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Oct 26, 2017
That's a great looking stage with the capitol building in the back.

Also, proud to say that one of those democrats (Lizzie Fletcher) is representing my district!


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
I feel bad about biden but I hope he feels like the worst part of hell about it. He needs to know how others feel.


Oct 28, 2017
Good speech from beto. I think he added a bit to his decriminalization of weed to release all the people imprisoned for it.


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't followed Beto closely.
Has he mentioned anything about ending private prisons? or cash bail?


Oct 27, 2017

I'm glad most of the candidates are supporting ending the immoral private prison industry. There shouldn't be a profit incentive to locking people up.


Oct 25, 2017

I'm glad most of the candidates are supporting ending the immoral private prison industry. There shouldn't be a profit incentive to locking people up.
They're on the decline right now naturally because of our declining lockup rates with the mass decline in violent rates, thankfully. Per the ACLU website- 7 percent of state prisoners and 18 percent of federal prisoners in 2015. Anyone we get there should be working to accellerate the transition.


Independent Developer
Nov 25, 2017

I'm glad most of the candidates are supporting ending the immoral private prison industry. There shouldn't be a profit incentive to locking people up.


There shouldn't be a profit incentive to getting people basic healthcare either. Unfortunately, not everyone sees it that way.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
And if theres work in prison it better be at the minimum wage at least

Idk how it is now but I remember somewhat recently reading articles of companies "giving" jobs to prisoners and people being like uplifted by it despite the companies skirting laws to pay the prisoners jack shit


Dec 26, 2018
First off I was mostly talking about revolutions in thought being based on normative assertions in that post. But regardless, nowhere did I say revolution is easy or that the system is weak. If we want to talk about marxists theorizing about why capitalism is so powerful and hard to get rid of, there's plenty of literature out there. Go and look at Guy Debord's notion of the Spectacle, for example. Socialists absolutely do believe a revolution in societal structure is necessary, though. They wouldn't be socialists otherwise. And it doesn't have to be armed rebellion, though it could be.

Fair enough, but it's really the armed revolution I'm skeptical about.

When will it happen? Who knows, and if it does happen it will be hard to pin down an exact date. What will it look like? We can't know that ahead of time. Will it be too late? Hopefully not. At this point the best socialists can do is wait for the revolution, continue building class consciousness, and tending our gardens using the revolution in political thought that has already occurred, while refining our theories along the way.

We don't need dates, we have decades of history to look back on and that the signs of any armed rebellion has been absolutely zero. Of course nobody knows what whatever moment would look like, because there is no organisation in existence to base their ideals and structure off. Revolutions don't happen by waiting, they happen by doing things and in the US leftist insurgence groups never materialise, and no-one's in any hurry to get them going. It's painfully obvious why they don't, and I'm relieved they aren't that suicidal in the real world. That's why I remain unconvinced they're serious, socialists have had plenty of time and reasons to do this (Reagan, Dubya, Trump, Nixon etc) and nothing. It's all talk. That's just it, it's a political thought exercise, or they would have done something during the government shut downs. This is why they should just let that go, focus on revolutionising within the system with the Justice Dems and candidates like Bernie Sanders. Those people and organisations exist and do tangible things to help their causes, they're not fantasies.


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017

Haven't seen how many showed up in Austin, but had 10,500 in Houston.

Chaos Legion

The Wise Ones
Oct 30, 2017
Very happy Beto keeps pushing gun reform in his speeches, I wish that was a more vocal point for more candidates.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Oh nice, I posted a week or so ago wondering whether Beto would actually voice support for debt-free college.
Good list of policy, though I'd like him to jump on the non-multi-payer health care and campaign finance reform.
Oct 27, 2017
Maybe people have talked about this already, but the Biden accussations pretty much kill any chance for Abrams to be his running mate, right? I can't see her wanting to be attached to a person with that controversy

Dr. Benton Quest

Resettlement Advisor
Oct 25, 2017
Maybe people have talked about this already, but the Biden accussations pretty much kill any chance for Abrams to be his running mate, right? I can't see her wanting to be attached to a person with that controversy
Judging by her comments, it seems she wasn't even asked by the campaign, and was a bit frustrated at being seen as a token.

I could be projecting my own thoughts on to the situation. Idk, it always kinda rubbed me the wrong way.

Abrams could be president herself if she decided to run. There's no reason for her to play second fiddle to an old white guy.

Deleted member 171

Oct 25, 2017
Bernie and Beto are eating up all the small donors right now. Warren was always going to have finance issues, and honestly that plays into her whole theme.


Feb 28, 2018

Doesn't sound to me like she's in it to win anymore - I think she's trying to be an "influencer" in the primary, steering the conversation and pushing the eventual nominee towards a more Progressive position. She puts her beliefs and what's good for the people before her personal accomplishments. She's awesome like that.


Oct 30, 2017
Oh nice, I posted a week or so ago wondering whether Beto would actually voice support for debt-free college.

the debt-free college point is one of those issues where I'd really like a more concrete definition of what he means (and I'd like this from essentially everyone that talks about the issue). in particular, a lot of debt-free plans tie directly back to expected family contributions, which often have a really onerous formula (and, surprise - if your family can't pay that "expected family contribution", you still have debt). similarly, are there hoops tied to it e.g. work-study/pledging to work for americorps after graduation/etc? are we speaking about debt-free college or debt-free tuition? (another thing that has come up in the past) is it tied to states increasing spending or is it a national program?

none of these are especially specific asks (I don't need to see the actual EFC formula or something), but I think that "debt-free college" is just far too broad a statement for me to support or not. you have everything from the 2016 clinton plan for "debt-free college", which was "debt-free tuition" to the schatz plan for "debt-free college", which includes considerations for room/board but is reliant on state matching to the sanders plan that's "tuition-free college" but doesn't account for room/board. they all fall short in their own ways, but I do think some are better than others and I do think those differences are incredibly important.


Oct 25, 2017

"I have no reason not to believe Lucy," Bernie Sanders says on CBS of Lucy Flores allegation against Biden. "And I think what this speaks to is the need to fundamentally change the culture of our country." Sanders adds: "I'm not sure that one incident alone disqualifies anybody."

.@BernieSanders says his campaign plans on releasing his tax returns and challenges @realDonaldTrump to do the same: "Trust me, we do not have investments in Russia or Saudi Arabia or any place else."
Run them taxes, duke.


Oct 25, 2017
I get the feeling Bernie is waiting until the day Biden enters the race to try to sweep his taxes under the rug as a news story.


Oct 27, 2017
A charitable read is that Bernie obviously knows it's not an isolated incident due to the preponderance of video evidence, and is waiting for more people to come forward and straight up denounce him.

Very few candidates have officially stated that Biden is disqualified.


Feb 28, 2018
if Bernie said "yes, I think Biden did a horrible thing that is disqualifying" the same people would be saying he's "sowing division" and "not being civil" and "giving the election to Trump"


Oct 25, 2017
"I'm not sure that one incident alone disqualifies anyone"

Just incredibly tone deaf. This is after ignoring sexual harrassment multiple times on his 2016 campaign. Didn't he also write rape fantasies?
Grasping at straws, ad hominem, and false equivalence. I think you just checked all the boxes.
if Bernie said "yes, I think Biden did a horrible thing that is disqualifying" the same people would be saying he's "sowing division" and "not being civil" and "giving the election to Trump"
Exactly. No serious candidate is going to call for Biden to drop out, at least until the accusations start piling up.

Here's Lucy Flores on Bernie's take:


Oct 28, 2017
Until more comes out about Biden, no one is going to say he needs to step out of the presidential race. But of course Bernie will get attacked for it.


The Eggplant Queen
Oct 25, 2017
New York City
Every candidate has skeletons. Every single one. The older you are the more you have. Beto needs to start rising in them polls.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
"I'm not sure if one incident disqualifies anybody" seemed like it meant "It's not like this was a one time incident" to me, and was coming from somebody who doesn't want to outright smear a vice president and "sow division within the party". Nobody's going to say he should get out of the race before he's even entered, and Biden is going to ride this schrodinger's candidate thing as long as he can because he's a much stronger politician in the abstract than he is in reality.

Maybe Bernie can get all of his evil hackers and Stein voters in his campaign to stop stirring their cauldron just long enough to summon more of the "Biden is a fucking creep" stories.
"I'm not sure that one incident alone disqualifies anyone"

Just incredibly tone deaf. This is after ignoring sexual harrassment multiple times on his 2016 campaign. Didn't he also write rape fantasies?
I'm pretty sure you know the context for all of this, but are just being disingenuous, right?


Attempted to circumvent a ban with an alt
Oct 25, 2017
"I'm not sure if one incident disqualifies anybody" seemed like it meant "It's not like this was a one time incident" to me, and was coming from somebody who doesn't want to outright smear a vice president and "sow division within the party". Nobody's going to say he should get out of the race before he's even entered, and Biden is going to ride this schrodinger's candidate thing as long as he can because he's a much stronger politician in the abstract than he is in reality.

Maybe Bernie can get all of his evil hackers and Stein voters in his campaign to stop stirring their cauldron just long enough to summon more of the "Biden is a fucking creep" stories.

I'm pretty sure you know the context for all of this, but are just being disingenuous, right?
What's the context?
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