adoption rates but 4K is pretty much the standard going forward. It will just phase out the old stuff soon enough.

Deleted member 896

User Requested Account Deletion
Oct 25, 2017
They want of couse because it is expensive and they get more money from them.

But every Best Buy has more 1080p TVs than 4k TVs to sell.

Here are the current options available on http://www.bestbuy.com/ when you search all televisions:

2160p (4K)2160p (4K) (194)

1080p (Full HD)1080p (Full HD) (50)

720p (HD)720p (HD) (28)

4320p (8K)4320p (8K) (1)

So, 195 options at 4K+, 78 at sub-4K.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 26, 2017
The problem with 4k on PC is that you're really needing a GTX 1080 at minimum, and ideally a GTX 1080Ti. Plus, 4k monitors are very expensive, even before we start talking about high refresh rates and G-sync. In summary: not a lot of people have the wonga to get the required horsepower and/or the required display.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I'm surprised that 1366x768 laptop resolution is the second most used. I mean, that's what I play at, but I didn't think so many PC gamers were scrubbing it like me.


Oct 25, 2017
This is definitely -not- true. Almost all of Best Buy's display TVs on the floor are 4K. They want to sell you 4K tvs. They cost more and they want you to buy other 4K related shit.

Might depend on the Best Buy (e.g. my local one still has an original Xbox One with Kinect as a demo station) but here they overwhelmingly have more 1080p (or less). Remember you can't get 4K for the 32" or less category of TVs, and they still have a lot of sub-tier brands, and if you go down to 20-something inches they start having sets that won't even do true 1080p. They're not on display for the most part, although their displays are mostly sets costing close to $2000 or above that.

Seriously, where have you been? At least in the US, I've been able to stream 4k for almost 3 years, not even counting UHD Blu Rays.

Their catalog hasn't expanded in that time to really include anything that isn't a Netflix original. Like right now (Canada) my 4K options which aren't Netflix-owned media are:

Terminator 2 with too much DNR
Bram Stoker's Dracula, subtitles for the opening sequence are missing
Crouching Tiger Hidden Dragon
Talladega Nights
Planet Earth II
maybe Breaking Bad? Not sure if it's still available.

Amazon Prime I don't think has anything in 4K that isn't a Prime Original.

And outside of sports I don't think you can even do 1080p with any TV provider in North America.

I suspect in a year or two we'll just be seeing a lot of setups like my in-law's, who dropped like four grand on a curved TV but exclusively watches cable TV which last time I checked was plugged in with component cables, with his DVD player (I think mostly unused) plugged in via composite cables. Also I'm pretty sure none of my parents' TV's (they own about 6 total across two properties) even do 1080p; maybe the one they got last year does?


Oct 26, 2017
Might depend on the Best Buy (e.g. my local one still has an original Xbox One with Kinect as a demo station) but here they overwhelmingly have more 1080p (or less). Remember you can't get 4K for the 32" or less category of TVs, and they still have a lot of sub-tier brands, and if you go down to 20-something inches they start having sets that won't even do true 1080p. They're not on display for the most part, although their displays are mostly sets costing close to $2000 or above that.

Yeah this might be the case. My local BB is 80-20 in terms of stuff actually in store for 4K/non 4K.

4K content overall is lagging way behind though.


Nov 30, 2017
1440p 144hz is where it's at

I'm not going back to 60hz. Until 4K/144hz/HDR monitors become widely avalable I'll stick with 1440p.


Oct 27, 2017
How are the surveys conducted? I don't have a dedicated 4k monitors but I use my TV to play some games in 4k


Oct 25, 2017
I am still 1080p 60 fps

When I get my new PC , I will try out 4K but likely will make 1440p my next boost up

How are the surveys conducted? I don't have a dedicated 4k monitors but I use my TV to play some games in 4k

A pop up asking if you want steam to check your set up. It is completely voluntary and I always refuse them to check it :)


Oct 25, 2017
Not surprising. PC gaming offers options and not "just" 1080p or 4k; not everybody is chasing the 2160p "golden goose" after all. 60Hz, ultra wide, 1440p, 144H, G-Sync, FreeSync, multi monitor setups. All equally good goals. This industries fixation on 4k is a bit strange tbh, there is much more out there.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah this might be the case. My local BB is 80-20 in terms of stuff actually in store for 4K/non 4K.

4K content overall is lagging way behind though.

Yeah, the biggest issue right now is the content. All of those pixels don't mean a goddamn thing with the limited library of 4K content. Even if you count both physical and streaming (and ignore the limited availability of these outside the US) there is a pathetically small number of non-English movies available in 4K, it could be in the single digits even, as well as two BBC nature series and 3 actual TV shows. Gaming is actually weirdly the best kind of content to show off a 4K set with because of this.


Attempted to circumvent ban with an alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Have technological advances in gpu power slowed to the point where people don't give a shit about increased amount of pixels anymore and concentrate on the visual splendor? or is it solely the price?

Still, with console manufacturers chasing the 4k dream, it seems rather redundant on PC.

People care, it's just way too expensive, both financially and from a gameplay perspective. You're literally not going to be able to play every game at 4k/60 right now without turning settings down, much less in the near future. Dropping down to 1440p or UW gives you the majority of the fidelity, with higher settings, and better frames. I'm not willing to turn a bunch of shit down just to hit that pixel count.

Ultrawide crowd is even lower which doesn't bode well for universal future games adaptation :(

Ultrawide is actually slightly higher. The numbers don't really matter that much for adoption. The amount of people who own high end graphics cards is extremely low as well but we still get stuff that pushes them. Developers who aren't complete shit will keep adding UW support.

It means nothing. A GTX 1060 is capable of achieving 4K gaming.

Many PC gamers can play at 4K, but they prefer higher frame-rate over 4K resolution.

In what, Hearthstone? Diablo 2.

Technically, any video card is "capable" of gaming in 4k, but there is a huge difference between selecting the resolution in a game and actually being able to play. A 1060 isn't playable in 4k at all. No one who owns one thinks, "do I want higher frames, or 4k?" because that's literally not an option.


Oct 27, 2017
Auckland, New Zealand
Wow I was lead to believe via all the online warriors that 99% of PC gamers had these amazing rigs pumping out 4K/60 without breaking a sweat... Seriously though it makes sense as its not a cheap set up.


Oct 27, 2017
67 million monthly active players.
Last updated 8/3/17.
Number of daily Steam users:
33 million daily active users.

Google search result. 1% of that is 670,000 people. Nothing to scoff at. It's only going to grow over time as people replace their hardware and the standard becomes 4k. That being said, most people will probably continue to game at 1080p because of the performance benefits, until cards that can do 4k 90+ fps for under $800 drop.

Deleted member 1476

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Framerate first, resolution later. 2080Ti is now almost able to run everything at 4k/60fps on max settings, so I'm waiting for the next generation of cards. "Almost" is not good enough.

Plus, a good 4k, HDR, WCG, high refresh monitor with G-sync/freesync still costs an arm.


The Fallen
Nov 6, 2017
Texas, United States
I prefer higher frame rates if possible. 4K definitely looks nice and crisp but the monitor and video card costs are too much. Right now I'm at 1080p 144hz. My next monitor will be 1440p gsync 144hz so I guess I won't get to 4K for a while.


Oct 30, 2017
I don't care about resolution when it comes to gaming. 1080p has been enough for me for the past decade, and i don"t see that changing anytime soon. I will probably still get a 1440p or 4K monitor, though, just because more screen real estate is always nice to have in windows and many of the non-gaming applications I use.