Penny Royal

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
QLD, Australia
Probably not, my nickname on another forum was a color, I just added another color because it was used and to to be recognized.

But now I'm curious on what could it mean lol.

Black & red are the colours of the Anarcho-Syndicalist/anarcho-communist flag.



Nov 19, 2017
Fact is the already publicly apologised for it 6 years ago and Disney still hired him.

That's really messed up. :(

What's the double standard? Gunn posted these tweets years ago, has admitted they were gross, has admitted he was gross, apologized for his behavior, and demonstrated that he had grown and changed. That's what we should be striving for.

Exactly. If he has done that, and Disney hired him in spite of the past tweets, then there is no point to his firing.
Make things better, not worse.

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder though, have the same people defending Gunn forgiven, say, Mel Gibson?
Certainly Rosanne is a no no, but what about in 2 years? That's the time gap for some of James' tweets and his work being shot into the mainstream.
Rosanne immediately went back on her apology a few hours after making it.

It's not hard.


Oct 26, 2017
We'll make sure that Disney will correct their wrong.
By stanning for their properties, buying their merchandise and turning up for their movies at day one?

Surely, if you cared for Gunn, you'd want him at a better company? Working for people who would have been aware of his history, okay with it and willing to stand by him. Not a company willing to throw him under the bus at the first sign of outrage.


Oct 27, 2017
I'll be honest, the message for the petition should have said something along the lines of "Re-hire James Gunn or we'll boycott Guardians 3" cause right now it's more of a "I don't like that you fired James Gunn, but nothing will really happen to you if you don't re-hire him".

Bottom line is I hate that the Alt-Right got a victory, will skip Guardians 3 if Disney hires a white male to replace Gunn, but will support it if they hire a minority and/or LGBT director to replace him (I don't think there's a chance in hell they re-hire Gunn).

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I wonder though, have the same people defending Gunn forgiven, say, Mel Gibson?
Certainly Rosanne is a no no, but what about in 2 years? That's the time gap for some of James' tweets and his work being shot into the mainstream.

You place violent racism on the same level as rape and pedophilia jokes

Deleted member 176

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'll be honest, the message for the petition should have said something along the lines of "Re-hire James Gunn or we'll boycott Guardians 3" cause right now it's more of a "I don't like that you fired James Gunn, but nothing will really happen to you if you don't re-hire him".

Bottom line is I hate that the Alt-Right got a victory, will skip Guardians 3 if Disney hires a white male to replace Gunn, but will support it if they hire a minority and/or LGBT director to replace him (I don't think there's a chance in hell they re-hire Gunn).
I suppose you could argue that, if Disney fired him immediately without looking into it because they were afraid of the PR, this could show them that the PR may not be that bad? I agree tho, you need Pratt.


Oct 27, 2017
Come on now, Weinstein was outed and went to jail, people were to scared to say anything because they thought their careers would be ruined. Bill O'Reilly lost his job, Lauer lost his job. Its very disingenuous to compare rapists to a guy who made very very bad jokes

I was responding to somebody who said we had double standards so I pointed out that the circumstances between this incident and past ones are very different. I think (?) we agree on this.

Nope. Doesn't take away he joked about raping a boy on Twitter. Jokes aren't protected. They are usually if in a work or on stage, but Twitter is neither of those.

Protected in what sense? They're not protected by law, regardless of the circumstances (beyond that you can't go to jail for them). Disney is of course within their rights and that is not surprising. The court of public opinion has no rules, and that's what we're in now.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Disney should just hire a POC or a woman

that would be a hilarious end to this mess the alt right started
Throughout every single new star wars and MCU movie there's been 1 director. And She she's a co-director. And it's for a movie that hasn't even released yet.

One POC too.

Laughable tbh

Iirc the first female head writer was actually with Gunn with the guardians franchise


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, that's how it usually is. Imagine if Louis CK did the n word bit on Twitter. However, some work or acts can be criticized regardless.
Look. I think James Gunn's tweets are dumb as shit and not in the least bit funny. They're juvenile and embarrassing. They make me cringe and wonder what the fuck this dude was thinking posting them. But they're jokes all the same. If they were presented as anything else, I'd be agreeing with you all the way.

But the fact is that you also recognise them as jokes. That's all the context that matters. Whether you're on stage, in a scripted sitcom or posting on Twitter, the only context that matters here is that they were jokes. It doesn't matter the platform they were delivered on.

If you fin these poorly delivered, unfunny, embarrassing jokes worthy of destroying a man's career for the content they're addressing. You shouldn't be supporting other dudes like Larry David who - although leagues funnier than Gunn, still broaches the same unmentionable shock topics in his humour. Because he recognises that they're jokes.


Oct 26, 2017
Earth 616
By stanning for their properties, buying their merchandise and turning up for their movies at day one?

Surely, if you cared for Gunn, you'd want him at a better company? Working for people who would have been aware of his history, okay with it and willing to stand by him. Not a company willing to throw him under the bus at the first sign of outrage.

I want him working on his passion project. Let's cut to the chase and be frank: you are a DC fan, you perceive me as a Marvel fan. This isn't about this. I honestly think that Gunn should most definitely one day work for WB and help world build the DC Universe, he has shown willing to do so one day. But this is bigger than Gunn at this point, I don't think geek culture can allow the alt-right to have this win, not without one hell of a fight.

I want Gunn to finish his trilogy. Before, I wanted him to make cosmic Marvel the way he was thinking about, now tho? I just want him to tell his story and then he most definitely should go to WB and make a shit ton of money for making excellent films. But right now, this is way bigger than Marvel and DC. I'm a fan of both, mind you.


What's more, this is about this post:

I've spent the past two and a half years making a film - probably a good 95% of my non-sleeping life during that time - and sometimes it seems it all comes down to these few weeks of release in theaters. Let me tell you, it's harrowing.

The movie is doing incredibly all over the world - up nearly fifty percent over the first film in most territories, and a breakout hit in countries where it didn't do as well the first time around (hi, Korea!)

I'm exceptionally proud of how well it's doing in the countries I've visited and where I've made many friends the past few years - Thailand, Brazil, Colombia, Russia, the UK. You've all welcomed me into your countries and I'm a better person for my interactions with you.

So, as we open up around the world, I would be lying if I said I don't get distracted by the numbers. The first thing I do in the morning is roll over in bed and check my phone for the morning box office reports.

But, in the end, it's not what matters to me. I write this now to let you know, but also to remind myself. Because I'm human and I sometimes forget.

When I was young I felt utterly alone, at times to the point of suicidal thoughts. I never felt like I belonged, had an incredibly difficult time connecting to other people and, despite having love around me, I had an impossible time experiencing it, or taking it in.

But I found my respite in popular entertainment - Marvel comics, science fiction and horror films, the music of The Sex Pistols, The Replacements, and Queen. Suddenly I could see past the bland suburbs where I lived into a more magical world, a world more aligned with what I imagined. Sometimes these works were simply escapist fantasies that distracted me from the difficulties of my internal life. But other times, in the strongest moments - maybe through the words of Alice Cooper or Freddie Mercury, through Cronenberg films, or even in Chewbacca's growl, I experienced something deeper - the realization that I wasn't completely alone. Someone out there was as weird and strange and whacked out as I was.

So this morning, as the internet discusses box office and its many theories around what that means (zzzzzzzz), I'd like to remember that that's truly all nonsense and noise. The only meaning the money holds for me is that I can pay my mortgage, feed my dog and cat, and continue making movies. I haven't worked two and a half years just to watch a string of numbers getting higher.

I work because I like telling stories. I work because I love the relationships I have with my collaborators. And I do it because I like connecting with people, and the easiest way I know how to do that is through filmmaking. I do it so that some kid in Thailand, or England, or Colombia, or Brazil, or Japan, or Russia, or anywhere, can hear the frequency of his or her own heart bouncing back off the Guardians.

They're a group of heartbroken misfits whose lives have been bereft of tenderness and connection and who have a nearly impossible time trusting themselves or others. But they're learning, one step at a time.

They are me. They are you. We are Groot.

And no matter how much world leaders are telling you we aren't in this together, we are. You are not alone.

Thank you so much, my Facebook friends, for supporting me over the past two and a half years, and thank you for all the messages letting us know we've keyed into the frequency of your hearts. I love you all, and I'll continue being here with you over the next three years as we create Vol. 3.


PS Still blocking spoilers. Sorry.

Last edited:


Oct 28, 2017
I was responding to somebody who said we had double standards so I pointed out that the circumstances between this incident and past ones are very different. I think (?) we agree on this.

Protected in what sense? They're not protected by law, regardless of the circumstances (beyond that you can't go to jail for them). Disney is of course within their rights and that is not surprising. The court of public opinion has no rules, and that's what we're in now.

my bad, i cant read so good sometimes.


Oct 27, 2017
My man worked at one of the sickest, most perverse, and downright twisted movie companies at the time he made the comments he did.
If people cannot understand he was actually marketing himself and his brand, his social currency if you will, by making such comments, you are actually way more out of touch than I even realized.
Needless to say, I have signed it.

Deleted member 15326

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
How about at least attempting to address the hypothetical rather than shrug it off? An evergreen argument should be able to stand up to that.

Hypotheticals are what people lean on when they have a terrible argument or no argument.

You running to use people who've actually hurt others as examples isn't very clever either.

Anyway, I made the mistake of engaging you in the first place so that's on me. Now I'm done.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
And if she didn't?

I dont for one second believe that this much of Era is genuinely this forgiving to everyone that fucks up in this matter.
Because there's not many cases like Gunn's. Ideally we would like it for people after being told to stop what they're doing to stop it. Often times when that happens a majority of people in this situation either double down or try to cowardly remove traces of their transgressions and hope it will all blow over. Hardly anyone that has been in these situations have done the right choice in apologizing and stop doing what they're doing. Era rarely defends these people because most of the time these people don't learn the right lesson and don't actually do anything about it but instead make it worse on themselves.


Oct 25, 2017
You're asking people to defend or argue against a hypothetical, which is kind of hard to do.
My point is that if the argument that "people can grow" comes from a legitimate place and not out of fanatacism, it should be applicable to anyone who has done similar things, regardless of who they are or what art they make.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Jokes are supposed to be funny, what's funny about pedophilia and rape?
The jokes in question weren't funny partly due to the subject matter but mostly because they were just shitty jokes.

Here's a video from an entire episode about pedophilia and child rape, pretty funny tbh.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder though, have the same people defending Gunn forgiven, say, Mel Gibson?
Certainly Rosanne is a no no, but what about in 2 years? That's the time gap for some of James' tweets and his work being shot into the mainstream.
While I cannot comment on the general perception, Gunn's tweets are bad taste--not a representation of his actual views. He did not support pedophilia or rape when he made those tweets. Gibson, on the other hand, revealed part of his ideology to racist. Ideology tends to be more difficult to change, and asking someone to provide proof they are no longer racist is a bit more difficult.

Because Gunn has apologized, stopped said comments, and largely proven himself to be an ally in the years past, forgiveness is easier to give.

Personally, I wouldn't go out of my way to support Mel Gibson, but I also wouldn't ask him to be stripped from a movie should he be a part of its cast.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
My point is that if the argument that "people can grow" comes from a legitimate place and not out of fanatacism, it should be applicable to anyone who has done similar things, regardless of who they are or what art they make.
Ok. Roseanne didn't grow.

Case closed.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017

There are in fact many Twitter accounts that are nothing but joke accounts, a performance art.
Ok? Then make it absolutely clear. 100% clear. Even then, not everyone believes this to be true. We can almost all agree a tv show or movie or comedy routine is definitely more official than a Twitter account. People need to accept that.

Lys Skygge

Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
I'll just quote myself from the other thread...

It's ridiculous to say we're only defending Gunn because he makes "our favorite nerd movies".

I liked the first GoTG, and disliked GoTG2. But overall, I don't really give a shit about GoTG or Marvel films in general. James Gunn could have voluntarily stepped down from directing GoTG3 (without the controversy) and I wouldn't give a shit. I personally think the GoTG films will be fine without him.

My issue is that these tweets were 7+ years ago at a time when many people were trying to be edgy for laughs. Since those tweets, Gunn has not only apologized, and has taken steps to change; he's also continually brought up how awful he acted is the past, and how he's changed for the better. He's always been open with how he was 10 years ago, and he's always talked about how much better of a person he's become over the years. His tweets have not only been public this whole time, but he's also been very open about who he was.

The fact that he's always been open about his past, and Disney just now felt the need to fire him because of some alt-right pieces of shit, is my biggest issue.

I'd apply this same standard to anyone. If Milo decided one day to become a better person, and 10 years from now people decide to use his past against him, I'd be pissed.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Ok? Then make it absolutely clear. 100% clear. Even then, not everyone believes this to be true. We can almost all agree a tv show or movie or comedy routine is definitely more official than a Twitter account. People need to accept that.
Sorry, he should have made it clear when he tweeted those things he wasn't actually raping children? Do you realize the logic?

They were shitty, unfunny, tasteless shock jokes. If you perceived them to be anything else idk what to say

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
Just because someone pays you to say it doesn't make it better. That just means whoever paid money to them is on the same level. Your logic doesn't make sense.
Ok? Then make that case to people? Twitter isn't tv or a movie. I think people getting fired and what not from their Twitter posts should make it more clear. Not everyone believes in the Twitter protection.


Oct 25, 2017
How do the people here grossly offended by Gunn's unfunny shock jokes feel about Curb Your Enthusiasm?

I do think shows/movies are viewed differently than things coming from a person's Twitter account. Maybe because of the collaborative nature and deferred responsibility of the former, or because of it being seen as a valid forum for otherwise distasteful humour.

Something like Tropic Thunder would be viewed differently to someone having posted photos on Twitter of themselves wearing blackface, for instance.
Oct 25, 2017
My point is that if the argument that "people can grow" comes from a legitimate place and not out of fanatacism, it should be applicable to anyone who has done similar things, regardless of who they are or what art they make.
Right, and I don't think people will disagree with that, but trying to make a potential hypothetical to discredit the site and its "hypocrisy" is a separate thing. Moreover, unless you think Gunn's "jokes" were born out of sincerity, it's still different than what Roseanne was doing and spreading.