
Oct 25, 2017
201. Alan Wake 2 (Series X) - A sequel that I've been hoping would end up happening for years, and thankfully it did not disappoint. Quite the opposite, Remedy kicked ass in many ways - visually its astounding while also being a practically locked 60FPS on Xbox, and plot wise it was exactly what I wanted from the sequel - its a great ending, yet is left open for further content should Remedy want to dive back into Cauldron Lake!

I loved how the game is split between Alan and Saga - both have compelling plots, weave into each others plots well, and give me another opporunity to explore Bright Falls - actually this was one of my absolute favourite parts of the game... the town has an even weirder vibe than what it had back in the original game, Watery especially, and it just suited the game perfectly. The dark place was also really well handled, with Alan being able to manipulate it with light and his writing, so they could really come up with some amazing little set pieces - the whole musical portion especially is an 11/10 segment if ever there was one!

My only real issues boil down to combat. Aside the fact that you can never really run out of ammo (I ran out of storage space in the end!) kinda kills a bit of the tention, and the actual combat doesnt feel all that great. Its still better than the original (which was relentless, and after a while, really bland) but its a far cry from say... Resident Evil 2 or 4.

Hopefully we wont have to wait another decade for a sequel, or at least get more related content in the Control sequel!

Eventually gonna get to:
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...
May 15, 2019
This is an update for what I completed in November and December:

Main Post

6. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III (PS5/PC) | 26th Nov - 15hrs | 5/10

Honestly, have three different opinions on this game all at once:
1) The campaign wasn't that great and the ending was terrible in my opinion. The intro mission got me hyped, but I hated the new open combat missions structure and it killed my experience. Made me feel like I was playing DMZ/Warzone, which I don't want in the campaigns.
2) The multiplayer is a blast - I absolutely love the Modern Warfare 2 (2009) maps and the gameplay feels rather nice. It is extremely enjoyable and the reason I keep playing.
3) Zombies is....okay. Not really vibing with it and would rather play something round based.

Honestly, I'd recommend waiting for it to get a sale down to like $30 in a year or two. Originally had a score of 7/10 but dropping it down 2 points for one of the campaign missions bugging out, causing my PS5 to crash repeatedly and forcing me to start all over again. I almost gave up on it - but that was a few hours of agony try to fix things (I wiped the game from my SSD multiple times for example).

7. Mortal Kombat (PSVita) | 21st Dec - 10hrs | 8/10

I played this game when I was younger on Xbox 360, but only in bursts at a friend's house. Now I finally got to play the story mode all the way through and had a ton of fun. I found the experience to be extremely enjoyable and would highly recommend it to any fighting game fans! I also felt like the PSVita version did not hold back the experience in any way - honestly playing it on the go with a device from that era of gaming was so much fun!

Didn't make it to 52 this year, but enjoyed tracking what I played. I'm currently working on Starfield but don't think at this rate I'll have it completed by the end of the year. Way too busy, way too much life/life events going on throughout the year, but that happens!
May 15, 2019
201. Alan Wake 2 (Series X)
Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...

Congrats hitting over 200! Honestly I've only managed to do 7 and hope one day I can play the amount you were able to! What's best your favorite ones/standouts from the list?


Oct 25, 2017
Congrats hitting over 200! Honestly I've only managed to do 7 and hope one day I can play the amount you were able to! What's best your favorite ones/standouts from the list?
Thanks! Im quite "lucky" in that my shift work + no kids mean I have a rather strong focus on gaming!

Standouts of the year...

Alan Wake 2 - As mentioned above, I adored this one. There's one particular part I just cant get out of my head, and its just one of those super high class games that just clicked with me, even with a few issues here and there.
Also need to mention RE4 and Dead Space Remakes as these two + AW2 basically make up this amazing trifecter of survival horror games that are incredibly well done.

Yakuza Gaiden - I love Yakuza more than pretty much any other franchise. So this one ended up being amazing as it did exactly what I wanted from it - mainly having a good final boss, decent combat, and some great side content. Also it gets major props for including a port of Daytona 2 in it, which makes it even better!

Mr Run and Jump - This little indie game gets little mention but its my favourite indie game of the year. Tough as nails to 100% but I couldnt put it down. Its up there with Celeste for me.

Power Wash Sim - My other favourite indie game I played this year. You'd think power washing is a pretty boring choice for a game, yet my in game timer stands at 40+ hours as of now lol.

Plague Tale Requiem - Special mention to this one because I absolutely loved the setting, characters and set pieces. Even compared to some of the biggest games of this year, remembering my time with this game makes me look back on it even fonder lol. I do wish they'd have made the 30FPS mode a little smoother, or had the 60FPS mode without a few of the cutbacks, but its still an amazing game otherwise.

Plus there's Spidey 2, Mario Wonder, and so many retro games and other releases that I really loved... There were only a small handful of games I didnt love this year looking back at my list!
And stuff not on the list (as Im not done) that I love - DJMax Respect, Street Fighter VI and Euro Truck Sim 2.

Funny thing is, I already know my GOTY 2024 - Its Yakuza 8. I cant see any reality where this isnt my most played and most loved game!
Dec 7, 2017
Woo, 52 new games finished!
Full list can be found in original post -

Couple of interesting things -
The game that I've owned the longest and finished for the first time this year was Red Faction Guerilla, which was purchased on the 5th of july 2011, and I finished it on the 14th of May this year, 11.87 Years between the date purchase and finished!

The average time between buying a game and finishing it for the first time, was 6.2 Years!
Average amount of hours across games 9.2Hrs, with the most being Persona 4 Golden at 55.7Hrs, and least with altered beast at 30 minutes.
I 100%'d 8 games, including games I had started playing previously

I think it's pretty obvious when work started to ramp up and I was unable to play/finish many games.

Platform split!

Early on in the year I was playing PlayStation and finishing up games over there, but then I just decided to start playing more PC games.

Might be able to maaybe finish one more game, but probably not, so here's to 2024!


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
I've been lazy but I'm finally logging my 52nd game completed this it is!

<< Previous Post | Main Post | Next Post >>


52. Signalis

Signalis has so many great points in it's favor: it's a tense, atmospheric survival horror that makes you really think about your routes and what you carry with you. It has excellent, unsettling environment design and sound design. Enemy design is less varied, but the reasoning is explained in the game's engrossing lore/background.

But I think what really makes Signalis stand out is the presentation. The esoteric flashes of colors and text; the surreal POV/character switching for cutscenes; the references to literature and art and music; the utterly unhinged and nonsensical breadcrumbs hinting at what's happening. Signalis teeters on being an arthouse game and the experience is better for it. Now, this is not for everyone, and I've seen people take marks off the game for this. But I love it. It's exactly the reason I play indie games.

I often find myself thinking about it's opening cutscene over and over again. I think I'm doing it a disservice by presenting it out of context - there's a bit of gameplay before it happens - but it is the first introduction to the game's vibe. and it's what really hooked me and made me realize I was playing something special.

"Great holes are secretly dug
Where Earth's pores ought to suffice

And things have learned to walk
That ought to crawl"



Oct 27, 2017
Starting to get a bit worried I'm not going to finish BG3 before the end of the year and get stuck on 51. I should be fine, I hit max level last night and should be able to squeeze out a bit of time before new year's, but going to be a lot tighter than it seemed around September when I was about 10 games ahead of schedule. Might have to leave a few characters act three quests for later.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
Main Post

Wow it took a long time for me to beat something this month. I should just barely be able to complete the challenge I'd say.

51. Slay The Princess (Steam Deck) - December 22nd (3 Hours)
Committing regicide for fun and profit. Easy peasy no sweat. Just go in and get the job done. Definitely don't get manipulated and gaslit the whole way through. No way!

It's very difficult to actually talk about this game without getting into spoilers but to put it simply I had a fantastic time with Slay The Princess. It's has some fantastic writing that perfectly balances it's comedy with the scares while never getting so scary that it alienates a scaredy cat like me. The art and soundtrack are excellent as well and. I had originally thought that the ending was a little underwhelming but I'm only now finding out that I just blatantly ignored all the options that flesh it out. There's also a bunch of paths I haven't gone down and choices I never made so don't let that playtime fool you, there's a lot to see here and I'll definitely be coming back to this one for a while. Definitely looking forward to the update that's been announced for next year. I think this might be my game of the year.



Oct 25, 2017
202. Actraiser (SNES) - I did a run through on the remake back in September, and I mainly hated it for being a bloated POS that ruined the original game. So I thought it made sense to actually replay the original game to make sure I hadn't imagined it being far better. And no, I didnt imagine things, the original is STILL the best version of the game there is.

The game is divided into two sections - action platforming bits where you fight monsters, and an overworld element where you help people, get rid of monster spawns, gain more followers and power up for the next boss battle (more followers = more XP = more health etc.)

So while the action bits are mainly the same, its the overworld bits that are night and day and make this THE version to play.
The big difference being the pace. In the remake, its a meanderingly slow existence where you have crappy story segments interupting you every few seconds. Everything is slow (from monster spawning to town populating) and after you get rid of the spawns, you'll have enemy attacks that randomly pop up, which were fucking terrible tower defense shite.

The original though is lightning fast. Enemies spawn faster so you can use more magic and clear away trees etc. faster so the towns can flourish quicker. Once you clear all spawns up you can relax as no further enemies then spawn. And since you dont have stupid story and tower defense sections further slowing things to a crawl, you'll get through these sections super fast. So its probably only gonna take you an afternoon to clear it, while its going to take you the best part of a day to finish the remake due to the padding.

The action sections do seem to be different in one regard though - the difficulty. This game feels tougher than the remake, and I mean that in a good way. Bosses are well done for the most part and dont mess around, so you actually gotta learn patterns and figure out a strategy. In the remake spamming magic works a bit too well... Here magic is in short supply so you cant spam it, you gotta know when to use it.
Timing is also far tighter here - for example, the second main boss in the remake is a dude who shoots lightning then transforms into a werewolf mid fight. In this original version he has the same moves, but he's like twice as fast and the window to damage him is way smaller, so you have to be far more on your toes just to hit him, let alone beat him. And this pattern is basically identical for all bosses.

Later stages feel tougher as well - the ice dragon stage feels pretty darn tough due to enemy layout + the bubble ascent section is no joke.

The only part where bosses are maybe a little too tough is the final gauntlet. As was the style at the time, you'd refight past bosses before the final one, and here the main change is that they are sped up further. For something like Pinwheel or the Minotaur, this makes it hard to damage them while also evading, so I ended up choosing damage over evasion as it was easier to damage them several times while getting hit once... Not a winning formula lol. Also, as mentioned, magic is finite while I had 6ish lives so picking as choosing when to use it was paramount. The Ice Dragon absolutely was one of those moments where I needed it, sadly that was the penultimate boss so it required me getting really good at the other bosses, which took a while.

The final bosses phases were surprisingly easy to be honest... evading damage is pretty simple and your sword gains a energy beam so no need to get close.

All in all, I loved it. The far quicker pace in the overworld and difficulty in the action sections make this vastly superior to the poor remake.

Eventually gonna get to:
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 25, 2017
-72.290091, 0.795254
I very much doubt I will complete another game between now and the end of 2023 so I'll post my final score card here (original post).

Another low in the context of this thread number for me but it's a number that is on the way up from 2022 and roughly equivalent to 2021. Going by that I'll be back to 52 in... 2027!

> Completed Games (18/52)

#01: Metro Exodus - 4A Games - PC - ★★★★☆
#02: Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 1) - Infinity Ward / Raven Software - PC - ★★★☆☆
#03: Metro Exodus - The Two Colonels - 4A Games - PC - ★★★★☆
#04: Metro Exodus - Sam's Story - 4A Games - PC - ★★★★☆
#05: Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Treyarch - PC - ★★★☆☆
#06: SCUM - Gamepires - PC - ★★☆☆☆
#07: Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 2) - Infinity Ward / Raven Software - PC - ★★★☆☆
#08: State of Decay 2 - Undead Labs - PC - ★★★★☆
#09: F1 22 - Codemasters - PC - ★★★☆☆
#10: Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 3) - Infinity Ward / Raven Software - PC - ★★☆☆☆
#11: Assassin's Creed Origins - Ubisoft - PC - ★★★☆☆
#12: Day of the Tentacle - Double Fine - PC - ★★★★☆
#13: Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 4) - Infinity Ward / Raven Software - PC - ★★★☆☆
#14: Shakedown: Hawaii - Vblank Entertainment - PC - ★★★☆☆
#15: Divinity: Original Sin II Definitive Edition - Larian Studios - PC - ★★★★★
#16: Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 - Vicarious Visions - PC - ★★★★☆
#17: Call of Duty: MWIII Campaign - Sledgehammer Games - PC - ★★★☆☆
#18: Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 6) - Infinity Ward / Raven Software - PC - ★★★☆☆

★☆☆☆☆ - Bad | ★★☆☆☆ - OK | ★★★☆☆ - Good | ★★★★☆ - Great | ★★★★★ - Exceptional

> 2023 progress diary:

18/January - Metro Exodus - 28 hours
A very interesting game and a well realised departure from the Metro tunnels of Moscow. It doesn't have the polish of some of the bigger studios out there but get past that and it's an excellent journey told from an interesting perspective.


21/January - Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 1) - Some hours!
Completed the battle pass for Season 1. A good start to the game but I do have some issues, all of them are resolvable though so I'll wait and see.


22/January - Metro Exodus - Two Colonels (DLC) - 3 hours
Short but excellent. I don't normally like flashback story telling but it works really well here. And flamethrowers are always fun.


01/February - Metro Exodus - Sam's Story (DLC) - 8 hours
Conversely to the Two Colonels DLC, maybe a little long with one or two sections feeling a little added on but still worth playing. The ending(s) are interesting and the one I chose really did make me feel a little bad for the long suffering Sam.


12/February - Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - 10 hours
An interesting and bombastic but fairly predictable campaign. Fun to play through and I liked the puzzle elements to 'solving' the two extra side missions.


18/March - SCUM - 93 hours
You can't really complete something like this but I've played enough of the early access to get to the point where I know it well and consider it 'played'. I've mostly stopped as the changes they are making at this stage are meaning too many restarts and I'd rather now just wait and play again if and when it gets more stable in terms of content. I played a little bit of this multiplayer but mostly played it like a solo survival explore 'em up. I would never recommend something like to anyone but if it's your kind of thing you'll know it and probably enjoy it.


22/March - Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 2) - Some hours!
Still enjoying the multiplayer, new maps are big but fun enough. Not digging resurgence and Ashika Island as much as I'd hoped but it might just be a case of getting to know it better. Still overall expecting to see continued tweaking so as per season 1, wait and see how it goes into season 3.


27/May - State of Decay 2 - 60 hours
I still love this game. Sure it has flaws but overall it's just such a great blend of survival, base management and exploration that I can forgive them. Really looking forward to what the team bring to the table in State of Decay 3.


28/May - F1 22 - 54 hours
Last F1 game I played was 2019 and this feels very similar. A little better in some areas, a little regressive in others. Played through a couple of seasons (well three if you include the shortened F2 season that starts the career) and broadly enjoyed it but I do think they could do so much more with the single player campaign.


30/May - Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 3) - Some hours!
Completed the season 3 battlepass. I thought season 3 had some interesting new things here and there. Still playing a decent amount of MP, a little DMZ and a little resurgence. I much prefer massive resurgence on the big map but I think that's just because I don't really like Ashika Island very much. This was also the season where I finished getting the gold camos on all the assault rifles so I can go for platinum, a first for me! Understandable I guess given the amount of camos per gun is drastically reduced. Overall, not a bad season bar the quite P2W elements added to DMZ that really do annoy me, if only on principle. Still makes me drop my rating, for want of a better term, from good to OK.


04/June - Assassin's Creed Origins - 68 hours
Started this ages ago, it's too long but finally after a break I've finished the main story line and most of the side missions. It's a beautifully realised world but one that is very typical in it's Ubisoft gameplay design. Probably why it took me so long to get through it. Some wonderful locations and vistas though and generally some good times had both in the game and in the discovery mode so I can't be too harsh.


19/June - Day of the Tentacle - 3.7 hours
I love this game and it's fantastically remastered. Great job all round.


25/July - Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 4) - Some hours!
Cut this one fine due to some PC issues and surgery. Got it done though with a week to spare. Quite enjoying the new map Vondel and the changes to DMZ. Have got quite in the Koschei Complex as a good solo re-equip your character with basic 3 plate and medium backup gear run. The events have been a bit lacklustre but you can't have everything.


30/July - Shakedown: Hawaii - 13.2 hours
Silly fun with some on the nose commentary on society and capitalism today.


12/August - Divinity: Original Sin II Definitive Edition - 186.3 hours
What a ride. I've been playing this for the best part of three years and I genuinely felt like applauding as the credits rolled. What a fantastic game. Now onto Baldur's Gate 3 I guess!


14/October - Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 - 19.2 hours
Got all goals and golds. Still a really fun game but I wish they had removed Olly the Bum which feels a little out of touch given the current climate.


05/November - Call of Duty Modern Warfare III - 6 hours
Short campaign that seems to be getting widespread derision. I get it, it's is clearly rushed but there's quite a bit to like in here for me personally. I like the changes to movement, I like the new horizontal zips, I continue to like the gameplay feel. I even liked a few of the open world missions and will definitely play them again with a better loadout now I have unlocked stuff and the more scripted scenes were OK. I mean if you're buying COD just for the SP, 100% wait for a sale for sure but if the MP and Zombies turn out good then this is a nice little appetizer.


25/November - Call of Duty: MWII WZ / DMZ / MP (Season 6) - Some hours!
Managed to get this season done in plenty of time due to the release of MWIII else I might not have done so. I REALLY like massive resurgence on Al Mazrah and then it went away! Stop taking away obviously popular modes please. I'm glad I did finish it though as some of the skins are some of my favourite since release.
I'll be taking a bunch of games I'm currently playing through into 2024 (list on currently playing is in my original post).

Last thing to do is to thank everyone for their posts here, I really enjoy reading all the mini (and maxi!) reviews in the thread. I hope everyone has a fantastic 2024. If you're 2023 was rubbish, I hope 2024 is better. If your 2023 was great, I hope 2024 is as good or even better.

Have a fab holiday and new year to those who celebrate. Take care and see you all in 2024!


Oct 25, 2017
203. Star Wars: Rebel Assault (Steam Deck) - Ah, nostalgia. Heck of a thing... Im actually kinda surprised this game even worked properly on the Steam Deck considering its pretty old, but right out the box it worked like a charm.

The game itself... yeah it aged. The problem is its a FMV game, and the FMV is such low res that its really hard to see where the heck to fly. That makes certain stages really difficult to navigate - so hard to know what is an obstacle and what isnt.

The shooting stages, and the controls are really sensitive. That means the smallest touch could have you flying far in one direction! Makes it hard to aim as well.
I managed to get the hang of the controls after a while, and most of the stages are pretty easy to clear - the first several are short and fairly forgiving. Its when you hit around chapter 10 that things start getting tougher - as they have you flying AND aiming at the same time - which makes something like the Probe Droid mission pretty tough especially as your also trying to figure out the route to the exit at the same time.
Sadly the second half also has some of the more boring/unfair stages:

AT AT - awesome right? This aint Rogue Squadron or even Shadows of the Empire, this is a glorified on rails segment that repeats until you basically hit all parts of the walker. It goes on far too long and gets boring real quick.

Any Tie Fighter related stage in the second half - basically if your control aint perfect your damage increases instantly and your doomed.

The trench run - despite being a cockpit stage its just so hard to aim at the tiny targets, meaning you'll take tons of damage. You basically hope you'll survive long enough to see the end...

Overall, its fine. Its definitely a product of the time and its far from the best SW game to revisit. But at the same time the nostalgia came flooding back and I did have a blast finishing it.

Eventually gonna get to:
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 25, 2017
63. A Highland Song ★★★★

I had a lot of high hopes for this one, and despite its reception being slightly divisive, I found myself on the positive end.
After my previous bellyaching about Jusant last month or so, where I felt it lacked friction to make its climbing mechanics reach their potential, A Highland Song's journey across the rainy and windswept scottish highlands has friction galore.

Almost striking me like a 2D spin on Breath of the Wild or Death Stranding's general traversal concepts in its own way, we've got here a game that's not a walking sim, it's a hiking sim that's fairly bitsize and built to be replayed.

I'll just save time and post this thread I made, a bit spotty in places it may be, A Highland Song still spoke to me in a way that makes it one of my favourite titles of the year.

64. Pokemon Violet DLC: The Treasure of Area Zero ★★

Well this was mid, after sword and shield had a mini redemption thanks to the crown tundra, I was hoping scarlet and violet might get a boost from its DLC combo of Teal Mask and Indigo Disk, not quite as it turns out.

Teal Mask: Taking place in a rural Japan themed map built around a central mountain, this is a very story focused outing and well, we all know pokemon stories aren't much to write home about, and since it can be tackled earlier in the main game, the battles at endgame level are like "behold, my level 60 route 1 pokemon!" which extends to a lot of the returning mon being early game filler from various regions.
There's a fun twist on the rival/friend character here with the absolute goober that is Kieran who slowly morphs into the one character who is acutely aware that the main character is an infallible super trainer and succumbs to a light heel turn of sorts. Can't say the four new legendary mon do much for me, this is basically just more S/V with a map that doesn't strike me as improving upon the base game.

Indigo Disk: simultaneously better and worse than the prior DLC, story takes a bigger backseat in favour of endgame level battling where all battles are double battles, which leads to legitimately the best stretch of pokemon trainer battles in perhaps any of the mainline series? more of this please!
It unfortunately takes place in a hodgepodge map that slams 4 biomes together as a man made terrarium, and despite the wider scope of this map compared to Teal mask's map, its design just strikes me as random, there's no real key interest points, the savannah biome leads to the worst performance in a game that still runs like unmitigated arse.
And there's not nearly enough pokemon returning/being added to make exploring all that interesting either.
You run through a more gym leader style elite 4 and the tasks required to fight them are kinda neat I guess? I feel like Pokemon is sloooowly figuring out ways to add variety to their open world formula that is better than most of what the base game presented.
And it all wraps up with a linear trek into the depths of area zero and it's uhhh, not a good finale that also manages to feel like it doesn't wrap up some dangling plot threads, it all just feels a touch rushed.

Despite the game's overall mediocrity, I was prompted to finally fill the paldea dex, hunt more shinies and even make a competitive team that actually had me *gasp* play online.
So I got my moneys worth I guess.

65. Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon ★★★

I wish I liked this more, I really do, a fairly straight to the point action game that isn't quite like anything else I've played, you might hear Miyazaki and From software and assume AC was rebooted to be more souls like, but not really, it's very much its own beast.
Bite size missions and frantic combat that feels like a 50/50 balance between skill and preparation/build synergy, there's a certain kick to the game balancing fodder foes and more challenging tanky mini boss challenges that keeps the "heck yeah" mecha fantasy of blasting through lesser units, and one on one throwdowns as mechs blitz around firing off all sorts of endless ordinance.

It just never really grabbed me all that much, the level design fluctuates between interesting and borderline flat, it's not really the main course here, the combat is, and well I suppose the combat just runs dry for me.
The game has a few odd quirks, sometimes you start fighting a boss and are acutely aware that your build is just not the one for it, but the game wont give you the option to switch your loadout until you fail a few times. I get they might want you to not just immediately go back to the drawing board after one attempt, but sometimes I've failed four times in a row and just want to make a modification and either the game lets me do it from the game over screen, or I have to manually quit and go through all the cutscenes and loading screens again because...I DON'T KNOW

I think some people rated this game's plot, meanwhile this is the least engaged I've been in a video game plot perhaps this entire year, From's presentation here is so utterly drab, 90% faceless voiceovers in the hanger, 10% actual cutscenes, I just ended up hitting skip enough that when I reached my final boss (we got split paths!) I didn't even know exactly why I was fighting them, which obviously is on me yet still kinda funny in a "boy this presentation sure is dry" way.
Said final boss also boiled my piss, a true From software "classic" as opposed to a From Software Classic, though cheese is not only welcomed, it's ALLOWED, so please enjoy my quad gatling guns.

I never really gelled with any particular build, I appreciate the options and potential build variety, I just wish I was better so a shotgun and melee beam sword toting fast and flighty mech could've worked for me, I did enjoy my "micro tank" though.
Definitely a game that's interesting and I can see why it's well liked, not sure it's onboarded me onto the AC franchise though.


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Oct 26, 2018
Challenge completed.

The most memorable games I played this year were:

Top 3:


(Baldru's Gate 2: Enchanted Edition | Citizen Sleeper | Star Ocean: First Departure R)

Follow-up top games:


(Voice of Cards: The Beasts of Burden | Corpse Factory| Astroneer | Stacklands)

🔔Wishing everyone the best and hoping that our 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ is filled with better luck 🍀 and happiness.

You can check my post here:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

DONE: 52/52 games beaten. ^_____^ January, 2023 [1/52] 1 game(s) February, 2023 [1/52] 0 game(s) March, 2023 [4/52] 3 game(s) Abril, 2023 [5/52] 1 game(s) May, 2023 [10/52] 5 game(s) June, 2023 [23/52] 13 game(s) July, 2023 [30/52] 7 game(s) August, 2023 [39/52] 9...


Oct 28, 2017
19. LAD: The Man Who Erased His Name (PS5) - good but more of the same. Combat engine has aged. [8/10]

NEXT: Wanted: Dead (XSX).


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
Nocturnowl Did you replay Armored Core 6 to get the other endings/final bosses? The routes change when you play the game a second and third time, it's like Nier Automata.

I didn't write about Armored Core here because I haven't finished it yet (in the middle of playthrough #3), but it's a game that i didn't expect to enjoy that i ended up really liking. The story only really picks up at the end of chapter 3, but I found it pretty good.


Oct 25, 2017
Nocturnowl Did you replay Armored Core 6 to get the other endings/final bosses? The routes change when you play the game a second and third time, it's like Nier Automata.

I didn't write about Armored Core here because I haven't finished it yet (in the middle of playthrough #3), but it's a game that i didn't expect to enjoy that i ended up really liking. The story only really picks up at the end of chapter 3, but I found it pretty good.
Not yet, I plan to tackle it again at some point since there's a number of missions locked behind Ng plus (and
Had my fill for the time being, though I like the idea of having enough cash to really try more things out without having to sell and repurchase as much (though shout out to letting the player resell at no cost to begin with)


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Main Post

[18/52 completed]
- Platform: PS5 | Rating: 8.5/10 | Date finished: December 25th


This is a game I've been wanting to play since the reveal for it because it looked so unique and creative. It's a fairly short experience at around 3-4 hours total, but it's a very tightly designed game. There's no dialogue (or even text at all in-game outside of the start menu) and it adds a lot to the mysterious nature of the whole thing. The environments are gorgeous and the music has some strong moments as well. As far as the puzzles go, it never gets too difficult because it's a fairly linear game overall. However, as the game goes on and you get more orbs to maneuver around, you really have to start thinking outside the box because they stack layers upon layers on top of you. The puzzle design is really interesting and I had a fun time figuring them out. The flawlessly synced transitions when you teleport between orb worlds is super cool. I will say that the game does have some boss fights and they were probably my least favorite aspect of the game. They're mostly fine, but there are a few that were a bit frustrating (phase 2 of Orb Guardian in particular).

Overall though I had a really good time playing this and I enjoyed that they don't really tell you what to do. You have to figure it out on your own and there are no hints or text to guide you. Some people might hate that, but I think for this game it really works to help you feel like you're on this alien world trying to uncover the secrets of it. Very cool game.


Oct 1, 2019
Main Post

October update: 49/52

It's December, most people not from a Scandinavian country probably celebrate christmas today, and I can barely remember what I played yesterday, but whatever, let's remember October together!


46. October 25th | Baldur's Gate 3 | Playstation 5 | 91h 39m | ☆☆☆☆☆(/5)
I guess this is sort of what has kept me from writing the October update until now, because what is there to say about Baldur's Gate 3 by now that hasn't already been said by everyone? It's a fantastic game, second best of the year (would have been the best basically every other year, but Tears of the Kingdom is just too good...), and as someone who is very passionate about and spends a lot of time thinking about the writing in the various video games I play, I was constantly impressed by not only the overall quality of basically every line of dialogue throughout the entirety of BG3, but also how the game world and characters react to your actions in an often highly believable way, and just how consistent it manages to be despite how much the game allows for player expression for almost every little thing you do.

Of course, Baldur's Gate 3 is also a goddamn mess. Insanely long load times, way too many bugs, an endgame that sadly is way too linear and hinges on a character completely changing their personality just in order to give you a difficult choice to make, and battles that could really use a speed-up option, if not outright letting you skip enemy turns. I also beat it before the character epilogues were patched in, so pretty lackluster ending as well. All things that really should affect the overall grading that I'd give a game, but as the credits rolled, all I could think was "this is one of the greatest games I've ever played."

A lot of it is the aforementioned writing, and especially the characterization of your party members who always feel so present in whatever's going on, never just feeling like generic characters with stock lines because the game can't keep up with having all these people react to every little thing (or just letting them be completely quiet for most of the game), but having them be active participants very often, and having their own voices and personalities that are kept consistent no matter the situation or how the player chooses to resolve a situation. Not to mention how they themselves change over the course of the game depending on how you interact with them and the world around you, in ways that feel believable where most games would rush their developments in highly unsatisfactory ways. You can't bathe in the same river twice, as they say, and the Shadowheart, Karlach or Astarion (just to name the ones I mostly used throughout the game. All the others are great as well, though) you start out with are probably not going the be the exact same people you end with because just like you, they've experienced so much over this entire journey that they've had serious character development and can't ever go back to what they previously were.

The side quests you do for the people inhabiting this world are mostly great, and never feel particularly video game-y or like these people were just plopped onto this map to give someone a quest, and that does help a lot to, but it really are these people with you for the entire game that makes the entire world more believable, with how they really feel like a part of it, and how they have their own mini-narratives and previous relationships that keep coming up and show that my Tav (who I obviously renamed since Tav is a very dumb name) isn't really the center of the universe, but that there're a lot of other things going on, that have been since long before they main story kicked off, and which are at least as important to these people as Tav's adventures they've tagged along for. They are still very player sexual (though weirdly none in my party. Everyone I kept back at the camp tried to seduce me, though, which was a bit annoying, and led to me not really romancing anyone), and I do wish romance in games could be a bit more dynamic than it usually is, and party members could get together with either each other or at least having a bit more agency in the matter, but it's at least not worse than in basically every other game with similar mechanics, and the short romance scenes I did get to see were at least very charming.

I don't like to say this because I don't want to say that good looking game = better, but it also can't be understated how important Baldur's Gate 3's overall presentation is to the experience. It's not graphically the best looker of the year, not at all, but the art direction is fantastic, really selling this magical world, the possibility to get more of an over the shoulder perspective gets the player so much closer to that world and makes the experience so much more intimate and personal than isometric camera ever could, which is very important for a game where player expression plays such a large part. Cutscene direction is also so much better than every other CRPG ever made, and is backed up with maybe the best cast of voice actors that have ever come together for a video game (though maybe it's tied with Red Dead Redemption 2), that complement the great writing so well (and can save the weaker writing those few times that's an issue.) The Game Awards very rightfully awarded Neil Newbon as performance of the year for Astarion, the best voice performance since... maybe ever (and he was great as Zeon in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 last year as well!), but everyone deserves serious praise for how good they are in their roles.

God, I haven't even said anything about actually playing the game yet. I've never been able to get into CRPGs, I should say. I appreciate what a lot of them do, but in a lot of cases, I sort of get a bit overwhelmed by how much freedom they give me, while also having very steep learning curves. Baldur's Gate 3 does give the player a lot of freedom and as a novice to the genre, I also found it to be quite difficult at times, but I also always felt like I could get through a difficult fight, or like there was always some quest that I could pursue. Even if it wasn't necessarily the main quest, I always had a goal in mind, and that does help a lot to keep me interested, I guess, and the zones for each act were large enough to feel believable and like I'm not just running back and forth between the same few locations and there were a lot of discoveries to be had, but also small enough that I never got lost in them, and they could be really dense without the game having to dilute the side content's high quality by throwing even more content on the map to fill it out and not risk "boring" the player by having longer moments of traversal without any new discoveries or things of interest.

The battle mechanics, though still very much with the DNA of turn-based CRPGs, are intuitive and allow for so many different strategies (player expression rears its beautiful head yet again!) that even if I'm struggling and have to *gasp* save scum during some dark moments, I can always get through a battle no matter how impossible it may seem at certain points if I just think things through a bit and look through my characters' different abilites. This being unlike, say, Fallout where I'm sure that's also the case if you're more well versed in the genre than me, but it also felt like I could randomly wander into battles in that game where I'd be killed before even getting to act. Also helped that there really isn't that much combat in the BG3 (at least not mandatory combat), and how a very large amount of them felt like they were against actual characters that existed in this world before fighting you, and not just faceless monsters or goons. Those battles do exist as well, of course, but are fairly rare.

Pretty good game, all in all.

Soundtrack highlight:
Raphael's Final Act


47. October 26th | Mario Tennis | Nintendo Switch Online (N64) | 3h | ☆☆☆
This one is surprisingly difficult to rate. I like tennis games, and I like Mario Tennis games, and when I played Mario Tennis way back in October, I had a pretty good time. It's a very basic tennis game, but it does what it's supposed to do, though I did find it a bit stale at times like a lot of early 3D tennis games. Still, had a fun time going through the singles tournament with Yoshi that did start out very easy, but ramped up quite a bit by the final cup and thus ended up being quite challenging, but also very satisfying to complete.

By this point, the game was a pretty clear 3/5. Fun, but maybe a bit to barebones and not very memorable. Then I thought I'd unlock the final character by completing the doubles tournament, which turned out to be a nightmare when being paired up with an AI partner who seemed to always be in the way, could't return a serve without giving the opponents a free smash opportunity, and overall didn't really seem to try to win us any points ever. Not exaggerating at all when I say that trying to win the star cup with this brain dead partner was one of the most frustrating things I've done in a game in a very long time. Not that I'm perfect, by the way, and that every lost point was because of the AI, but it genuinely felt like it was playing against me more often than not. I did win in the end, though, but a part of my sanity was probably lost after the countless replays of that final.

With a lot of rage within me, the game sunk to being more of a 2.5, and I felt pretty done with Mario Tennis. It was still at that 2.5 until yesterday, Christmas Eve, where I found myself playing some Mario Tennis multiplayer to kill some time, and, maybe not very surprisingly at all, I had a very good time with it this time. I mean, every game is fun when you play it with someone you don't actively dislike, so maybe it was the company more than the game that made me enjoy it more, but having two people that really aren'y very good at this game face each other in really tight matches and laughing at our mistakes and sometimes even getting some really long, tense games where we played as if we were somewhat competent was such great time that I just have to retroactively give back that 0.5 to the, ultimately not really very important, score. It's still a very simple tennis game that could feel a lot smoother to play, but find a loved one to play it with, and it's a grand ol' time for everyone involved! I should really check out the Switch Mario Tennis game at some point.

Soundtrack highlight:


48. October 30th | Alan Wake Remastered + DLC Episodes | Playstation 5 | 15h | ☆☆☆
Hyped for Alan Wake 2, and thought I'd play the original game before playing that one (and then I found out you should apparently play Control as well, and maybe Max Payne and Quantum Break, so I still haven't gotten to it...), and I can't say I'm super impressed by AW1. I mean, it's not a bad game, but I had hoped for a lot more considering the praise it got back in the day, when I wanted to play it but didn't own a 360.

Alan Wake does start out fun, with nice Twin Peaks vibes and an intriguing, trippy mystery where Alan has to find his suddenly missing wife, but I feel like the plot is really interesting during the first chapter, and then it doesn't really go anywhere interesting until maybe the second to last chapter, and that's a lot of game to not have that much happen other than Alan being confused in the woods. The game keeps being fairly weird for its entirety but not in an interesting way, and more like Sam Lake wasn't really sure how to progress things so he just threw things in that were vague enough that they'd sort of work in a way where you'd just accept the weirdness and move on. This does result in a couple of really cool ideas, to be fair, but most of it just feels like a very watered down David Lynch, without his abstract artist's mind and dream logic, and more weird for the sake of being weird. I do love the idea of collecting manuscript pages telling you about the lives of the different townspeople, though.

Actually playing Alan Wake is sort of the same, I guess. It has a lot of good ideas, but execution leaves a bit to be desired. Chapter 1 is pretty cool, where you're running around the dark woods and scrambling to light up the shadow enemies before shooting them, but then you get to chapter 2 and it's basically the exact same woods, and then chapter 3 where... it's even more woods, and I was getting so tired of running around in these very samey looking environments, with enemies spawning constantly, and even more often when going off the beaten which is a shame since the game often wants you to explore at least a bit to find collectibles and ammo stashes, but I just stopped doing that since I couldn't take more of this tedious combat where enemies would just show up from every direction and waste my time. Not like they're difficult to fight either, just very tedious when they keep on coming and you always have to shine enough light with a flashlight (that uses the worst batteries in history) in order to hurt them, and Alan's piss poor stamina ensures that you can't really run away from most encounters without constantly having to dodge attacks coming from behind.

Luckily, the game does get better at chapter 4. Still a lot of combat, but we get some new environments that aren't just completely open forests and much smarter encounter design where you can really take advantage of area layouts during fights, and also really trap yourself in smaller spaces which at least adds some tension to the battles. Enemy variety still sucks, but it does feel a lot more fun to play when there is a bit more variety, and there are even some fun set pieces thrown in that really livened things up whenever they showed up. I do wish there was a bit less combat and a bit more of that nice, Finnish atmosphere with a touch of John Carpenter's In the Mouth of Madness that the game does have sometimes, and definitely more during the final three chapters than the three preceding, but there is definitely too much shooting and too little cool exploration overall. There're also some very weird driving segments that don't really add anything, but I guess anything that isn't shooting at yet another shadow man is a plus in my book.

God, I really sound like I disliked Alan Wake, Don't I? I really didn't, to be clear, and I don't even think the core gameplay of lighting up enemies in order to then shoot them is bad, it's even pretty clever given that the game was made at a time when every other game was a pretty basic third person shooter, but there's just too much of it when I was mostly interested in finding and reading more manuscript pages, having Alan get more and more confused the further into the game I got, and explore some cool places without constantly being interrupted by enemies. I mean, Uncharted was never exactly the thinking man's game, but it at least had light puzzling and platforming so as to not constantly have Drake in combat, and Alan Wake really could have needed something similar just to give some moments of relaxation and variety here and there. The story is intriguing, though, and I do want to play Alan Wake 2 even more now to see how it continues and if some of the cool things this game does are fleshed out a bit, and if Alan has worked on his cardio since 2010.

The DLC sucks, though. Adds nothing to the story, has way too much combat and even throws in some pretty terrible platforming to make matters worse.

Soundtrack highlight:
A Writer's Dream


49. October 31st | Slay the Princess | PC | 4h 30m | ☆☆☆½
The less said about such a story driven game like Slay the Princess the better, really, so all I have to say is this: by far the best looking game of 2023, and I can't see anything beating these hand-drawn images of both beauty and extreme violence (though I still haven't played Alan Wake 2, of course). Also extremely reactive to every player choice, with basically everything you do will change which story you'll encounter next, and morphing the Princess into a very wide variety of forms that each react to you in different ways based on how you treated her in the previous story. The stories I experienced were all really good, I should add, with some pretty fantastic writing that ranged from awfully sad, to surprisingly funny, to really creepy, and in some cases that juggled all three and shifted between them in an instant without feeling the least bit jarring.

Main issue with Slay the Princess is, sadly, that the endgame is pretty lacklustre, not really affected by previous choices in any meaningful way, and tries to really sell the "this is a love story" angle without really earning it during any other part of the game in my opinion, at least not after the routes I took, which is sort of the issue with the endings not really having much to do with what you did previously and instead being chosen by the player in the moment. The game can also feel a bit overwritten at times, with some scenes having way too much dialogue that doesn't really add anything other than really putting a damper on the otherwise really snappy pacing in each story, and some humour that just doesn't work at all.

Stil, definitely recommended for everyone who wants to read a couple of really good short stories, which you're guaranteed no matter the routes you happen to end up on. Slay the Princess does end on a low note for me, but the way there is at least a very good time, and it's honestly worth reloading some stories a couple of times just to see how things change just through one different choice here or there, without necessarily even going through the rest of the game. Sort of wish there was an option just to go through these fantastic short stories without reaching a destination after playing through enough of them, but I guess that sort of defeats the purpose of the main plot.

Soundtrack highlight:
The Prisoner

Currently playing:
Octopath Traveler II (PS5)
Super Mario Bros. Wonder (NSW)


Oct 26, 2017
49/52 so it seems I'm going to make it after all, so let me slowly start updating my list which I gave up on doing months ago when I thought ALL HOPE WAS LOST.


Game #19 - Remnant II
Platform - XBOX Series X
Time: 40 hours
Rating: 4/5

Great sequel to the surprisingly souls-like shooter from 2019, it improves on everything the first game did, with better combat, better locations and more classes. Just a ton of fun to play once you find a weapon that suits you and your class, the zones are giant and I was enjoying it so much I even replayed the zones to get the alternative versions.


Game #20 - Guild Wars 2
Platform - PC
Time: 90 hours
Rating: 4/5

Finally decided to play this "for real" after dabbling in and out for years, and I'm glad I did. While not to the same degree as Final Fantasy 14, you can play this completely solo just for the story alone (much more than something like World of Warcraft for example) which I did, completing the vanilla story and all it's related instanced content which I actually enjoyed, although there was better (and worse) to come later one. Still looks great to this day, and the gameplay is still super fun (if a bit "floaty" for my tastes), the classes are great, especially with more introduced in later expansions, and the world is huge with tons to explore. A must play for MMO fans.


Game #21 - Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns
Platform - PC
Time: 20 hours
Rating: 2/5

And my love / hate relationship with Guild Wars 2 (or it's expansions I guess) begins, and this was a HUGE let down for me. The new zones introduced are a pain in the ass to navigate, the story did nothing for me after the great set up coming into the expansion. But it's the zones that really drag the whole thing down (some people love them tho) as the vertical nature of the early ones coupled with the nightmarish mazes of the later ones just made the whole thing a slog to get through.

Game #22 - Guild Wars 2 Path of Fire
Platform - PC
Time: 15 hours
Rating: 5/5

But we bounce right back with Path of Fire, easily my favorite GW2 expansion, as I loved everything about it from the story to the zones to the new stuff added. I wish the main story had been a little longer as I really wanted a bit more, especially after the slog that Thorns was.


Game #23 - Guild Wars 2 End of Dragons
Platform - PC
Time: 15 hours
Rating: 4/5

Another great expansions, while a notch below PoF story wise in my opinion, I still really liked it and hey, it introduced Mechanic which is my favorite class in the game so it gets bonus points for that. The Samurai setting is a bit "been there done that every mmo needs a Asian setting expansion apparently", but they do it well so I didn't mind it.

Game #24 - Guild Wars 2 Living World
Platform - PC
Time: 40 hours
Rating: 3/5

Wasn't sure if I was going to include this or not, as It's pretty much a collection of content patches book ending each expansion and setting up the next ones, but to this day you still need to pay for them with in game currency or buy the fancy complete edition on Steam, so they are effectively DLC so i'm including it. Content wise, it's very much a mixed bag, with some of my favorite story content in GW2, but also some of the worse. For completionists only probably.


Game #25 - Guild Wars 2 Secrets of the Obscure
Platform - PC
Time: 10 hours
Rating: 2/5

And it ends on a bummer note with another super disappointing expansion, as with much like Heart of Thorns, not only did the story do nothing for me, but the zones were a pain in the ass to navigate due to being made for the dynamic flying mounts which I have to say, after so much hype, felt really disappointing (and were done much better in WoW in that game's latest expansion in my opinion). I was also probably very burned out at this point after playing around 300 hours of Guild Wars 2 back to back, but looking at the reception on Steam for example (mixed reviews) it seems many agree its not very good.


Game #26 - Tiny Tina's Wonderlands
Platform - PC
Time: 30 hours
Rating: 4/5

I really liked this but I am a big Borderlands fanboy, and it's more of that except in a fantasy setting. At this point, you either are a fan of their style of game and you know what you're getting, or you're not a fan and this won't change your mind. Like I said, I'm a fan so I enjoyed it a lot.

Main Post


Oct 27, 2017


Here's November's long-overdue update. I've only got three more games to go in December, so I should be on track to hit 52 by the end of the year.

#39 - Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed (Steam Deck) - ★★★★★

I booted this up to test the Steam Deck and ended up replaying the mission mode through to the credits. The track design is still stellar, with courses that change every lap so you end up with creative stuff like a floating island from Skies of Arcadia that gets caught up in an airship battle and a space station from Burning Rangers that floods with water. There's definitely some deep Sega cuts like tracks and characters from Panzer Dragoon, Jet Set Radio and Shinobi. Each of the three vehicle types handle well and it feels great to get the hang of drifting and chaining together boosts. It's certainly quite a demanding racing game, with a substantial number of single player challenges and one rewarding racer waiting at the end - not that I'll ever make it that far! It's a shame no-one has made a kart racer better than this one yet (sorry Mario, but your platformers are better).

#40 - Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Nintendo Switch) - ★★★★★

It's just plain wonderful from start to finish. OK, the boss fights were a bit underwhelming, but this might just be up there as my favourite 2D Mario game. Almost every stage presents some new idea, whether it be one of the new powerups, which are all fun to use, or some new "wonder" gimmick that completely changes the way the game plays. It all looks stunning too, with Mario and his pals getting expressive animations that give the game so much more personality than any of those New Super Mario Bros. games. The way the game handles co-op play is also a big improvement; I ended up enjoying messing with the game's unique online mode a lot more than I expected.

#41 - Skies of Arcadia Legends (Nintendo GameCube) - ★★★★☆
I thought it was about time I played through this classic Dreamcast RPG starring Vyse from Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed. And it was mostly pretty good! Skies of Arcadia has an impressive scope, an endearing cast of characters, an endearing cast of characters and far too many random encounters. The game has two different battle systems for fighting on foot and aboard your customizable airship, but I found both of them to be excruciatingly dull. Still, the story has its moments and the depictions of epic aerial showdowns were very impressive for its time. I wrote up more thoughts on the game here.

#42 - The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails (Steam Deck) - ★★★★☆
I played and loved the PSP original, so I was delighted to be able to officially play through this Falcom RPG in English. After all their action RPGs have gotten a bit long and talky (see Tokyo Xanadu and the later Ys games), the short seasonal stages in Nayuta are quite refreshing, playing more like a PS1 platformer than any other RPG. The action is fast-paced and fun, the boss fights are mostly fantastic (I don't know why the game starts with the absolute worst one) and the story is simple but has some sweet moments and a ridiculously epic conclusion. What a shame such a lovely game is treated to such a sloppy HD upscale, with a lot of the textures and 2D bits of the backgrounds getting weirdly uprezzed. It's a title that seems to have been overlooked this year, but definitely give it a look!

#43 - Kingdom Hearts II: Final Mix (PlayStation 4) - ★★★★★

I didn't think much of Kingdom Hearts II when I first played it, but I seem to enjoy this sequel more and more every time I revisit it. The "Critical" difficulty level is where the game truly shines, turning the game's combat system into something fast and challenging, even if there's still a few too many of those mid-2000s quick time events. Though the worlds themselves feel tiny when compared to Kingdom Hearts III, the scenarios have Sora fighting through all kinds of creative setpieces and minigames as he squares off against Disney villains and anime pretty-boys in black cloaks. The presentation of the Disney settings still looks great; I love how the style of each movie extends to the menus and costumes for Sora, Donald and Goofy. I previously thought that this sequel is where the Kingdom Hearts mythos gets far too ridiculous, but considering everything that happens after this entry, Kingdom Hearts II's story seems downright straightforward. The intro with Roxas is still bad, though.

#44 - Ex-Zodiac (Steam Deck) - ★★★★☆
It's in early access, so I guess I'll mark this as finished even though the game isn't. This was a cute little throwback to the original Star Fox; it's not terribly original, but a nice demonstration of how fun the SNES title could be if it actually ran at a smooth framerate. The short levels are creative, each concluding with a fun boss fight that get fairly challenging and complex as the game goes on. The game's structure is a bit odd though - the first few stages are all in that Star Fox style before concluding with a level on a bike and more open all-range stages. There's also some Space Harrier style bonus levels as a nice incentive for revisiting levels.


Oct 26, 2017

Game #27 - Vampire Survivors
Platform - Switch
Time: Ongoing
Rating: 5/5

I had played this last year on the Series X on gamepass and loved it, so when it hit the Switch it was a no brainer to replay at work, especially with how cheap it is. And I was flabergasted with how good the port is, as I was sure the system would buckle under the chaos, but it handles it fine. The game itself is ridiculously addictive as we know, I honestly put it as one of the great games of all time these days especially with the way it keeps putting out new content. It's one of those "perfect games" in my opinion.


Game #28 - Lies of P
Platform - Xbox Series X
Time: 75 hours
Rating: 5/5

Absolutely fantastic Souls-like, easily the best made by anyone not Fromsoft (and even better than some of the Fromsoft ones to be honest), it looks great, it plays fantastic, the world setting is awesome, it's super polished, just a complete win all around for the studio, and I can't wait to see what they do with the DLC and especially with a sequel. It's easily my GOTY and I loved it so much I immediatly replayed it with a different character after I finished (thus the 75 hours, pretty much 40 the first time, 35 the second time). It should count twice!


Game #29 - Diablo 4
Platform - Xbox Series X
Time: Ongoing
Rating: 3.5/5

I'll be honest, I know it's cool to hate on the game, but I really liked it at launch. I loved the campaign, I loved the couple of classes I played, the world, I had a blast. I never reached level 100 because back then levels were slower and whatnot, but I did pretty much everything there was to do. Unfortunately, I also fell off hard, I played very little of season 1 and I've played even less of season 2, so maybe the "ongoing" moniker isn't very accurate. I still want to go back to it one of these days, if only to try out a new class as that's usually fun.


Game #30 - A Plague's Tale Requiem
Platform - Xbox Series X
Time: 20 hours
Rating: 5/5

I was a big fan of the first game and this sequel improves on pretty much everything, tells a better (and much darker) story, and with the recent 60fps patch, looks and runs amazing. It still has the fundamental problem that every stealth game has, it's very trial and error, but that doesn't bother me, especially not when everything else is so good. I can't believe they went there with the ending too, kudos. An absolute must play, just like the first one was.

Main Post


Sep 10, 2021

32 games in 2023, I think it's a good number. And with good number of Platinum trophies too, like Sekiro, Death Stranding, Cyberpunk, Thymesia, Sea of Stars etc.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
Main Post


*ahem* Anyway pretty happy to have actually managed to get to 52 games beaten. I might manage to squeeze in one or two more before the end of the year but if not I'm pretty happy ending things here. I'm not too sure I'll be managing this again next year but we'll see. I might make at least one more post anyway reminiscing on how my year went. Without further adieu here's my 52nd game for 2023.

52. Sonic Forces Overclocked (PC) - December 25th (3 Hours)
Sonic Forces is a game that I really didn't like. Overclocked is a game I really liked. I've been following this mod for a few months after I first heard about it and despite not liking the game it'd be based on, Sonic fans have a pretty good track record for improving on these games through mods so I was optimistic. To say that Overclocked exceeded my expectations would be putting it lightly, it absolutely destroyed them and gave me some of the best 3D Boost Sonic gameplay I've ever experienced.

I don't quite recall exactly how the base game felt but I have to assume there's been some tweaks because for the most part this feels far better than I remember, which was some kind of misformed hybrid between boost gameplay and Lost World. It feels a lot less rigid than those games here though, and you keep a lot of momentum from jumping and air boosting so every action kinda just flows into each other in a satisfying way without ever killing your speed. It's a little loose I'd say and I'd still prefer the controls of Unleashed or Generations for the most part but this still feels very good. Level design wise these levels are also far, far better than base Forces. They're chock full of alternate routes and are far longer and more fleshed out here. One of my favourites is actually the first level which rather than throwing you right into Green Hill, actually starts in Starlight Zone before transitioning into Green Hill. The Avatar stages are probably the low point here for me here. I didn't particularly enjoy them in the base game and that sticks to some extent here. They just feel a bit too restricted compared to Sonic and I'm really not a big fan of the Wispons or the Wisp power ups which often feel like they make the game a bit stop and go. Thankfully they only have two solo levels here and when teamed up with Sonic he makes up for most of their shortcomings.

It's definitely worth mentioning the story here just by the fact that it's here at all. It's essentially a post game for Forces and it ends up being far better than it has any right to be be considering this is a fan project. There's a whole bunch of animatic style cutscenes which look fantastic. I love the style they went with here. There's even full voice acting and while I wouldn't say it's the best VA I've ever heard, the fact it's here at all is something worth praising. In particular Infinite and Metal Sonic's VAs do a great job here and just sound fantastic throughout. The writing here is pretty decent too. It probably errs a bit more towards the Colours/Lost World/etc. style but I never had a problem with that and I definitely enjoyed the writing here overall. In terms of other less gameplay oriented aspects I generally quite liked how the game looked throughout. I still wouldn't say that Forces is near the peak of the series visually, that's still Unleashed 15 years later, but it's nice to look at and never obviously seems like a fan project. The music was just fantastic throughout as well. My feelings towards Forces' soundtrack have certainly softened over the years, even if I still think it's a bit weak for a Sonic OST, but the remixes here are great. The original compositions are fantastic too and there's even a vocal track for the finale. Just some great stuff throughout.

I definitely had a few issues with here but I don't really think most of them were really the mod's fault. They did kinda effect my enjoyment though. Set up was a pain since I couldn't even get Forces to boot once the mod loader was installed on Steam Deck. Moving over to my PC fixed that but then I couldn't get controller input to work. Turning off steam input fixed that but it took ages to actually find that fix. When I got into the game itself things were relatively minor thankfully. I somehow managed to go out of bounds during the city level which delayed my death for a little bit but this was more funny than anything. The occasional scripting error can pop up which led to one or two deaths as well. I also had a softlock going into the final phase of the boss fight where it just didn't load after the screen faded to white. I also found it hard to make out some parts of levels when traveling at high speed but I'd chalk that down to Forces just being less readable than Generations, Colours, or Unleashed. None of this was even close to being more than nitpicks though, I definitely don't think it'd be fair to rag on this too hard but I did feel they were worth mentioning.

Overall Sonic Forces Overclocked was a fantastic time. For a fan made mod it goes above and beyond in creating a complete experience that absolutely surpasses the original game in every way. I really disliked Forces when I originally played it, it was and still is one of the most disappointing games I've ever played. But Overclocked shows that not everything from it is worth throwing away. It molds it into something great and it's definitely worth a shot even if you hate Forces. I'd feel wrong calling this just a mod, it's basically an entirely original game and a great one at that.



Oct 25, 2017
204. Forklift Simulator '24 (PS5) - I like sims for jobs/tasks that may seem mundane/boring... no idea why, but I fucking loved the job section in Shenmue lol. That's probably why I ended up with this game, and honestly... Shenmue did it better. As the name implies, this has you using a forklift, you ferry around items to shipping containers and earn money with each container you fill. And really that's it... Seriously.
The problem is that the game doesnt really build from here. You upgrade the warehouse a few times (my completion metric was completely upgrading the warehouse as that was really the only ongoing objective), the problem is almost all supplies are available from minute one, so aside the addition of wood logs, steel bars etc. to move (which your very rarely asked to move), what you do in hour one is the same as in hour... 20? I cant believe I kept as this game for that long, but I guess it was bizarrely relaxing? Definitely feels like the weirdest game I put the most time into this year...

Eventually gonna get to:
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Nov 1, 2017
I'm wrapped up for the year - won't be adding to my total. 2023's completed list was a lot of updates on existing games rather than new standalone games although I did start but not finish a lot of games so expecting/hoping 2024 to be an improvement.

Best game of 2023 I played was by far and away Persona 5 Royal which was a delight, while it was also a great year for Path of Exile leagues (enjoying Affliction right now too!)

Well done to everyone who has completed and best of luck to those racing to hit the target before the year ends.


Dec 30, 2019
48 | Merrily Perrilly
PS4 | Nov 26 | 2 h | 4/5

I knew little about this game, but I picked it up during a sale for the cheap price tag. It was totally worth it.

It's an adventure, puzzle game where you play a man that enters a village dehydrated. Your goal is to juggle perils to find an ending. An example of a route could be: you're dehydrated, you drink from the fountain, you're now poisoned, you visit the hospital, you now have diarrhea, you find an outhouse, etc. You are constantly on a timer for the perils. If time runs out, you lose.

It's a simple concept, but it's done really well. I love the art style too. Writing this review makes me want to check out the studio's other games.


49 | When the Past Was Around
PS4 | Nov 27 | 2 h | 4/5

This one has been on my wishlist for awhile so I knew it was time to play it.

It's a beautiful point-and-click adventure where you chase an violin-playing owlman. The story shows the protagonist and owl's relationship: how they met and bonded. The art style is fantastic. It feels like you're reading a storybook.

This short experience handles difficult subjects in a better light than games I played this year that I will not mention. One of the studios that helped with this game, Toge Productions, has a handful of games that are on my wishlist still. I may have to bump those further up the list.


50 | Overwatch 2: Season 7
PC | Dec 05 | 15 h | 2/5

This game still pisses me off. It's an unbalanced and micro-transaction mess. Should developers make money for their work? Absolutely. But Blizzard promised content, only to later go back on their promise and cut it completely. The reason they made OW2 was to "balance and update it more often" and yet you have to wait an entire season for one character to not be laughably OP or another to be entirely broken and a loss to pick.

Don't even get me started on the pass. It's painful to remember you could earn everything you wanted to in a season by simply playing. Now you get repeated skins, reskins for mythic, and the cheapest "rewards" for playing. You can't possibly earn the rewards for playing the game. It's literally cents.

I have played some of Season 8 at this time of review and the new character is again unfairly OP and broken. I have played matches where a tank will ask the enemy tank to NOT play the new character. The game is miserable every time a character is released.

If I was smart and practiced self-care, I would have uninstalled this game entirely months and months ago. Alas, I am a dumb bitch.


51 | Hidden Paws Mystery
PS5 | Dec 09 | 4 h | 3.5/5

A 3D hide and seek to find cats and balls of yarn! It's a simple mechanic with 20 islands. The levels are unique and vary in size/difficulty. The cats meow when you are near to give a helpful hint. The balls of yarn do not meow; they are more difficult to find, heh. The "hint" for the yarn is also not helpful. It will only tell you what color of yarn you are seeking, but you already have a visual clue for that.

It's a calming experience for the cheap price. The camera rotation is the only real frustration. It definitely feels like it was meant for PC and it received a quick port. It's not fun to move and rotate and you will be doing that often.

The strange choice was the soundtrack. It's not necessarily a negative but a really odd choice. I'm not sure if it was free to use and that's why it was chosen? Some of the tracks are okay, but others sound loudly orchestra when you are trying to wind down and zone out mentally. A couple tracks took me out of the experience because I wasn't sure why I was hearing it.


52 | Disney Dreamlight Valley
PS5 | Dec 21 | 205 h | 3/5

I made it. I wasn't sure if I would this year. I'll end it on a game I wasn't all that interested in last year. I blame Lobotomaxx for purchasing it. This is the base game only, the DLC (yes, I bought that) will be separate.

This is wildly addicting...when there is content to work towards. When there is no current event, I take a break from the horrid grind. But wow is it the prefect "I am exhausted from work, I am dealing with stress in my life, let me unwind" game.

I have played since early access and they have fixed a lot of bugs that would completely break the game and impede main quest progress. However, I think since the DLC came out, there are new game busting bugs. It's also disappointing to use your currency to pay for a premium quest, only for it to be impossible to finish due to a bug. Then you have to wait over 30+ days for a fix. And then, I shit you not, the fix is bugged.

It is nice to be able to step away from the game, do something else, and pick it back up with ease.

Main Post
Last edited:


Sep 20, 2021
Main Post


41.Doom Eternal (PC) - 3/5: Incredible graphics and ultra responsive controls but I think the game is a bit too long for it's own good.
42.Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - 3/5: Traversal is good as ever, NY is great, graphics are nice but a really forgettable story.
43.Golden Idol Mysteries: The Spíder of Lanka (PC) - 2/5: Love the base game, but this DLC is simply boring.
44.Control (PS5) - 4/5: Good gameplay and engaging plot.
45.Metroid: Zero Mission (GBA) - 3/5: Good game, just didn't like the ending
46.Roboquest (PC) - 2/5: A better selection of weapons and this roguelite would be a lot better.
47.Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch) - 4/5: Best 2d Mario since Super Mario Bros. 3.
48.Castlevania: Portrait of Ruin (DS) - 3/5: A underrated game in the series for sure.
49.Metroid Prime Remastered (Switch) - 3/5: Great atmosphere but the game really drags at the end.
50.Hi-Fi Rush (PC) - 3/5: One of the most charismatic games I played this years but the game gets a bit repetitive too many times.
51.13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim (PS5) - 5/5: Fantastic story, great pace and the gameplay is simple but fun.
52.Gravity Circuit (PC) - 4/5: Probably the best megaman-like game I ever played.

Bonus: Top 10 Games (excluding Shadow of the Colossus because it was a replay)

1. The Last of Us 2
2. Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon
3. Persona 5 Royal
4. Street Fighter 6
5. 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim
6. Neon White
7. Signalis
8. Control
9. Super Mario Bros. Wonder
10. Astalon: Tears of The Earth


RPG Site
Oct 25, 2017
Despite how busy I've been this year - and how far behind I was for most of it! - I managed to pull ahead and just barely catch up before year's end!

#1 Minoria – Completed 1/2/2023 Steam Deck – 5 hours
#2 Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty – Completed 1/17/2023 PC – 32 hours
#3 Ghostrunner – Completed 1/30/2023 PC – 6 hours
#4 Forspoken – Completed 2/5/2023 PC – 16 hours
#5 Theatrhythm: Final Bar Line – Completed 2/15/2023 Switch – 13 hours
#6 Kirby: Return to Dreamland Deluxe – Completed 2/23/2023 Switch – 8 hours
#7 Kirby: Magolor Epilogue – Completed 2/23/2023 Switch – 4 hours
#8 Destiny 2: Lightfall – Completed 3/2/2023 PC – 20 hours
#9 Final Fantasy XI: Treasures of Aht Urhgan – Completed 3/13/2023 Steam Deck – 185 hours
#10 Atelier Ryza 3: Alchemist of the End & the Secret Key – Completed 3/27/2023 PC – 75 hours
#11 The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog – Completed 4/1/2023 Steam Deck – 2 hours
#12 Cube Escape: Paradox – Chapter 1 – Completed 4/5/2023 PC – 1 hour
#13 Wild Hearts – Completed 4/14/2023 PC – 51 hours
#14 Monster Hunter Rise – Completed 4/17/2023 PS5 – 16 hours
#15 Star Wars: Jedi Survivor – Completed 4/23/2023 PC – 29 hours
#16 The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom – Completed 5/15/2023 Switch – 80 hours
#17 Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 – Completed 5/29/2023 PC – 17 hours
#18 We Love Katamari Reroll – Completed 6/1/2023 PC – 5 hours
#19 Final Fantasy XVI – Completed 6/25/2023 PC – 63 hours
#20 Octopath Traveler II – Completed 6/28/2023 PC – 65 hours
#21 Exoprimal – Completed 7/20/2023 PC – 40 hours
#22 Remnant 2 – Completed 7/22/2023 PC – 18 hours
#23 Venba – Completed 7/31/2023 PC – 2 hours
#24 Pikmin 4 – Completed 8/2/2023 Switch – 16 hours
#25 Pikmin 4: Olimar's Shipwreck Tale – Completed 8/3/2023 Switch – 3 hours
#26 Sega Bass Fishing – Completed 8/5/2023 PC – 5 hours
#27 Starfield – Completed 8/29/2023 PC – 70 hours
#28 The Gunk – Completed 9/10/2023 PC – 4 hours
#29 Ys X: Nordics – Completed 10/10/2023 PS5 – 45 hours
#30 Cocoon – Completed 10/11/2023 PC – 4 hours
#31 Miracle Girls Festival – Completed 10/12/2023 Vita – 5 hours
#32 Lords of the Fallen – Completed 10/19/2023 PC – 32 hours
#33 Super Mario Wonder – Completed 10/21/2023 Switch – 15 hours
#34 Alan Wake II – Completed 10/29/2023 PC – 25 hours
#35 Jusant – Completed 10/31/2023 PC – 3 hours
#36 The Talos Principle II – Completed 11/7/2023 PC – 35 hours
#37 Risk of Rain Returns – Completed 11/8/2023 PC – 4 hours
#38 Persona 5: Tactica – Completed 11/12/2023 PC – 32 hours
#39 Super Mario RPG – Completed 11/20/2023 Switch – 12 hours
#40 Lovely Planet Arcade – Completed 11/24/2023 PC – 3 hours
#41 Final Fantasy VII: Remake Intergrade – Completed 11/29/2023 PC – 35 hours
#42 Final Fantasy VII: Remake Intergrade INTERMISSION – Completed 12/1/2023 PC – 5 hours
#43 Lunacid – Completed 12/9/2023 Steam Deck – 13 hours
#44 Pseudoregalia – Completed 12/9/2023 PC – 4 hours
#45 Pokemon Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero – Completed 12/15/2023 Switch – 20 hours
#46 Metroid Prime: Remastered – Completed 12/18/2023 Nintendo Switch – 11 hours
#47 Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed – Completed 12/22/2023 Nintendo Switch – 28 hours
#48 The Exit 8 – Completed 12/22/2023 PC – 1 hour
#49 Control – Completed 12/23/2023 PC – 14 hours
#50 Kowloon's Curse: Lost Resort – Completed 12/24/2023 PC – 3 hours
#51 Deemo: Reborn – Completed 12/24/2023 PC – 10 hours
#52 Bayonetta Origins: Cereza & the Lost Demon – Completed 12/27/2023 Switch – 16 hours


Oct 26, 2017

Game #31 - Lords of the Fallen
Platform - Xbox Series X
Time: 50 hours
Rating: 4/5

Mixed bag with this one, because on one hand I really loved the game, especially the exploration adpect (which I still maintain is some of the best Souls-like exploration around), but on the other hand, the game is VERY janky, has some real asshole enemy placement especially late game, and performance wasn't the best when I played. It's probably more of a 3.5/5, but Im a Souls fanboy and the game scratched all the right itches for me, so I'm being generous.


Game #32 - Monster Sanctuary
Platform - Switch
Time: 30 hours
Rating: 3.5/5

Really cool mix of genres, as the game is basically your standard metroidvania from a gameplay and exploration perspective, but all the combat is Pokemon battles. The campaign is a bit longer than it should be as I was just about ready to be done with the game long before it ended, and there's a nasty difficulty spike in the end game that made me have to grind out a new team to beat it, but overall I really liked it and thought both genres mixed nicely.


Game #33 - Warcraft Rumble
Platform - Mobile
Time: Ongoing
Rating: 2.5/5

Super fun until it becomes obnoxiously pay-2-win is the best way I can describe this, as I was having a blast with it until late in the campaign where I hit a unpassable roadblock until I managed to level up all my units (very slowly since im not paying for boosts), and then I could finally get pass that, only to run into the next one. And don't even get me started on PVP. Still, it looks great, and it is fun enough to come back every day and do the daily quests for gold and whatnot. Fun timewaster if you don't think too much about it.


Game #34 - Astlibra Revision
Platform - Switch
Time: 33 hours
Rating: 3.5/5

What a bummer this one turned out to be. Gameplay wise, it's a fantastic 2d action rpg (it might look like a metroidvania but it's more akin to Zelda 2 for example), and the writing and story are very serviceable... until the uglyness rears it's head, and some of the worst, cringiest dialogue and disgusting scenarios pop up, as if it was written by a horny 14 year old watching anime for the first time. There's some REALLY dodgy things in it which really drag the whole thing down, which is a shame because the actual game is really good and original.


Game #35 - Portal
Platform - Switch
Time: 4 hours
Rating: 4.5/5

Great port of one of my favorite games ever, it still completely holds up, and the Switch version is basically perfect. Saving the 5/5 for the sequel tho.

Main Post


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
I did it! Finally!
  • Ninja Saviors (Switch) 1/3
  • Pocky & Rocky Resh (Switch) 1/8
  • Demon Throttle (Switch) 1/16
  • Spyro Eternal Night (GBA) 1/28
  • Medal of Honor Infiltrator (GBA) 2/2
  • Mom Hid My Game (Switch) 2/5
  • Ninja Gaiden (G Gear) 2/8
  • Psychic World (G Gear) 2/9
  • Woody Pop (G Gear) 2/10
  • Ronald in the MW (G Gear) 2/12 10
  • Trip World (GB) 2/12
  • Trax (GB) 2/15
  • Kirby's Dreamland (GB) 2/28
  • Kirby's Dreamland 2 (GB) 3/1
  • For the Frog The Bell Tolls (GB) 3/9
  • Stray (PS5) 3/28
  • Null Drifter (Xbox) 3/30
  • Pineapple on Pizza (Steam) 4/3
  • Jumping Flash (PS5) 4/15
  • Cliffhanger Ed Randy (Arcade) 6/15 20
  • Boogie Wings (Arcade) 6/15
  • Psychic Storm (TG16) 6/15
  • Hachoo! (Arcade) 6/15
  • Mystic Warriors (Arcade) 6/19
  • Alien Vs Predator (Arcade) 6/20
  • Grimace's Birthday (GBC) 6/20
  • Guerrilla War (NES) 6/20
  • Altered Beast (Arcade) 6/21
  • Zelda TotK (Switch) 6/30
  • Donut Dodo (Switch) 7/1 30
  • Moonrider (Switch) 7/19
  • GG Aleste 3 (G Gear) 8/1
  • Mr Run & Jump (Deck) 8/5
  • Bit Trip Rerunner (Deck) 9/16
  • Batboy (Deck) 10/20
  • A Knight In The Attic (Oculus) 10/21
  • Say No! More (Switch) 10/30
  • Super Mario Wonder (Switch) 11/9
  • Frasier Fantasy (GBC) 11/14
  • X-men Mutant Wars (GBC) 1/16 40
  • A Short Hike (Xbox) 11/17
  • Chop Goblins (Deck) 11/24
  • Solar Ash (Xbox) 11/28
  • Orbo's Odyssey (Deck) 12/1
  • Ravenlok (Xbone) 12/11
  • Halo Reach (Xbone) 12/15
  • Word Warrior (Steam) 12/18
  • Captain Commando (Evercade) 12/19
  • Strider (Evercade) 12/20
  • Clone Drones (Xbone) 12/24 50
  • The Gunk (Xbone) 12/28
  • D&D Shadows Mystara (X360) 12/28 52


Oct 30, 2017
Been keeping up with this challenge all year, just never got around to making a post. But since I managed to hit 52, and am currently playing Trails to Azure (so I may not finish by the end of the year), I figured I'd finally get around to posting. List is in order of when the game was started, which mostly lines up with finished, though obviously some games stretched over longer periods.

1. Valis II (PC Engine CD): 1/01 - 1/01
2. Inscryption (PS5): 1/03 - 1/05
3. Stray (PS5): 1/07 - 1/09
4. Gurumin (PC): 1/10 - 1/19
5. One Piece Odyssey (PS5): 1/13 - 2/04
6. Hi-Fi Rush (XSX): 1/25 - 2/17
7. Deliver Us the Moon (PS5): 2/06 - 2/07
8. Mario Advance 4 (GBA): 2/08 - 2/09
9. Trails in the Sky SC (PC): 2/14 - 4/14
10. Theatrhythm Final Bar Line (PS4): 2/16 - 3/09
11. Splatterhouse Wanpaku Graffiti (NES): 2/18 - 2/18
12. Wonder Boy Monster Lair (Arcade): 3/03 - 3/03
13. Kaze and the Wild Masks (Xbox One): 3/05 - 3/08
14. Ys Origin (PS4): 3/10 - 3/18
15. Ducktales Remastered (X360): 3/19 - 3/20
16. Asterix (SMS): 3/22 - 3/22
17. Resident Evil 4 Remake (PS5): 3/24 - 4/07
18. Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (PC): 4/01 - 4/02
19. Metal Wolf Chaos (PS4): 4/02 - 4/05
20. Asterix & Obelix XXL2 (PS4): 4/07 - 4/15
21. Soul Blazer (SNES): 4/14 - 4/17
22. Mario 3D Land (3DS): 4/16 - 4/30
23. Super Castlevania 4 (SNES): 4/17 - 4/19
24. Dredge (PS5): 4/21 - 4/24
25. Rise of the Tomb Raider (PS4): 4/28 - 5/03
26. Ys 1&2 Chronicles (PC): 5/01 - 5/10
27. New Joe & Mac (PS5): 5/07 - 5/07
28. Zelda Tears of the Kingdom (Switch): 5/12 - 7/09
29. Trails in the Sky the 3rd (PC): 5/15 - 5/30
30. Popful Mail (SCD): 6/01 - 6/05
31. We Love Katamari Reroll (PS5): 6/02 - 6/08
32. Ys Memories of Celceta (PS4): 6/14 - 6/21
33. Cotton 100% (SNES): 6/22 - 6/25
34. Sonic Origins Plus (PS5): 6/23 - 6/25
35. Alan Wake Remastered (PS5): 7/05 - 7/08
36. Trails from Zero (Switch): 7/09 - 8/19
37. Legend of Korra (PS4): 7/11 - 7/13
38. Anno Mutationem (PS5): 7/15 - 7/20
39. Shantae and the Seven Sirens (Switch): 8/01 - 8/05
40. Persona 5 Dancing in Starlight (PS4): 8/06 - 8/08
41. Frogun (PS5): 8/13 - 8/23
42. Signalis (Switch): 9/01 - 9/10
43. Klonoa Door to Phantomile (PS5): 9/11 - 9/12
44. Klonoa 2 (PS5): 9/12 - 9/18
45. Castlevania 2 Simon's Quest (NES): 9/18 - 9/20
46. Legend of Nayuta Boundless Trails (PS4): 9/19 - 10/04
47. Eiyuden Chronicle Rising (PS5): 10/12 - 10/19
48. Super Mario Bros Wonder (Switch): 10/20 - 11/08
49. Alan Wake II (PS5): 10/27 - 12/01
50. Pac-Man World Re-Pac (PS5): 11/02 - 11/07
51. WarioWare Move It! (Switch): 11/09 - 11/27
52. Super Mario RPG Remake (Switch): 11/27 - 12/10

For those who prefer visual aids, here's the list visually (using HowLongToBeat):







Random notes:
-Yes, there is a lot of Falcom. That was one of my main focuses for the year.
-Everything there is a first play through with the exception of a few things I'd beaten in other formats (Ys 1, Mario 3, the Sonic Genesis games) as well as a set of games I called "Things I played a lot as a kid but never finished" which includes Soul Blazer, Popful Mail, Castlevania 4, and Simon's Quest.
-No, I'm not sure why I played two Asterix games in 2023 either.
-Signalis put me into an existential funk of sorts, which somehow the Klonoa games made worse. Simon's Quest managed to save me from it.
-There were a few notable abandoned games in there, including Octopath Traveler 2, Labyrinth of Zangetsu, Armored Core 6, and Dead Space Remake. Might go back to those someday.

All in all, a fun experience. I'm going to continue next year, although I won't necessarily try for 52 clears again, I've got a few different focuses: Year of Falcom 2, some NES focus, and a set of ten backlog games I'll be trying to finish over the year (something I stole from My Life in Gaming). Those ten games are as follows:


So if I don't have those in next year's thread, feel free to shame me over it.


Oct 25, 2017
205. Cybarian (PS4) - A suggestion from a friend - its a short little indie platformer that was right up my street. As with other action platformers, the goal is to take out enemies and head from left to right, while not dying (I never said it was unique!). It does have a slightly different attack mechanic for combo attacks though - you cant button bash for an attack combo, but rather you have to time your subsequent attacks just right, in order to land the second and third hits. Screw up, and your character is "stunned" for a brief moment leaving you completely open to attack. Thankfully the timing is easy to get down, so most should pick it up quick.
The game itself is fairly straight forward otherwise - enemies are pretty easy to deal with (as long as your timing is good), and as usual you have pits, spikes, and fire to watch out for as well.
As you progress through the game you'll get a couple more attacks - the most important ones being your dodge role (iframes ahoy) and the sword throw attack (ranged shot move). For most of the game I found close quarters the better choice, with some dodging thrown in to keep me safe.
The levels themselves are fairly easy, with really only a few cheap enemies popping out out of nowhere (which are hard to evade) to keep me on my toes, else its easy.
What's not so easy is how health and checkpoints work. Health costs 40 coins and is only given to you in vending machines if you have the cash. Checkpoints are only there at the beginning of a stage and before the boss. So you gotta learn each stage.

The bosses are interestingly designed, with the first being simple, and the rest getting tougher as you go - the second boss has a wide sythe attack that expects you to dodge perfectly with your roll, the third boss is a duo of enemies so you gotta have you timing just right and whits about you, and the finale is a three phase boss fight which is... actually fairly simple when you know how! (its really just its length that can wear people down).

Its a short game, but a fun one. I do wish controls were a little snappier at points as sometimes it feels like you have lag after attacking, I also wish certain obstacles had more frames of animation, as crusher thingies have few frames, and animate poorly, making them a rather annoying eyesore on the third bos.

But honestly, its a cheap game and a fun one at that. Not life changing, but pretty good all things considered.

206. Super Life of Pixel (PS4) - A cute little platformer that also sorta serves as a history lesson in terms of certain technical "quirks" for various old consoles and computers from the very beginning up until the 16 bit era.
You'll start with the older consoles/computers and the game will lack colour, lack screen scrolling, and generally try and evoke some level design from the games of the time - Atari 2600 has a level blatantly referencing Pitfall, Spectrum has at least one Jet Set Willy-ish feeling level, the Amiga has a level literally referencing Turrican! (and it goes on).

The main aim of each stage is to get all the gems, then find the exit. There's hidden items in the levels as well which unlock further computers/consoles, so its definitely worth keeping your eyes open. Most stages are well designed and have pretty solid difficulty curves - you can take 2 hits, but spikes or similar kill you instantly. The initial stages that lack scrolling I feel actually work a bit better because the game tends to learn on huge levels with hidden obstacles far too much - now while this works for certain computers which are sorta known for that style of platformer (like - Amiga & Rick Dangerous), the SNES feels a bit out of place in this regard because I think Mario World, Mega Man X and such... Plus its just annoying to lose all progress (no checkpoints btw) because spikes you never saw coming get you. Again, as stages get longer, its far more annoying to have these obstacles and have to redo a long level.

Ultimately I feel a bit of balance could have been struck with the obstacles - either not give you tons of blind jumps to 1 hit KOs, reduce said KOs, or make stages shorter (and/or get rid of the gems) to reduce the demand on the player. As unlike say Meat Boy or Celeste, or even my new favourite - Mr. Run and Jump - you have more frequent checkpointing so that high difficulty is ok, because stages are routintely shorter so losing feels less punishing.

As it stands though its still an excellent game that has a great unique hook, and it does handle and play well otherwise so I can still very much recommend it.

Eventually gonna get to:
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 26, 2017

Game #36 - Itta
Platform - Switch
Time: 4 hours
Rating: 4/5

Awesome dual stick shooter action adventure, with gorgeous pixel art and satisfying bullet hell gameplay, and a darker than expected story. It's pretty short, but it's one of those cases where that is for it's benefit, as even at just 4 hours it's packed with a ton of bosses and quite a few zones to explore. Just a great little game all around.


Game #37 - Tales From Space Mutant Blob Attack!!!
Platform - Switch
Time: 4 hours
Rating: 4/5

Replay for this one, one of Drinkbox's first games, and it still holds up as a super fun Katamari-esque 2d platformer. Switch port is pretty much perfect and it looks gorgeous on the OLED screen.


Game #38 - Agent A: A Puzzle in Disguise
Platform - Switch
Time: 4 hours
Rating: 3/5

Cute little point and click adventure with a cool stylized spy aesthetic. Some of the puzzles got a little obtuse for me and I had to check a guide a few times, but overall it was a good time and never overstayed it's welcome.


Game #39 - Golf Club Wasteland (or Nostalgia as it's apparently called on Steam)
Platform - Switch
Time: 2 hours
Rating: 1/5

It has some pretty good 2d art... that's about all the positive I can say about this, as I absolutely hated the gameplay, a collection of increasingly frustrating levels where you never feel in control of your golf swings as the game clearly wants you to. Hated my time with it even tho it's very short.


Game #40 - Lost Words Beyond The Page
Platform - Switch
Time: 5 hours
Rating: 3/5

Cute little 2d platformer which some unique mechanics around using words to manipulate the environments, and a surprisingly touching story (although your mileage may vary here as it's one of those "tragic event disguised by a kid's fantasy" tropes). It's not amazing by any means but it looks good and it's not too long.


Game #41 - Anuchard
Platform - Switch
Time: 9 hours
Rating: 3.5/5

This was a cool zelda-esque action rpg with some increasingly good dungeons to wade through as you save various villagers, upgrade your dude and do various side quests, but unfrotunately the writing (and there is A LOT) did nothing for me, as they clearly tried to create their universe here, but none of it was interesting. But the game itself was really fun, the art style is unique but good, and the gameplay is simple but satisfying. I really liked it, even if I ended up ignoring the story completely.


Game #42 - Elli
Platform - Switch
Time: 5 hours
Rating: 3.5/5

Pretty good 3d platformer with tight gameplay, great art style and the exploration and puzzles never get frustrating. Story is super simple but it serves it's purpose, as you go around collecting your mcguffins in various puzzle-y locations. Great Switch version too, ran great portable.


Game #43 - Figment
Platform - Switch
Time: 5 hours
Rating: 3.5/5

Isometric action - puzzle game with gorgeous 2d art and great voice acting (and singing!), the weird locales you visit are really imaginative, and the puzzles never get frustrating which is always my fear with puzzle games. The only downside unfortunately is the fact that the Switch version completely tanks performance in the last level, to the point that it made it hard to finish, and thus made me dock a little score. Great game overall tho, I'm very curious about the sequel now.


Game #44 - Mystik Belle Enchanted Edition
Platform - Switch
Time: 4 hours
Rating: 3/5

Cute little metroidvania with very good pixel art but a little too much "object hunting" (it almost feels like a point and click adventure to be honest), the whole thing is pretty easy and shrot, always feeling like "my first metroidvania", but it's well made and charming, so I enjoyed it. Definitely not as good as many others in the genre, and these days there are a lot.


Game #45 - Down in Bermuda
Platform - Switch
Time: 3 hours
Rating: 2/5

Hidden object puzzle game with some cute 2d art, but some of the puzzles seemed quite obtuse in my opinion, and the whole thing just didn't do much for me. It's not terrible by any means, but I guess hidden object games just aren't my jam as I already hadn't enjoyed Hidden Folks last year for example.


Game #46 - Old Man's Journey
Platform - Switch
Time: 2 hours
Rating: 2/5

Very short walking sim with some good 2d art and a cool background manipulation mechanic marred by super flimsy controls (at least on the Switch) that made the whole thing more grating than enjoyable. Much like Down in Bermuda, it's not terrible but it did absolutely nothing for me.


Game #47 - The Almost Gone
Platform - Switch
Time: 3 hours
Rating: 3.5/5

This on the other hand tickled all the right itches for me, from the gorgeous isometric minimalistic art style, to the puzzles and story, at least until the end game, where it got a bit too hard for me and send me straight into a guide (especially the hospital level with the tubes >_>), but it's one of those games (much like another one later) where I loved the vibe so much, I can look past some of the weaker points.

Main Post


Nov 16, 2017

Game #39 - Golf Club Wasteland (or Nostalgia as it's apparently called on Steam)
Platform - Switch
Time: 2 hours
Rating: 1/5

It has some pretty good 2d art... that's about all the positive I can say about this, as I absolutely hated the gameplay, a collection of increasingly frustrating levels where you never feel in control of your golf swings as the game clearly wants you to. Hated my time with it even tho it's very short.

Main Post
Oop I just bought this


Oct 26, 2017
Oop I just bought this

I mean, its "very positive" on Steam so it might just be a me thing, or a Switch thing. Probably a me thing.

Although the amount of "very positive" reviewed games I've seen lately on games I'm looking for the banner and I didn't particularly care for is quite high lol.


Oct 27, 2017
Week 52: 52/52 games complete 🎉 Made it, with a whole 3 days to spare.
Main post

52. Baldur's Gate 3 (60% PC, 40% Steam Deck)

It's a good game, but I don't think it quite clicked with me the way it apparently did with a lot of people. At times it felt like the game was designed around players saving and reloading, and I found it frustrating how a single misclick could lead one of my characters to cleave another in half with an axe rather than a goblin, or steal something in front of it's owner rather than open a door. The freedom to try creative solutions was cool, and the times it worked felt great, but a lot of times it felt like my reward for trying something creative was it going wrong and basically requiring a reload, so eventually I ended up sticking to the more traditional apply-sword-to-baddie solution. And maybe I got unlucky but I was regularly hitting glitches that varied from slightly weird, to requring reloading, to several that just broke certain questlines permanently. Anyway not to sound too down, it's obviously a great game and I had fun with it, just not quite GotY level for me personally.

Anyway time for a brief end of year breakdown and rankings:


40% of that PC playtime was on Deck and honestly I thought it would be more. I bought it in January and it's made it so much easier to play certain types of games. The Switch is still holding it's own though, Nintendo put out some great games this year and it really punched above it's weight.

Anyway here's some rankings of some random categories I picked out from my list:

Souls Games: I'd never played one before this year, but having now played what I think are the three most acclaimed (?), my ranking is Elden Ring > Dark Souls >> Bloodborne.

Sonic Games:
I don't know why I played 5 Sonic games this year but anyway: Sonic Triple Trouble 16-bit >> Sonic Mania > Sonic Adventure DX > The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog > Sonic CD (I'd rank TT16 as just about equal to 3&K at the top of the 2d games in general)

Pikmin: I sort of accidentally did a whole series replay (well minus the 3DS and mobile game). Honestly struggle to pick between the top three, but 4 >= 3 >= 1 >>>>>>>>>>>>>> 2. I hate 2 so much, and I'm glad 4 has demonstrated how to make 2 but good.

Giant AAA 3rd person open world action games
: Tears of the Kingdom > Elden Ring > Dark Souls > God of War >> The Witcher 3 > Bloodborne >> Red Dead Redemption 2

Top 10:
  1. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  2. Elden Ring
  3. The Last of Us Part II
  4. Super Mario Bros. Wonder
  5. Pikmin 4
  6. Baldur's Gate 3
  7. Advance Wars 1+2: Reboot Camp
  8. Sonic Triple Trouble: 16-bit
  9. Dark Souls
  10. Pizza Tower
Anyway it's been fun, and I've played a lot of great games this year. Thinking about it doing this challenge while also playing Dark Souls, RDR2, TotK, Bloodborne, Witcher 3, Elden Ring, and BG3 was probably making it a bit hard for myself - in particular playing the last three of those in quick succession has left me a little burnt out on long games. My backlog is mostly shorter games next year so hopefully this should go a bit smoother.

Good luck to anyone still trying to eek out the last few games!


One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
Main Post

One more game beaten before the end of the year. I'm definitely sure at this point it'll be my last.

53. Sonic Dream Team (iPad) - December 28th
Well this was a nice surprise. I wasn't expecting too much out of Dream Team going in but it was actually a pretty great time. It's definitely a little on the simple side, essentially being a souped up mobile game is probably to blame there, but it's fun. I do wish you're moveset was a little more fleshed out, at least having the stomp would be nice as would a slightly longer boost duration and the ability to get off of rails easier, but it overall controls pretty well, even if it is a bit jarring coming after Frontiers. The level design was similarly simple at times, maybe a little too big really and fairly reliant on rail grinding. I'd still say it's fairly good though and replaying each level has been a lot of fun. The missions are pretty good too, with a decent chunk getting some original level design to keep things fresh. Even the shard finding missions are pretty good since they throw you into some of the more sandboxey areas of the levels. The boss fights were fine, nothing to write home about and nice again pretty simple though I did quite enjoy the final boss which is more akin to something like Cannon's Core from SA2 than a real boss fight. Story wise everything is pretty simple as well, not bad at all though and it works for Dream Team as the smaller game it is. Rouge's VA is unfortunate, both the actual voice direction and the VA herself, but everyone else seems to do a good job here. The soundtrack is decent too, not the most memorable Sonic soundtrack but I enjoyed it while playing. It's unfortunate that Sonic Dream Team is an Apple Arcade exclusive, it's a pretty great time and if it were up on Steam or on Switch it'd be an easy recommend. It kinda gives me vibes of the old handheld games like Advance or Rush and if it weren't for it's limited availability it'd be an easy recommendation. As things are though, while I'd definitely say to give it a go if you have an Apple device, if you don't I'd say it's not worth buying one just for Dream Team, especially when you can't even own the game.



"This guy are sick"
Jul 10, 2020
Getting this finished up right under the wire. December ended up being a banger of a month with four of these games making my yearly top ten.

F1 2023XBOX12/2/2023
The Making of KaratekaXBOX12/3/2023
Atari 50PS512/9/2023
Exit 8PC12/13/2023
Super Mario RPGSwitch12/16/2023
Chants of SennaarXBOX12/20/2023
Lil' Gator GamePC12/20/2023
Goat Simulator 3XBOX12/22/2023
El Paso ElsewhereXBOX12/22/2023
The Expanse: A Telltale SeriesXBOX12/24/2023
The InvincibleXBOX12/28/2023

Main Post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

I've wanted to join this thread even before I was a member and after two years of being one I finally will. I've been keeping track of my completions though an excel sheet since like 2015 which makes it super silly that I didn't just start this when I became a member. Anyway, 2023 completions...


Oct 26, 2017

Game #48 - The Lightbringer
Platform - Switch
Time: 5 hours
Rating: 1.5/5

What was an enjoyable if unremarkable isometric 3d platformer for the first half of the game completely falls apart in the second half thanks to levels becoming more and more in need of pixel perfect jumps and the game's gameplay (or camera) is nowhere near as precise as it needed to be for it. And the worst part (something that actually happened again with another game later) is that if you lose all your lives, you need to restart the whole level over from scratch, and the second half levels get quite long. Horribly dated system, ain't nobody have the time or the patience for that shit these days, especially not with a game that is already middling to start with. Shame, I actually enjoyed the first half.


Game #49 - Silt
Platform - Switch
Time: 3 hours
Rating: 4/5

Absolutely gorgeous (and creepy) underwater puzzle game, where you swim around possessing various sea creatures to progress. It's very simple mechanically, and there is a heavy amount of trial and error, and it's very short, but damn if it isn't completely carried by the amazing aesthetic. I probably loved it more than most, mostly for the art style and just overall vibe of the game, but I still think it's a unique (and again, gorgeous) game worth playing, especially for horror fans.


Game #50 - Moon Raider
Platform - Switch
Time: 4 hours
Rating: 3/5

This was a cute little indie 2d shooter, reminiscent of Megaman for example (no boss power stealing tho) that doesn't really do anything particularly new or amazing but it's well made, its fun to play and it's short and breezy.


Game #51 - Cleo A Pirate's Tale
Platform - Switch
Time: 4 hours
Rating: 3.5/5

Very cool little pirate adventure game with great pixel art and shockingly good voice acting. It's pretty short and the puzzles are on the easy side (I didn't have to check a guide for once!) but both are actually pluses for me with adventure games these days anyway. Cool little story too, Guybrush Threepwood would aprove.


Game #52 - Shu
Platform - Switch
Time: 4 hours
Rating: 2/5

A very by-the-numbers 2d platformer with some decent art style and variety of abilities in various levels with the buddies you are saving, but it's very short, barely has any story and the old school "gem collecting" 2d platformer doesn't do much for me these days. It also commits the same sin as Lightbringer earlier, where when you lose all your lives you need to restart the whole level, which made the very last level of the game one of the most frustrating things I can remember and kinda soured me on the whole thing. Please stop doing this devs, I don't mind banging my head against a section of a level, but if you make me restart the whole thing, it's just going to make me hate your game.

and that's 52, with 1 whole day to spare :D


Oct 29, 2017
9th year in a row. 64 games total.

  1. After Life
  2. After the Fire
  3. Armored Core VI Fires of Rubicon
  4. Bayonetta 3
  5. Berserk: Millennium Falcon Hen Seima Senki no Shou
  6. The Bunker House
  7. Cleaning House
  8. Compassion
  9. Disfigure
  10. Dog Dreams
  11. Dog Wash
  12. The Garden
  13. Ghostrunner 2
  14. Gitaroo Man
  15. Golden Hour
  16. Hanakotoba
  17. A Hint of Purple
  18. Keep Dreaming
  19. The Leaf Blower
  20. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
  21. Lies of P
  22. Little Man Has a Day
  23. Maya 4772
  24. Mister Mosquito
  25. The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog
  26. Off Day
  27. Pineapple on Pizza
  28. Pokémon Violet
  29. Pokémon Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero - Part 1: The Teal Mask
  30. Pokémon Violet: The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero - Part 2: The Indigo Disk
  31. PowerWash Simulator - Tomb Raider Content Pack
  32. PowerWash Simulator - Midgar Special Pack
  33. PowerWash Simulator - SpongeBob SquarePants Special Pack
  34. PowerWash Simulator - Back to the Future Special Pack
  35. PowerWash Simulator - Santa's Workshop - Winter 2023
  36. Red Handed
  37. A Relaxing Walk
  38. Revenant
  39. Samurai Adventure
  40. Sensory Museum
  41. Shadow of the Tomb Raider
  42. Shelter
  43. Star Fox 64
  44. Steam Engine Simulator
  45. Stuck in the Airport
  46. Super Mario World
  47. Super Mario Bros. Deluxe
  48. Super Mario Advance
  49. Super Mario World: Super Mario Advance 2
  50. Yoshi's Island: Super Mario Advance 3
  51. Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros. 3
  52. Super Mario Bros. Wonder
  53. Super Mario RPG
  54. SuperStar SMTown
  55. Sword of the Berserk: Guts' Rage
  56. This Game is Simple
  57. Tiles Town
  58. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Raven Shield
  59. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Athena Sword
  60. Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six 3: Iron Wrath
  61. Trust Me, I Got This!
  62. Wednesday Night
  63. You Are Dough
  64. You Should Eat Breakfast


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
And so, I close out the Challenge for 2023 with 73 games completed. Exactly the same number of games I completed back in 2019.

72: Final Fantasy VII Remake. End: 12/29/2023.

After going through the Final Fantasy Pixel Remasters, I wanted to do a replay of FFVII Remake before the release of Rebirth. There isn't much insight I can offer on this game at this point. We're pretty far removed from the original release while the sequel is right around the corner (hopefully I'll be putting it up on my 52 Game Challenge for 2024).

73: Final Fantasy VII Remake Episode Intermission. End: 12/29/2023.

Now this I had never played before. You control Yuffie on an untold adventure she had in Midgar during the events of Remake. Yuffie wasn't far off from Cloud and the others. Because you only control Yuffie in this she is able to fight in close quarters combat and serves as a distance fighter. I'm curious if they plan on making any changes to her gameplay in Rebirth. I'm definitely starting to feel the hype for Rebirth. (Can you tell?)

And that's all I have to say for the challenge this year. Hopefully I'll see you next year.


Nov 21, 2021
Not updated since early September so one final update to round out my year. Passed the 52 mark a long ways back and my last update I believe I'd just reached 80. Since then, I've finished another 27 games bringing my final total for the year has ended at 107.

81. Starfield (XSS) - September 17th - 6.5/10
82. Gato Roboto (NS) - September 18th - 7/10
83. Gunbrella (NS) - September 30th - 7/10
84. Cocoon (XSS) - October 3rd - 9/10
85. A Tiny Sticker Tale (NS) - October 5th - 7.5/10
86. El Paso, Elsewhere (XSS) - October 14th - 7/10
87. Underground Blossom (Android) - October 15th - 7/10
88. South Scrimshaw, Part One (PC) - October 15th - 0/10 (Game ruins itself by recreating the REEE meme 75% of the way through so f the dev for that one)
89. Pizza Possum (XSS) - October 17th - 7.5/10
90. Pumpkin Jack (XSS) - October 19th - 6/10
91. Mail Time (PS5) - October 20th - 6/10
92. Frog Detective 1 (XSS) - November 3rd - 6/10
93. Super Mario Bros. Wonder (NS) - November 3rd - 8/10
94. Frog Detective 2 (XSS) - November 4th - 6.5/10
95. Frog Detective 3 (XSS) - November 5th - 7/10
96. Chicken Journey (NS) - November 5th - 6.5/10
97. Jusant (XSS) - November 6th - 9/10
98. Alan Wake 2 (PS5) - November 16th - 9/10
99. Skator Gator 3D (XSS) - November 18th - 7/10
100. Torn Away (XSS) - November 28th - 6/10
101. Aperture Desk Job (PC) - November 30th - 8/10
102. Cavern of Dreams (PC) - December 2nd - 7.5/10
103. En Garde! (PC) - December 14th - 8/10
104. Ex-Zodiac (PC) - December 23rd - 7/10
105. Goodbye Volcano High (PS5) - December 25th - 8/10
106. Halo: Reach (PC) - December 27th 8/10
107. A Highland Song (PC) - December 27th - 8/10

The final platform breakdown is as follows:
Android: 3
PC/Steam Deck: 14
PS5: 26
Switch: 21
XSS: 43

Personal highlights from this batch are Cocoon, which I thought was a fantastic game, Jusant, which may well be my favourite game of the year, and Alan Wake 2, which after a 13 year wait was just incredible.

My playing habits changed at the end of November as I grabbed a Steam Deck so a lot of my time has been spent on that catching up on indies that I've missed that are only available on PC.

Happy with my total though. Far exceeded my total for last year and beat my previous best which was 90. We'll see what I can manage next year.

Main Post


Oct 1, 2019
Main Post

November update: 53/52

I DID IT a month ago!


50. November 1st | Castlevania Legends | Nintendo Switch Online (Game Boy) | 1h 30m | ☆☆(/5)
Despite being a big Castlevania fan, I'd never really spent much time with Castlevania Legends previously. I did play it in my emulating days of youth, but for some reason I don't think I actually ever beat it, even though I've always remembered it as a fairly good game. "Thanks" to Nintendo Switch Online, though, I can now say that either my memory is terrible, or I had no taste as a kid, because this is truly one of the worst games in the franchise. Not quite as bad as genuinely awful The Adventure or as boring as Castlevania II (Simon's Quest; not Belmont's Revenge), but still just a bad experience almost all the way through, and with a story so bad that Koji Igarashi would erase it from canon just a few years later with Lament of Innocence.

But why is Legends so bad? I mean, it's still the classic Castlevania gameplay we all know and love, but done in maybe the most uninspired way possible, and the new ideas it brings to the table are all their just to make the game worse. First stage mostly sort of lulls you into believing this won't be the case. It is boring and overly long, to be fair, but not to an egregious degree. You fight bats, jump over pits, move at a relatively fast pace so it seems like the game could be decent if a tad bit uninspired. Then you hit a random candelabra, thinking it would just give energy or something, but instead you're transported to another screen where you have to fight an unreasonable amount of zombies. "Cool secret, wonder what the game will reward me with after this ordeal", you might think, but then the fight is over, and you're transported back to the previous screen with nothing gained and health lost. You might think there's a reward in the candelabra that transported you, but no, you idiot, you absolute fool, because it just transports you back to the zombie fight.

This is a warning from the developers. "Do not play this game...", they say with this, "...because we're just going to waste your time and annoy you as much as we can from now on." And they really, really do just that. Stage 1 is harmless outside of that awful candelabra, but going forward, this will be a game that, despite being only about 90 minutes long, feels like an eternity to complete. Stages are filled with branching paths, but there's always just one correct path while the other just leads to either a dead end or another one of those horde fights that you have to complete to be able to even get back to where the path first branched off. There also seems to have been made an attempt to make fighting enemies as annoying as possible no matter which path you choose.

See, Castlevania Legends is a game that loves verticality in its stages, so much so that the vast majority of enemies you fight will be either ghosts or bats that fly down on you, which is not great in a game where the protagonist can basically just attack straight forward. "Just use the axe", you might say, but there is none in Castlevania Legends! In fact, sub-weapons don't act as sub-weapons at all, but as secret items to collect in order to get the secret ending (that basically adds nothing of importance), and while you do have some magic powers that can be equipped at will, they cost so much energy that they're not feasible to use that often (and shouldn't really ever be used outside of the one that heals you, since they sort of suck.)

It's also a lot harder to just jump up and hit them than in most other CV games since enemies move at you very fast, move diagonally downwards in a very awkward way, which is complimented by stage design that often puts you in very tight spaces without much maneuverability. Even the usually so trivial bats are super annoying, having the most erratic movement pattern I've seen in a video game in a very long time. To make matters even worse, the respawning of enemies in Legends is somehow even more aggressive than any Ninja Gaiden or Mega Man on the NES, so if you happen to get hit and knocked down to a slightly lower platform, expect to face that exact enemy once again, and sometimes even if you progress past that point, the enemy may somehow respawn and come at you from below whenever the game feels like messing with you just a bit more.

Even without these issues with constantly respawning enemies that are often basically impossible to avoid or hit, stages tricking you into just wasting time, or sub-weapons being replaced by boring magic, the entire game is just so... Unremarkable. Whenever you're not being constantly annoyed by vertical sections, the game really has nothing interesting going on. The bosses are extremely easy (something's very wrong when I can even beat Dracula first try without any issues), the non-airborne enemies barely pose a threat but often still have an annoying amount health anyway, and every single stage is just way too long with a whole lot of nothing. So long, in fact, that this is probably the only Castlevania where you might be in actual danger of ever dying from running out of time, especially when taking any wrong path. Castlevania Legends might just be about 90 minutes long (when going for the secret ending. It's probably just about an hour otherwise), but it feels longer than any other Classicvania simply because it has nothing going for it.

Legends not unplayable like The Adventure, actually feeling fairly competent in its controls, having really fair checkpoints (the game even seems to spawn you at the latest checkpoint after a game over, sort of begging the question why the game even has extra lives at all, but it's appreciated nonetheless), and no real difficulty spikes to keep the player stuck at any point, but it feels like Konami fed every Castlevania game into a very primitive AI and let it produce a game, which is cruel to the actual developers that made this game, and probably not under optimal circumstances, but it really is how the game feels, with it generating a game that knows about both Symphony of the Night and classic games, and then combining them into one thing that does neither well, and equating Castlevania's difficulty as just "cruel shit." Even Alucard is thrown into the game for a very small role, and acting nothing like the coolest protagonist of 1996 that we all know and love.

Honestly, what saves Legends from getting that coveted 1 or 1.5 rating is that as much as I dislike it, it is mercifully short and as annoying as those vertical sections are, or as boring as the more horizontal, the game is easy enough that no section at least overstays its welcome. The levels as a whole certainly do, but I never got stuck, and as annoying as those flying enemies are, they don't really do enough damage as to have killed me all that often.

Thinking about it now, maybe a lower rating is justified when a game's sole positive is that it's not very long, but it could have been so much worse if the difficulty was more like previous games in the series, and I'd just wander around these boring as sin stages for at least twice as long as I did. Honestly, despite being bored by a lot of the game, I didn't really hate most of my time with it. I would never want to play it again, but there are worse games out there, and especially on the Game Boy. Sure, for a game made on the handheld as late as 1997, Legends should be a lot better than this, especially considering how much better Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge was, but at worst I'll just forget about the whole game in a few months and never think about it again, rather than remembering the terrible times I had with it. "Castlevania Legends? No, I can't really tell you anything about that game", I'll say in complete earnest, and just move on with my life.

Soundtrack highlight:
Vampire Killer


51. November 11th | Marvel's Spider-Man 2 | Playstation 5 | 29h | ☆☆☆½
This one genuinely hurts a bit. I love Spider-Man, grew up reading the comic books, have enjoyed basically all of the movies and a lot of the games. Insomniac's first two Spider-Man games, while certainly not perfect, were also great times, and Spider-Man 2 was probably my most anticipated game of 2023. Having now played it, platinumed it even, it's... Good, above average. I did have a good time with it, no doubt about it, but it's not the spectacular experience I had hoped for, or even the one it seems to have the potential to be for a large part of the game.

I don't care too much about how derivative(/iterative) Spider-Man 2 can feel (though Insomniac really need to come up with another intro than "cutscene goes into slow-motion as you suddenly take control over Spider-Man mid-swing" for Spider-Man 3) since most of what was fun in previous games is still a whole lot of fun this time around, with web swinging feeling even fast and better than before and complemented by the new glide flying mechanic (there were several times in this game where I would just swing or glide around because it feels so good, without even having a goal in mind), the New York map still being beautiful and a lot of fun to just move around in , and the combat feeling just as smooth as ever, if not even better than in previous games. Is it a bit boring that this Spider-Man feels so similar to the one from five years ago? Maybe a bit, but the foundation that game was built upon is strong enough to carry at least two sequels without starting to feel stale to me.

Despite my disappointment with the overall game, I also actually loved most of my time with the first two thirds of Spider-Man 2. Insomniac are technical wizards, and they really get to flex their muscles (and budget) here not only with the game's fast travel that sort of feels like wizardry, but also with some absolutely fantastic set pieces that basically no other game can beat, that don't only feel really grand, but are really fun to play and really move the story and characters forward in relevant ways rather than just being eye candy or not like the game is afraid the player is growing bored so it just throws something cool at the screen to keep one's attention. Especially one mission involving Miles and Black Cat is maybe the coolest section of a video game this entire generation thus far.

Smaller moments are great as well, with the game really not being afraid to lower the pace and have you do more mundane things in between the action, giving you some time to breathe between all those huge moments and long fights, and the developers really knew precisely when to gently nudge these sections in when I as a player could use a short break from the action. Unlike, say, the puzzles of the first games, these are also usually surprisingly fun to play and really varied, doing things like biking with Harry or going to a carnival and just playing random games there, and they often lead to some great character moments, especially between Peter and Mary-Jane whose relationship and scenes together might be my favorite part of the game, which was surprising since I've never been a huge fan of Insomniac's writing in almost any game they've made.

Side quests were improved as well, being given much more interesting narratives and just like the main story having a surprising variety in things the game wants you to do, even if they do, of course, often involve a lot of fighting. It is an action game after all, and I'm fine with that since combat does feel so smooth as both Peter and Miles. I will say, though, that one of Miles' side quests, one involving a student asking Miles to help him ask out his boyfriend to prom, has maybe the worst example of expository monologuing I think I've experienced in my entire life, and I've read those old 60's comic books where like half the pages were the villains monologuing in an empty room about their entire origin story and how "if it hadn't been for that day when I was given an electric shock while working...!" Most other ones are a serious step up from the previous two games, though, both in writing and gameplay, and my only real issue with them is that I could have used maybe one more questline each for the Spider-Men, but that's just because I enjoyed them so much and want more.

Spider-Man 2 is still "just" a 3.5 game, though, and there are definitely reasons for that. For one, I don't feel like Miles is really utilized particularly well in this game. His side of the narrative isn't super interesting, is resolved way too easily, and it often feels like he shows up to either slap some sense into Peter or pick up where he left off, which makes it feel a bit like he's butting in on a story where all the emotional gravitas is with Peter and he just doesn't really fit in. I like his character, his relationship with his mom, and most of his side quests are really good, but he certainly feels like the lesser of the Spider-Men here, and that's too bad. His final suit is also absolutely terrible and comes out of nowhere (a "Miles Morales original", as if his previous suit wasn't), but the less said about that the better. Maybe a bit controversial, but I genuinely think this would be a better game if Miles got the black suit instead of Peter, since his side of the plot is so much about negative emotions with the aftermath of his father's death and how often Peter ignores him, and it would make him fit the central plot a bit better as well, with more personal stakes for him when Venom shows up.

I haven't even mentioned him, but I super enjoyed Insomniac's take on Kraven, and their twist on Kraven's Last Hunt. He wasn't in the game very much, but I don't think that was needed either considering the way his character was written here. His very menacing presence was still very much felt whenever he showed up. His hunter underlings, however... Look, I know Spider-Man 2 is a super mainstream game where everyone's supposed to be able to beat it without anything being so annoying that they might drop the game, but Insomniac really can't sell these people as even the least bit competent, which brings me to another issue with the game: stealth. It wasn't great in the first game or Miles Morales, but it feels so brain dead easy in this game that you almost have to try to be spotted. Enemies, knowing that they're fighting Spider-Man, can't look up at all, they don't see their webbed up companions even if they're hanging from a web right in front of them, and their AI is so stupid that you can just web any surface to make a noise a million times and they'll be surprised and go take a look every time.

This is carried over in the Mary-Jane stealth sections that, while better than the first game, just paint these dangerous hunters that could catch super villains as being almost completely harmless, nearly deaf, and extremely easy to knock out. It's not like I need Splinter Cell levels of stealth here or anything, but just any semblance of a challenge to 1) actually incentivize stealth and not make me want to fight each and every enemy since that can grow a bit stale over time, and 2) sell the fact that Kraven did not hire the most incompetent people on the entire planet, since the game otherwise really wants me to believe how dangerous they are.

Like I said, I mostly loved the first two thirds of the game, though, despite some grievances, but almost immediately as Venom kills Kraven the game shifts to something much less interesting, worse in almost every way, and feeling not quite complete. Like a first draft that just happened to never be revised for the final game. The great setpieces sort of disappear in favor of way too much fighting against enemies with so much more health than they should have, with not much variety or cooldown between the many fights, and the story just loses momentum completely, while going in the least interesting directions I could think of in every given instance while also feeling extremely rushed. It's also ridiculous how high the stakes get, but the two Spider-Men are the only super heroes to try and save the day, in this New York where we know at least the Avengers and Doctor Strange exist as well (which is a very minor nitpick in the grand scheme of things, but still). It's honestly insane how hard Spider-Man 2 drops the ball in its third act, in a way that I cannot recall another game doing in such a major way, and it is a real shame when I wanted to love the game so much. Even the final boss was pretty bad, going on for too long and feeling way too much like every other boss fight and not really special at all outside of one or two semi-cool cutscenes.

Oh well, looking forward to Spider-Man 3 in... However many years away it was according to that leaked release schedule!

Soundtrack highlight:
Greater Together


52. November 18th | Final Fantasy VI (Pixel Remaster) | Playstation 4 | 29h | Replay | ☆☆☆½
It's really not super important what one's 52nd game is, but I did sort of think about if I wanted to play a new game for it, or a replay of something I hadn't played in a long time. I obviously chose the latter, and in my replay of the Final Fantasy series also made the adult decision to just skip FFV to be able to get VI as game 52 for 2023, a game that I hadn't played in over a decade. Unlike young me with Castlevania Legends, though, I'm so happy to say that it's still almost as good as it was in my memory, and such an impressive piece of art for being an almost 30 year old JRPG.

Final Fantasy VI is sort of in the same category as games like Resident Evil 4 and Mega Man 2 where I don't really think I have to say anything, because everything has already been said about it many times over. You know the game, I know the game, we all at least like it to some extent and can say that the opening with the Magitek armors walking in the snow towards Narshe while Terra's theme plays is a 5/5, the opera house sequence is bizarre but iconic, the soundtrack is probably the best on the entire SNES, and the big twist is very cool, and in many ways both the best and worst thing about the game.

Spoilers for Final Fantasy VI, I guess.

I do actually want to say at least something about the game's second half. I know a lot of people really don't like it and think the game falls apart at that point, and I sort of agree, but I also find it so interesting. First half is a pretty standard Final Fantasy where plucky rebels are fighting evil empire that are trying to take over the entire world, people die along the way and there's some weird tonal shifts that do not work super well (like going from Cyan's introduction and then straight to the super goofy Phantom Train), but make the game just a bit more endearing and chaotic.

Then the game ends halfway through. I mean, it even was supposed to end there for real, but development went so well that Square had the time to add even more, and so we got World of Ruin (at least according to the Final Fantasy Wiki, and I feel like that's a pretty trustworthy source.) It has to be said that this second half is way too ambitious for what Square could do on the SNES, and probably also with less development time and sleep than they needed to really succeed in everything. Mainly in the way that character interactions barely exist, with Sabin not even reacting when his brother Edgar shows up alive and well after the party has been separated for a year, and some ways to re-recruit party members are way too obscure. Everyone fights in the same party and to defeat Kefka, sure, but they really do not care for one another, not even when being reunited, with the party leader just getting some stock line no matter who it is or who they're speaking with, which is kind of a shame when the ensemble cast of characters (except for Umaro, Gogo and Gau. I will not tolerate Mog being included among these) are so strong in their own right, but they all exist in their own little worlds into which no one else can be invited. This sort of sours the experience of getting the party back together again, and is honestly the main reason why I could see an FF6 remake from the ground up could be a good idea.

But it's also fantastic, because the game's technically over already, or the main story is. I don't think I appreciated this fact enough when I was younger, but having the second half of a game basically being its epilogue where you just tie up loose ends in a world that probably can't be saved is so compelling, especially in how NPCs react just like the player, with nostalgia over how it used to be and how, even though the world was awful before, it was a safer place and people took their lives and homes for granted. Now, everything is falling apart, people are looking for any joy in life, and without the empire being around anymore, there isn't really a common goal for most to fight against, so what's even the point of living anymore when everything is soon going to end anyway?

And the party that we've grown to love in the World of Balance are just like everyone else! Their main adversary is destroyed, they've all been separated and have no idea whether any of their comrades survived, so they just went on with their business, chasing their dreams with the time they had left, finding themselves or completely giving up because everything and everyone they once had is gone. But, and despite my issues with character interactions I think this says a lot about their bond to each other, as soon as they are reunited (and I really do appreciate how the game really doesn't give clear pointers on how to find most of them, since you can't possibly know whether they're even alive at this point. You just wander the world and hope for the best), they immediately go back to working together not really to save the world, but to at least try to make things better, hope for the best, and get another shot at stopping what they couldn't before. Even the ending, which I absolutely love, that ends on an optimistic note, doesn't really assure you that the world is healing, but that despite everything and how hopeless things seem maybe life can work out after all, even in the apocalypse.

The game is about carpe diem, is what I'm trying to say.

Soundtrack highlight:
Impossible to choose only one, but Celes' theme


53. November 28th | Super Mario RPG | Nintendo Switch | 15h | ☆☆
Being a lousy, dirty European, this was a game I had to emulate back in the day since Square would only release about every other game of theirs over here (we've still never gotten Xenogears...), but played it I did, and even beat it (though I do distinctly remember getting stuck at the cake boss and just giving up on the game for a long time before starting over), with it being one of the first RPGs I ever beat.

What struck me as I was playing through this fantastic remake of the game was that despite me not having played Mario RPG in probably two decades is how much of it I remember, probably because of how extremely charming every little particle of this very tiny RPG is. I know Nintendo expanded on basically everything this game did with the first two Paper Mario games (and then went overboard with the quirkiness in Super Paper Mario), but this was my first experience of the weirder side of Mario, so I think it resonates a bit more with me. It showed me how interesting a Mario game and world can be, more than just sidescrolling levels with a grass, ice or lava theme or whatever, and that there can be characters, many of them very weird, just living their lives in their own little towns. Also that RPGs don't have to be very serious stories about the end of the world (even though this one technically is, I think?), but that they can be fun, breezy little romps as well.

Also that Bowser can be more than just a generic, evil villain, because he was so funny then, and he's still just as funny to adult me. I don't know what difference there really is between this iteration and the Paper Mario Bowser, but he just hits different in Mario RPG, and is the true MVP of the game with his shame of losing his castle somehow being turned into the funniest running joke in the game, culminating in him showing off his skills as a poet. Too bad he was never allowed to be this great ever again...

What I didn't remember, but moreso realized this time around, is just how short Mario RPG is. Like, I took 15 hours to beat this game, and that includes getting into basically every battle I could, getting the Super Suit, scanning almost every enemy and boss for their quotes, finding every secret chest, getting the lazy shell, winning the star egg at the casino, hatching and growing Big Yoshi, and beating all the new post-game bosses (plus the original game's super boss, of course.) I don't really have anything against his since it doesn't really need to be longer, but I was shocked by how fast it just flew by despite me really taking my time with it. It's not surprising I loved it so much as a kid, since it wasn't really that big an undertaking to get through, and the low difficulty is great for a novice. Not super stimulating for me now that I'm more well versed in the genre, but I also don't think it really needs to be particularly difficult. I mainly played it for the charming world and characters this time around, so fights being easy and being ended quickly was honestly just a good thing to me.

As a remake, I'm... content, is probably the best word I could use. The base game is so strong that not much had to be changed, but I also don't find these Nintendo remakes that are basically the same game again but with better graphics and rearranged music to be all that interesting. Not that I'd want an FF7 Remake of Super Mario RPG, but it's hard to be all that excited about a game where I've already experienced basically all it had to offer, but in a slightly more primitive form. It does look and sound fantastic, I do want to stress, but most people would probably get just as nice of an experience simply through playing the original, through emulation or more legit ways, and save some money that way. This was an excuse for me to replay the game, and I got to feel nostalgic about things and re-experience a great game so it was definitely worth paying the full price to me, though I certainly empathize with people who think it's too much for what is basically the same, very short game from 1995.

Soundtrack highlight:
Battling Smithy

And that's it, finally. November is finally over on this December 30th. Guess I'll have a much, much shorter December update for tomorrow so I can finally lay this year to rest.

Currently playing:
Super Mario Bros. Wonder (NSW)
Octopath Traveller II (PS5)
Yakuza: Like a Dragon (PS5)

Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018
Congrats to everyone who participated and/or achieved their personal goals! I'm a bit behind in updates, so this'll be part 1 of my final batch.

42. Suika Game a.k.a. Watermelon Game (2023, Switch) ★★★★☆
Highly addictive puzzle game where you try to match fruits. The slightly unreliable gravity results in that intoxicating mix of unpredictable rewards for repetitive actions. It's got only one, super annoying song, and I wonder if something like an (optional) basketball shot clock might be worth adding since you can theoretically take forever to drop your next fruit.


43. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgame$ (2003, Switch - GBA NSO) ★★★★☆
The first WarioWare title is a startlingly complete vision of what the franchise would become. The pace is fast, jokes come quick, and the trollish sense of humour is a natural fit for the character. The art style in this entry is all over the place, ranging from beautiful pixel art to MS Paint crudeness. Only minor bummer is how it reuses some microgames without many changes to them, but at the breakneck pace that's a short-lived complaint.


44. Fighter's History (1994, Switch - SNES NSO) ★★★☆☆
I've never played Street Fighter II and even I can tell this is blatantly following SF2's footsteps. Looking into it, Data East even got (unsuccessfully) sued over this game by Capcom. That's probably the most interesting fact about Fighter's History, but I will say the game feels perfectly competent on its own, despite an utter lack of identity. It has 9 playable characters plus 2 bosses, all with unique move sets, and decently detailed arenas for everyone. All the fighters are entirely forgettable, except for final boss Karnov, who I believe is from a different game series. It feels like there's some political commentary happening, with the Soviet-coded Karnov disguised with keffiyeh & agal in a Middle-Eastern oil field, but I'm not informed enough on these topics to fully grasp its significance.
The fighting itself works well: it's a fast game with simple inputs, and impacts feel crunchy. Perhaps there could've been a bit more time between moves to punish button mashing, but that'd come at the expense of the current responsive controls. I don't know how much depth there really is for true fighting game fans, but as a scrub I had an okay time mashing buttons for 4 hours.


45. Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts (1991, Switch - SNES NSO) ★★★★☆
Gave this franchise another shot after liking its spin-off series Gargoyle's Quest. Had bounced off of Ghosts 'n Goblins previously, but this third game drew me in with its opening cinematic, and fantasic visuals. The series already has a unique style, and for an early SNES game this looks particularly impressive. Mind, it's still a very difficult precision platformer loaded with traps, and an inflexible double jump which doesn't let you change directions once in the air. But the surprisingly generous continue system and the NSO addition of save states greatly help at tipping the scales against a game which is clearly giddy about trolling you with blind jumps, surprise spawning enemies, or outright flooding the screen. There's a sense of humour to poor Arthur's terrible fate, between running around in his underwear after losing his armour, and getting sent back all the way for a 2nd loop right before facing the (rather disappointing) final boss.


46. Dig Dug II a.k.a. Dig Dug II: Trouble in Paradise (1985, Switch - NES NSO) ★★★☆☆
Sequel to a Namco arcade classic I haven't played. Unlike the side-view underground digging of the original, which looks similar to Mr. Driller or SteamWorld Dig to me, this is an overhead action-puzzle game set above ground instead. You need to clear levels of enemies, by either inflating them 'til they pop, or by sinking parts of the island they're on. Quite addictive, but the game never introduces new foes, so its difficulty can only increase by upping enemy numbers, and more restrictive level designs. Later levels get fiendishly difficult, but on NSO you can trial & error your way through using savestates. Impressive amount of levels (72!) for a game this old, and there's a funny, morbid touch where sometimes the last surviving enemy will choose to drown themselves instead of facing you.


Feb 20, 2020
Sign me up for next year challenge! I'm playing less & less games every year & I hope this challenge motivate me to play more!


Oct 27, 2017
I haven't updated my progress in the thread in a long while, but I did manage to complete 52 games! I still need to find time to write up my thoughts on some of the games. For now, here is the list of what I completed this year:

1. Castlevania II: Simon's Quest (XSX) | Jan 01 | 3/5
2. Castlevania: The Adventure (XSX) | Jan 01 | 1/5
3. Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon (Switch) | Jan 02 | 4/5
4. Kid Dracula (XSX) | Jan 03 | 2/5
5. Castlevania II: Belmont's Revenge (XSX) | Jan 04 | 3/5
6. Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (XSX) | Jan 07 | 4/5
7. Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon 2 (Switch) | Jan 18 | 4/5
8. Steel Assault (Switch) | Jan 21 | 3/5
9. The Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (Switch) | Feb 01 | 4/5
10. Super Castlevania IV (XSX) | Feb 02 | 3/5
11. Graze Counter GM (Switch) | Feb 03 | 5/5
12. Wild Guns (NSO) | Feb 09 | 3/5
13. Portal (PC) | Feb 17 | 5/5
14. Star Wars Battle Pod (Arcade) | Feb 26 | 3/5
15. Hi-Fi Rush | Feb 28 | 4/5
16. Four Last Things | Mar 06 | 4/5
17. Samorost | Mar 10 | 2/5
18. Psychonauts 2 | Mar 13 | 5/5
19. Akai Katana | Mar 22 | 4/5
20. Drainus | Mar 29 | 3/5
21. Trek to Yomi | Apr 09 | 3/5
22. Arrest of a Stone Buddha | Apr 11 | 3/5
23. Final Fantasy V | May 05 | 5/5
24. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom | Jun 01 | 5/5
25. Pikuniku | Jun 09 | 4/5
26. Batsugun | Jun 11 | 5/5
27. Final Fantasy II | Jun 23 | 2/5
28. Espgaluda II | Jun 25 | 4/5
29. DoDonPachi Resurrection | Jun 25 | 4/5
30. Touch My Katamari | Jul 01 | 4/5
31. Um Jammer Lammy | Jul 04 | 3/5
32. Parappa the Papper | Jul 05 | 4/5
33. Final Fantasy XVI | Jul 15 | 5/5
34. Planet of Lana | Jul 24 | 3/5
35. Venba | Aug 05 | 4/5
36. Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Arcade | Aug 12 | 3/5
37. Turtles in Time | Aug 12 | 3/5
38. Final Fantasy IV | Aug 17 | 5/5
39. Bomb Rush Cyberfunk | Sep 01 | 5/5
40. Deathsmiles | Sep 02 | 3/5
41. Rolling Gunner Overpower | 09/04 | 4/5
42. Deathsmiles II | Sep 06 | 2/5
43. Rayforce | Sep 10 | 3/5
44. Terra Flame | Sep 16 | 3/5
45. Mushihimesama | Oct 09 | 5/5
46. Castlevania: Circle of the Moon | Oct 17 | 3/5
47. Ace Attorney: Phoenix Wright | Oct 18 | 5/5
48. Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance | Oct 28 | 4/5
49. Super Mario Wonder | Nov 19 | 4/5
50. Marve's Spider-an 2 | Nov 22 | 5/5
51. Cocoon | Nov 25 | 5/5
52. Phoenix Wright: Ace Attorney - Justice for All | Dec 04 | 4/5


Prophet of Truth - One Winged Slayer
Sep 17, 2020
Finished my last game of the year, this was my first year really tracking everything using Backloggd. Total count for 2023 is 60 games. Overall amazing year for games, I definitely don't expect to finish nearly this many games next year as next year is looking lighter, a lot of my backlog is now cleared and I will hopefully be working a full time job.

1. The Legend of Zelda Skyward Sword HD (Finished January 12th)
2. Fire Emblem Engage (Finished January 25th)
3. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 NG+ Replay w/ DLC (Finished January 28th)
4. GoldenEye 007 (Finished January 29th)
5. Hi-Fi Rush (Finished January 31st)
6. Pikmin 2 (Finished February 8th)
7. Kuru Kuru Kuruin (Finished February 9th)
8. WarioWare, Inc.: Mega Microgames! (Finished February 9th)
9. Tetris (Finished February 9th)
10. Game & Watch Gallery 3 (Finished February 9th)
11. Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins (Finished February 9th)
12. New Pokémon Snap (Finished February 10th)
13. WarioWare: Touched! (Finished February 10th)
14. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap (Finished February 24th)
15. Metroid Prime Remastered (Finished February 27th)
16. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess HD (Finished March 21st)
17. JellyCar Worlds (Finished March 21st)
18. Fire Emblem Engage: Fell Xenologue (Finished April 11th)
19. Xenoblade Chronicles 3: Future Redeemed (Finished April 26th)
20. Star Wars Jedi: Survivor (Finished May 2nd)
21. The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom (Finished May 17th)
22. Advance Wars 1+2: Re-Boot Camp (Finished May 28th)
23. We Love Katamari Reroll + Royal Reverie (Finished June 9th)
24 BattleBit Remastered (Finished June 26th)
25. Nier: Automata - Game of the Yorha Edition (Finished July 29th)
26. Pikmin 4 (Finished July 30th)
27. Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon (Finished August 27th)
28. Starfield (Finished September 3rd)
29. F-Zero 99 (Finished September 14th)
30. Counter-Strike 2 (Finished September 27th)
31. New Super Mario Bros. 2 (Finished October 14th)
32. New Super Luigi U (Finished October 15th)
33. Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Finished October 24th)
34. Super Mario Land (Finished October 25th)
35. Super Mario Bros.: The Lost Levels (Finished October 25th)
36. Cities: Skylines II (Finished October 26th)
37. Pilotwings Resort (Finished October 29th)
38. Mario Kart 9 Deluxe: Booster Course Pass Final Wave (Finished November 8th)
39. Tetris DS (Finished November 9th)
40. Super Mario RPG (Finished November 16th)
41. Art Academy (Finished November 21st)
42. Picross DS (Finished November 21st)
43. Astro's Playroom (Finished November 24th)
44. Lethal Company (Finished November 26th)
45. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (Finished November 27th)
46. WarioWare: Move It! (Finished December 1st)
47. LEGO Fortnite (Finished December 7th)
48. Hell Let Loose (Finished December 8th)
49. Final Fantasy XVI: Echoes of the Fallen (Finished December 14th)
50. Final Fantasy XVI (Finished December 14th)
51. Planet Puzzle League (Finished December 20th)
52. Picross 3D (Finished December 20th)
53. Clubhouse Games (Finished December 20th)
54. Cooking Mama (Finished December 20th)
55. Ape Escape (
Finished December 26th)
56. Dr Mario Online Rx (
Finished December 28th)
57. Excitebike: World Rally (
Finished December 28th)
58. Wii Play Motion (
Finished December 28th)
59. Wii Music (
Finished December 29th)
60. WarioWare Smooth Moves (
Finished December 30th)


Oct 25, 2017
Finishing tally

Games 1 and 2
1. Kaze and the Wild Masks
2. Vengeful Guardian Moonrider

Game 3
3. Asura's Wrath

Games 4 and 5
4. Pokemon Snap
5. Goldeneye 007

Games 6-8
6. Fire Emblem Engage
7. Hi-Fi Rush
8. Yoshi's Island

Games 9-11
9. Metroid Prime Remastered
Bonus Round: Super Mario Advance 4: Super Mario Bros 3: E Reader stages
10. The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap
11. Marsupilami: Hoobadventure

12. Kirby's Return to Dreamland Deluxe

Games 13 and 14
13. Octopath Traveller 2
14. Dead Cells: Return to Castlevania

Games 15 and 16
15. Resident Evil 4 (2023)
16. Shovel Knight: King of Cards

Games 17-19
17. The Last Case of Benedict Fox
18. Xenoblade Chronicles 3 Future Redeemed
19. Bayonetta Origins: Cereza and the Lost Demon

Games 20 and 21
20. Kirby's Dreamland
21. Fighter's History

22. Tchia

Games 23 and 24
23: The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom
24. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time

Games 25-27
25. Street Fighter 6
26. New Super Luigi U
27. Ratchet and Clank: Rift Apart

Games 28 and 29
28. Samurai Shodown (modern)
29. New Super Mario Bros U Deluxe

30. Final Fantasy 16(and my personal fave writeup/rant of the year)

Games 31 to 37
31. Pizza Tower
32. Ghost Trick Remastered
33. New Super Mario Bros 2
34. Mail Mole
35. Hey Pikmin
36. Super Mario Land 2
37. Kirby's Tilt n Tumble

Games 38 to 42
38. Live a Live Remake
39. Pikmin 4
40. Chocobo GP
41. Blue Fire
42. Mega Man: The Power Battles

Games 43 to 45
43. Control
44. Sonic Triple Trouble (16 bit fan remake)
45. Mega Man: The Power Battles 2

Games 45-47 (apparently I counted 45 twice, well Power battles 2 was like 15 minutes long and the other 45 is a DLC so ehhh)
45. Resident Evil 4: Seperate Ways DLC
46. TMNT: Shredder's Revenge
47. Gunbrella

Games 48-50
48. Cocoon
49. Lies of P
50. Trombone Champ

Games 51-55
51. Super Mario World
52. Super Mario Bros Wonder
53. Pac Man World Repac
54. Gravity Circuit
55. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1 & 2

Games 56 to 59
56. Jusant
57. F-Zero 99
58. Castlevania Legends (one star award! turd of the year baby!)
59. Payday 3

Games 60 to 62
60. Mario Kart 8 Deluxe Booster Pass
61. Sonic Superstars
62. Super Mario RPG (remake)

Games 63 to 65
63. A Highland Song
64. Pokemon Violet DLC: The Treasure of Area Zero
65. Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon

I never did get around to my long claimed "I'll totes return to Baldurs Gate 3", to 2024 it goes!

Ongoing/service games wrap up

Overwatch 2 in 2023
Well, this one has been all over the place.
Undertuned new heroes, pay to win new heroes, endless leavers, seeing my theory confirmed that PvE overwatch was always gonna be shit and that cutting it all was the right move. I can't quit this game and often I wish I could, that one great match in a sea of crap though, it hits the spot so damn hard.
If I removed the time spent on this game in 2023, I could probably add 20 more full games to my list, ouch

Fortnite in 2023
Wow, three whole new games shadowdropped at once, and as you may expect, all three feel a touch bare at the moment as a result, yet all hold promise, well except that I hate the loop of the lego game and its minecraft-ing so that's a no go for me.
Actually got some lapsed friends into the BR here, and it was good times, for two weeks and then it went to the OG season which suuuucked for the first two weeks, but got a lot better as it went. And then we never really went back for the current season which I prefer to the OG throwback season, but also really don't like the faster time to kill and the weapon mods gimmick.

The music mode is interesting because I was out of the loop for Guitar Hero back in the day, couldn't use those peripherals to save my life and kinda loathed the game as a result since it became THE multiplayer game for a while and now I've heard Hotel California more than the law should allow. Yet I've put more time into it here than the racing which I thought would be my jam.
Said racing game has a good base but the early tracks are just so bland and the repeated canyon theme just sends me to sleepsville.

Splatoon 3
The reality hit that I can't squid like the kids, also it took them over a year to finally buff my beloved undercover brella, it still sucks, which plus me sucking makes this game reeeaaaal painful at times

Lethal Company
Absolutely hilarious, that is all, shame everyone's christmas shifts have had this one fall on the backburner, one to watch for 2024

Nintendo's retro console online apps
Dogshit dripfeed, how the hell did I only get 1080 dropped mere weeks ago?! did not pay for itself, absolute shambles only surpassed by whatever Sony's premium plus con is, fortunately I'm only an extra lad.

And my friend made me redownload Halo Infinite and renew my xbox live so we could play the new and improved Halo Infinite multiplayer, only to do no such thing, I mean I was gonna renew gamepass anyway but still!
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