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Nov 18, 2017
But all of Bernie's proposals, so far, are race neutral (like Kamala's and Booker's). They'd have the effect of improving child mortality disparities and help close the gap, which is great, but I wouldn't call them reparations because they are designed neutrally.
Bernie mentioned redlining in the town hall though same as Warren. Or maybe I misheard that. Someone correct me if I'm wrong please.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
I mean there's the impasse.

Somehow we have to use progressive policies to win over fickle white voters. When fickle white voters won't vote for said progressive because "Dem colored folk." So the fickle white voters will run back to the GOP and then everyone complains that the Dems didn't cater to the fickle white voters

Like, this is a logic error.

I look forward to you pressing all candidates equally on this

Don't worry, I won't hold my breath. Notice how no other candidate has been really criticized on here despite saying virtually the same thing Bernie did?

I mean, according to you, they're all centrists anyway. So what does it matter? lol

I mean, Bernie has no one to blame but himself because Warren got to the issue first.

no, what you are doing is throwing rural queer and poc communities under the bus and it is shameful beyond belief. attacking all rural people, painting them all with the same brush as if they are a monolith of evil reprehensible people is the fucking definition of bigotry and you should be ashamed of yourself

Oh come now. You know damn well when people say rural voters. They mean the rural white voters.

Rural of color already vote Democratic. No one's complaining about them.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie mentioned redlining in the town hall though same as Warren. Or maybe I misheard that.
He mentioned it when talking about how black people have been discriminated against but I don't remember him proposing any policies that specifically target those communities based on whether they were redlined or not, like she has. But again, that's not to say his policies wouldn't help them even if his policies are designed in a neutral way.


Oct 28, 2017
Not all people who live in rural communities are bigots or conservatives. Quit being so close minded.
don't you understand. rural LGBT communities are being oppressed (and in cities they aren't and never face any oppression, duh!) which somehow justifies saying screw rural people (which includes those very rural LGBT people i was just talking down to and lecturing on the discrimination they face as if they don't know).
And not all city people are openminded liberals.
yeah like when i was living in a rural community as an out queer person with an accepting group of friends and people around me and then moved to a city and in the first week had "faggot" screamed at me from a passing car and was berated by homophobes. but fuck rural people, amirite
But there's more in rural areas because people growing up in isolated areas with very little personal exposure to people not like themselves never get over that fear of people who aren't like them.
so what. that doesn't justify saying screw rural people. it's reprehensible and it throws the marginalized people you're being condescending to under the bus
But pretty much all rural governments are bigoted and conservative.
so what? the sentiment we're criticizing isn't "governments in rural areas are reactionary" or even "a majority of people in rural areas vote for bigots" or "many reactionaries live in rural areas." it is "screw rural people." that is reprehensible and when a rural LGBT person tries to tell you it's wrong to paint people from rural communities with one brush and you instead start lecturing them about the oppression they face as if they don't already know it shows how clueless and insensitive our metropolitan fake allies are
Oct 25, 2017
The reperations answer is something that just turned me off. I want to like Bernie and honestly I'm like 85-90% but that answer of basically "reperations?!? I don't know what you mean" is not acceptable. This isn't his first rodeo, and he's been around far too long to not know what the subject is. Then continues to frame black issues solely around poverty... It raises suspicions on why this is this the time when he feigns ignorance.


Oct 26, 2017
I'm no Warren fan but so far she has been doing a better job than Bernie thus far during this campaign.

I hope Warren goes in harder and divides Bernie support.

Bernie's answer at tonight's townhall shows that he has learned nothing from 2016


Dec 26, 2018
I do not think or believe he would switch back to (I), if he won the 2020 election and was sworn into office.

He's got a history of doing this.

Bernie Sanders is running for the Democratic nomination in Vermont — but he won't accept it if he wins.

The famously independent senator, who briefly joined the Democratic Party to run in the 2016 New Hampshire presidential primary only to un-enroll later, officially announced Monday that he would seek a third term in the Senate this fall. He also said that he'll pull the same maneuver that he did in his 2006 and 2012 Senate races: Running as a Democrat, declining the nomination when he wins and then running as an independent.

But what does that mean exactly? Going more to the left or what? Don't think that's a problem with Bernie for example. At least not with us voters.

It means he runs as a (D), getting out of this is something he's done before. After losing '16 her went back to being independent. I bought up those leftists or progressive candidates who were of similar ideology to Bernie, but none of them are going around switching to be (I). This is a big part of his appeal to many of his voters, which has been discussed heavily in political threads in this forum.

I do not think or believe he would switch back to (I), if he won the 2020 election and was sworn into office.

You have more faith in him doing that than the DNC.

Tap In

Oct 28, 2017
Gilbert AZ
The reperations answer is something that just turned me off. I want to like Bernie and honestly I'm like 85-90% but that answer of basically "reperations?!? I don't know what you mean" is not acceptable. This isn't his first rodeo, and he's been around far too long to not know what the subject is. Then continues to frame black issues solely around poverty... It raises suspicions on why this is this the time when he feigns ignorance.

I took that answer as it is something that needs to be evaluated and determine "what would that look like", rather than ignorance or avoidance

Deleted member 2426

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So he should say he supports reparations. Get the frontline of this with the black vote and it forces everyone else to move left.

Where's the bad?

Wow we agree on something. He can word it differently instead of playing circles around the question. He doesn't even have to go for a straight "yes", but he can and definitely needs to have a prepared question for this.

I am highly disappointed of him tonight.
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Oct 30, 2017

Again I have lived in the south for much of my life and plenty of the people I know from there, are not bigots. I do not speak for everyone of course. I can only attest for my own experiences.

Are there bigots in the south, of course there are. But no need to vilify every single person who lives in a rural community though.

Soul Skater

Oct 25, 2017
I'm no Warren fan but so far she has been doing a better job than Bernie thus far during this campaign.
On answers outside of everything having to do with why she thought she was a Native American, yes she has

On raising money or building up support for a campaign that has much of a chance.. no

It is really unfortunate though. If only she didn't drop a nuke on herself worse than any dem nuke since Dukakis riding a tank


Oct 30, 2017
He's got a history of doing this.

It means he runs as a (D), getting out of this is something he's done before. After losing '16 her went back to being independent. I bought up those leftists or progressive candidates who were of similar ideology to Bernie, but none of them are going around switching to be (I). This is a big part of his appeal to many of his voters, which has been discussed heavily in political threads in this forum.

You have more faith in him doing that than the DNC.

There is a reason Sanders is not a Democrat. I am sure you can look that up.


Oct 25, 2017


One Winged Slayer
Oct 29, 2017
Again I have lived in the south for much of my life and plenty of the people I know from there, are not bigots. I do not speak for everyone of course. I can only attest for my own experiences.

Are there bigots in the south, of course there are. But no need to vilify every single person who lives in a rural community though.

No one is doing this.

Jesus Anime Christ. I'm assuming everyone posting in this topic is American. You really can't read between the lines? Saying "Rural America is bigoted" is not saying "Every Rural American is bigoted."

Can we not pull this #NotAllMen #NotAllCops BS? You know what we mean.

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
Sounds like rich people bitching about poor people.
Sounds a lot to me like we're making excuses for a geographic grouping that OVERWHELMINGLY AND AFFIRMATIVELY voted for Nazis in both of the last two election cycles because some marginalized people happen to live in those areas and then couching those excuses in class struggle when someone points out how similar it sounds to other attempts to brush away criticism


Oct 28, 2017
Jesus Anime Christ. I'm assuming everyone posting in this topic is American. You really can't read between the lines? Saying "Rural America is bigoted" is not saying "Every Rural American is bigoted."
but rural america is not just bigoted, rural america includes diverse communities that absolutely don't fit into the broad brush you're trying to paint of "rural" people as some sort of hateful monolith
Can we not pull this #NotAllMen #NotAllCops BS? You know what we mean.
it's not even remotely comparable to saying not all cops and i absolutely resent the comparison between rural communities and cops. yes, all cops because all cops defend and uphold a white supremacist justice system that is systematically racist
is literally what most of y'all sound like right now
the idea that defending the construction of maleness (or whiteness) and how it's constructed in a way that encourages toxic behavior and is exclusionary towards women, people outside the gender binary and non-conforming people by saying "not all men" when people make valid criticisms of maleness is comparable to saying you shouldn't say "screw rural people" and act like diverse rural communities are some monolith that can be safely thrown under the bus because you think most of them are bigoted is really insulting.

we literally have people here saying they can't wait until rural communities are wiped out and overwhelmed by cities and shrink away into nothingness without any consideration of the unique cultures of diverse rural communities they're erasing so the idea that people here are just attacking the reactionaries in rural communities is a nonsense


Oct 30, 2017
Your previous argument as that he was going to be loyal to the Dems. You ok with him not doing now?

If he gets elected as a Democrat I envision he would stay one. He has never been elected as a Democrat before.

As far as him being an Independent, that is because of the Democratic Party primarily centrist stance on issues for the duration he has been in the U.S. Congress. He has pulled the party more towards the left, especially since his 2016 run. If it was not for Bernie we would not have talk on Medicare for All or many other progressive policies supported by him and AOC.


Dec 26, 2018
If he gets elected as a Democrat I envision he would stay one. He has never been elected as a Democrat before.

As far as him being an Independent, that is because of the Democratic Party primarily centrist stance on issues for the duration he has been in the U.S. Congress. He has pulled the party more towards the left, especially since his 2016 run. If it was not for Bernie we would not have talk on Medicare for All or many other progressive policies supported by him and AOC.

I'm not arguing over why he does what he does, I'm telling you why the DNC are doing this which isn't unreasonable. Your argument so far implies you'd be ok with him leaving the Dems once he wins the presidency. This isn't about justifying his lone wolf status, it's why the Dems want him to have a (D) next to his name if he gets there. I've provided sources to prove this is a reality.
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Oct 25, 2017
I'm no Warren fan but so far she has been doing a better job than Bernie thus far during this campaign.

I hope Warren goes in harder and divides Bernie support.

Bernie's answer at tonight's townhall shows that he has learned nothing from 2016

except she hasn't. she came out the gate stumbling on a strangely tone deaf ad about her Native American ancestry and has not been making her donation targets. She's always been good on policy and continues to be, but she's not a good candidate and her campaign has not been going particularly well.


Oct 30, 2017
No one is doing this.

Jesus Anime Christ. I'm assuming everyone posting in this topic is American. You really can't read between the lines? Saying "Rural America is bigoted" is not saying "Every Rural American is bigoted."

Can we not pull this #NotAllMen #NotAllCops BS? You know what we mean.

As a person from a rural community and also happens to be a white male. I take offense when people begin suggesting everyone who is white and is from a rural community is an ignorant bigot. When that is not true. I usually hear this from people who have never lived in the south.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm not arguing over why he does what he does, I'm telling you why the DNC are doing this which isn't unreasonable. Your argument so far implies you'd be ok with him leaving the Dems once he wins the presidency. This isn't about justifying his lone wolf status, it's why the Dems want him to have a (D) next to his name if he gets there.

I want to clarify. I would not be ok with him being elected as a Democrat and then leaving the Democratic Party after being elected.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
As a person from a rural community and also happens to be a white male. I take offense when people begin suggesting everyone who is white and is from a rural community is an ignorant bigot. When that is not true. I usually hear this from people who have never lived in the south.
this is literally Not All Men. Like, word for word.


Oct 27, 2017
Sounds a lot to me like we're making excuses for a geographic grouping that OVERWHELMINGLY AND AFFIRMATIVELY voted for Nazis in both of the last two election cycles because some marginalized people happen to live in those areas and then couching those excuses in class struggle when someone points out how similar it sounds to other attempts to brush away criticism

Why is that? What's the reason? Why is it that some geographical locations are more bigoted than others?
Jan 15, 2019
except she hasn't. she came out the gate stumbling on a strangely tone deaf ad about her Native American ancestry and has not been making her donation targets. She's always been good on policy and continues to be, but she's not a good candidate and her campaign has not been going particularly well.
Yeeeeah this is kinda my opinion. This is cynical, but I think she made this declaration about not bothering with high-dollar donors and fundraisers any more because she wasn't getting any money from them anyway. She's trying to take a negative and turn it into a positive. If this boosts her small dollar donor base then I guess it worked, but time will tell.


Oct 25, 2017
I apologize to all rural Americans I offended w/ my earlier comment. Not all rural people are bad and in fact, my grandmother came from a rural part of my home country, I'm told.


Dec 26, 2018
Yeeeeah this is kinda my opinion. This is cynical, but I think she made this declaration about not bothering with high-dollar donors and fundraisers any more because she wasn't getting any money from them anyway. She's trying to take a negative and turn it into a positive. If this boosts her small dollar donor base then I guess it worked, but time will tell.

This may be a big miscalculation on her part. She doesn't have Bernie's proven track record with small donations to back this up like he can.

Midnight Jon

Oct 25, 2017
remind me again how the rural US is somehow extricable from the "construction of whiteness" and its negative consequences (particularly compared to urban and suburban areas) when it's LITERALLY THE WHITEST PART

Jan 15, 2019
This may be a big miscalculation on her part. She doesn't have Bernie's proven track record with small donations to back this up like he can.
If she wasn't getting any love from the wealthy donor types anyway, what's she got to lose? Might as well spin it into a positive fundraising rallying cry.

But overall yeah, I think this is a bad sign for her campaign. There's too many candidates and not enough money to go around, especially since dems aren't going around being kept afloat by a couple multi-millionaires the way Republicans were in 2016.


Oct 25, 2017
Lol, it's fine to be anti-stupid.
At least poor people have the excuse of not receiving proper education.
What's the excuse of middle class and rich folk?
You can't teach a goldfish to do calculus. Some people just can't do critical thinking no matter how much you teach them. But some things ARE taught, but not explicitly. And that's where rural areas are bad at this.

Kids raised in isolated, homogenous areas are more likely to end up racist than kids raise in a diverse area where they're constantly having to learn and adapt to meeting new people. The core emotion behind racism, xenophobia? It's Fear. Lovecraft being considered a horror master and lovecraft being incredibly racist? Those two things likely aren't a coincidence. (And no not all horror masters are racist.) And when that fear isn't broken down and eroded away as a kid, it's way harder to do it as an adult, just like so many other things.

And because of the nature of geography, those homogenous isolated areas are far more likely to be in rural areas. And it's why it's incredibly important to break down segregated neighborhoods and other things which try to recreate that isolation and separation in the places which are the future of our country.


Sorry for your ineptitude
Oct 25, 2017
If she wasn't getting any love from the wealthy donor types anyway, what's she got to lose? Might as well spin it into a positive fundraising rallying cry.

But overall yeah, I think this is a bad sign for her campaign. There's too many candidates and not enough money to go around, especially since dems aren't going around being kept afloat by a couple multi-millionaires the way Republicans were in 2016.
Warren's problem is that all the small donors she might get are already solidly in the Bernie camp, leaving her with...........nothing at all on the fundraising front.


Oct 25, 2017
Why is that? What's the reason? Why is it that some geographical locations are more bigoted than others?

This is broad but rural location = further spread out, less contact with other types of people, more self reliant by necessity since they don't need the infrastructure that a city needs, therefore they don't want the government to take their "hard earned money" and "give it away" to the "different" people living in cities.

By nature of having less exposure to other ways of life, traditionalism generally prevails in rural areas.
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