
Oct 27, 2017

The principal saw a swastika first. It was inky black, spray painted on a trash can just beside the entrance to the high school. David Burton switched off the engine of his SUV, unaware, even then, of the magnitude of what he was about to see.

This was the last day of the year for the class of 2018 at Glenelg High School. There was going to be an awards ceremony, a picnic, that end-of-a-journey feeling that always made Burton so proud of his job. But as he was on his way to work at 6:25 a.m., the assistant principal had called, agitated and yelling about graffiti. "It's everywhere," he kept saying, so Burton had leaned on the gas and rushed the last few miles.

Soon, everyone would be telling him how shocked they were. This was Howard County, after all: a Maryland suburb between Washington and Baltimore that is extremely diverse, extremely well-educated and home to Columbia, a planned community founded on the principles of integration and inclusion. People moved their families here for that reputation just as much as for the good schools.

"Pleasantville," Burton liked to call it, but as a black man, and as the principal of the county's only majority-white school, he knew this place was more complicated. When he stepped out into the bright spring day, he confronted the reality of just how much more.

Beneath his dress shoes, there were more swastikas. Spray painted around them were crude drawings of penises.

Then Burton saw the letters "KKK." He saw the word "Fuck" again and again next to the words "Jews," "Fags," "Nigs" and "Burton."

He kept walking, following the graffiti around the building's perimeter. It was on the sidewalks, the trash cans, the loading dock, the stadium around back. There were more than 100 markings in total, though he didn't bother to count.

He turned a corner and saw something written in large capital letters on the sidewalk: "BURTON IS A NIGGER."

He paused only for a moment, looking at the words, trying to comprehend that all of this was real.

Later, school district officials, county administrators and prosecutors would have a name for what happened here. They would repeat it, condemn it and vow to prevent it from occurring again. Hate crime.

By the time the awards ceremony was about to begin, Principal Burton had rewritten the speech he had been planning to give. "We are not going to let this ruin your celebration," he would now tell students.

He emerged from his office with notes clutched in his hand and stopped to check in with the police. The security footage, they told Burton, confirmed what he had suspected.

The principal entered the auditorium to a burst of applause. He stepped up to the podium. He stood before his students, looked out into their faces and felt certain: The people who did this were looking back at him.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
"Eventually they were told: The school's WiFi system requires students to use individual IDs to get online. After they log in once, their phones automatically connect whenever they are on campus.

At 11:35 p.m. on May 23, the students' IDs began auto-connecting to the WiFi. It took only a few clicks to find out exactly who was beneath those T-shirt masks."

Got 'em.

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Before I even read the article, I just did a search for "good," since it's always a fair bet in these stories that someone is out there defending racists for being "good kids" or being from "a good family" or whatever and lo, there it was.


Oct 25, 2017
He'd been at his buddy Matt Lipp's house, where the parents of all their friends had gathered the evening of May 23 to sort out the details of Senior Week. The teens' parents had rented them a house in Ocean City, the annual destination for thousands of local students celebrating graduation, and were divvying up tasks: who would drive the group to the beach, who would stock their fridge, who would cook them dinners before leaving them for a week of beer pong, sunburns and meetups with houses full of girls.

so we're looking at a future Supreme Court Justice here, huh


Oct 25, 2017
What the fucking fuck. The kids involved shouldnt be allowed to graduate until they clean every last sign up. Let them use toothbrushes and their fingernails.


Oct 27, 2017
I started reading the article and right when we got to the part about the Principle finding out who did it, the article switches perspective to the racist kids, and their fears and anxieties.

Not even sure I want to finish reading it tbh.


Oct 25, 2017
Fuck them, withhold their diplomas, expel them from the school district, charge them for the cleanup and repair damages. Absolutely no mercy.

Deleted member 10551

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
At least they got real jail time, I'm ok with them being able to have the records expunged if they do probation- they suffered real consequences, instead of college they're doing menial jobs (white privilege there though- minorities with records wouldn't be able to get jobs at all).

I'd have given them 6-12 months though.

It's up to them whether they can accept the wrong they did and change their ways, or whether they will be a ball of hate and resentment the rest of their lives. One way will damn their soul, another will save it.

The MAGA shit should have resulted in consequences as well though.


Oct 27, 2017
Eventually they were told: The school's WiFi system requires students to use individual IDs to get online. After they log in once, their phones automatically connect whenever they are on campus.
At 11:35 p.m. on May 23, the students' IDs began auto-connecting to the WiFi. It took only a few clicks to find out exactly who was beneath those T-shirt masks.


Deleted member 12379

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Panicked, he started Googling:
"How long do you go to jail for vandalism?"
And then: "Can you get a hate crime for painting swastikas?"

"I spray paint one racist thing and, suddenly, I become a racist? Just because I did it doesn't mean I hate Jews, gay people or black people."

Three years probation. Two hundred fifty hours in community service. And nine consecutive weekends in jail.

what a weak-ass punishment. hopefully this story follows and haunts them for the rest of their lives. typical puff piece about how "good" these boys are. foh.


Oct 25, 2017
Later, he would explain himself this way: "I never really understood the symbol of the swastika. I knew it was wrong to plaster it somewhere. I didn't learn exactly what [the Nazis] were doing to the Jews until I went to the Holocaust Museum. I never learned that they were mutilated. I knew that they were, like, burned. But I never learned that they had experiments done on them, were injected with diseases. The school didn't include that. They just included the burning and the train cars."

His understanding of the KKK was limited, too, he said. "Some people think it's just a word, or a symbol or three letters put together. . . . But they were lynching people, hurting people for no good reason."

Now, he said, he knows. But he still doesn't believe his actions that night make him a bigot.

"I spray paint one racist thing and, suddenly, I become a racist? Just because I did it doesn't mean I hate Jews, gay people or black people."

He was standing before the judge, pleading guilty to a hate crime, but he would not admit that he harbored any hate.

All around him, the adults agreed.


"He is not a racist . . . he has a good heart," his attorney told the judge.
Oh, fuck right off.

L Thammy

Oct 25, 2017
"I spray paint one racist thing and, suddenly, I become a racist? Just because I did it doesn't mean I hate Jews, gay people or black people."

No, you don't become a racist. It means that you were always more racist than you had assumed you were, based off of nothing but the inertia that carried you from no one telling you otherwise.

Admiral Woofington

The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I was waiting for it and yep I reached the "im not racist. I didn't understand what the KKK was. The nazis did what? Oh my God. I didn't know. Jeez Louise"

Dr. Monkey

Oct 25, 2017
Amazing how consistent it is huh?
Every time. Every damn time.

eta: And you know what's tragic?

In the past year, he'd created a task force of diverse students to work on the school's climate. Soon every freshman would go through an empathy workshop. And nearly 40 of his employees had spent the year meeting to discuss the book "Waking Up White," a memoir of a white woman who comes to understand that racism is a system that she had been shaped by and contributed to her entire life without even realizing it. Maybe, he thought, that lesson would get passed on to Glenelg's students.

There's probably considerable backlash to moves like this, because white fragility.


Woke up, got a money tag, swears a lot
Oct 25, 2017
'just because i committed a racist hate-crime, how does that make me a racist?'

you fucking idiot


Oct 26, 2017
Panicked, he started Googling:
"How long do you go to jail for vandalism?"
And then: "Can you get a hate crime for painting swastikas?"

"I spray paint one racist thing and, suddenly, I become a racist? Just because I did it doesn't mean I hate Jews, gay people or black people."

Three years probation. Two hundred fifty hours in community service. And nine consecutive weekends in jail.

what a weak-ass punishment. hopefully this story follows and haunts them for the rest of their lives. typical puff piece about how "good" these boys are. foh.

This becomes a staple of mine and I kind of hate it, but no, three years probation with all the baggage and oversight that comes with it, 250 hours of community service and 9 weekends in jail for a juvenile first time offender aren't, in fact, a weak-ass punishment. They are a punishment that's going to really fucking hurt the person while also giving them a chance to change and benefit society in the future. Instead of throwing him into jail for years with a high chance of further radicalizing him there, destroying really any chance for rehabilitation.

Gonna repeat this one, too: Rehabilitation instead of revenge. No matter how good it would feel to throw a bigot into a cell and throw away the keys.

You know what's fucked up, though?

All four will be eligible to get the hate crimes expunged from their record when their probation is finished.

Say what? Why? Also:

But on this morning, his job was to celebrate his seniors. He stood outside as they arrived in their red caps and gowns. Their parents and grandparents followed behind, cameras in hand.

Then he saw it: this year's version of a senior prank. A tractor was pulling into the parking lot. On the front was an old couch bolted to the forklift, a sign that read "2019," and a few students sprawled on the cushions. On the back was a blue flag. "TRUMP," it read, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN."
Last edited:

Deleted member 23212

User requested account closure
Oct 28, 2017
Panicked, he started Googling:
"How long do you go to jail for vandalism?"
And then: "Can you get a hate crime for painting swastikas?"

"I spray paint one racist thing and, suddenly, I become a racist? Just because I did it doesn't mean I hate Jews, gay people or black people."

Three years probation. Two hundred fifty hours in community service. And nine consecutive weekends in jail.

what a weak-ass punishment. hopefully this story follows and haunts them for the rest of their lives. typical puff piece about how "good" these boys are. foh.
Nine consecutive weekends in jail? Sounds more like a trip to me.


was promised a tag
Apr 10, 2018
Jesus Fuck.

The Senior Prank I remember most vividly was when the seniors from an adjacent high-school stole a life-sized cow statue from a nearby steak-house and then put it on the roof of the school. It was later returned unharmed. That was a cheeky bit of fun that didn't hurt anybody and was a fun little memory.

This...this isn't a fucking prank...
Oct 26, 2017
Oh my:
Nearly five years ago, in September 2014, Glenelg students displayed a Confederate flag at a football game between Glenelg and River Hill. The flag had been temporarily displayed in the back of the stands during the Friday game at River Hill in Clarksville, The Baltimore Sun reported.

There were two reports of hate-related vandalism in 2017 at Glenelg High, according to previous reports. On March 24, 2017, swastikas and racist graffiti were reported to have been found in a school bathroom and, on Oct. 8, 2017, graffiti targeting religion and sexual orientation and racist slurs were found spray-painted on the school's baseball and softball dugouts.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I have a WaPo sub and even I'm baffled that the OP would post the setup and not even a summary of the conclusion to the story.
Six weeks later, Seth backed his car out of his parents' driveway, headed to his final weekend in jail.

Good behavior during his weekends locked up meant he had to serve only two-thirds of them.

The following weekend, Tyler Curtiss, who had painted two swastikas, would finish his weekends, five in all.

Matt Lipp, whose graffiti attacked Jewish, black and gay people, would serve 11 of the 16 he was sentenced to. He has filed an appeal, still arguing that his First Amendment rights had been violated.

Josh Shaffer, who targeted the principal, was sentenced to the most jail time: 18 weekends. He would serve 12.

All four will be eligible to get the hate crimes expunged from their record when their probation is finished.

Together they had figured out how to navigate their 48-hour stints locked up: how to make the time pass, how to hide their toilet paper so it wouldn't be stolen, what to do when the other inmates threw dominoes at their heads.

That is so crazy.
Slap on the wrist.
Weekends in jail.


Nov 14, 2017
"I know the holocaust was about the murder of millions of Jews and whatnot, but I didn't know they had it rough, you know?"


Oct 25, 2017
Then he saw it: this year's version of a senior prank. A tractor was pulling into the parking lot. On the front was an old couch bolted to the forklift, a sign that read "2019," and a few students sprawled on the cushions. On the back was a blue flag. "TRUMP," it read, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN."



Oct 27, 2017
South Carolina
Panicked, he started Googling:
"How long do you go to jail for vandalism?"
And then: "Can you get a hate crime for painting swastikas?"

"I spray paint one racist thing and, suddenly, I become a racist? Just because I did it doesn't mean I hate Jews, gay people or black people."
Then don't do it in the first place! If you're not racist then don't do racist things.


Oct 30, 2017
A swastika was a Hindu symbol that the Nazis reversed and bastardized and is an internationally known hate symbol.
Yes, painting a reverse swastika is a hate crime and is an active act of racism and hate.

"I spray paint one racist thing and, suddenly, I become a racist? Just because I did it doesn't mean I hate Jews, gay people or black people "

"oh I just shot a dude, does that make me a murderer?"

Yes, yes it does.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 28, 2017
Then he saw it: this year's version of a senior prank. A tractor was pulling into the parking lot. On the front was an old couch bolted to the forklift, a sign that read "2019," and a few students sprawled on the cushions. On the back was a blue flag. "TRUMP," it read, "MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN."


We never win. We just try to do a little better every time.