
Spotlighting Black Excellence - Diversity Analyst
Oct 25, 2017
Houston, TX
It's perfectly viable but it depends on how Marvel manages the landing.

It seems likely a lot of the older characters, mainly Cap, Tony, Thor, will be retired. It's natural that they'll make Tom Holland the new face of the MCU as Spider-Man. They'll have one shot to really sell a bunch of younger-feeling and fresh properties for the next MCU cycle.

This would be the perfect moment to launch The Fantastic Four in the MCU. If done right, at last, the FF can be as iconic as Captain America and Iron Man. They have a lighter, familial feel that would compliment a young Spider-Man extremely well. (Peter will still be looking for mentors if Tony Stark is gone.) Doom can seamlessly take over from Loki as the leading MCU villain.
Of the Original 4, I could see Thor & Hulk sticking around (more so Thor). But yeah, Spider-Man & Black Panther are probably gonna be the new faces of the MCU going forward.


Oct 25, 2017
I dunno what could be the next big "Thanos hook" that gets everyone on their seats after the credits roll. And if there's one coming up, will it be as big as the previous one?


Oct 25, 2017
Well yeah, I doubt it's going to run out of gas anytime soon, but inevitably it will slow down at some point. This thread is probably a tad premature though.
the last 10 threads heralding the end of marvel/CBM's have been far too premature. Even on the old site they were premature. I doubt the peak is even in the horizon right now.


Nov 13, 2017
There's no evidence of audience fatigue. In fact, we only have evidence of accelerating audience interest. BP huge. Avengers interest is off the charts.

When will this end? Simple. We need a dud or two. We need a BvsS or Justice League. Then the momentum will stop.

For now, the movies keep getting better and the ticket sales keep rising.

I'm also wondering what will happen to gold/silver/bronze comic values when this happens.


Oct 28, 2017
I think they will eventually take a break and just reboot the entire thing and start all over with new ideas and actors.


Oct 31, 2017
As long as they A. Keep the quality strong and B. Keep introducing new and interesting characters and teams I think rumors of any such demise will continue to be greatly exaggerated.

If anything their villains are getting better. Killmonger, Klaw, the Grandmaster. So much better than Malekith or whoever was in Iron Man 3.


Oct 25, 2017
This claim would ring a little less hollow if we hadn't spent the last five years hearing about how "the bubble will burst...any moment now...any second....!" from people as they continuously huffed and puffed, pulling those goalposts as far as they could.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
If the comic books have stayed alive for all these decades then I don't see how the movies can't do the same.

The thing is that they do shit almost perfectly - they're movies that comfort people with their favorite familiar characters and that sells tickets, but getting new characters also sells tickets. People who watch these movies keep wanting more and more of the same, but also not the same. It's weird.
People love Captain America and Iron Man, but Black Panther, Antman and Dr Strange show that they're not the end all be all. Fans are willing to accept new characters.
They can keep this going endlessly if they want I think.

The thing I'm more curious about is if audiences will accept villains coming back years later in the canon. Moviegoers are used to getting different villains every movie or the same villain back to back. Are audiences going to be cool with seeing Ultron or Vulture back 2 or 3 years from now? Or even Thanos 10 years from now?
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Oct 25, 2017
This claim would ring a little less hollow if we hadn't spent the last five years hearing about how "the bubble will burst...any moment now...any second....!".

I have photographic proof of this being a thing before Avengers was released in 2012.

Yes. As in "It feels like the comic book fatigue is really kicking in, don't see Avengers being very successful."


Oct 25, 2017
As long as they still have characters the audience likes to anchor the solo films, sure.

And given that two of them are going to be Black Panther and Spider-Man, I'd say it's looking good.

Common Knowledge

One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Do the majority of people watching these actually pay close attention to the greater story arc of the infinity stones and Thanos? I mean, sure, they're aware of it but that whole thing has been shown thus far just through small cameo scenes and some short dialogue here and there. Thanos has had like what, 5 minutes of total screen time in the entire MCU thus far?

I doubt the larger audience is going to be all, "oh no, that's it with Thanos and the Infinity Stones, I guess there's no point to these movies anymore!" They're just there to see good action flicks with memorable characters, and if Marvel can keep up with that aspect, they'll be fine.


Oct 25, 2017
Define work? I don't see why Avengers 4 will stop them from pumping out great movies that are critically received well and do well at the box office. They'll probably start building towards something else after.

However, eventually I guess they'll have a mistep (just playing the odds). Not even Pixar or any other studio has had a run this well.

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Oct 25, 2017
You bet it will continue to work. The whole infinity gems thing was not essential to the success of the movies. It's barely a mcguffin on most movies and Thanos has little to no presence in the whole movies so far.

I'm pretty sure the Tesseract wasn't even retconned from a Cosmic Cube to the Space Gem until after the first Avengers movie, around the time Guardians of the Galaxy and Thor 2 started introducing the other Infinity Gems.

So, yeah, I don't think anyone really cares who the Big Bad is that the movies are building up to as long as there's something to wait around for after the credits start rolling.


Oct 28, 2017
I know it will be the end for me. I cannot be arsed to go round again. I want a definitive ending for these characters, or what's the point? It's not a soap opera. There has to be an end point eventually, like with Harry Potter. Or Lord of the Rings. The ending is the best bit.
Are you familiar with Marvel's output over the last god knows how many years?
Oct 29, 2017
Assuming the fox deal goes through I'm not sure how the MCU would slow down.

That being said, they've made a phenomenon out of Black Panther recently and I'm not sure why they can't just keep making good movies about characters most people haven't heard of before.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 26, 2017
Of course.

They have to keep nailing the casting, continue propping up likable characters, and making enjoyable movies.

I personally might feel a bit of resolve afterwards, but I'm sure they'll find something else interesting to build up to. Maybe mutants.

jon bones

Oct 25, 2017
I know it will be the end for me. I cannot be arsed to go round again. I want a definitive ending for these characters, or what's the point? It's not a soap opera. There has to be an end point eventually, like with Harry Potter. Or Lord of the Rings. The ending is the best bit.

you will have an ending for THESE characters

and then new stories will be told with new characters


Oct 25, 2017
I won't lie, of all the "has Marvel Studios finally found the challenge that they can't match?" takes, this one is the least....well, moronic.

They're gonna have a time replacing the stars that got em to the ball, but I have faith they'll be ok. Especially so long as Sony continues to play ball with Spider-Man, and with the Fox properties finally coming home.


Oct 26, 2017
People have been saying this for ages. At some point it's inevitably going to be true, but I don't really see why that time is now. If they keep making entertaining films, I'm sure they'll keep being popular. Can anyone think of a series that's maintained as high-a standard as Marvel has and people simply got bored?


Oct 25, 2017
I would like to see more slice of life type stuff with the characters, although it probably wouldn't be too popular or profitable.


The Pyramids? That's nothing compared to RDR2
Oct 27, 2017
Introduce X-Men and the FF. Start building to Avengers v. X-Men and it will still be huge.


Prophet of Truth
Oct 29, 2017
Spider-Man is evergreen and X-Men + F4 should carry them another... decade. I've lost interest but after BP I'm sure the MCU isn't going anywhere for a while.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know, truth to be told. If they continue with the big universe and build movies up to a big event, I feel like that could be tiring for people.

After Avengers 4, it might be time for more standalone movies that don't build up to anything. Have a complete arc in one movie and don't build up the next big thing. Smaller, more personal stories like pizza dogs Hawkeye comics. At least I feel, like I don't need the next big hook constantly.

On the other hand avengers 4 might be used to introduce the xmen to the mcu through time stone shenanigans (at least I could imagine) and Doom and Galactus are both good bets for the next big arc.


Oct 27, 2017
Let's see what they're able to givbe us before we question if the Marvel Universe can continue. I can see Thanos really being a good end to the MCU since that was the end goal once it was realized there was a real potential for a large Comic Book setting being put on the big screen, but there's no reason from a buisiness standpoint that they should stop, nor is there any lack of things that can still be brought from the comics.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
Which describes Spider-Man, sure, but it's funny considering they just introduced Black Panther and Boseman is like... 40.

T'Challa will take over the Stark role

I already thought that before BP, but after the success of that film it's even more of a certainty

He's gonna be around a lot


Oct 25, 2017
I don't know, truth to be told. If they continue with the big universe and build movies up to a big event, I feel like that could be tiring for people.

After Avengers 4, it might be time for more standalone movies that don't build up to anything. Have a complete arc in one movie and don't build up the next big thing. Smaller, more personal stories like pizza dogs Hawkeye comics. At least I feel, like I don't need the next big hook constantly.

On the other hand avengers 4 might be used to introduce the xmen to the mcu through time stone shenanigans (at least I could imagine) and Doom and Galactus are both good bets for the next big arc.
I mean they more or less said that they gonna stop with the build up to an event film thing and have more movies where shit just happens and niggas are in other heroes' movies like Ragnarok


Oct 25, 2017
Richmond, VA
The MCU will continue to "work" as long as Kevin Feige is in charge, and long after that if his successor can folllow Feige's plan.

1. Respect the source material.
2. Repeat.


Oct 28, 2017
yes, absolutely. You have the youth market who is just getting into the movies, you have the parent market who is looking for movies to take their kids to, and you have guys like me who grew up reading the comics and still can't believe we are getting movies like this. At 42, this is still unreal to me that we get such quality movies based off of comics.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
They havent even brought in Fantastic 4 and X-Men yet (its just a matter of time...), with plenty of other villains and stories they can use.

Barring a heavy dip in quality, I would expect to see them for quite some time.


Oct 27, 2017
I don't know, truth to be told. If they continue with the big universe and build movies up to a big event, I feel like that could be tiring for people.

We're ten years in and a Black Panther movie crossed the billion dollar mark. If people are getting tired of it, it sure as hell ain't evident.


Oct 25, 2017
Don't think they will ever make Spidey the center as long as they don't have the rights.

It's interesting because it will be more of a mash up rather than center on tony
Oct 31, 2017
I honestly believe the MCU is going to grow even bigger and show audiences characters and worlds that have been hidden in the obscure world of superhero comics for so long

When I was a kid reading Wizard Magazine, I used to dream about being where we are now; knowing I'd be 24! by the time the Avengers finally get together in a team film. I'm 30 now and Black Panther is one of the biggest superhero in the world. I was obsessed with Marvel as a kid; they have so many character the world will fall in love with, it's insane.

The MCU, like Wakanda, is forever