May 15, 2019
This is an update for what I completed in October:

Main Post

5. Pokemon: Legends Arceus (Switch) | 2nd October - 29hrs | 8/10

Absolutely loved this game. I felt like the quest line was intriguing and the open world aspects just absolutely incredible. I was also amazed by the amount of content in the game as well as:

The game had one of the toughest trainer battles ever. Volo is up there with Cynthia in the franchise for me. Seriously - the battle and then going into TWO forms of Giratina with no rest was sooo difficult. Took me a couple of hours to eventually win it.

Also caught most of the legendaries minus Enamorus and Arceus. Enamorus just kept consistently made itself so difficult to catch, so I ended up giving up.

If you like Pokemon at all, it's definitely worth playing.


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
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42. Storyteller

In Storyteller, you're given a prompt, a set, and a cast of characters, and it's up to you to put them in coherent order.

Each level is it's own "story," it's own puzzle. If the prompt is "the Baron takes the throne," you have to plan a complete sequence of events to turn the Baron into a monarch. Usually there is only one solution, but some levels have bonus solutions.

The fun part is mixing and matching characters and scenes and finding out how each react to each other. (Like, if you kill someone in Scene One, but try to shove them into Scene Two, they will appear as a ghost.)

Played it on mobile (thanks Netflix!) and it's perfect for that system.



43. Peglin

It's Slay the Spire x Peggle. And that's the best compliment I can give it.

Seriously, if you asked me a year ago what game was comparably addicting to Slay the Spire and the answer was "roguelike deckbuilding peggle," I wouldn't have believed you, but here we are. In Peglin, your satchel is rull of rocks that you throw at enemies. Mechanically, the way this works is each ball that you throw against a peg deals damage for every peg that you hit, and some of the balls have special abilities. Each enemy has it's own attack but what's special is that each enemy also has it's own themed... "stage"? I don't know what to call the peglin setups here. But they're just as unique as the enemies you encounter. There's also relics that can give you a boost, and chests to find...even the map looks like Slay the Spire.

But it's fun, and addicting. This will definitely be my go to whenever I need a break from StS.



44. Slay the Princess

This is one of my games of the year.

I was going to wait to purchase it, but then the insane positive reviews started pouring in and people were comparing it to the Stanley Parable so I was like "okay I'll buy it now." I'm so glad I did!! The branching paths, on your first playthrough, seem endless and hard to predict. Almost every choice you make has significant consequences for the route you're on, and every single route managed to surprise and delight me with it's imaginative scenarios and twists.

It's premise is basic: you start out on a path in the woods. At the end of that path is a cabin. In the basement of that cabin is a Princess. You have to slay her. If you don't, it will be the end of the world.

...Or so says some mysterious voice in your head, known as "The Narrator," but he's pretty cagey about the details. He just really wants you to slay this princess. Already, all is not as it seems. Will you take The Narrator at face value and destroy the princess? Will you try to talk it out with her? Set her free? Leave her to rot? Maybe......fall in love???

And that premise really goes places. No two routes are the same. The major highlights are the incredible illustrations (there's over 3,000 according to the dev!) and the sublime voice acting. (And the writing of course - genuinely busted out loud laughing in some routes, sat in awe in others.)

Highly, HIGHLY recommend it.

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Oct 27, 2017

A very normal assortment of games this month (and by this month I mean September).


#26 - Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (PlayStation 4) - ★★★★☆

It's another critically acclaimed expansion to FFXIV, but I'm not quite sure where I'd rank it compared to the previous two. Shadowbringers certainly has its high points, but these highs make all the tedious strings of quests stand out even more. The more interesting environments are all frontloaded and there's a lot of the usual busywork doing fetch quests for fairies and getting trolleys to work. Still, there were some truly spectacular dungeons and the trials were all a lot of fun.

I appreciated the addition of the trust system that lets you complete dungeons alongside AI partners. Since I play as a healer, I typically look up some strategies for the dungeons beforehand to avoid dying and causing a complete party wipe, which ruins a lot of the surprise. Going in blind with AI partners made me enjoy the dungeons a bit more and having the scions fight alongside you fits in nicely with the narrative. It's not exactly a Shadowbringers addition, but I changed jobs to a sage and had a great time. Setting up shields and firing off Gundam fin funnels was a lot of fun once I actually memorised what all the abilities were called. Looking forward to next summer/free weekend when I have enough free time to return to Eorzea.

#27 - Marvel Midnight Suns (Xbox Series) - ★★★★☆

I'm not a huge fan of Marvel but I adored Fire Emblem: Three Houses, so all the comparisons to that game made me check out Midnight Suns. And I absolutely loved it. The card-based combat worked well, with the variety of cards giving each hero a distinct playstyle. Though I wish the hangout events that let you strengthen your bond with the other heroes were more frequent, the structure of clearing a mission and then returning to base to upgrade the crew and explore the abbey grounds worked remarkably well. It's a shame the game is still so buggy though - I lost count of how many times the game suddenly crashed! Ah well, at least the automatic saves are quite frequent.

#28 - Marvel Midnight Suns DLC (Xbox Series) - ★★★★☆

I'm going to count this as a separate title since it was quite substantial, adding in four new characters who each have a series of missions to play through. Each of the newcomers has their own gimmick that helps them to stand out, like Storm's cards growing stronger in subsequent turns or Venom's powerful attacks that use a separate hunger gauge. The separate stories about fighting Dracula are fun, but I was impressed by how well the characters were integrated into the main storyline. The DLC also adds some much needed variety to the game's enemies, although the vampire foes can be incredibly annoying.

#29 - Metal Hellsinger (Xbox Series) - ★★★★☆

When I first played Metal Hellsinger last year, I thought it was incredibly innovative, but it now suffers from Hi-Fi Rush coming out and doing a similar mix of rhythm and action game much better. I just don't really like first person shooters that much, so despite the rhythm parts clicking really well, I ended up having to bump the difficulty down. The satanic settings and metal soundtrack go together perfectly, but the game's depiction of Hell felt very samey. There are a lot of shootouts in small arenas against the same irritating enemies. Boss fights were also quite a letdown - I was hoping to fight all kinds of hellbeasts and not just the same opponent over and over. Still, the music made this a fun experience; getting a good enough combo going for the vocals to kick in absolutely rocks.

#30 - Idol Janshi Suchi-Pai IV (PlayStation 2) - ★★★☆☆

I learned to play riichi mahjong this year and let me tell you it's a slippery slope that leads to old strip mahjong games. Well at least this PS2 title by Jaleco is more silly than seedy, as you're accompanied by a mahjong-themed magical girl who has all kind of ridiculous moves up her sleeve. Playing a good enough hand lets you earn powerups, which include setting the winning tile on fire so your opponent can't pick it up. The games are rigged, but it's all dumb fun. As it's a PS2 game, there's no nudity here; your reward for winning is getting your opponent to join your maid cafe (you know it's a mid 2000s anime game when there's maid cafes) and taking salacious pictures of them. That said, one of the characters can be dressed up in what's basically a Nazi uniform, so I suppose that's problematic in its own way.

#31 - Phantasy Star IV: The End of the Millennium (Sega Mega Drive) - ★★★★★

God dang, Phantasy Star IV really is up there as one of the best 16-bit RPGs. There are so many good ideas here, like the ability to set macros of different commands to speed through battles and party chat that helps keeps players on track and adds more personality to the cast. The different planets to explore give the game an impressive scale, although it's refreshingly brief compared to many modern JRPGs. The story is rather simple, but it's well-paced and beautifully told with manga-style cutscenes. Phantasy Star IV felt far ahead of its time, so it's still incredibly enjoyable.

#32 - Super Mario 64 (Nintendo 64) - ★★★★★

I've never been much of a fan of Mario 64, but it turns out I was just never playing it with the right controller. Both the D-pad controls or awkward thumbstrap in the DS version made the platforming awkward and when I played the original in the Switch's 3D Collection, it still didn't feel quite right. I recently picked up the special N64 controller for the Switch and playing Super Mario 64 with that awkward three-pronged monstrosity is like night and day. Everything controls so smoothly now; it's effortless to maneuver Mario around and the camera is usually cooperative enough that the 3D platforming feels great.

It's just as well, since this is definitely a Mario platformer, with less of that focus on exploring and collecting stuff that later 3D platformers would double down on. Though there are plenty of stars to gather, the game gradually builds up to demanding platforming challenges that have Mario making use of all of his jumping techniques. While the stages don't feel quite as expansive as they might have in 1996, there are plenty of original level concepts like the changing water levels in Wet-Dry World and the different entrances to Tiny Huge Island. The soundtrack is just as distinctive, with plenty of iconic Koji Kondo jams. Obviously plenty of games would build on Mario 64's ideas and controls, but it's remarkable how Nintendo got so much right this first time around.
May 10, 2019
I'm not really for making incremental posts or really getting into big talking about it this year but uh, yeah I did this:

  1. Infernax [PC] 1/3/2023 - ****
  2. PRODEUS [Xbox] 1/5/2023 - ***1/2
  3. Kevin Costner's Waterworld [PC] 1/8/2023 - ****
  4. Elsewhere In The Night [PC] 1/8/2023 - ***
  5. The Forgotten Crawler [PC] 1/8/2023 - ***1/2
  6. Chained Echoes [PC] 1/25/2023 - ****1/2
  7. Crystal Project [PC] 1/28/2023 - *****
  8. ZOZ [PC] 1/29/2023 - *****
  9. Islets [PC] 2/1/2023 - ****1/2
  10. SEGA AGES 2500 Vol. 1 - Phantasy Star Generation:1 [PlayStation 2] 2/4/2023 - ****
  11. Phantasy Star Gaiden [Game Gear] 2/5/2023 - **
  12. Phantasy Star Adventure [Game Gear] 2/7/2023 - ****
  13. Phantasy Star II: Amia's Adventure [Mega Drive] 2/8/2023 - ****
  14. Phantasy Star II: Anne's Adventure [Mega Drive] 2/8/2023 - ***
  15. Phantasy Star II: Huey's Adventure [Mega Drive] 2/8/2023 - ***1/2
  16. Phantasy Star II: Kinds's Adventure [Mega Drive] 2/8/2023 - *****
  17. Phantasy Star II: Nei's Adventure [Mega Drive] 2/8/2023 - *****
  18. Phantasy Star II: Rudger's Adventure [Mega Drive] 2/8/2023 - ***
  19. Phantasy Star II: Shilka's Adventure [Mega Drive] 2/8/2023 - ****
  20. Phantasy Star II: Yushis's Adventure [Mega Drive] 2/8/2023 - **1/2
  21. SEGA AGES 2500 Vol. 17 - Phantasy Star Generation:2 [PlayStation 2] 2/15/2023 - ****1/2
  22. Phantasy Star 3 (with General Improvment Patch) [Genesis] 2/16/2023 - ***1/2
  23. Phantasy Star IV [Genesis] 2/19/2023 - *****
  24. Soleil [Mega Drive] 2/24/2023 - ****
  25. DARK HALF [Super Famicom] 3/10/2023 - *****
  26. Ravenloft: Stone Prophet [PC] 3/18/2023 - ***
  27. Deadly Towers [NES] 3/25/2023 - ***1/2
  28. Shining In The Darkness [Genesis] 3/26/2023 - ****
  29. Titan Quest: Anniversary Edition [PC] 3/29/2023 - ****1/2
  30. Arc the Lad [PlayStation] 4/1/2023 - ****
  31. Titan Quest: Ragnarok [PC] 4/12/2023 - ***1/2
  32. Titan Quest: Atlantis [PC] 4/12/2023 - ****
  33. ASTLIBRA Revision [PC] 4/21/2023 - *****
  34. Ys Origin [PC] 4/22/2023 - ****1/2
  35. King Colossus [Mega Drive] 4/28/2023 - ****
  36. Ys I Chronicles+ [PC] 4/29/2023 - ****1/2
  37. Shining Force [Genesis] 4/30/2023 - ****
  38. Ys II Chronicles+ [PC] 5/13/2023 - *****
  39. PRONTY: Fishy Adventure [PC] 5/19/2023 - ****1/2
  40. Wanderers from Ys [Genesis] 5/19/2023 - ****
  41. Shining Force CD (Book 1) [Sega CD] 5/21/2023 - ****
  42. Ys: The Oath in Felghana [PC] 5/27/2023 - ****1/2
  43. Elderand [PC] 5/31/2023 - *****
  44. Zone of the Enders -HD Edition- [Xbox 360] 6/2/2023 - ***
  45. Final Fantasy VI: T-Edition [Super NES] 6/3/2023 - *****
  46. Ys IV: Mask of the Sun [Super Famicom] 6/11/2023 - ****1/2
  47. Shining Force CD (Book 2) [Sega CD] 6/12/2023 - ***
  48. Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater -HD Edition- [Xbox 360] 6/22/2023 - *****
  49. Zone of the Enders: The Fist of Mars [Game Boy Advance] 6/23/2023 - ***
  50. Shadowrun [Super NES] 6/25/2023 - ****1/2
  51. Zone of the Enders 2: ANUBIS -HD Edition- [Xbox 360] 6/29/2023 - ****1/2
  52. Ys IV: The Dawn Of Ys [PC Engine CD] 6/29/2023 - *****
  53. Shadowrun [Genesis] 7/16/2023 - ****1/2
  54. Das Geisterschiff [PC] 7/20/2023 - *****
  55. Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight [PC] 7/20/2023 - *****
  56. Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei: Megami Tensei II [Super Famicom] 7/26/2023 - ****1/2
  57. ActRaiser [Super NES] 7/31/2023 - *****
  58. Ys: Memories of Celceta [PC] 8/4/2023 - ****
  59. Shadowrun Returns [PC] 8/5/2023 - ****
  60. Ys V: Lost Kefin, Kingdom of Sand [Super Famicom] 8/12/2023 - ***1/2
  61. Demon Lord Reincarnation [PC] 8/18/2023 - *****
  62. Blue Dragon [Xbox 360] 8/23/2023 - ****
  63. Legend of Grimrock 2 [PC] 8/26/2023 - ****1/2
  64. Shadowrun: Dragonfall [PC] 9/1/2023 - *****
  65. Gunstar Heroes [Genesis] 9/2/2023 - ****
  66. Dungeon Magic [NES] 9/7/2023 - **1/2
  67. Bio Miracle Bokkute Upa [Famicom] 9/7/2023 - ****
  68. Shadowrun: Hong Kong [PC] 9/16/2023 - ****1/2
  69. Shadowrun: Shadows of Hong Kong [PC] 9/19/2023 - ****1/2
  70. Sea of Stars [PC] 9/22/2023 - ****1/2
  71. Dragon Quest [Super Famicom] 9/23/2023 - ***1/2
  72. Dragon Quest II [Super Famicom] 9/25/2023 - ****
  73. CODE VEIN [PC] 10/6/2023 - ****
  74. Master of Darkness [Master System] 10/6/2023 - ****
  75. Starfield [PC] 10/10/2023 - *****
  76. Dragon Quest III [Super Famicom] 10/18/2023 - *****
  77. Heart Of Ruin: Final Columbus [PC] 10/21/2023 - ***1/2
  78. Blood Omen: Legacy of Kain [Playstation] 10/25/2023 - ****
  79. Vampire Hunter D [Playstation] 10/26/2023 - ***1/2
  80. Vampyr [PC] 10/31/2023 - ****

Woah, that's a lot of video game. And that's not even counting having to abandon the broken but otherwise brilliant PC-98 port of THE SCREAMER, and having to take a health break on Operation Darkness (which I love regardless).

Maybe I'll update again at the end of the year, maybe I won't. My head isn't in a good longform writing space right now.
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Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018
Belated Halloween update.


24. Gargoyle's Quest (1990/1991, Switch - GB NSO) ★★★☆☆
Ghosts 'n' Goblins spin-off in which you play as Firebrand, the Red Arremer who ended many early runs in Ghosts 'n' Goblins. I've never invested the time to get even remotely competent at that series, since the frantic enemy spawn rate feels exhausting. Gargoyle's Quest is a slow-paced affair, by contrast. Its platforming sections still require reflexes and precision, but it feels like you set the pace of the game, rather than being forced to contend with its whims.
When you're not platforming, the game changes to an overhead RPG perspective of sorts. You go from town to town, collect items, gain abilities, get into random (sidescrolling) battles, talk to locals (with truly incredibly slow text speed), and try to decode what its absurdly vague localisation is trying to tell you. In a roundabout way the cryptic translations and unique creature designs lend the game an air of mystery, which meshes well with the organ-esque soundtrack attempting to escape the Game Boy's sound chip. Gargoyle's Quest often feels uneven, barely giving you time to appreciate new abilities before bestowing the next one upon you already, but it punches well above its weight most of the time.


25. Demon's Crest (1994/1995, Switch - SNES NSO) ★★★☆☆
Third game in the Gargoyle's Quest sub-series. Another ambitious title, another uneven result. This one does away with the overhead RPG perspective, focusing on sidescrolling everywhere except for the Mode 7 style world map. Presumably those were impressive at the time, but I'd rather pick stages from a menu; the world map gestures at more secrets than it really holds, and winds up as a minor nuisance. The actual stages are varied enough, and manage to establish atmosphere thanks to an organ-heavy soundtrack and once again terrific monster designs. You're encouraged to go back to stages with future power-ups, but this isn't a full Metroidvania.
Once again there's a cryptic vibe to the game, since you'll need to replay stages to find different exits. Maybe I'm just too impatient, but some exits did not seem obvious (why do you need to jump into a tornado in a stage where wind is an obstacle?). Likewise, there are certain spells I couldn't figure out (a quick search suggests some of them flat-out don't work due to a bug), the game does a poor job communicating how you need to collect everything to fight the true last boss, and there are some very late difficulty spikes. Still an impressive release, but I lost patience with it towards the end.

#30 - Idol Janshi Suchi-Pai IV (PlayStation 2) - ★★★☆☆

I learned to play riichi mahjong this year and let me tell you it's a slippery slope that leads to old strip mahjong games. Well at least this PS2 title by Jaleco is more silly than seedy, as you're accompanied by a mahjong-themed magical girl who has all kind of ridiculous moves up her sleeve. Playing a good enough hand lets you earn powerups, which include setting the winning tile on fire so your opponent can't pick it up. The games are rigged, but it's all dumb fun. As it's a PS2 game, there's no nudity here; your reward for winning is getting your opponent to join your maid cafe (you know it's a mid 2000s anime game when there's maid cafes) and taking salacious pictures of them. That said, one of the characters can be dressed up in what's basically a Nazi uniform, so I suppose that's problematic in its own way.

Def one of the weirder paragraphs I've read this week. 🤔 😂


Oct 25, 2017
That tornado exit in Demon's crest is some buuullshiiiiit

Look at all these gargoyle's questin, yet capcom wont let GQ2 out of prison, outrageous


Nov 16, 2017
Main Post


20. Star Battle Puzzle
Completed Hard mode. It's perfect. I was looking for something to play after Tents And Trees was wasn't really engaging me anymore. This is exactly what I was looking for. Ads aren't intrusive and it works my brain real good. I love it.


Jun 13, 2019
October update, just one game this time:

Main Post


58. Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch - 2023) | Oct/29 - 20hrs | 10
The Good: Find a Wonder Seed at the end of a level that was already pretty good
The Bad: Eventually the game ends

An absolute joy to play. So impressive how much I enjoyed each stage even before the Wonder Seed effect takes place. The new power ups are fun to use, though I wish the game explored more the badges besides those unique challenges. The animations are so well done both on Mario and his friends and also the enemies (look at the Wiggler in those racing stages, super charismatic).

Very impressive that the Switch has two of the best Mario games, both 3D and 2D.


Nov 16, 2017
Slacked off really bad this year. Not just with writeups but with this challenge. No shot I hit this(At 31/52 as we speak), good job to everyone who has or who will though!

Will still put some replies on the games I have played, split it up by like 4 games per post I guess.


21) Pac Man World Re-Pac(PS5) 5/6, 5/9-5/12

A game that gave me fits as a child, I think this game is maybe more so "A game that tugs heavily on your nostalgia" because replaying this in 2023, yeah this game is extremely basic. Just basic from story which is bare bones to the gameplay which given Pac Man World came out for the PS1, it is understandable that this game simply gets outshined by later platformers. Came away somewhat underwhelmed with this one, not to say the remaster was a poor job, it's just the basic game leaves much to be desired. Levels feel so basic, very little variety with each outside of the world setting(Typical lava level, typical ice level etc.). If this is your 1st platformer or something you grew up on, I totally get that this game might be good but as someone who has played dozens upon dozens of platformers, nothing is brought to the table in Pac Man World Re-Pac that has you remembering anything. Even the game's roll attack which is meant to not only damage enemies but also help you progress past ramps felt finnicky and felt like completely off where the momentum wasn't carrying over to allow me to make the roll jump past pitfalls/instant death which was frustrating. Repetition does happen quite a bit with Pac Man World Re-Pac where even the bonus levels don't stray apart too much, it's collect all of the fruits in a certain time and each world has it's own exclusive minigame so yeah that means you're playing the same exact mini game each time while in 1 world! By the 3rd time, I didn't even care to fully get everything since outside of lives, they really didn't offer much incentive to want to do the bonus levels. You do get tokens for the game's slot machine to try and get more lives or other goodies but once you've done the slot machine minigame after each level clear, it just gets repetitive. It was to the point that I just fast forwarded whatever and not even care if I won anything from the slots!

The good that this game does are the boss battles are actually solid for this type of genre. Nothing overwhelming and yeah a death means you start from the beginning but altogether, they offer a decent amount of challenge. The final boss in particular is a mini spectacle in itself even if it's a little repetitive at times. I also think the added content of older 80's Pac Man games is a good addition for the people who love those type of games albeit you probably have or will play this game through the countless various methods. Tons of
collectibles throughout the levels to add a little sweetener to the coffee if you're looking to do more than just finishing the level and move on. The story is also decent enough for a platformer at this time which also ties to the collectible element since each kidnapped family member is scattered throughout each of the worlds in Pac Man World Re-Pac. By no means is this game some form of a collect-a-thon but given how bare bones the level designs often are with this game, you'll take whatever this game gives you.

Overall: 7/10. Not the best platformer you'll play for sure but if you have some feeling of nostalgia with this game where it was something you cherished on the PS1 as a kid, you might get more of a kick out of this remaster. I will say, the remaster itself is fine. No real glitches I can think of, it captures the game as good as it can while giving it a nice last gen graphical look. It's just the core material of Pac Man World Re-Pac leaves a lot to be desired and it just suffers from both repetition and level design simplicity too much for me to give it a better score.


22) Edda Cafe(Mobile) 5/22-5/23

So I have a pretty long commute via train so I said for 1-2 rides home, why not pick something easy to read to make my tenuous & mundane travel easier to deal with. Looking for recommendations for any Android/mobile Visual Novel led me to this one....and I can see why. It's super easy to read, easy to relate to and it took me 45 minutes to complete at best. There's a main story with 2 possible outcomes that you can choose by the very end but of course you will want to save before decision time and see both endings for what they are. Without spoiling too much, this visual novel mostly allows your main protagonist to travel back to time prior to tragedy that impacted the character upon your introduction to the story. It's a very light hearted tale that does take a pretty serious (Albeit predictable) tone by the end so I think for the little content that there is, this game is decent. Nothing that will stick with me nor anything out of the ballpark as far as twists or captivation goes but for like less than hour and for something that is a free download, it's worth a quick read more than anything. Artwork is solid too and yeah the music goes on repeat every 10-15 seconds with some budget friendly voice acting too!

No score for this one since it was such a small game and doesn't even last for an hour. Helped me for two train rides to go through I guess so thanks.


23) Planet of Lana(XSX) 5/23, 5/27
Beat Planet of Lana in two sittings, what a pleasant surprise. I think why I enjoyed this game maybe more than some others is because I have not played this Limbo/Inside sort of exploration game to death so because of the lack of fatigue, I felt like I had a good enough time with this one where I can't really compare & contrast with other games of the genre. I agree with the majority that in comparison to Somerville, this was just such a better experience. Better checkpoint system, puzzle system that isn't overly complicated yet isn't dumbed down, a much better companion mechanic, better atmosphere & music...just better everything. Yeah it is short(Ran me 5 hours) and there are minor gripes I had (The falling to your death is a bit harsh, there were times that I was jumping to get from Point A to Point B quicker but because it was at a certain altitude, my character fell to their death on the ground). Another blemish is that there is no way to skip cutscenes or run but I get it, it's a short game so this is done intentionally. The music fits Planet of Lana so darn well and the different scenery from a forest to a desert to a mine to a island, everything just works with this game. No setting got on my nerves and lasted too long, surprised at how good the game clicked with me. I didn't even get all of the achievements, they hid the shrines really well. I only nabbed 3! It has a striking amount of diversity with the type of gameplay throughout the game. There is the usual puzzle solving with your companion that you have to out trick a surrounding enemy to advance where you play to both the strengths and weaknesses of each, you also have a jet riding segment, you have swimming elements. It really does keep the game fresh for the couple of hours you will have to play at with Planet of Lana.

Only ran across 2 glitches that made me have to reload a checkpoint, one where my character got stuck on the very 1st log mechanic that you need to guide Mui to safety from the water and the 2nd had a control that wasn't responding. Nothing major nor much time was lost so this is easy to overlook.

Overall: 8.5/10. Surprisingly fun little game, it just outshines Somerville, which was the last game I played of this genre in every single aspect. Easy one to digest as a Game Pass title, this probably would have had a place in my top 10 for GOTY but a lot of goodies came in 2023 so alas but this is still a fine try for a relatively small indie studio. I really appreciate how diverse this game got at times and while not all of the puzzles maybe worked without frustration or consistent dying over and over again, it just made it all of the more sweeter to figure it out!


24) Cassette Beasts(XSX) 5/25-5/29, 6/3-6/4
Hey speaking of games that probably knocked Planet of Lana out of my top 10 GOTY list...
What to say with this game? It's a damn good Pokemon clone and I mean that in the best way possible! It's a bit complex with the weaknesses(Electric>water is easy peasy but you can use electric attacks to cause volt/conduction damage on metal enemies or fire attacks create a wind barrier for flying/wind beasts). The name of Cassette Beasts' game is getting over the learning curve as this game does such a good job of trying to throw a monkey wrench from the whole "Pokemon archetype formula" that has been going on for decades but man this game is addictive if/once you "get it". There's so many side quests and quests you can do, it's a retro 2D game but it's practically open world. The beast names are cute play on words and I love the 5 star evolution(Or in this game it's a Remaster since cassette is the name of the game) but the story is pretty cool so far.

The catching is really weird on initial glance but once you get the mini learning curve, you really begin to catch everything excluding some of the end game stuff with super ease! In Pokemon, it's Pokeballs you buy. In Cassette Beasts, you pick up items that you can exchange for cassette tapes that you must record opposing beasts to add them to your playlist. You transform into these creatures with an ally and if you try and capture these creatures, you go human form and have a percentage based off their health and the damage it takes to capture it. If they hit you while in the process, the percentage goes in their favor of this not being successful. It's such a weird and unique system, I still prefer the Pokeballs that is easy to get but it's original.

The art design reminds me of something from Wayforward, who are behind the River City Girls & Shantae series(And AdvancedWars remake). The OST is also really friggin' good too man, my favorite track is "Same Old Story' which is played throughout the mega boss battles(Won't spoil what they are, you will have 10 or even 50 guesses & you still won't figure out what they are!). Such a bopper.

Cassette Beasts is very British themed, most characters got the accent going and tons of lore with the beasts(Penny Dreadful is an NPC, there's a Jack the Ripper inspired beast). Ranger fights are like the Gym Leader fights, there's also a Team Rocket esque group albeit they don't appear as frequently as Team Rocket in Real Estate Vampires that want to build estate in the home hub and suck the place dry. No I am not making this up at all, it's in the game! Game is full of cute humor and has lots of personality for an Indie title.

Overall: 9/10. If you can simply get past the learning curve that takes everything you know about Pokemon or other monster catching games and does a 180 degree flip with it, you will really enjoy Cassette Beasts. The game even has a way to alter the difficulty so if you want your opponents to match levels with you, you can have that or if you want no level scaling there's that too! The game does offer a lot of challenge where you can't just simply will your way through some of those Ranger fights as they each have a designed strategy, whether it's a defensive strategy or status ailment strategy or a countdown till instant death strategy, each one throws you something that you will want a well-rounded team to combat against. Easily this game is going to be up there by year's end for Indie title of the year and this game caught me offguard in the best way possible. I dropped Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom because of this game and how addictive it got, that says it all.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Main Post

[13/52 completed]

Alan Wake 2
- Platform: PS5 | Rating: 10/10 | Date finished: November 6th


This is a once in a lifetime type of game, at least for me. Remedy was already one of my favorite developers but they've pushed the limits of what's possible with storytelling in games so many times, and Alan Wake 2 only raises the bar further. This game has some of the most inventive and unique visuals and sequences that I have ever seen in a game. Nobody else is doing the kind of stuff Remedy is doing here. I can't even really go into much detail without spoiling it but suffice to say every mission left me in awe of what they've created here. As a longtime David Lynch fan, this is a dream game for me. The heavy amount of Twin Peaks homages and references are great, and the tone / dreamlike atmosphere clearly draws inspiration from Twin Peaks: The Return's much darker tone. I can't think of any other games that are able to recreate that dream logic and vibe that Lynch's work evokes, but Remedy just really gets it. Control was the same way.

Remedy has always played around with live action in their games but they've found the perfect way to include it here in meaningful ways that make sense. Once again it'd be difficult for me to say much about the way the game uses live action without spoiling much but I will say that there's a sequence that utilizes live action in a big way and it's probably one of my all-time favorite gaming sequences. It makes Control's Ashtray Maze look like a student project in comparison. Onto the combat, I'm really glad they went the survival horror Resident Evil route because the gameplay is much more engaging now than it was in Alan Wake 1. The exploration is fantastic with numerous open areas that are filled with interesting collectibles and puzzles. The town of Watery and the Coffee World amusement park are absolutely dripping with atmosphere and they feel so real and lived in. Same goes for the Dark Place's dreary and mysterious supernatural noir version of NYC. This is easily one of the most visually stunning games I've ever played. No other game captures a dark forest as well as Alan Wake 2 does.

Needless to say I think Alan Wake 2 is a game people will be talking about for years to come. Remedy and Sam Lake take so many risks that could easily have tanked this game, but instead they make it a triumph that only they could pull off. In a year with so many incredible releases, I don't think anything else will top AW2 for me. I could tell halfway through the game that it would be my game of the year and finishing it only cemented that for me. I'm beyond excited for the DLCs and I can't wait to see how they tie everything together with Control 2 and other future projects. Remedy, please never swinging for the fences with your weird ass games.
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Oct 25, 2017
Ive been busy working on the many huge releases October brought, and while Im not quite done yet, I have been making great progress with many. Mario is amazing, Sonic is surprisingly great, Alan Wake II was worth the wait... The only question is - will all that get put on hold with Yakuza releasing tomorrow! If I dont post for the best part of a month, its because Yakuza has sucked me in and wont let go.

157. Marvel Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - The sequel Ive been waiting for didnt disappoint. From the get go the game is blowing my mind with excellent set pieces, your typical great Spidey banter and a great blend of swinging, combat and plot. The game features a ton of great villains in both main and side stories, and speaking of the side stories, they do an excellent job of featuring and setting up stuff that could be picked up in a sequel - Insomniac both pulls character plots from comics while also riffing on them so it never feels like something Ive played/seen/read before (and lets just say they have me excited for the possibilities in future Spidey games).
The main plot is excellent, with it barely letting you catch your breath in between missions for most of the game (the middle sorta slows a bit, before going into overdrive with some of my favourite bits in a game ever), and I feel despite the modest run time, they properly do the black suit plot justice (something I find many media adaptations dont, due to rushing it). There's stuff in here I cant really talk about for spoilers, but lets just say one particular section had me grinning from ear to ear the entire time.

This is pretty much the best Spidey game in existence. It builds on the first one and honestly the only part that isnt suppassed is the plot, due to the first one seeming a little more "unexpected", while this one I saw a few things coming (yet there's plenty here that kept me guessing). Insomniac is up there now with classic Rocksteady in terms of its Super Hero games. And Im hoping they have at least one big sequel left in them.

Next Up:

Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Spider-Man 2
Sonic Superstars
Super Mario Wonder
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 25, 2017
158. Sonic Superstars (PS5) - Here's a game which is so astonishingly close to amazing that it honestly needs a patch just to push it over the edge.
So Superstars is the latest 2D Sonic title and its actually good. Really good. The physics are perfect, the level design is excellent, I adore the music (contentious point!) and I think graphically it looks fantastic. It feels like your standard excellent Sonic sequel if we were still in the 90s. I put a good 20 hours into the "main" game and after learning the various acts/levels I found myself basically enjoying all of them - they are huge to explore, so tons of routes, secrets etc. are there to be found, and replaying it with the various characters are all unique so it makes those various replays worthwhile. All good. The bosses were well designed but it did feel like a couple of the later ones last a little too long, but no biggie...

Then comes the second half - you get to play as Trip (great new character) and the levels she gets are harder. Sadly they all too often veer over to "cheap" since there's stuff you can never see coming, but its still a fairly good mode. Problem is, those boss fights... bosses are harder (that's ok) but also take more hits (not ok) - so fights last forever now (several minutes at least). Some have instant kill moves. It drags the game down because the fights just get boring. They arent super hard mind you, its just... who wants to fight predictable bosses for 5+ minutes waiting for your chance to attack, hoping you dont miss else the boss fight lasts even longer...
The end bosses up the cheap so much that its not well designed. The final boss of the Trip playthrough only has one hit kill attacks, and the fight feels like it never ends...
No checkpoints between boss phases either, so you gotta do it all over again.

Its unfortunate as otherwise its one of my absolute favourite games of the year, and one of my top Sonic games. But yeah, they need to patch those bosses and nerf them to 50% health, its just so bad right now at the end,

Next Up:

Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Spider-Man 2
Sonic Superstars
Super Mario Wonder
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


▲ Legend ▲
Jun 23, 2021
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45. Jusant | Nov 05 2023

An atmospheric puzzle climbing game, Jusant is perfect if you enjoyed contemplative experiences like Rime, Journey, Abzu and The Last Guardian. It places heavy emphasis on art direction, music, and sound design to pull you into the world. But the climbing mechanics and unique setting (seriously, I'm obsessed with this pillar as a setting; different weather patterns on each side, deep cave systems, the way the civilization before had to climb up and down the pillar when the tides rose and fell... the environmental design plus the notes found everywhere gave a sense of color to the world that set my imagination into overdrive) make it stand apart from the rest.


46. Locke(d) | Nov 06 2023

A VERY short (like, 10 minutes long) visual novel about the ghost in the machine. You are sitting across from a "hostess" and you both make pleasant conversation about the Chinese Room thought experiment, fate, consciousness, etc. It's pretty hard to talk about since it''s so short, but I liked what it was trying to say and the art was nice. My only complaint is that the dialogue was kind of stilted in a way that made me think that it was translated awkwardly from a different language.

47. Mosa Lina | Nov 06 2023

I hesitate to post this as a "finished" game, because while I've gotten around to the randomized final level a few times, they were always too difficult for me to beat, so I ended up kinda ragequitting.

Mosa Lina is a randomized, low-fidelity immersive sim, where your task is simple and your tools are many. Using a handful of random items from a larger pool, you have to collect two pieces of fruit and then get back to the end without dying or fucking up. You have to do this through twelve randomized levels - dying is no problem, but it re-randomizes your tools and even which level you're on. The tools are chaotic and you only get three at a time - if you're lucky, they mesh well together. They consist of things like a teleporter, a gravity manipulator, a "delete" button and a fish gun...only really scratching the surface. Aside from their at-a-glace application, you can get creative with how they interact with the environment and do all kinds of neat things (like shooting a bunch of spears on top of each other to make a ledge/platform).

If you find yourself stuck, you can 1) die, which will keep your level loadout and progress, but give you a different set of tools to beat the level with (and sometimes even throw you in a different level from your pool of 12, or 2) just reset, but resetting REALLY resets everything - not just your tools but it resets all your levels and throws you 12 completely different levels. So you gotta be ready to throw away everything. I think this option only works if you got really unlucky and got a set of tools and levels that just don't work well together.

It was fun but also really rage inducing. Mark Brown made a video on it, I recommend it if you'd like some visuals alongside the gameplay explanation:


48. Dancing Dualists | Nov 06 2023

So, MegaCrit made a quick 3 week game in Godot to test it out as a viable gaming engine after Unity destroyed their trust and confidence in the product. That Godot game is called Dancing Duelists, and it's a cute, fun, if terribly imbalanced auto-battling deck builder. Like Slay the Spire, you choose a character with their own specialization, and after you win a "dance-off," you choose two cards to add to your deck. Sometimes you'll also get to choose a relic. Unlike Slay the Spire, you don't choose which cards you play, you can't remove cards from your deck, and you face off against the other characters in the roster that you didn't pick.

The sprites, music, and relative visual and audio polish is pretty good. It needs a little more work in the balancing and debugging department, but this is really meant to be a proof of concept. For what it is, it's fun.
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Oct 25, 2017
Time for the October catch up, too much text returns, my beloved spellcheck gone again!

51. Super Mario World (replay) ★★★★


SMW could be seen as a platformer of two halves, one of course being your super mario run and jump obstacle course as expected, the other being a fairly exploratory adventure for secret exits that forge your own path across Dinosaur Land.
As a kid, those secret exits were fantastic, stuck at vanilla dome castle because Kamek's shenanigans were too much for me? Well I found the route to Vanilla Fortress on top of the dome so there, only to be halted by my inability to grasp the paired rising/falling mushroom platforms of butter bride 1. In which case I just found star road also in vanilla dome and somehow managed to puzzle my way to the warp to bowser's castle, I finished SMW without even reaching castle number 4. This shows the power of openness that permeates SMW's core design, where I may not be able to jump those mushrooms, but I can grab a blue yoshi and fly to a secret exit that on paper requires a switch palace from world 5.

Alas I'm no longer that wonder filled child, I'm a hardened grouchy veteran of the genre who is returning for a combo of that sweet mario platforming alongside that sweet nostalgia rush. And each time I return to world chasing my childhood joy, the cruel reality is that my ideals have changed, these secret exits just get in the way of me playing all the stages without retreading old ground, often placing secrets in tedious cave autoscrollers, multiple in ghost houses where I solved the puzzle many years ago or right by a standard exit making the stage revisit extra flavourless.
When you know all the secrets like the back of your hand, SMW is left with its solid platforming core, and a selection of mostly good yet dare I say, rarely great levels that don't deliver on the potential of World's mechanics, and never would be able to until the kaizo community got a hold of them.
Perhaps one of the biggest reasons I love Mario Maker so much is getting to play my idealised fantasy version of SMW, I shun Nintendo's deliberate easier and open level design for tighter obstacle courses (but still not kaizo), the SMW 2 of my dreams that doesn't involve baby mario.

Drawing this back to SMW proper, I'll always enjoy my revisit to Dinosaur Land, the game's visuals are simple yet pleasing, the compact OST riffs off one main melody for the vast majority of it but with enough flair and variation to not make it feel stale, and while not my favourite Mario to control mechanically, it's still an excellent level of tight precision and control that makes simply moving about a joy.
I'm always noticing these days the unusual gulf in challenge between the game's overworld stages and the game's castles and forts. There's a kind of sparseness to a lot of the standard stages in SMW, right down to the valley of Bowser even that has the game's difficulty curve seem fairly static, you can't tell me that choco island's stages are really stepping up the challenge like SMB3 did at the equivalent world, as much as I love Dino Rhino, his stage ain't shiiiit. Conversely, the castles and forts are not only a step up from the grassy stages either side of them on the map, they do really up the ante throughout the game and they're quite uniformly excellent. Peak SMW for me exists in these cramped confines of dense hazards, no Yoshi, a cape culling ceiling, the best music track in the game and errr some naff bosses as per series tradition (except Bowser, he's pretty fun).

It's almost like the anti-SMB3 where I find the game's standard stages to be a constant hit of escalating platforming outings, only to screech to a tedious (but still tricky) airship halt closing out each world, funny how that works, well works for me anyway.
Thanks to the Switch app for the SNES including a pre completed version of SMW as well, I was able to take a more direct path through the game on a new save, and then jump to the SP version and simply play the stages I missed, making this one of the better replays for this game I've had, no more doing the Valley of Bowser 2 twice for me with it's tedious wall waiting spelunking.

So as you may be able to tell, my relationship with SMW is strange, like a past love you know you'll never be able to feel the same way about again, yet still can appreciate. I do get a bit of a stick up my butt about how infallible the game seems to be among the genre (especially highlighted right now in wonder discourse, I swear all the legitimate issues with wonder apply here as well but I guess we ain't ready for that convo), maybe it's envy, maybe there are in fact better platformers gosh darn it with more than like 5 stage themes, but it's still a great game that brought me fully into this hobby.

52. Super Mario Wonder ★★★★


Out with the world , in with the wonder, and let me tell ya, the initial playthrough of this game is probably the tightest and most constantly enjoyable one I've played this year, causing me to storm through to 100% faster than I'd like, without really a negative moment that I can recall, pure joy from start to finish that's left me a touch empty as I scramble for other platformers to fill the void (why yes, more are coming up!).

I'm a bit hesitant to stamp the "best 2D Mario" sticker over it so soon, because I'm stupidly, punishingly analytical at times of things I enjoy as you may have noticed, and stop to consider that Wonder's penchant for spectacular moments of gimmicked goodness might be this game's version of World's secret exit surplus, where I hunger for more platforming challenge in their place in the aftermath of that initial run. Which is to say I have revisited most main stages twice and you can only really wowee zowee at a number of these moments on that first go around, but what moments they are.

If New Super Mario has ever lacked something compared to his modern day competition, it's…well a few things actually like music, visual oomph, inspired bosses…
But for me mostly it's that dash of spectacle, those set pieces that make you do the platformer pop off. Even back in the 16 bit days Sonic was running loops past Mario on this front, Sonic 3 & Knuckles alone has dynamic stage shifting moments of brilliance that made World look flat, and when NSMB Wii's big tricks would become rotating some terrain while Rayman Origins was having entire stages shift and morph before your eyes during frantic chases, it was hard not to see Mario as an example of fundamentally excellent but lacking in pizaz, Super Mario became that technical wrestler who was a master at their craft, yet fell into the shadow of the flashier charisma fuelled rivals who may not have been quite as mechanically sound, but they stole the attention and had the better entrance music.

Better late than never, because Wonder's main gimmick IS gimmicks, every main stage offering a segment that finally has 2D Mario break from expected formula and have me actually go "what the shit is happening?!" in a good way I assure you, none of which I want to spoil either. Let's jump back to that aforementioned visual oomph and music, while still not quite up to the levels of the very best here, Mario has got his groove back, the tunes are pleasing to the ear, the stage themes remix the usual grass/desert/snow/lava etc into flashier and much more standout examples of the tropes that are by far the best seen in the 2D series.

Where Wonder might even surpass the others though is it's gleeful animation, it's not so much the amount of frames and excessive detail, but more the amount of contextual little touches everywhere that breathe so much life into Mario and co, that it makes NSMBU, which I like a lot I'd add, seem positively DEAD inside by comparison.
And it's not just Mario, the suprisingly high number of other playable characters along for the ride all sing with their animated quirks, even Nabbit who looked like a bad romhack in NSMBU's gameplay as I recall.

The difficulty discussion is likely to be the main thing that hangs around this game's era reception, too easy? for me, absolutely, engaging despite that? you betcha.
The untapped potential in level gimmicks and enemies is truly felt, much like SMW above actually, there's the feeling that a Galaxy 2/NSMB Wii outing for Wonder's base would just wippity whop in a way that could make base wonder here seem a bit slight.
Still that's just a potential future, in this moment right now, Wonder is a blast and a game I'm already raring to replay in full, with friends? actually turning the online on? I've got options!

53. Pac Man World: Re-Pac ★★★


He's Pac and he's BACK, back to trying to figure out how to exist in a post arcade era. After delving into the pac man museum plus compilation last year, it's pretty clear Namco have never really known how to approach adapting their iconic mascot into entire generations of game consoles, puzzle games? Janky 2D jump n' runs? What if he's a ball you roll? What if we just do pac man again but with fancier visuals? And here with Pac Man World we land at "what if we do one of those pretty standard mascot 3D platformers that are all the rage in this PS1/N64 era and you collect bonus fruits and stuff to remind you it's still pac man?"

For what it's worth, Pac Man World (now re-pac'd into a modern day remake as something no one had on their bingo card last year) is a pretty respectable effort in reheating Pac Man. Carrying the same sort of vibe as Bomberman's 3D exploits of the same time period, Pac Man World isn't gonna blow anyone's minds, but it is a reliably good time that manages to keep some semblance of making you go "yep, that's Pac Man" despite the genre shift.

In Pac man World, Pac Man can bounce, this bounce is the secret sauce that helps elevate the game above it's fairly standard and narrow in scope level design. Pac's bounce is higher than his jump, it's both an attack and platforming tool, you can bounce successively, bounce, bounce, bounce….
Take a shortcut, cut a corner, chain off enemies with a satisfying bop, all with the power of bounce. Despite the fairly rigid feeling of other moves in the expanded Pac repertoire like the Pac spin dash, or the clunky pellet lob projectile, the bounce hits upon that most important aspect of platforming gameplay that's being simply fun to use, as well as perform some nifty time saving leaps.

Otherwise this is standard platforming fare, level design is linear with a few side paths and bitesized back tracking for collectables in a strangely formulaic manner, 3D space isn't made that great usage of as the game is mostly played from a horizontal perspective. Despite that the platforming is solid and each world stands apart with their own hazards and obstacles, I started getting more into it than I ever expected.

Pac-Lore is deep, there's a pac-dog? There's an evil robot pac-man for some reason? Pac-Man gotta save his family, is he part of the sad dad gaming legacy?!
You know, it's odd, I feel like no one ever talks about this game's original PS1 outing, the sequel has a bit of a cult following, but the original doesn't even seem to get the same kind of seven outta ten for kids nostalgia that the aforementioned Bomberman 64/Hero got, and I think it deserves at least that much if this remake is anything to go by.

I'm just saying that maybe platformer Pac was one of the better ways Namco tried to reinvent the franchise, so perhaps they can at least remake the sequel or even make a *gasp* brand new one!
It'll be swimming in sevens no doubt, sometimes though that's all you need.

54. Gravity Circuit ★★★★


Hot damn, this one really blew past my expectations, I expected a decent Mega Man/X like, and got a very real contender for the best Mega Man style game period.
So that should clue you in immediately to this game's general baseline, it's heavily based off the Mega Man series, aspects of classic, X and even Zero are all in here, slammed together into the ultra mega mega man.

A key gameplay shift is clear from the jump though, and that's instead of pew pew-ing lemons and not being able to look up (mega my arse), our hero here, Kai the "gravity circuit" just throws robo hands instead while using a hookshot for both grappling, ranged attacks and picking up/throwing defeated enemies.
And it's an absolute blast, there's a very smash bros like approach to your special moves that you unlock across the game in place of robot master weapons, you build your own set of four directional specials that can range from damage to utility, alongside a standard set of directional melee attacks that don't use any resources like the special chip moves.

You can use an anti-air like uppercut, a rushing grab piledriver that never gets old, and it's all flowing like butter with the fast paced and precise style of mega man platforming, complete with wall cling clambering, dash jumps and what not, except everything feels infinitely smoother.
Visually I feel like the game lands appropriately between 8bit and 16bit styles, more detailed than most NES inspired outings, while utilising a more limited colour palette. Level design is pretty tight with only a few stumbles and a tendecny for easily missed yet always telegraphed enemies that exist to pop out at the last moment in some stages (looking at you ice stage!)

This might be my indie of the year so far, between this and pizza tower anyway, it comepletely stole me away from Dave the Diver which I purchased alongside it, just a very well executed spin on a gaming staple, where said spin really makes it stand out on its own despite the heavy homages to the blue bomber.
And damn do I kinda feel bad that the solid but not as spectacular Moonrider that was also a bit like a melee focused mega man (by way of Shinobi) came out in the same year as this.

55. Tony Hawks Pro Skater 1+2 ★★★


(me thinking I can squeeze in one more special trick)

Thinking back, it's crazy how much I overlook the fun I got out of PS2 classic THPS3, coming with my surprise crimbo PS2, I'd initially asked for pro skater 2 with its belated N64 release, instead I got one digit better.
But what of THPS2? I never did get to play it, well now it's time to finally fulfil that barely missed experience, oh and the original while we're at it.
Much like how I'm surprised how often I forget that Pro Skater 3 is in fact a really good game, I'm surprised I put this off for so long, what is THPS after all if not a time/score attack fuelled off shoot of the 3D platformer masquerading as a sports game.

After making my gnarly dude, in the vein of my THPS3 character that I legitimately thought was the coolest dude at the time (SOULPATCH), a very incorrect assumption and analysis on the folly of youth, it was time to do pro skater things.
Which turns out to be a lot of collecting, figuring out vague skating lingo and on occasion, some real "guide dang it" moments.
The gameplay has been updated to 3's mechanics (revert and manual for combo extensions), and possibly further with the wall rides and planting that I don't recall but do appreciate.

The stages and objectives however, well I'm not so sure, it's as basic as you'd expect from the grandpappy of early 3D extreme sports titles, why each stage has both "collect S-K-A-T-E" and a nigh on identical and vaguely themed "collect 5 macguffins" I'm not sure, usually with one more variant that may involving colliding with three hydrants or wall riding 5 bells or whatever.

And that's when it hits me, this is a collectathon first and foremost, the score attack part kinda falls into the background and doesn't tend to vary much per stage considering how you just revert and manual chain a couple of special tricks into some special grinds and bingo bango, I do wonder if points from gaps would be more important in a OG release score attack where you couldn't just lmao manual revert your way to numbers going brrrrr, as it stands gaps are just menu checklist fodder.

Now don't get me wrong, it's a fun core, pro skater's sense of flow and physics makes it consistently compelling to tackle the shopping list of tasks Tony Hawk himself was raised on (presumably he too ollie'd over a magic hobo 5 times), it's just not all that much more than that. Even with both games combined this is a quick to finish outing that opts to fluff out its progression through endless levelling and mini achievement like tasks not part of the original game.
Which is to say, when I get 100% out of both games but my trophy progress is at 30%, then the filler is real.

There's also a sense of real jank in some stages, if the mall was the first sign that linear stages are an awkward fit for this game, than downhill jam was just a flat out disaster.
I can safely say I enjoyed every stage to some degree in this game, except downhill jam, fuck downhill jam. All the weakest aspects of the THPS formula combine to create an unholy abomination of…
- uneven geometry that whacks out your movement in an inconsistent manner
- one way level design making backtracking awkward
- huuuuge gaps that require tinkering with all your stats to even make
- that final valve so cast in shadow that it took me an hour to find it

There's a few other hurdles in this game, I'm reminded of downtown's rooftop gaps objective, where the third and final gap involves not actually leaping from a roof to another roof like before, but simply leaping 40ft down to the pavement below and specifically needing to land on a rail there, at no point does the game suggest you need to actually land on this rail to complete the task, apparently doing the jump with your unbreakable legs isn't enough.
Then there's the gap transfers in THPS2 where the skatepark has like 6 or 7 different ones, but only 4 count towards the objective because, I dunno, maybe something in the sk8er lingo made those 4 more specific than the others. The same stage has a secret tape which requires the player to ollie off the teeniest tiny incline from an outside table, that inexplicably launches you 4 times higher than a standard ollie because reasons (also if these tapes still give me pro bails to watch, I missed it).

On the whole it's a fun game, just not one I really think lives up to the lavish praise. I get that modern TH games have included some of the actual worst games of their respective years, and this is a nice enough scrub up of a couple of nostalgia powered classics, thus making the gulf in quality between the series death and revival mammoth, but really this game is "holding on to what I am, pretending I'm a superman"

Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018
Ok hear me out this one's niche but deserves to be in GOTY discussions this year:

26. Eigengrau (2023, Switch) ★★★★★
Surprise GOTY contender for me! It's like someone looked at WarioWare's new-idea-every-30-seconds pace and asked "but what if this was a bullet hell?" The result is a 2 hour ballet of bullets, pulling all sorts of gimmicks and references, daring the player to keep up. Tetris shaped incoming fire? Check. Pac-Man style maze section? We got it. Triggerheart Exelica inspired wrecking ball? Sure! The bounce attack from Crimzon Clover? Of course! There's even Snake and Dance Dance Revolution style sections. With all these homages the game risks losing its own sense of identity, but the colour vs. grey theming provides just enough of a frame for the game to maintain a cohesive vision, and it has an oddly calming, string-heavy soundtrack. Besides, it has plenty novel tricks of its own amidst the references: most memorable is the boss who reverses all its outgoing fire, requiring you to dodge backwards through the hail of bullets you just passed.
There are elements to critique: the bosses always replicate hazards from the preceding levels, which feels like it follows the axiom of bosses needing to be skill-checks for players a little too rigidly. Likewise, on subsequent runs the surprising elements obviously hit diminishing returns, although it does offer a mirror mode and various hidden sub-objectives to keep things fresh. I don't fully know who to recommend this to, since its closest reference points are perhaps MileStone Inc.'s Radirgy, or Shmups Skill Test from Triangle Service, but I feel like Eigengrau's appeal could be a lot wider - if you like twin-stick shooters and surprises, check this out. Even has a free demo on PC/Mac!


27. Devil World (1984/1987, Switch - NES NSO) ★★★☆☆
Probably mostly known in trivia contexts as that Miyamoto & Tezuka take on maze games which never got released in America due to Christian imagery. As usual the kerfuffle is entirely unwarranted: a lil' dinosaur shoots demons with crosses and Bibles, while a blue Devil dances atop the screen to move the borders of the play area. The Pac-Man influence is impossible to miss, but the moving play area adds some dynamism not found in static single screen maze games, and Devil World varies in objectives per phase of each round. It also varies in how you can't collect pellets without carrying a cross, the Power Pellet equivalent here, but there's so many of them it's rarely a problem. The legacy of this game is stuck somewhere between a fun fact and its assist trophy presence is Smash Bros., but its reputation as a clone game feels unfairly dismissive.

That tornado exit in Demon's crest is some buuullshiiiiit

Look at all these gargoyle's questin, yet capcom wont let GQ2 out of prison, outrageous

Yeah I'd like to try that one. Looks like it was on Virtual Console, but unfortunately I wasn't aware of the series yet back then.
P.S.: Congrats on hitting 52! I kinda agree onTony Hawk 2. It's rather front-loaded, with several weaker later levels everyone seems to ignore.


Nov 16, 2017
Main Post


22. Hi-Fi Rush
An enjoyable game to pass time with. Very reminiscent of 2000s cartoons, there's a lot of heart in this game. The combat was fun and the characters were great. My favourite was CNNM. All the music was great but I feel there weren't enough licenced tracks and... hmm, that weren't loud enough? A lot of music felt like it was reduced to background noise as I played. Idk I guess I wanted a bit more oomph. It was fun but not particularly memorable for me.


Oct 30, 2019
Finally back! So many games though:


58. Mothmen 1966
Short visual novel inspired in pulpy horror comics fromt he 70s. Really enjoyed my time with it, which was like an hour or so. Sadly it was incredibly short and ends up rather abruptly, but I found it endearing and intriguing. There are apparently plans for more episodes, but it will really depend on the prices.


59. Armored Core 6: Fires of Rubicon
An extraordinary game. if I had to choose, this might as well be my GOTY, far beyond anyting else. I had a lot of fun with it, and I loved the atmosphere and visual design of the game. I think some people were dissapointed it wasn't Dark Souls with mechs, but for me, it was amazing.


60. In Sound Mind
The talent is there, the technical execution needs work. In Sound Mind is not about music as I originally though, but a psychological horror game where you control a therapist going through surreal representations of the traumas of his patients. It's one hell of a game, but combat is a constant irritation and the stalkers get annoying very, very fast. Puzzles are creative though and the game's atmosphere is golden. Plus that cat has the sweetest voice ever.

I said what I said.


61. Sunday
This is very hard to explain, so I'll just link it.

You can play it on your browser. It's something about rapture or something.


62. Videoverse
I actually made a topic about it. Not much else to say but that while this is not the best game I played this year, it's probably the one that will stick to mind the hardest.


63. Indigo Prophecy
What the fuck is wrong with you, David Cage.

I will not say anything else but ask rethorically why did anyone though a sex scene needed a QTE.


64. Lifeline: Besides you in Time
IF, actually the last on a series that started back in 2014 where you help an astronaut named Taylor (gender not specified, which is genius) to survive in rather complex situations on alien worlds and space stations. The gimmick is that the story is told in sort of real time: as Taylor will sometimes have to take some time to do stuff and they will eventually contact you via phone notifications when they need you. There are 8 or so of these games in the App store, though not all of them are about Taylor, but they are mostly all worth going through.


65. Vampire Survivors
Why is this so addictive and where is that fucking vampire.


66. Weird West
Amazing immersive sim, set in a horror themed with some touches of lovecraftian cosmic horror wild west. This is actually a literally genre.
I loved this game from start to finish, but this will likely benefit from multiple runs. I wasn't in love with the graphics, but the music, controls and mission design makes this a winner.


67. A Short Hike
This wasn't as short as I expected it to be. That said, lovely, relaxing game I recommend everyone to play through in a lazy sunday afternoon. It's on gamepass!


68. Amnesia. The Bunker
I wrote on Mastodon: this game is stressful. Like, really stressful. Like any other Amnesia game, of course, though there is a notable different feeling with this one after Rebirth, which felt much more grandiose and complex, this one has four or five long puzzles and it has a roguelite element with randomized passwords and monster's behaviour. I enjoyed it, but I missed the more intriguing plots I've grown to see from this series.


69. Close to the Sun
What if you stripped combat and environmental puzzles from Bioshock, turned it into a light puzzle game with escape sequnces, and used a sassy lady as your protagonist? You get Close to the Sun. I'm a sucker for good voice actors, as well as sassy ladies as protagonists, so I actually liked this game, but it's pretty mediocre.


70. Slay the Princess
Brilliant visual novel you will play over and over again and get weirded out the more you play it. Play it. Go blind. You will be surprised.


71. The Callisto Protocol
This is one of the worst games I've ever played, and it's a shame because the graphics are absolutely fantastic. Good thing I did not (directly) paid for this.


72. Save the Date
More meta commentary on Visual Novels. It's really good, but I feel like i've been playing these kind of games too much.


73. Maple County
Short horror game based on the awesome analogue horror series The Mandela Catalogue. Lasts like 20 minutes, pretty cool.

Main Post
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
159. Call of Duty (Xbox 360) - Never did do a run through the original COD so I decided to give it a shot via the 360 port, and it actually holds up fairly well all things considered.
First, the port isnt too bad. Looks the part (pretty water!), frame rate is mostly 60FPS with a few drops here and there, and the missions are for the most part excellent. There's a certain... grounded? feel to it, while there are a couple of actiony/Rambo feeling levels, most dont lean heavy into that Michael Bay explosion shit (like COD WWII did...) and instead its more straight forward. And for that I like it.
The lack of Halo regen health actually evened out the difficulty nicely, and sparcer checkpoints meant I was probably more careful compared to newer FPS'... I kinda miss these features - I feel regen is too much of a crutch and lessens the impact of levels, since you can just bit by bit hide and pop out until you win... things are more tense this way.

Only bits I didnt quite like were a couple of objectives that have you doing one thing, and leaving the enemies to your squad, who were often inept at that point (despite being fairly smart enough other times), and any time the game says "wait here for X minutes" - which were never fun.

But those bits are few and far between, with the rest being a really solid FPS campaign. Definitely glad I gave it a shot. Will have to go back and replay COD2 at some point.

Next Up:
Yakuza Gaiden
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario Wonder
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


One Winged Slayer
Nov 13, 2017
Main Post

A little late to posting these but November's off to a pretty good start with three games already. Just two more to go for the big 52.

48. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode 1 (Steam Deck) - November 9th (3 Hours)
So I went into this one expecting to not really like it too much. I originally played it on the Wii a decade ago and while I did enjoy it a decent bit I haven't really thought about the game since then. The reputation Sonic 4 has speaks for itself, it was a massively disappointing attempt to turn a mobile game into a continuation of the Classics Sonic games that failed in basically every way and this is only something that has gotten worse over time with the release of Mania (and from what I've seen of Superstars that too) showing just how good a modern take on the Classic formula can be. So with all that I went into this with very low expectations, I was unlikely to enjoy it much and any enjoyment I used to get from it could be chalked up to playing it when I was a kid. I was very surprised then to actually find myself really enjoying myself here, to the point I might say I even prefer this one to some of the original games. It was a bit of a pain to get fully working on the Steam Deck though. The launcher requires Java but that was an uneasy fix by grabbing a modded exe file. The bigger issue is that the PC port has some really bad shading on all of the 3D models. It isn't good on 360 or PS3 but it still looks far worse than the mobile version or even the Wii port. It was a hassle getting that issue fixed up since the mod loader doesn't work on SteamOS but thankfully the Steam forums had a link to a drag and drop version that didn't require it.

To start off, this isn't a Classic Sonic game. It's a Sonic Rush game without the boost and calling it Sonic 4 was a massive mistake. Trying to play this like Sonic 2 or 3 just won't work out well and won't be fun. Playing by the game' rules is something you've got to wrap your head around but if you do you'll have a far better time with it, I least I did anyway. Running is faster than rolling, rolling won't build up speed down hill here and is more for just defeating enemies. The spindash is good for short bursts of speed but the air dash is far better when you can get away with it. Embrace the homing attack and the floaty jump without a good badnik bounce. I'm not saying it's perfect or even great but if you can get over the fact that this isn't a Classic Sonic game I honestly believe it becomes a very enjoyable time with occassional fleeting moments of greatness.

So you got your head around the gameplay but the level design still isn't your cup of tea? There's homing attack chains, automation, occasionally poor enemy placement, gimmicks galore, and so many bottomless pits or other instant death hazards. I'm not going to defend that, it wasn't a big issue for me all that often but yeah it isn't always great. I did find myself enjoying myself far more often than not though with only one or two levels that I didn't enjoy. I also appreciate every level having a unique title, it isn't much but it is a neat little touch. The bosses are a mixed bag though. I actually do like the way they all reference an old fight from Sonic 1 and 2, though outside of the pinch mode they are incredibly derivative. Having to fight all of them again for the endgame boss rush doesn't help either. The final fight is also just not very good at all. Far too much health and an unclear final hit which will just instant kill you if you don't know what's going on ahead of time.

Something I will absolutely defend though is the soundtrack. How is this so hated? It's fantastic. Yeah it doesn't sound like a real Megadrive or anything but what's here sounds great. Mad Gear Act 1 especially is now up there as one of my favourite stage themes in a Sonic game. I just really don't understand why people shit on this so often, the soundtrack is great and this is coming from someone who would happily do the same to the Classic Sonic tracks in Forces.

So yeah I ended up liking this one a heck of a lot more than I would have expected. It isn't the best game out there or anything and it has plenty of issues but what I played here is far from the insult to Classic Sonic that I would've expected from its reputation. Kid me was on the ball with this Sonic the Hedgehog 4 is a pretty good game.


49. Sonic the Hedgehog 4: Episode Metal (Steam Deck) - November 9th (1/2 Hour)
Not too much to say about this one. The harder remixed stages aren't as good as the original Episode 1 versions but it 's pretty neat to be able to play as Metal Sonic in a Sonic game. It's certainly a nice bonus for having both Episode 1 and 2 but not particularly great or anything.


50. Sonic Generations (Nintendo 3DS) - November 10th (1 Hour)
I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, I love this game. I love this game a lot. It's one of my favourite games in the whole Sonic series. Now admittedly a lot of this love is nostalgia. This was my first 3DS game, and for a decent while it was my only one. It was also the first version of Sonic Generations I ever played and I wouldn't get a chance to play the HD version for another year after this. I bought this game before I even owned a console to play it on. My heavy nostalgia for it aside though, I genuinely think this is the best 2D boost game, it's definitely the closest they ever got to how Unleashed and HD Gens than any of the Rush games or Colours DS. It just feels great to play and there's a reason that I was able to stick with it for my first few months as a 3DS owner. It's a shame there's only 7 modern stages here because I genuinely believe that this is the best boost Sonic has ever controlled. Granted that limited to 2D but I'd still stand by it. The special stages being a good version of the Heroes ones is also pretty cool and they look legitimately great in 3D. Classic Sonic has definitely been done better but he's still better here than Sonic 4 or even the HD version. Yeah the game has some pretty glaring issues, reused level design for the first three Classic stages, only two real handheld stages, Classic Sonic homing attack. But it's also got a fantastic remix of Big Arm (that you'll only hear the first 30 seconds of in game) so really it has to be perfect. Truly Sonic had a great transition to (stereoscopic) 3D!!! No this isn't the nostalgia speaking you have no proof of that.



Oct 25, 2017
160. Sega Rally (Arcade/Steam Deck) - Im currently addicted to revisiting arcade racers of old. One such example is Sega's amazing rally racer from the 90s. I debated on if Id list this one as the game itself is just a couple of minutes long, however at the same time it took me hours of learning the courses inside and out, shaving off a second here and there in order to even be fast enough to finish the courses, so it feels justified!
Sega Rally is an arcade racer with 2 objectives - finish each race before the clock hits 0, and finish in first place. The first goal is the important one, as the "end" of the game is clearing the mountain course before the timer runs out, however if your in first place when you finish, you get a bonus course to play as well (which is fairly tough).
As you progress the 3 main stages, you'll move up places and reach first. However due to the way the car limit per course works, its impossible to reach first place before hitting the last stage (mountain) and that's ONLY is you've managed to place in the top 3-4 in the stage prior. But honestly despite the bonus course, its just finishing courses that takes real effort (at least for me!) - see the way drifting and speed works, it can be tricky to get good times in early runs, Id routinely run out of time in the third stage far from the finish line. As I played more, I got closer and closer, and I finally started managing to nail those corners better, overtake AI sooner, nail sharper turns without speed loss etc. I still only just finish stage 3, but I manage it at least! Compared to a number of games on my completion list this year, few have really felt like they really challenged me as much as this one did, its honestly wonderful!

Next Up:
Yakuza Gaiden
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario Wonder
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 28, 2017
16. Lies of P (XSX) - took me 36 hours, 5-10 of that was the first boss of the last chapter, lol. I'll do NG+ eventually. [8/10]

Next: Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - already about 40% done.

Memory Pak

Aug 29, 2018
Catching up on write-ups, here's a puzzle batch.

28. Dr. Mario (1990, Switch - NES NSO) ★★★★★
Falling block puzzle game where Dr. Mario tries to line up pills to destroy viruses. Has a lot in common with Tetris, but rather than starting with a clean slate it's as if you're inheriting a messy stack and need to gradually unwind it. I got to the end of the Low Speed mode, but the SP version on NSO lets you see the Hi Speed mode's last level and true ending, which is worth seeing too. Definitely a contender for my favourite NES game.


29. Dr. Mario 64 (2001, Switch - N64 NSO) ★★☆☆☆
Very late N64 release. The core gameplay is still good, but there are minor bugs like being able to stack half a pill higher in the top-left corner than you ought to be able to, and the timer can freeze after 99 minutes of playtime. The visual presentation got an overhaul, but the soft, fuzzy visuals aren't really an improvement over the clarity the NES offered. More annoyingly, the music is a lot worse, and several irritating sound effects were added too.
Chief addition here was the 4-player multiplayer, but instead I want to complain about the story mode - essentially a series of versus matches strung together by a weak comedy plot. It features some hideous character designs with awful names like Mad Scienstein and a clown called Rudy. Apparently they hail from Wario Land 3, but they give off real Original Character, Do Not Steal vibes. The entire mode winds up feeling like a detriment rather than a boon.


30. Magical Drop II (1996, Switch - SNES NSO) ★★★☆☆
Surprisingly addictive 1-v-1 puzzle game with the fast pace (and extensive cast) of a fighting game. You rearrange coloured orbs to create chains of 3 or more identical ones, which sends garbage to your opponent's field. Setting off chain reactions is the real play of course, and they feel easier to manufacture than in PuyoPuyo. Mind, I'm not great at Magical Drop by any means, but despite its evidently high skill ceiling, it's also very easy to learn (this version in particular is newcomer friendly as it uses 1 fewer orb column than the arcade & Neo Geo versions).
MagiDrop 2 has a surprisingly large cast of characters (all themed around the Major Arcana in a Tarot deck), but they have very little to say to each other. The game does have individual ending cut-scenes, but whether you'll find them all rewarding partially depends on your tolerance for vaguely implied nudity and repeated feet jokes. It looks like Magical Drop III andVI are the real fan-favourites, but I don't see a reason to avoid this one if you're curious.


31. Pokémon Puzzle League (2000, Switch - N64 NSO) ★★★☆☆
Quite blatant Pokémon themed reskin of Panel de Pon which was never released in Japan. Interestingly this draws much more upon the anime than the Pokémon games tend to: it features original animation and voicing, and even the music tries to sound like the 2.B.A. Master soundtrack. Gameplay is solid too, with several neat modes, and a weird 3D cylinder shaped play field to experiment with too. I didn't manage to clear it higher than normal mode, but it has a secret ending for the harder modes too.


Dec 30, 2019
44 | MediEvil (2019)
PS4 | Nov 12 | 15 h | 4/5

I fondly remember watching a friend play the original MediEvil in the late 90's. We were both attracted to the gothic environments and enemies. I'm glad this remaster kept the charming dark design. It was fun to see the old levels transform.

I had some issue with the camera; it's not easy to navigate in certain areas. The small amount of platforming could be improved, namely when you're trying to jump onto small surfaces to avoid falling to your death.

The difficulty felt absurd on specific levels (looking at those scarecrows in particular). I couldn't believe how easy it was to die when enemies can simply run into you to deal large damage. I'll admit, I had some grievances.

Then I completed a trophy that unlocked the original PS1 game, within the game. Why not, I'll play it for awhile for nostalgia. Immediately the camera was absolute shit and Daniel runs so quickly, it's easy to harm yourself with all the dangers around. Then I realized what an awesome job this team did with the remaster. The camera is an improvement. The movement feels more natural. You can swap weapons. It all makes more sense.

The game has frustrating levels, but overall it was fun to revisit.

45 | Hakuoki: Stories of the Shinsengumi
PS3 | Nov 12 | 40? h | 3/5

This is the only Hakuoki game in the series I have played. It's a incredibly lengthy visual novel; I believe this has added content, namely the "stories" section after you complete the main routes. It is heavily influenced by real places, events, and people. (I didn't realize until later, how much it was influenced.) Historical fiction isn't my favorite in any media: games, TV, books, etc. That's not a negative towards this series; I want to make it clear, it's just not for me personally. Thus why my rating is more average.

You have six main plots to choose from. They do follow the same overall script because it is based on real events. Major story events like the outcome of battles, moving cities, etc are all the same. What does change in the different routes is your playable character. You learn more about her, her backstory, and how she bonds with the men.

Unfortunately my main resentment with the main character is how every. single. route. she talks about how useless she is in these fights. Which fine, she wasn't trained as a samurai. She doesn't know how to use a sword. But here's the thing; she's not human. She has an innate ability that is proven in one of the routes to be useful. But she never does anything to strengthen that further. It's only used to jab at her. It's incredibly annoying to read anything for hours and your protagonist is constantly beating herself up, saying she's useless. She shouldn't be there. She's holding them back. Their injured solely because of her, etc etc. Like damn girl, maybe you're right. Maybe you should just walk away and disappear. I'm so sick of hearing it. I don't want a negative passive protagonist.

The other thing, I can't get past personally, is how influenced the game is toward real people. The date-able men are all based on real life men in this group called the Shinsengumi. There's nothing really wrong with that... But can you imagine, dying for your country as one of the last samurai and years later some jerk company makes a game with your name and history for someone to kiss. Nahhh wtf LOL.

46 | Black Death: A Tragic Dirge
PS5 | Nov 18 | 0.5 h | 2/5

I knew beforehand this was a very, very short experience. I read it was a walking sim that's about half an hour or less. I hoped it would add something new. Uhhh no, it was even less than what I imagined.

All you do is walk aimlessly around this small map, as an annoying voiceover tells you about the town's history with the Black Plague. The environment is static with the occasional horse head movement. You cannot speak to anyone. You cannot interact past picking up meaningless pictures for trophies. You cannot dig any deeper than the voice. Even though the voice says enticing things like, "do your best to keep your sanity." Absolutely nothing...happens. There's nothing. It's pretty to look at, but that's literally it.

I tried searching online for anything more to this project. Was is a small team, a school project, like what??? I couldn't find anything but the publisher's website and they don't even have it included in their portfolio. If it was a small project for experience as a developer, that's cool. But there's nothing of value here to "experience" as a player unless you're a trophy hunter.

Main Post


Dec 30, 2019
47 | The Suicide of Rachel Foster
PS4 | Nov 18 | 2 h | 1/5

I knew better than to pick this up, but I didn't listen to my gut. I knew very little about it and the title gave me pause; but I didn't want to judge without playing it. Now I'm here to say you can absolutely judge something exactly right before the experience. Somehow it's even worse than what I imagined. I am begging video game studios to stop writing about traumas they do not know. Or without any nuance. How this ever got published is beyond me.

And to reiterate from my experience with The Medium, you can tell dark stories with horrible events and horrible characters. I am not condemning that. Shit like this happens in real life. You can absolutely talk about it. But when it's so toxic, without discussion about the effect on the victims, and no discussion about why it's harmful, it's dangerous. Not a single voice in this game called out the harmful behavior shown here. It's one thing to have a horrible character do something, but when ALL the characters seem okay with the act, I'm looking at the writers. Because clearly they don't have a problem with the subject.

The ONLY thing that was a positive was exploring the setting, an abandoned hotel. As a typical walking sim, the playable character is painstakingly slow. But it was fun to walk around, even on day one to find hidden secrets. But that's it. Everything else? Pass.

You play as Nicole, who visits her family's hotel after being gone for a decade. She left with her mother when her parents divorced at 16. She is now the owner of the hotel and wants to sell it. First off, she comes off as a horrible...well, bitch. She's combative towards the one other character (Irving), denies her trauma, and essentially a miserable person. She immediately attacks Irving, that speaks with you over a cell phone. He's the exact opposite of her personality. Stumbling over his words, panicky, and constantly apologizes. You know the game isn't going to have outstanding characters or dialogue.

The real sin is the story. The awful, awful shit that did not need to be written or shared with anyone. I am going to spoiler tag this next part, because it is a spoiler and includes heavy topics that others may not want to see. I will be blatant with my words and that could be a trigger for someone. Please take care of yourself and don't read if you're not able.

I will try to summarize my disgust with the story. Basically, Nicole's parents split because her father had an "affair" with a 16-year-old high school student, Rachel. He was her instructor and he got her pregnant. Soon after, Rachel supposedly threw herself off of a cliff. Nicole's mother found out, took her and left her father and the hotel. The game starts with the mother's note calling Rachel a young woman. How her death destroyed their family. Nothing about the father's infidelity or, let's face it, pedophilia. It was all Rachel's fault the family split.

During the game, Nicole finds disturbing notes written by her father. His writings about how he "loved" Rachel. How she was a light in his life. A man nearing his 50s, talking about a 16-year-old girl. The fact this game is set in Montana is not lost on me. But there is no reason a man should be attracted to a girl 30 years younger than him. A girl still in school and his student no less.

Nicole says NOTHING about this. Not shocked at all the "woman" he had an affair with, was actually a girl her age at the time. In fact, she continues to reminisce about how he was an interesting and intelligent man. A father she very much looked up to. I thought, okay, maybe she's in denial after learning her father is a monster, a pedophile. That would shock me. Nope. Never. Not ONCE does she act disgusted by the fact her father groomed and raped a girl her age.

Instead, she has a memory where she viewed Rachel as "mature and elegant for her age." Excuse me? You were the same age Nicole. A child and a daddy's girl. But somehow this 16 year old is viewed as an adult? Further into the game, Irving talks about her father's and Rachel's "relationship." How her father was a good thing to happen to Rachel. He gave her strength. He guided her. Their love was pure. Fucking excuse me? He follows Nicole's behavior by putting her father onto a pedestal. Saying how her father was unfairly mistreated for their "love." The father, a pedo, is shown as a Christ-like figure. How his intentions was pure, and he suffered after Rachel's death. The entire conservation was all around fucking sick. They both missed this disgusting man, who was never punished for his actions. Rachel was the one that suffered. She was a child and she died because of it!

Later in the game, Nicole finds a horrifying room that her father constructed as a tribute for Rachel. A small room with a small child's bed, a chalkboard with the R-slur written on it, and toys: a rocking horse and toy blocks. There are drawings on the walls in crayon as furniture and windows. Despite Nicole earlier comment about Rachel being mature, she accurately describes this room as a child's room. This language is important because despite what the developers want you believe, Rachel was not a mature young woman. She was a CHILD. You can say Rachel was in a loving relationship with an older man. That she was "mature for her age" and could give consent. Yet here this scene shows me Rachel was, in fact, a child. Again Nicole does not respond to the fact her father was with a child! Always bounces around the fact her father was sick and had a sexual obsession with a child who could not consent.

Not one character with a voice in this game condemns her father and his actions. Not once. Nicole doesn't bring up the age gap or consent. Irving encourages the pedo behavior, saying it was pure love. The father through a recording, says he loved Rachel. The mother paints Rachel as a young woman who destroyed their family. You never hear from Rachel. How she felt, what she was experiencing through this. It's mostly from Nicole and Irving, who were not in this "relationship." The grooming is almost glorified at this point. Never says it's harmful. It's absolutely disgusting.

Then the big reveal. The big mystery. Nicole finds a hidden bloody blanket with Rachel's retainer and has a magical moment of memory and concludes her mother killed Rachel. Beat her to death. Then tossed her body carelessly over that cliff. Somehow made it look like a suicide. Now you found out, not only is your father sick, your mother was a damn murderer.

After all this talk, the game rewards you with one of the worst endings I have ever witnessed. Nicole decides, she better follow her father's and mother's suicide. By forcing you with a step-by-step suicide. You are placed in her car, in a garage, to die. You can stop at the very end, ; however, the ending with Nicole's suicide is considered the "good" ending because now she's with her family. Yep you die in the end. And it's not the guilt of what happened with Rachel, or finding out about her sick father or mother.

During her suicide, Nicole has a line of "I don't want to die!" as you are literally played to kill her. Then with the largest slap to the face, she says "I'm back home. And I'll stay here forever. When we see each other again, Rachel can come along." Fucking WHAT? Bitch your fathered raped Rachel and your mother murdered her for it. Why the fuck would she want to be with your family in any afterlife?? Are you shitting me right now?

Do not play this game. Do not even try for this short, easy platinum. It is not worth it. None of it is redeemable. There is nothing here but a fantasy of some very sick individuals.


Nov 16, 2017
47 | The Suicide of Rachel Foster
PS4 | Nov 18 | 2 h | 1/5

I knew better than to pick this up, but I didn't listen to my gut. I knew very little about it and the title gave me pause; but I didn't want to judge without playing it. Now I'm here to say you can absolutely judge something exactly right before the experience. Somehow it's even worse than what I imagined. I am begging video game studios to stop writing about traumas they do not know. Or without any nuance. How this ever got published is beyond me.

And to reiterate from my experience with The Medium, you can tell dark stories with horrible events and horrible characters. I am not condemning that. Shit like this happens in real life. You can absolutely talk about it. But when it's so toxic, without discussion about the effect on the victims, and no discussion about why it's harmful, it's dangerous. Not a single voice in this game called out the harmful behavior shown here. It's one thing to have a horrible character do something, but when ALL the characters seem okay with the act, I'm looking at the writers. Because clearly they don't have a problem with the subject.

The ONLY thing that was a positive was exploring the setting, an abandoned hotel. As a typical walking sim, the playable character is painstakingly slow. But it was fun to walk around, even on day one to find hidden secrets. But that's it. Everything else? Pass.

You play as Nicole, who visits her family's hotel after being gone for a decade. She left with her mother when her parents divorced at 16. She is now the owner of the hotel and wants to sell it. First off, she comes off as a horrible...well, bitch. She's combative towards the one other character (Irving), denies her trauma, and essentially a miserable person. She immediately attacks Irving, that speaks with you over a cell phone. He's the exact opposite of her personality. Stumbling over his words, panicky, and constantly apologizes. You know the game isn't going to have outstanding characters or dialogue.

The real sin is the story. The awful, awful shit that did not need to be written or shared with anyone. I am going to spoiler tag this next part, because it is a spoiler and includes heavy topics that others may not want to see. I will be blatant with my words and that could be a trigger for someone. Please take care of yourself and don't read if you're not able.

I will try to summarize my disgust with the story. Basically, Nicole's parents split because her father had an "affair" with a 16-year-old high school student, Rachel. He was her instructor and he got her pregnant. Soon after, Rachel supposedly threw herself off of a cliff. Nicole's mother found out, took her and left her father and the hotel. The game starts with the mother's note calling Rachel a young woman. How her death destroyed their family. Nothing about the father's infidelity or, let's face it, pedophilia. It was all Rachel's fault the family split.

During the game, Nicole finds disturbing notes written by her father. His writings about how he "loved" Rachel. How she was a light in his life. A man nearing his 50s, talking about a 16-year-old girl. The fact this game is set in Montana is not lost on me. But there is no reason a man should be attracted to a girl 30 years younger than him. A girl still in school and his student no less.

Nicole says NOTHING about this. Not shocked at all the "woman" he had an affair with, was actually a girl her age at the time. In fact, she continues to reminisce about how he was an interesting and intelligent man. A father she very much looked up to. I thought, okay, maybe she's in denial after learning her father is a monster, a pedophile. That would shock me. Nope. Never. Not ONCE does she act disgusted by the fact her father groomed and raped a girl her age.

Instead, she has a memory where she viewed Rachel as "mature and elegant for her age." Excuse me? You were the same age Nicole. A child and a daddy's girl. But somehow this 16 year old is viewed as an adult? Further into the game, Irving talks about her father's and Rachel's "relationship." How her father was a good thing to happen to Rachel. He gave her strength. He guided her. Their love was pure. Fucking excuse me? He follows Nicole's behavior by putting her father onto a pedestal. Saying how her father was unfairly mistreated for their "love." The father, a pedo, is shown as a Christ-like figure. How his intentions was pure, and he suffered after Rachel's death. The entire conservation was all around fucking sick. They both missed this disgusting man, who was never punished for his actions. Rachel was the one that suffered. She was a child and she died because of it!

Later in the game, Nicole finds a horrifying room that her father constructed as a tribute for Rachel. A small room with a small child's bed, a chalkboard with the R-slur written on it, and toys: a rocking horse and toy blocks. There are drawings on the walls in crayon as furniture and windows. Despite Nicole earlier comment about Rachel being mature, she accurately describes this room as a child's room. This language is important because despite what the developers want you believe, Rachel was not a mature young woman. She was a CHILD. You can say Rachel was in a loving relationship with an older man. That she was "mature for her age" and could give consent. Yet here this scene shows me Rachel was, in fact, a child. Again Nicole does not respond to the fact her father was with a child! Always bounces around the fact her father was sick and had a sexual obsession with a child who could not consent.

Not one character with a voice in this game condemns her father and his actions. Not once. Nicole doesn't bring up the age gap or consent. Irving encourages the pedo behavior, saying it was pure love. The father through a recording, says he loved Rachel. The mother paints Rachel as a young woman who destroyed their family. You never hear from Rachel. How she felt, what she was experiencing through this. It's mostly from Nicole and Irving, who were not in this "relationship." The grooming is almost glorified at this point. Never says it's harmful. It's absolutely disgusting.

Then the big reveal. The big mystery. Nicole finds a hidden bloody blanket with Rachel's retainer and has a magical moment of memory and concludes her mother killed Rachel. Beat her to death. Then tossed her body carelessly over that cliff. Somehow made it look like a suicide. Now you found out, not only is your father sick, your mother was a damn murderer.

After all this talk, the game rewards you with one of the worst endings I have ever witnessed. Nicole decides, she better follow her father's and mother's suicide. By forcing you with a step-by-step suicide. You are placed in her car, in a garage, to die. You can stop at the very end, ; however, the ending with Nicole's suicide is considered the "good" ending because now she's with her family. Yep you die in the end. And it's not the guilt of what happened with Rachel, or finding out about her sick father or mother.

During her suicide, Nicole has a line of "I don't want to die!" as you are literally played to kill her. Then with the largest slap to the face, she says "I'm back home. And I'll stay here forever. When we see each other again, Rachel can come along." Fucking WHAT? Bitch your fathered raped Rachel and your mother murdered her for it. Why the fuck would she want to be with your family in any afterlife?? Are you shitting me right now?

Do not play this game. Do not even try for this short, easy platinum. It is not worth it. None of it is redeemable. There is nothing here but a fantasy of some very sick individuals.
Good grief this is worse that I thought it would be.


Oct 25, 2017
161. Super Mario Wonder (Switch) - While not the first game I ever played, I do fondly remember the day I got the original SMB on the NES. Its a series Ive held in the highest regard for decades. So a new 2D Mario is always gonna excite me, and this one sure as heck didnt disappoint, it might be the best one yet.
The game itself doesnt stray too far from past Mario games - you keep the wall jump and ground pound from NMSB/Mario 64, the main game still revolves around platforming, hitting blocks, and grabbing flag poles, but now everything feels more slick and fresh. For starters, the game is absolutely gorgeous - even old tropes like the Desert level are reinvented in great new ways, the animation looks like its leapt out of manuals and box art (seriously, its the NES artwork come to life).
Level design wise, no two levels feel the same, and honestly only a handful were not so great (basically any moving platform/auto scroller - I like my pace fast, and these slow things down too much!), and then things get weird with the Wonder mechanic - there's a flower? hidden in pretty much every stage, and these cause some weird shit to happen - Mario transforms into different forms, the game becomes a top down game briefly (think classic Zelda), its trippy as heck and oh so innovative (there's that Nintendo magic!) and to its credit, ideas are maybe only used twice per concept, so there's tons of variety in the 10s of stages.
Another thing I loved was the lack of fortresses, ghost houses etc. - there are a couple for sure, and they are excellent, but its not like NSMB where you get several per game and things wear thin sooner rather than later.
Basically this game felt like the next natural step after Super Mario Bros 3 and SM World. Dont get me wrong, NSMB Wii and U are both good platforms, but this is on another level in every regard. I cant help but wonder what Nintendo has planned next... all I know is Im there day 1.

Next Up:
Yakuza Gaiden
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 30, 2019

74. Pictures of a Reasonably Documented year

I enjoy creepy weird games, but there *has* to be gameplay. POARDY is not a bad horror experience, but as a game is a bit lacking. Still, cool experiment.


75. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
I haven't really dabbled much in MP, zombies seems cool but also not a lot of time to play more. The campaign, let's be honest, it's fun, but it's very clearly a rushed job. It's also notably harder due to campaigns in Call of Duty rarely offering big open levels like this one and I feel like the game and AI don't really seem properly equipped to deal with it (the AI perception is funky, for example). I enjoyed my time, and I extend my congratulations to whatever eagle eye gamers who finished this in two hours, because I spent two hours in at least two missions. Or maybe they were playing on easy. The idea was good, but come on. This is DLC.


76. Doctor Who: The Edge of Reality
Cheap, simple adventure game set in one of those cosmic cataclysmic events the Doctor seems to randomly find and get people involved with. I played it with my gf since she's a huge Doctor Who Fan, we had our fun, not really much of a game for someone else. The level with the Weeping Angels is easily a highlight.

Main Post


Oct 25, 2017
162. Somerville (PS5) - This is one of those weird ones where the critical reception was just all over the place... I was morbidly curious and went in with really low expectations... And honestly, now I gotta go back and read the comments again to see what the main points of contention were, as I actually rather enjoyed the game. Its flawed, but its not a disaster like some painted it as.

Somerville is a indie puzzle/exploration game which involves alien beings coming to Earth, while you just try to reunite with your family. Simple concept, and honestly the story is the weak point as it basically doesnt do anything else. Its one of those "Ill be vague and let you figure out the plot", which I hate, just bad story telling if I gotta Google the game afterwards to understand what was going on...
That said, the presentation/graphics on the game were amazing. The opening goes from 0 to 60 quickly, has an amazing atmosphere and I was really impressed with the opening few minutes. Graphically the game has a really nice style to it, some great reflections/lighting and some terrific areas that you explore. Its basically really darn impressive from beginning to end.

Audio wise is top notch as well, said atmosphere is increased with a good pair of headphones.

Exploration is fairly linear but fun. As mentioned above, the game looks great so exploring the various areas was fun, a real "cant wait to see what's next" type thing.

Puzzle wise - the conceit of the game is using light to either turn stuff into a water like liquid, or harden it into rock. You use this in various ways to clear a path for you to progress further. There was maybe one or two puzzles that werent quite intuitive but nothing that forced me to turn to the Internet for the solution.


The game decides to do employ a static camera throughout the entire game. And it fucking sucks. Its so damn bad that you will:
- Get stuck on the scenery CONSTANTLY
- Be confused as to where to go next as sometimes the camera zooms out to such an extent, its hard to move where you want to go, getting stuck on the scenery as above.
- Fail action sequences because its either unclear where you need to go, what you need to go, or again, getting stuck...

Story aside its my one complaint but I feel its a huge one that really ruins the game at points. You basically wrestle against it for the entire game and it gets annoying within the first 10 minutes.

Performance wise... its not always a solid 60FPS but again I feel this was something that was vastly overstated on release, I was expecting something far more messy than what I played.

All in all, I enjoyed it. Doesnt overstay its welcome, I liked the exploration and puzzles, hated the camera and "story".

Next Up:
Yakuza Gaiden
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
67: Octopath Traveler II. End: 11/20/2023.

This game is truly an adventure. Square Enix took all the criticisms of the first Octopath and actually addressed them with this sequel. What they created was a much improved game that is one of the best turn-based RPGs.

The lack of attention Octopath Traveler II has gotten from the Game Awards can only be described as this game was snubbed. It deserves so much more than what it got. It's not perfect, but it's so damn good...


Oct 27, 2017


#33 - Maiden & Spell (Steam Deck) - ★★★★☆

With its cast of female spellcasters trying to trap each other in bullet hell, this title felt a bit derivative of the Touhou series, but I had a great time with it. The developers could've very well just made it a Touhou game, so I appreciate them coming up with their own cast of characters and a distinct art style. It's a shmup transformed into a competitive fighting game, with the single player story mode putting you up against a number of different opponents, each with great music and fiendish "spell cards" to survive. Multiplayer seems like a lot of fun too.

#34 - Turnip Boy Commits Tax Evasion (Xbox One) - ★★☆

It's a short comedy game that I never found especially funny but at least some of the music was good, I guess. Is this what Gen Z humour is like? I kind of hate it.

#35 - The Legend of Tianding (Xbox Series) - ★★☆

There's so much love put into recreating Taipei in this game and I loved collecting all the items that explain more about the early 20th century setting. But while the sidescrolling gameplay was enjoyable I couldn't look past the fact that it plays almost identically to Guacamelee. I mean if you're going to steal from any metroidvania title, you might as well make it one that controls as well as Guacamelee, but it's all just too shameless even with an enjoyable weapon-swiping mechanic tacked on. Most of the boss fights were great, but there was a huge difficulty spike at the end that made for a rather miserable conclusion.

#36 - Paper Mario: The Origami King (Switch) - ★

I haven't really liked any of the Mario RPGs released over the last decade but this one was an absolute delight (even if it's barely an RPG). The game perfectly uses the papercraft aesthetic and the music and sound effects are phenomenal; I dare say it's worth playing for the ASMR-inducing sound of picking up confetti. Yes, the puzzling battles are kind of boring and pointless, but the boss fights were interesting, if a little gimmicky. The writing is excellent, blending frequently hilarious dialogue with some surprisingly touching moments and even a few musical numbers like a homage to West Side Story. Though they're not as useful in combat as the partners from the earlier Paper Mario titles, I liked the companions that accompanied Mario on his journey, including what might be the best depiction of Kamek in any Mario game.

#37 - New Super Mario Bros. (Nintendo DS) - ★★☆

Despite being the highest selling DS title, I never really played this back in the day, but I felt like giving it a look before the newest 2D Mario came out. It turns out I wasn't missing that much. There's not a whole lot of originality here; it's a pure throwback to the classic Mario games everyone knows and loves, only with 3D models and bad music.

The power-ups have been cut back to just the staples from the original Super Mario Bros., with the new addition of the mega mushroom, mini mushroom and some sort of blue shell I never actually encountered in my playthrough. I don't mind keeping things simple, but only the mini mushroom was especially interesting. It isn't really a power-up at all; while it lets Mario run on water and access secret passages, it also makes him far weaker, adding an extra challenge that opens up some extra worlds for players who take a risk. It's neat that there's so much hidden away, but most of the stages feel too short and end before they get terribly interesting. Even the suite of minigames was a let down, as most of them are just repeated from Super Mario 64 DS. It must have been nice to get a new 2D Mario game at the time, but this one is far from wonderful.

#38 - Medievil (PlayStation) - ★★☆

My Halloween pick for this year was suitably spooky, with plenty of skeletons, zombies and giant pumpkins. I vaguely remember playing Medievil on a PS1 demo disc back in the day and not really getting it, but it somehow ended up clicking with me 25 years later. As an early 3D action game, it's all a bit janky. Though the automatic targeting for ranged attacks works surprisingly well, the camera can be a hassle and most combat involves flailing around with a sword and hoping for the best. That said, it did come out right before Ocarina of Time so I'll cut it some slack.

I quite liked the structure of Medievil; there's a lot of variety to the stages and they're so brief that they rarely overstay their welcome. It's never as laugh-out-loud funny as Paper Mario, but the very British humour adds a welcome bit of levity to the dreary dungeons. I really didn't expect to get so into the game, but I ended
up collecting the hidden chalices in each level (even if the rewards for doing so often weren't worth seeking them out).


Powered by Friendship™
Oct 11, 2022


33) Outer Wilds - Echoes of the Eye (20/09/2023) - 9 hours
  • I don't have anything to say. Just like the original game, it is a must play.​
34) Baldur's Gate 3 (22/09/2023) - 180 hours
  • Did two runs. I almost started a third one but I was afraid it was going to be too much. An absolute unit of a game that still have much much to offer. The most I hope we'll see a DLC for it someday but I also can't wait for the next Larian Studio game​
35) BPM : Bullets Per Minute (11/10/2023) - 10 hours
  • Just wanted to play it again, great game with awesome musics.
36) Papers Please (30/10/2023) - 6.5 hours
  • I started this game 2 or 3 times before that but never managed to get into it. This time I managed to get past the first week and that's when the game start to be a little more interesting. Cool game but I liked Obra Dinn much much more.​
37) Dave the diver (01/11/2023) - 24 hours
  • Ops, almost dropped that one, I started playing at the release but I lost interest near the ending. Still a cool game overall but sometimes it has too much of a mobile game "vibe" to it.​
38) Lies of P (08/11/2023) - 30 hours
  • It was not an easy game at all. The bosses are absolute beasts and the two phases discouraged me a lot of time and I trash-talked the game more than I could admit. But it was a really really great game, and all the boss forced me to know exactly all their patterns. In the FromSoft games, I had a few "That's it ?" moments or when you feel like you just missed out the boss by being too overpowered. It did not happen with Lies of P and it felt awesome.​
39) Jusant (11/11/2023) - 5 hours
  • Really beautiful game and I dig the abandoned buildings with all the maritime equipment. Good thing it's short though.​
40) Cyberpunk 2077 (11/11/2023) - 194 hours
  • I can't describe how mad and disappointed I was at the release of this game. I think I finally reached the acceptance phase. I didn't planned to but I replayed the game at the release of the 2.0. And I had a lot of fun. It didn't changed that much but the gameplay is a lot more fun and knowing what to expect from the game helped me to enjoy it more for what it is. It's still not the game I hoped it would be but it's still a great game.​
41) Cyberpunk 2077 - Phantom Liberty (11/11/2023)
  • Just like for The Witcher 3, I really think CDPR shine the most with their DLCs. It's smaller and shorter but so much better. I loved every bit of it.​
42) Vampire Survivors (17/11/2023) - 27 hours
  • Chronophage​
43) Fable : The Lost Chapter (19/11/2023) - 16 hours
  • A classic, still a lot of fun to play. I would love to play Fable 2 and 3 but it seems very annoying to do that on PC​

Currently playing
  • Half Life Alyx : I'm really too lazy to put this VR headset
  • Super Mario Wonder
  • Rhythm Paradise
Want to play
  • Yakuza 3 (and 4/5/6/7...)
  • System Shock (2023)
  • Resident Evil 4 : Separate Ways
  • Alan Wake 2
  • Chant of Sennaar
  • Stardew Valley : I consider this one dropped, I'll probably pick it up again but not that soon


Oct 25, 2017
Updated my post for the first time in months, I've hit 62

22. Paranormasight PC - great little VN, cute multilayered story. Had a ton of fun with this.

23. FX Unit Yuki PC Engine CD ROM - had this one sitting around for a long time but finally put in the time to finish it. Short but cute modern platformer

24. Ion Fury PC - ignoring the controversy, it is probably my favorite of the boomer shooter revival.

25. Metal Gear Solid 2 HD PS3 - MGS2 is much less game than I remember lol. I loved this one as a kid but as good as the story is, I was annoyed with how little game there was.

26. Tiny Tina's Assault on Dragon Keep PS5 - Man I don't like the writing in Borderlands games lol.

27. Trouble Shooters Genesis - super fun classic, got tough as hell towards the end.

28. Erica PS5 a modern FMV game basically, but it was enjoyable and thankfully short.

29. Resident Evil 4 PS5 - I'm not as bullish on the remake as a lot are. It's great, but I do feel it lost a lot of the character of the original.

30. Zeta Gundam Hot Scramble Famicom - first person Gundam shooting on the FC in 1985, fantastic.

31. Zone of the Enders X-Box 360 I still love the gameplay loop all these years later.

32. Wurm NES - this game is gorgeous for its time and switches between multiple gameplay types and is really underrated

33. Like a Dragon Ishin PS5 Gameplay wise it's a super solid LaD, but I do cringe at the way it romanticizes some really awful people.

34. Atomic Heart X-Box overrated tbh but looked nice.

35. Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Switch - absolutely incredible. The way all the systems work is amazing.

36. Metal Gear Solid 5 PS4 - Still makes me mad replaying it for what could have been lol

37. Redfall X-Box - the campaign felt so sparse and the ai was so bad it was hard to enjoy

38. Super Robot Wars 30 Switch - I've been playing it off and on since release and finally put it to bed but as long and as much as there is to do it is still phenomenal. I love the interactions and the alternate scenarios based on classic anime.

39. Ultionus PC a nice take on euro style platformers, I think if I had played more of the inspiration I would have gotten more out of it

40. Demon Front Arcade - this board cost me too much not to get my money out of it, but it's a metal slug like that looks amazing but isn't quite as tight as its inspiration

41. Ghost of Tsushima PS4 - incredible atmosphere and title in general.

42. Evil West PC - we need more games like this. A no frills all action game that doesn't pretend to be more than it is. It was so much fun just punching and shooting

43. SD Gundam G Generation Genesis Switch - another one I have been off and on with for ages, cleared all the campaigns and loved it. Love developing random ass MSVs

44. Final Fantasy 16 PS5 - I liked it more than most I think. I really enjoyed every bit of this game. The style, the systems, the story. Sublime.

45. High on Life Xbox - I hated this lol. Mechanically it was fine and even good but the writing and characters were wall to wall cringe.

46. Monster Hunter Stories 3DS - So gd cute. I loved it so much. MonHun style translates perfectly to a narrative based games

47. Omen of Sorrow PS5 low budget fighter that was interesting if nothing else. The story mode had a lot of effort put into it even if it didn't wholly work.

48. Sword and Fairy 7 XBox Gorgeous game, loved it but I think there were some cultural things I missed because little of it made sense to me.

49. Yurukill PS5 - half visual novel mystery, half shmup. This game seems to have been made for me and me alone. I love love LOVED it.

50. Street Fighter 6 - Incredible. I'm counting World Tour as having "beaten" it and Wold Tour may be the best single player mode in history for a fighter.

51. Goldeneye(Bean) 360 - tried the canned Golddneye remake and it was sure Goldeneye. Campaign as fun as ever with a weird 720p sheen.

52. Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War PS5- I'm not much of a CoD player but it was on PSPlus and CoD campaigns are short so why not. It was fine I guess

53. Spider Man Miles Morales PS5 - hot take maybe but I liked it more than the original, it was so much tighter and perfectly paced.

54. AEW Fight Forever Switch - Wrestling games have always seemed more interesting than the TV shows mainly because they have the best character creators in the industry. This one…did not. Again, my unfamiliarity with the product probably hurt but this seemed to have nothing to it.

55. Mazinsaga Genesis - Mazinger based genny beat em up. It gets brutal the farther you get in with the boss fights but part beat em up part fighter I really liked it

56. Stargield XBox - more than any other game I've played recently, this one seemed the most it is what you make of it. The main story is full as shit but there is lots of fun to be had if you look for it.

57. Mortal Kombat 1 PS5 Far and away the worst of the modern MKs, a step backwards in every way.

58. Horizon Forbidden West PS5 I never really got into it the way I did the original. It was fine, but it just never grabbed or captivated me.

59. Super Mario Wonder Switch - holy shit, this is the Mario game I've been waiting for for 30 years. So good in every way and it let me be Daisy, so it's immediately GOATed.

60. Gungrave GORE Xbox - much like with Evil West, it's a simple small scale game and I loved it for that. I didn't play the first two games in the series or watch the anime so it was all nonsense to me lol

61. Gunpuru Gunman's Proof SNES - what if Link had guns? Great ALTTP clone for SNES. Short but so sweet.

62. Like a Dragon Gaiden PS5 - I always say I'm going to CritPath LaDs and I always get so fucking sucked in I do everything. This one was no exception. Does absolutely nothing new(minus Kiryus tools), but all the old hits are still so good. Great story to keep it going and ending that had me in tears.


Oct 25, 2017
163. 18 Wheeler: American Pro Trucker (Arcade) - So, I played this via the DC port a little while back and honestly I appreciate its arcade form more than the DC port, despite the two very much being the same game! Why? Well, the game is short - once mastered its like Sega Rally where its only gonna take you a few minutes to finish it - perfect length for an arcade game, but far too short as a console release even if its fairly addictive...

Anyway, the game is another Sega arcade racer, but instead of fast paced Taxi's, Hornet's, or Ferrari's, your driving a huge 18 Wheeler truck which is slow, cumbersome, and not exactly the most exciting prospect for a racer! But as per usual with Sega arcade games, its insanely addictive so before you know it a couple of hours have passed as Im trying to master each course.

As your vehicle is so huge, it means turning/cornering is naturally far more cumbersome than a normal car, and this kinda messed me up for a while. Now to be fair it might have been the way the controls were configured, but Im gonna just assume its typical me making mistakes - when turning, if you try to force the wheel fully to the left/right, its gonna barely turn and you'll then need to break, and that causes me to drop tons of speed. I had no idea I was doing anything wrong until I couldnt get anywhere in the second course despite thinking Im trying as hard as I can (lol), and it was only after several more tries that I realised that if you slowly turn the wheel (easing it round corners) you not only have a better turning arc, but you also dont drop speed so suddenly I was managing to clear stages more easily as I was now cornering properly! Still doesnt make the last couple of stages easy mind you, but I was relieved to figure out what I was doing wrong.

The game itself does the tried and tested "coast to coast adventure" where you start in New York and end in San Francisco, my only complaint being there's only four stages here, compared to something like NFS The Run or Cruisin' USA which had plenty of stages. This game also goes from day to night to day again, somewhat strangely suggesting that you can travel coast to coast in a single day! The four courses you do get are nice and memorable though - the first course is your classic starter course, easing you into the game, stage 2 has some off road driving, and a tornado in the second half which is pretty nuts (flinging cars everywhere), stage 3 has you crossing a rocky mountain area, complete with boulders to dodge, and when you hit SF in stage 4, you hit the city in the second half, complete with the usual classic racing tropes you get in SanFran - the Goldengate Bridge, steep hills to race down etc.

All in all, despite being short, I had a blast revisiting the game. I'll up the difficulty now I can actually corner worth a damn, and I look forward to beating my high scores + playing with other truckers. Never did play the sequel either...

Next Up:
Yakuza Gaiden
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...

Celestial Descend

Corrupted by Vengeance
Aug 15, 2022
45. Cocoon | AVG | PC | ★★★★☆ | 11-4
A fun puzzle adventure game with magnificent audio design. I especially love the little music cue that informs you that you have solved the puzzle before you actually see it done. The puzzles are creative, but not too difficult. The only frustrating ones are the shooting orbiting objects sections, which require timing more than intelligence. 20 minutes in, I already gave up on making sense of the narrative.

46. Four Last Things | AVG | PC | ★★★☆☆ | 11-6
Fun game that's more like a proof of concept. The Procession of Cavalry has more content and better puzzles. Classic paintings are a blast to look at.

47. Lost in Play | AVG | PC | ★★★★☆ | 11-12
Finally, a point-and-click adventure with puzzles at my intelligence level. Whimsical and fun, like Professor Layton, this is a kid's game that also appeals to adults. Remember the time when you looked at a frog and came up with an entire grand adventure? This game takes you back to that time.

48. When the Past Was Around | AVG | PC | ★★★☆☆ | 11-22
A rather easy puzzle adventure game with beautiful graphics and music. The story and theme are quite common in recent indie games. a new life. came out a few months earlier and told basically the same story.

49. In Other Waters | AVG | PC | ★★★★☆ | 11-23
Minor flaws cannot overshadow the brilliant simplicity of the design. The way the resource management gameplay weaves together with narrative and how they are presented by the UI are truly creative. Repetitiveness does settle in after the initial impression wears out, but if you are a lover of the nature, the youthful sense of discovery can carry you through.

50. Doki Doki Literature Club! | AVG | PC | ★★★☆☆ | 11-25
This game makes two things clear to me: 1. I hate meta. Allow me to be a snub like Yuri: this stuff is just trick, not literature. If you peak behind the curtain of magic trick just once (by having any programming experience), it cannot impress you anymore. The only time meta element worked for me was in Ever17, and that was a long time ago. 2. I like the usual visual novel trope: solving problems for beautiful girls and developing intimate bonds. There's a reason 90% of the visual novels can be boiled down to this, just like how 90% of the RPGs can be boiled down to hero saving the world. It's a classic story that stands the test of subversion despite this game's best effort.

51. Jusant | AAVG | PC | ★★★☆☆ | 11-30
Overall good climbing mechanics that is surprisingly challenging. It's less about platforming action and more about solving routing puzzle, with a little stamina management in between. Jumping can be quite janky, often along weird direction. You can also get stuck on absolutely nothing, which is very frustrating. The story is about what you'd expect, a bit of environmentalism, but not overt. Meanwhile it tries to pile up emotion via cute mascot animal and melancholy music.

Original Post
Last edited:


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Main Post

[14/52 completed]

Super Mario RPG - Platform: Switch | Rating: 8/10 | Date finished: November 24th


I originally played SMRPG as a kid many years ago and I remember really liking it but my memory was very fuzzy about most of the game. Played through the remake over the past week and it was a blast revisiting the game with a fresh coat of paint. The combat and humor is still a lot of fun and I love how they wrote Bowser in this. The new triple gauge attacks they added were a neat addition. I don't remember it being such a short game (beat it in 11 hours which seems to be the pretty in line with what most people beat it in) but I kind of like that it doesn't overstay its welcome.

I will say though, the minigames and some awkward platforming brought the game down to an 8/10. They really did not do enough quality of life improvements in that respect. Sections like the platforming on the beanstalk vines and paratroopa cliff with the set camera angle are incredibly awkward and unintuitive to the point it's just frustrating. Not all the minigames were bad, but I'd say most of them are. The Boshi race's weird and clunky A+B rhythm mashing is terrible and it's one of those things where they really should have changed it more than they did rather than trying to stay true to the original. Also, the six doors section in the final area is really tedious (12 fights in a row while walking down a hallway for the combat encounter rooms, counting 40+ barrels stacked up in a corner where you can barely tell how many are there and you only have like 20 seconds, etc.) and I still hate that part. It drags the game to a halt right before the end and I think this section was poorly designed.

Overall, it's a good game and I enjoy it a lot but I do think certain aspects of it have not aged too well. I thought Link's Awakening remake showed how timeless that game's design was, whereas with SMRPG you really feel how simplistic and dated many parts of it are. I really enjoy the game nonetheless, but it's just interesting to see how things evolve over time. Lastly, it was so great to see Geno and Mallow again. It's a shame we never saw them appear in other Mario games.


Oct 25, 2017
164. 1942 (ZX Spectrum) - Thanks to the Steam Deck, I can easily emulate ZX Spectrum stuff with good controls without any effort. Trust me - its the type of system you wanna emulate these days - controls in retrospect were pretty shite (those joysticks) and loading games from tape was an arduous task in patience.

Anyway! 1942 is a port of Capcom's 1984 arcade classic and honestly its not half bad. Granted if you werent there at the time, you pretty dont really enjoy this type of port as there's a ton of concessions in getting it working on a vastly inferior computer. But all 32 stages are here (unfortunately), the game has a look reminiscent of the arcade game, its music is mercifully absent, and the controls are fine.
Now having all the stages should be a good thing right? Well problem is Ive always believed 1942 is too damn long for its own good. The stages arent too long if you can one shot them (good luck with that), but more likely you'll be trying to do certain points several times... It adds up over time and yeah I could have done with this being half the length (in general, not just this port).
There's also a couple of issues that arise from Spectrum's weak hardware - first off is the evil that is colour clash rearing its ugly head... there's certain sections in some stages where you fly over fields and cities and enemies (and their shots) will briefly become invisible and in a couple of later levels that makes things almost impossible to progress since you cant see where the shots are coming from... Doesnt help that the hit box feels somewhat... questionable at points, with some shots feeling difficult to dodge. Oh, and the game only gives you around 4-5 lives, NO CONTINUES. So yeah, good luck with that. I used save states, no regrets. Ive never managed arcade, NES or GBC 1942 on a single credit and with invisible bullets, this one wont be 1CC'ed without assistance either!

Overall considering the age of the port, its good. Back in the day I can understand why it got decent reviews, its a decent approximation of the game and still has an addictive quality to it. And after quickly trying 1943, seems they've managed to improve things nicely (looking forward to getting to that one soon)

Next Up:
Yakuza Gaiden
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 30, 2019

78. Dating Joyce

This is actually a porn game, but it's a visual novel that has a card game as the mechanic to make the girl both trust and be attracted to you... which sounds horribly creepy written... and lust, both to avoid looking like a weirdo during dates and to perform adequately during the sex scenes.

It also has a twist, which I did not see coming, but the card game is very engaging actually, it's like a solitaire version of Inscryption. I just honestly wish the game had more random elements (such as the girl reacting more often) and it would be a very cool roguelike card game, as it stands it's just choosing your cards and play them properly. I don't think this is the kind of game I'd recommend (or even talk about publicly lol), but the goddamn card game surprised me very much.


79. Alan Wake Remastered

I'm utterly desperate to play AW2 but I'm broke (thank you, warhammer) so I resorted to play the first one again, since it was given away on Playstation Plus. I loved it again, the presentation is golden, the music outstanding. The game felt a lot less repetitive this time (probably since I played it back when it was released), and the 60 FPS are very noticeable. Recommend, honestly, I love all of Remedy's games though.

Main Post


Oct 25, 2017
165. 1943 (ZX Spectrum) - So this was so close to being way better than 1942 but it sorta fumbles a bit. The game itself on first glance doesnt seem too bad - it plays faster and smoother, nice sprites, the weapon and health system is retained (though technically made easier), and you have the boss phases like in the arcade game. So far so good.
But the problem occurs after stage 2's boss... because it just looks back to stage 1 again. Checking reviews and playthroughs suggest this is indeed the entire game!
The other issue is the lack of difficulty. Since weapons dont have ammo anymore (instead you keep the weapon until you get hit) you are basically OP AND you can easily get health back AND damage is lessened in this port (plus collision damage is minor, not major like in the arcade version). So basically most people can loop the game with ease and probably max out the point score if you play for hours. I did several loops and called it a day, the lack of increasing difficulty on every loop (plus health no longer drains on its own) meant this sadly got a bit too repetitive too quick. It has the backbone of a great port but just sorta fumbled due to lack of content. A real miss.

166. Commando (ZX Spectrum) - Now here's a home run. Its no wonder this was number 1 in (Spectrum) software sales charts over Xmas back in the day (its especially funny if you read the history of US Gold book just to see how pathetic US Gold's CEO raged over missing the game to a "lesser software studio" - its also better than anything US Gold ever put out Capcom port wise lol)

So Commando is another of those gloriously simple games that instantly work on 8 bit consoles - you have a rifle and grenades and gotta clear 8 stages in increasing difficulty, blasting the enemies away as you go.

So graphically the game is fine. Its got your usual colour clash etc. and scrolling isnt the smoothest in the world, but honestly those are really my only issues with it.
The game runs along at a brisk pace and is still plenty smooth, controls are tight with grenade mapped to holding down the fire button which works well in practice. Level layout wise, while I dont have the arcade originals commited to memory, it feels accurate - you have the dudes in trenches, various vehicles, dudes on mortar cannons etc. plus normal soldiers. Everything acts as it should, the end of level skirmishes work as the arcade version did, with swaths of enemies pouring out of the gates...
Basically - its a really good, commendable port that plays very close to the arcade version despite being on weaker hardware. I believe its missing a set of stages (I think its either 12 or 16 in the arcade version before looping, not 8) but again, that's a minor issue as the game has a solid level of difficulty so the game looping back to the beginning for more fun is a-ok with me.

Definitely worthy of its praise back in the day, and I feel its still a blast to play even now despite the arcade version being so readily available. Up next are both Ghosts n Goblins and Ghouls and Ghosts... I can only imagine how they'll translate lol.

Next Up:
Yakuza Gaiden
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 25, 2017
167. Enduro Racer (Master System/Sega MKIII) - So Yakuza Gaiden has a whole "virtual" Sega MKIII that plays actual roms of many a game, its the full version and Ive been slowly playing through the games. Enduro Racer is the first I finished (one run through mind you).
Unlike the arcade port of ER which is like a super scaler game, this one is a isometric viewpoint so it doesnt look quite as amazing, but its way smoother and doesnt run at 20FPS so I'll take what I can get! The Japanese version that I played has 10 unique courses (Overseas only got 5 courses, the second lot of 5 courses were just the first ones repeated and made slightly more difficult) and over these 10 courses, you have a variety of obstacles like water, rocks, cacti, mountains...

The goal is simple - finish before the time runs out. This is actually a fairly fair MKIII game, as it always feels like I get enough time normally (let alone with power ups), the only catch is making sure I dont take too much damage else the timer speeds up and your basically screwed.

Between races you get access to a shop - you can repair your bike and upgrade it to make it temporarily faster - though again I never really felt I needed this stuff as you get plenty of time.

There's also other racers on the courses, pretty easy to evade, slow, and really only there to overtake as the more you overtake the more upgrade credits you get. The trick is just handling the jumps properly to keep your speed up - this way you can just keep hitting each jump, evading any obstacles easily while also being pretty much invincible. You gotta watch for certain obstacles that'll cause you to explode or sink which costs precious time and bike durability, but otherwise all courses are pretty easy to tackle, save maybe the last course.

All in all, its a pretty easy racer game to clear (even subsequent harder runs aint that bad), but it has a certain charm that keeps me coming back. Just avoid the shitty overseas version that's missing half the content.

168. Ghosts n Goblins (ZX Spectrum) - Another Capcom computer port and... I have mixed feelings on this one. In isolation, the first two stages are actually fairly accurate all things considered for stages 1&2 from the arcade. Stage 3 is a mess though, it feels like its trying to be a bit like stage 5 from the arcade, but instead of being very vertical, its basically really flat, and compared to the first two stages, pretty boring.
The problem with the game is that the controls aint great - even for GnG it feels weird (due to how jumping and climbing are mapped to just "up" on the joystick). So this makes the ladder section on stage 2 a complete nightmare.
Some of the jumps in stage 2 are a pain in the ass as well - the jump right before the checkpoint is really tough to get down properly - and it doesnt help that the enemy spawning in that part made it even harder (which actually makes it way harder than the arcade version).

Its just honestly really not that fun... it had promise, but it was more annoying than fun, unlike the other Capcom ports Ive played so far.

169. Mega Man 2 (Evercade EXP) - Of all the games to start with on my new Evercade, its the one that Ive replayed more times than I can count. Its still perfect, and still my favourite game ever.

Next Up:
Yakuza Gaiden
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 28, 2017
16. Lies of P (XSX) - took me 36 hours, 5-10 of that was the first boss of the last chapter, lol. I'll do NG+ eventually. [8/10]

Next: Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - already about 40% done.
17. Spider-Man 2 (PS5) - 18 hrs total, going to go for the platinum next. Everything works well but its Spider-Man 1 with better graphics. [8.5/10]

NEXT - Wanted: Dead (XSX) - on chapter 4/5.


Oct 17, 2023
Well finished 52 games this year with still a month to spare.




Between my local library and Gamepass/NSO the only games purchased this year where Metro Exodus, A Little to the Left and Street Fighter 6. Still plan on picking up Baldur's Gate 3 when is releases for the XSX.

Gunstar Heroes and Titanfall 2 were both amazing standouts from some older game I played this year.

Top 5 Games released 2023:
  1. Hi-Fi Rush
  2. Street Fighter 6
  3. Lies of P
  4. Jusant
  5. Starfield
Currently working on Planet of Lana and Mortal Kombat 1.
Oct 27, 2017
Main Post

51. Final Fantasy XIV: Shadowbringers (5.0-5.55) (PC) | 6th October - 123.8 hours | 5/5 : This is my favorite expansion, just above Endwalker. Everything from the story, to the new classes, the music, the dungeons, raids, etc. all peak. If I had to pick a #1 of the year for me from any year it would be this
52. Final Fantasy XIV: Endwalker (6.0-6.5) (PC) | 20th October - 115.4 hours | 5/5 : Amazing finish to the Ascian storyline. I loved every second of it and overall I think after finishing all of the expansions so far and getting up to date with the MSQ....this may be my favorite Final Fantasy ever
53. Marvel's Spider-Man 2 (PS5) | 25th October - 20 hours | 4/5 : It's good, great even, but I would still say I preferred the first one and the Miles game. Three crashes and glitches that had me restarting didn't help, but those lows didn't beat out the highs for me

Finished my quote for the year. I'm tempted to try out BG3 now


Oct 25, 2017
Couple more games done this week! I could probably add Yakuza Gaiden to the count but Ive still got the completion list to finish, so while the story is done, Im holding off listing it just yet until I get 100% completion done + the plat trophy! Meanwhile, more indie and retro games finished!

170. Moon Patrol (Evercade) - An old Irem arcade game Id never touched before. I launched this one because I didnt feel like getting my ass kicked by R Type and was really surprised by how addictive it was - its a really simple concept - just head to the right, destroying enemies, avoiding pits... there's 26 stages per loop (lettered "A" through to "Z") and things ramp up the further you get, with some pretty challenging sections with series of tough timed jumps, or multiple obstacles where you gotta time your shots perfectly, else your exploding!
There's several loops to the game from what I could tell - it caps out at route 3, where upon completing that, it just goes back to loop 3 for eternity. Overall, its a really nice balanced arcade game - tough yet super satisfying when you nail those jumps. Now onto R Type...

171. Planet of Lana (PC) - One of many indies left in my backlog pile, this one wooed me with its gorgeous looking graphics and (at the time) great review scores. On the whole... I liked it. I wasnt quite wowed like I hoped Id be (minus visuals), I honestly feel like Somerville wowed me more in places, despite that game being a bit of a mess at times!
The game is a puzzle platformer, with pretty easy puzzles. You have a little cat like creature that follows you, and of course I ended up getting attached to them! There's some light stealth where you gotta sneak past enemies (you can only indirectly kill them, dropping stuff on them) but these sections are never that long, or annoying, so none ever outstay their welcome. The puzzles for the most part are done well but I feel maybe could have done being a bit harder - bar a couple, I feel the game never really challenges you, and since there's not much in the way of "action" (chase scenes, more clutch platforming moments etc.) the game sorta feels a bit too easy going. I dont need Celeste, but at times I feel almost like its a walking sim, with me holding right, looking at the gorgeous areas, waiting for something to happen.
There's a couple of great cinematic moments late in the game - the part which transitions from the Oasis to the last level is spectacular to watch, as is the opening. The QTEs though... I should have just disabled them, they add nothing to the game.

Overall, a great little adventure that I kinda wish was just a little more challenging.

Next Up:
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...


Oct 25, 2017
Manchester, UK
Let's do November's summary today, as I've hit 52! Main post here


46. Super Mario Bros. Wonder (Switch) | 6 November 2023 | 9/10
100% complete, 6/6 medals earned. Super Mario Bros. Wonder has a strong claim to being amongst the most creative and pure fun 2D Mario platformers, managing to shake up the standard formula significantly with the introduction of "Wonder flowers" into each stage, which transform the environment in any number of unexpected, often quite spectacular ways. To give just a couple of examples, a fossil might come alive as flying dragon, or the perspective might suddenly flip to a top-down perspective. These transformations are almost invariably great fun, and a very welcome addition. Beyond this standout addition, levels are impressively varied in design and satisfying to play through, often with interesting ways to hide the three collectible coins that each contains, and there's a wonderful (pun intended?) sense of personality throughout, especially with flowers that talk to Mario with brief quips as he passes them.

I can't help but feel that the power-ups weren't used quite as well as they might have been here, but those that are present are solid enough, with a handful of newly-introduced variations (the elephant flower being the source of many of the promotional images). Similarly, a badge system that provides a selectable ability through which to play through each level doesn't feel like it's taken to its full potential - perhaps some of these might have worked better as additional power-ups? Regardless, though these are only minor niggles in an excellent game.

A now-traditional Special World closes out the game, ramping up the challenge significantly, and there's certainly some great satisfaction to come from besting these final challenges - but do yourself a favour and if you attempt the final couple of gauntlets, do them with Yoshi and save yourself a lot of frustration!


47. Bad End Theater (PC - Steam) | 10 November 2023 | 7/10
Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked. Bad End Theater is a short, enjoyable puzzle-based visual novel, where the player takes control of one of four characters who then play through a short sequence based around a fantasy hero/demon conflict. Gameplay takes the form of several text-based choices, which ultimately lead to one of the titular bad end(ing)s. The novel twist comes from the four characters each taking part in a given run, and once you've experienced a given choice as one character, you can set then behaviour that they follow before starting a run with a different character - and thereby experience a different path through the decision tree of outcomes. It's a neat mechanic that works well, especially as you gradually find different paths and then different decision points. Despite the inevitably bleak outcomes, it all plays out with a sense of fun - and maybe there's a 'true ending' in there somewhere? The lack of long-term depth limits the game's overall potential, but it's fun while it lasts.


48. Tchia (PS5 (PS Plus)) | 12 November 2023 | 6/10
Complete playthrough. A beautiful tribute to New Caledonia and its culture, Tchia sadly didn't particularly 'click' with me. There's a decent supernatural story to play through and some emotional story encounters, but the core open-world gameplay overall just felt rather dull. Even making use of the possession mechanics, it takes far too long to travel from place to place, with little of note to find between points of interest. I understand the reasoning behind not including a precise location on the in-game map, being to encourage exploration, but in practice this just leads to a more frustrating experience than necessary - there are other, better ways to achieve this (look at the recent Zelda games, as an easy example) - and led to this being a relatively rare example of a game that I won't be trying to 100% for a reason other than difficulty. There's still a decent game here that I'm sure plenty will enjoy, it's just a bit disappointing to me having heard positive things about it before playing.


49. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II (PS5) | 16 November 2023 | 8/10
Campaign completed on Regular difficulty. The original Modern Warfare cast really can't be beaten when it comes to Call of Duty campaigns, this was a blast. The story, while nothing particularly deep, feels meaningful through the character relationships that it develops, and there's impressive mission variety with memorable setpieces and even some well-judged stealth sequences.


50. Adios (Xbox One) | 17 November 2023 | 6/10
Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked (1,000G). Very limited on "gameplay", but this story of a pig farmer ending his connection with the mob is an interesting, deeply personal tale of remorse. This takes the form of a day in which the player undertakes chores around his farm, accompanied by the mob hitman - who while a close friend, ultimately has been sent to kill him. The writing and voice acting is excellent, serving the sell the concept very effectively - and while it's not a game that I'd soon replay, it's been a worthwhile experience.


51. SCP: Secret Files | 20 November 2023 | 6/10
Completed with 100% of achievements unlocked. An interesting concept, SCP: Secret Files comprises a series of relatively short sequences, each completely distinct in style, exploring the behaviour of a supernatural phenomenon. The core of the game really is in the stories that it tells, though there's somewhat more to it than a "walking simulator" - and in those stories it finds a good balance of exposition and mystery, leaning somewhat into a horror angle at times. The gameplay is admittedly a bit clunky which means that it's not as satisfying an overall experience as it might have been, but still a worthwhile experience. I gather that the game is just a taste of a much wider 'lore' and while I'm not immediately compelled to seek that out, it's certainly a possibility in future...


52. Call of Duty: Black Ops III | 29 November 2023 | 6/10
Campaign completed on Regular difficulty with 100% of collectibles. With Black Ops III, Call of Duty takes its campaign in a heavily multiplayer-focused direction - and unfortunately, while I'm probably in the minority, this really isn't what I come to the series for. In place of 'epic' setpieces, the majority of encounters feel more focused on the sheer weight of enemy numbers, losing some of the more interesting level design. With the player character simply called "Player" in-game, this also makes the plot significantly less relatable and engaging, lacking the personal back-and-forth and camaraderie that suffuses the Modern Warfare subseries. The core gunplay is solid enough, of course, though the inability (by design) to pick up most enemy weapons leads to less experimentation. A cybernetical abilities (which might as well be a magic system) offsets this somewhat, though to be honest I never found all that much need to use it, especially later in the game where there's little in the level design to remind you to use these abilities. Finally, the division of campaign progress between online and local instances is another cause of frustration - while you're pushed towards playing online by default, an online session can't sustain itself between different times of play, which doesn't play well with modern implementations of Rest Mode and Quick Resume, as well as not being altogether stable in normal play.


Oct 25, 2017
A trio of Turtles ports (totally missed a trick by not playing a fourth one lol) next, Im a big fan of the original TMNT (or TMHT over here back in the day...) game so I wanted to revisit the ports of the NES game. Dont worry, that over rated Dam level is even easier in these!

171. TMNT (ZX Spectrum) - I think this was the first port I ever owned, its a toss up between this and the Amiga version but I just cant imagine why Id get this after playing the Amiga one back in the day...

Anyway, its basic structure is that of the NES game - you explore sewers, rooftops and that one Dam in order to beat the footclan and Shredder. The main difference here is the difficulty - aside from the fact your health drains if you stand "inside" the enemy (no knock back), its really easy. Enemies dont respawn and they only take one hit to defeat, so this makes it a super fast paced game. Bosses are a little more dangerous due to the lacking AI - they basically just run straight at you, but they arent that hard to beat.

The first level is basically the same design wise as the NES original, though you only have one sprite for Bee Bop and Rocksteady. The second stage (the Dam) is shorter and real easy to clear, the Dam itself is again real easy as most obstacles are removed and the swimming section is only about 1 minute long. Granted the timer counts down super fast but it only takes a run or two to figure out the path for the bombs, so people really shouldnt struggle with this.
The third stage is simple - just hit a stage for health, one for ropes, and one for missles and you can then avoid basically all the rest of the areas and just head to the rooftop where Splinter is being held. This is where you really start feeling the difference in level design - levels are shorter, way easier, and basically only inside, with one rooftop level, no sewers. And enemy variety is really restricted.

Stage 4 just flat out feels like they gave up, you go to the right on the map, go in the underground to heal, then its Technodrome time (no giant Mouser here). And said Technodrome is super easy to beat - remember how it plays in the NES version? Now imagine it not moving and having a platform where you can stand next to its weak spot to wail on it.

Stage 5 is the end game. Its map is like the actual stage 5 but you go through stages that are just earlier ones copy/pasted, and eventually you reach Shredder who bounces around like a pinball. Pretty anticlimatic, and really easy!

Overall I cant fault it too much... it plays well, looks fine, and runs at a nice clip. Considering the hardware we are talking about, I can forgive its shortcomings. And believe it or not... its kinda better than the Amiga one!

172. TMNT (Amstrad CPC) - Gotta admit, not played any CPC games before, only heard about them from Retrocore and Retrogamer. And... well I can see why its compared closely to the Spectrum quite a bit. Because its basically the same game, layout and all. It handles the same, basically looks the same only now the graphics are more colourful, it also feels smoother (which is great), but the lack of sound, lack of stages and overall mechanics are identical to the Spectrum version. Honestly I spent more time wrestling with perfect controls than playing the game, its another easy one.

173. TMNT (Amiga) - Good news, its not the same damn thing! This one is closer to the NES version, only more colourful, and way easier (most instant KO stuff is cut from this port, which is honestly great news - the obstacles are either gone or only deal a bit of damage now).
So like all other versions, the game starts out the same in stage 1, and honestly the only change in stage 2's platforming bit is the fact that its the single level that has mid boss enemies to fight - you know how in the Amiga version you'll periodically fight enemies as forced mid boss fights? There's a duo of chainsaw dudes to fight here for some reason, this never reoccurs.
The Dam itself is the easiest in all versions played so far - as while it does have seaweed KO grabs, they are easy to dodge so no one in the right mind should lose a turtle to them. Obstacles from the NES maze are mainly absent, so no difficult electric shock things, no changes in current, and a timer so generous you could take a break and still be fine.
Level 3 is actually even easier as you get missiles real quick, and will come across ropes naturally as well. So most of the stage is you plodding around the overworld... nows a good time to bring up the scrolling/frame rate in this. Its fucking bad. Imagine such jerky scrolling that the game feels like its moving at around 15-20FPS... because that's legit how it feels. I dont think its running at that FPS, its just the scrolling making you think it is. The game is so darn slow compared to the two ones above that it feels like it runs in slow motion...

Stage 4 has the giant mouser at least, and can be beaten with one boomerang. The stages reflect the actual NES stage 4 way more closely now (only easier) unlike the older computer ports which didnt really try.

Stage 5 again is like the NES version and so that also means you gotta find the right entrance to fight the Technodrome, and like the NES one that's slightly annoying. But again, lack of pizza aside, its easier. But with the added enemies here, you really feel the slowness of the game... And then you fight the boss, which is really jerky/poorly animated so it ends up rather annoying...

And then the finale... again its like the NES version but so many enemy types are cut making it so much easier - those flying robots with lasers are gone, so you'll easily reach Shredder with plenty of health. And Shredder himself? A complete pushover as it turns out, no methods needed, just have more health than him and you basically auto win.

Overall Id argue its the Amiga version that aged worst. Amstrad's looks ok for what it is and runs a damn sight better which is a much bigger advantage. The Amiga version is much closer to the NES version, but it comes at the cost of good performance. Then again, its probably down to the port job... something like Switchblade 2 or the mighty Turrican 2 can do bigger levels, silky smooth scrolling, better controls, and in Turrican's case a huge and varied soundtrack. The Amiga could have done much better...

Next Up:
Every Console/Handheld (unique) Spidey game... seriously
Super Mario RPG
Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak
Rez Infinite (trophies)
Lost more VR stuff
MGS Rising
Splatterhouse (PS3)
Bayonetta 3
And a game generation worth of SFVI play!

Original post:

52 Games. 1 Year. 2023

A thread for people that are trying to play 52 games in a year. Tell us how you're doing and what you are going to play next - claim a post and update us on your progress! How do I take part? Claim a 'main post' where you will list all your completions for the year. You can use fancy images...