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Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
To NightMarcher and cosmicblizzard

Let some racist call me a nigger to my face. Or coon. Or ape. That person will get the TASTE slapped out of his mouth. Like DigitalOp said, we're our grandparents. By the way, not all black people during the civil rights movement, hell, even during slavery, where with that "kumbaya" fuck shit. A LOT of blacks fought back in that era.

If that fuck boy said that bullshit some witnesses are quoting, then that dude (notice I didn't say kid, we dont get to be kids and are perceived older... so will this douche) deserves that soda splash. Hell, I wish it was dog piss. If that story is a fabrication, then he should have fell back and yelled at him. I read some saying the hate reps nazism. It DOES, but it's not to that point yet. Sorry y'all know it's not. the hat definitely is all those things you've mentioned, but it's NOT on the level of a Nazi Swastika.

Edit: just wanted to say, IF the kid threw the water simply because of the MAGA hat I don't give a shit, and half support it. It just wouldn't be a smart and he loses a Smidge of sympathy from me. Literally microscopic.

Yeah, that doesn't sound like something a kid with a MAGA cap would say.


Can you post a link of your quote please

Well I am interested. I looked around a bunch of news articles but the ones that showed the 2017 mugshot didn't offer an explanation for it.

Also the character in my avatar is from a game

Yeah, sure.


Feb 3, 2018
I'm not going to tell a black* person how to use racial verbiage that pertains to them. You do whatever you want.

*person of color, perhaps I got it wrong

Apparently this is his mug shot:

Also, to clarify. This mugshot is not for this incident but a previous arrest.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Come on guys, it's no use getting angry at the forum. I can understand that people are angry, but you can't expect resetera to allow people to encourage illegal actions. If you want to partake in that, don't do it here. And just because someone disagrees with how best to handle nazis and MAGAites doesn't mean they should automatically get banned from here.


May 8, 2018
Enemies should be treated as such. If you change now we wont have to escalate to more drastic measures. Yes this is a threat.


This was wrong no one should act like this to teenage children, peroid. Violence or hostility on whatever political affiliation you have is unacceptable always.

Deleted member 42055

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Apr 12, 2018
Sweet Christmas this thread is a mess, I'll never understand how people can come into these sorts of topics with the " Just talk to them" angle. We're waaaay past that with some of these people living in this country and that's a fact. Admitting as such doesn't mean youre advocating straight up blunt violence. The least some of you could do is not be so naive to think finger waging to everyone else being ok with this particular situation is going to accomplish anything in these types of discussions.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017

This was wrong no one should act like this to teenage children, peroid. Violence or hostility on whatever political affiliation you have is unacceptable always.

So "hostility" is unacceptable? Those kids were being hostile as fuck, calling for genocide. It's unacceptable, you say. So what exactly is the consequences of behaving unacceptably? You agree their speech is unacceptable, so what is to be done about it?


Oct 25, 2017
Straya M8
Since when is literal genocide a political view?
I mean, Trump suporters are supporting a man who is separating kids from parents, locking them indefinitely in cages, He has attacked the FBI and the intelligence community, fired the head of the FBI while under investigation, constantly made references to immigrants being animals coming from "shithole countries", bragged about sexually assaulting women, endorsed paedophile Roy Moore, put tariffs on imports from ailed countries, called football players "sons of bitches" for protesting police brutality, has blocked people from entering the country for religious beliefs, failed to condemn white supremacists who killed a woman in charletsville, threatened nuclear war over twitter, Claims Barack Obama wiretapped trump tower before the election without evidence and created isis, questioned former presidents birthplace based on nothing but him being black, put up bans on Trans people joining the military, denied climate change for Clean Coal and appointed a climate change denier to head of the EPA, Demonised the media constantly and refuses to respect shot journalists, ran on building a wall between mexico and america despite costing billions if made, called all Mexicans rapists, promised to lock up political opponents, Allowing Puerto Rico to suffer and die and even blaming the Putero Rico people for it, Gave Russia classified intel that compromised an undercover Israeli spy inside ISIS, Complimented brutal military dictators while attacking governments of France, Germany, Canada, Australia ect., has asked Macron to leave the EU and supported Brexit, Constantly stuckup for Putin dispite being under investigation for ties with Russia, mocked people with disabilities and brain cancer, tried to get rid of health care, net neutrality and has tantrums on twitter every night....

But they wouldn't throw a soda at someone, that's just taking things too far.


Apr 17, 2018
Watching the swarm of "he's not black!" was almost fucking comical if it wasn't that sad. Um err excuse me, despite him fighting back against anti African American rhetoric he was Latino! And you sir. You. Sir. Sir! Please step away from the yogurt machine sir and please hold your phone up in your hand while I identify you as Native American! Or as I would call you, "maize!"


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
So "hostility" is unacceptable? Those kids were being hostile as fuck, calling for genocide. It's unacceptable, you say. So what exactly is the consequences of behaving unacceptably? You agree their speech is unacceptable, so what is to be done about it?
When you live in a country where the "unacceptable" is legal, people will inevitably try to take the law into their own hands when pushed far enough.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean, Trump suporters are supporting a man who is separating kids from parents, locking them indefinitely in cages, He has attacked the FBI and the intelligence community, fired the head of the FBI while under investigation, constantly made references to immigrants being animals coming from "shithole countries", bragged about sexually assaulting women, endorsed paedophile Roy Moore, put tariffs on imports from ailed countries, called football players "sons of bitches" for protesting police brutality, has blocked people from entering the country for religious beliefs, failed to condemn white supremacists who killed a woman in charletsville, threatened nuclear war over twitter, Claims Barack Obama wiretapped trump tower before the election without evidence and created isis, questioned former presidents birthplace based on nothing but him being black, put up bans on Trans people joining the military, denied climate change for Clean Coal and appointed a climate change denier to head of the EPA, Demonised the media constantly and refuses to respect shot journalists, ran on building a wall between mexico and america despite costing billions if made, called all Mexicans rapists, promised to lock up political opponents, Allowing Puerto Rico to suffer and die and even blaming the Putero Rico people for it, Gave Russia classified intel that compromised an undercover Israeli spy inside ISIS, Complimented brutal military dictators while attacking governments of France, Germany, Canada, Australia ect., has asked Macron to leave the EU and supported Brexit, Constantly stuckup for Putin dispite being under investigation for ties with Russia, mocked people with disabilities and brain cancer, tried to get rid of health care, net neutrality and has tantrums on twitter every night....

But they wouldn't throw a soda at someone, that's just taking things too far.

The most impressive thing about this list is that it's far from being exhaustive.

Mister X

Dec 5, 2017
Throwing soda at someone over political differences is not good. Talk to them instead, the man who threw that achieved nothing....on the contrary

Thanks to that idiot even more people will vote republican now.

Lol at people defending this, the polarization is getting out of hand in the US.


Oct 25, 2017
I live in CT, seeing those stupid hats is a rarity where I live.
I honestly havent seen one in person since the election when I was taking my friend to his mom's in Massachusetts, it was a police officer wearing one.


Oct 26, 2017
Quote is different then what's in the link? I thought tour quote gave more credence to the statement that was retracted.
It's in the link, scroll down.

- KTSA: UPDATE: Arrest Made In San Antonio Whataburger Splash And Grab Of 'MAGA' Hat.
A witness tells a local television station that the video posted on social media doesn't tell the full story.

An anonymous witness told KENS 5 Thursday that the spat at the Whataburger may have been instigated by racial comments by the teens.
The TV station reports the witness was eating with his family at the Whataburger and says the three teens involved in the video mention the film "The Purge", wishing it was real, but only against African-Americans and Latinos.

He also said the teens were joking about 'hanging blacks' and killing off minorities.

"They said they wanted it to be legal for white people to kill any other race for the Fourth of July," the witness told KENS.

He said another man in the restaurant asked the teens to stop making such comments.

The witness said he and his family cut their dinner short after that before things escalated.

San Antonio police are investigating the case and Whataburger has told KTSA it is supporting the police department's work.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Throwing soda at someone over political differences is not good. Talk to them instead, the man who threw that achieved nothing....on the contrary

Thanks to that idiot even more people will vote republican now.

Lol at people defending this, the polarization is getting out of hand in the US.
Oh my god, is this a parody? You really think someone is going to vote for Trump because a kid got soda in his face? Jesus christ.


Nov 26, 2017
Throwing soda at someone over political differences is not good. Talk to them instead, the man who threw that achieved nothing....on the contrary

Thanks to that idiot even more people will vote republican now.

Lol at people defending this, the polarization is getting out of hand in the US.
When someone is "joking" about the genocide of your race talking is off the table.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
If he took it off someone's head wouldn't that be more than just a misdemeanour? I don't get American laws.

I really, really doubt most prosecutors would seek something larger than a misdemeanor in that case. Prosecutors are supposed to take cases they know have a chance of winning. This will get argued down in court to a much lesser charge. This feels like a misappropriation of the justice system. I.E. using the system to fuck someone over.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Throwing soda at someone over political differences is not good. Talk to them instead, the man who threw that achieved nothing....on the contrary

Thanks to that idiot even more people will vote republican now.

Lol at people defending this, the polarization is getting out of hand in the US.

God these posts are so vapid and dumb

Calling for killing black people is not a fucking political difference. Be smarter.

Mister X

Dec 5, 2017
Oh my god, is this a parody? You really think someone is going to vote for Trump because a kid got soda in his face? Jesus christ.
Of course, this was on TV, you underestimate how this will be spinned in favor of republicans.

"An innoncent teenager was assaulted by grown man because of a MAGA hat"

People vote on one party or the other for the most ridiculous reasons.

Deleted member 14636

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Watching the swarm of "he's not black!" was almost fucking comical if it wasn't that sad. Um err excuse me, despite him fighting back against anti African American rhetoric he was Latino! And you sir. You. Sir. Sir! Please step away from the yogurt machine sir and please hold your phone up in your hand while I identify you as Native American! Or as I would call you, "maize!"

Are you OK?


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City

Person asking questions A "Just talk to them."

Persons asking questions B "This isn't the exact same thing at all."

Person asking questions C "The division going on is crazy."


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
This is fucking insane to think. Every non-republican has to police their own actions because otherwise if you're being rude, fascism takes over!!!
At what point do we stop blaming every single opponent for the actions of trump-voters? When do regular, moral people get to take action without having to consider how it would look to their enemies?


Oct 25, 2017
Anyone clutching their pearls over a bunch of wannabe hitler youth fuckheads getting some soda splashed on them is a goddamn fool. You fucking morons.

Mister X

Dec 5, 2017
God these posts are so vapid and dumb

Calling for killing black people is not a fucking political difference. Be smarter.
I read the article, no where is it stated the kid was advocating genocide.

And no, wearing a MAGA hat does not mean you want to kill anyone.

Srs, some of you need to get a grip on reality.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
the most insane thing about people who say "just talk to the racists" is that they don't take their own advice. None of their posts internalize what those who are upset by racist statements say. They literally don't hear them. They don't talk to these people they "disagree with," they scold them. Talk down to them. Never converse.


Feb 3, 2018
God these posts are so vapid and dumb

Calling for killing black people is not a fucking political difference. Be smarter.
It's not clear what happened before what is on the video though. According to the teens it was completely unprovoked. There was one place reporting the teens were making racist remarks from an anonymous source but they have since retracted that part from their story because they question it's legitimacy and are unable to verify it.

Deleted member 12790

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I read the article, no where is it stated the kid was advocating genocide.

And no, wearing a MAGA hat does not mean you want to kill anyone.

Srs, some of you need to get a grip on reality.

You clearly didn't read the topic, because this has been discussed repeatedly since page 1:

A witness tells a local television station that the video posted on social media doesn't tell the full story.

An anonymous witness told KENS 5 Thursday that the spat at the Whataburger may have been instigated by racial comments by the teens.
The TV station reports the witness was eating with his family at the Whataburger and says the three teens involved in the video mention the film "The Purge", wishing it was real, but only against African-Americans and Latinos.

He also said the teens were joking about 'hanging blacks' and killing off minorities.

"They said they wanted it to be legal for white people to kill any other race for the Fourth of July," the witness told KENS.

He said another man in the restaurant asked the teens to stop making such comments.

The witness said he and his family cut their dinner short after that before things escalated.

San Antonio police are investigating the case and Whataburger has told KTSA it is supporting the police department's work.

"But but but just talk to them!"


Oct 25, 2017
I read the article, no where is it stated the kid was advocating genocide.

And no, wearing a MAGA hat does not mean you want to kill anyone.

Srs, some of you need to get a grip on reality.
A witness stated that the kids "joking" about killing black people.
The witness, who has asked to remain anonymous, said he and his family saw the three teens involved in the video joking about "hanging blacks" and killing off minorities before the recorded attack occurred.


Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Throwing soda at someone over political differences is not good. Talk to them instead, the man who threw that achieved nothing....on the contrary

Thanks to that idiot even more people will vote republican now.

Lol at people defending this, the polarization is getting out of hand in the US.
Ah yes, the old 'if people point out and stand up against racism, it will make the very sensitive white people racist' argument. As if every pro-diversity, pro-affirmative action, pro-immigrant white person was just one glass of coke in the face away from being a republican voter.

Deleted member 4274

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Thanks Absent LOL you know I skimmed that shit.

Throwing soda at someone over political differences is not good. Talk to them instead, the man who threw that achieved nothing....on the contrary

Thanks to that idiot even more people will vote republican now.

Lol at people defending this, the polarization is getting out of hand in the US.

Throwing soda vs. running people over, cutting them with samurai swords, calling the police for using YOUR pool, rocking Swatiska's in the street, etc, etc, etFUCKINGc.

Actually, you're probably right. Republicans love this type of shit AND when they're own commits acts of racism and violence.


Apr 17, 2018
the most insane thing about people who say "just talk to the racists" is that they don't take their own advice. None of their posts internalize what those who are upset by racist statements say. They literally don't hear them. They don't talk to these people they "disagree with," they scold them. Talk down to them. Never converse.

They're so desperate to fall into the useful idiot category that they end up sponging enough of it up themselves.
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