
Prophet of Regret
Oct 27, 2017
Who among us haven't felt the need to listen to and learn from alt-right Nazis in order to inform ourselves of a fair and objective world view?

Initially I simply didn't believe in the Amico, but now I don't believe in it and am looking forward to its inevitable failure.
Oct 27, 2017
A couple of podcasts I listen to have mentioned that Tallarico is still saying that J. Allard is with the company in investors meetings and promotions despite him leaving a while ago.

How has this not backfired on them yet? During funding rounds there are documents that investors want to see produced and you would think that unless they are faking documentation that J. Allard leaving would be surfaced in disclosures.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 11, 2017
"Is this for females?"

How to tell me everything without saying anything

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Jul 15, 2018
There was an Amico "event" yesterday, one of the Amico channels streamed it (though they barely showed any of the actual console). Tommy was there hanging out with them. Some of the people included;

- A man who calls people "it", "queens", refers to people as "dudes in wigs", harasses women sexually, threatens people, whose wife called people the r-word.
- A man who said in one of his videos - "I'll slap you like a woman"

There was a drunken rant at the end of the stream by one of them calling the Amico critics psycopaths and scumbags, lol.

So family friendly.


Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
There was an Amico "event" yesterday, one of the Amico channels streamed it (though they barely showed any of the actual console). Tommy was there hanging out with them. Some of the people included;

- A man who calls people "it", "queens", refers to people as "dudes in wigs", harasses women sexually, threatens people, whose wife called people the r-word.
- A man who said in one of his videos - "I'll slap you like a woman"

There was a drunken rant at the end of the stream by one of them calling the Amico critics psycopaths and scumbags, lol.

So family friendly.
Please tell me there is an archived link of this


Oct 30, 2017
There was an Amico "event" yesterday, one of the Amico channels streamed it (though they barely showed any of the actual console). Tommy was there hanging out with them. Some of the people included;

- A man who calls people "it", "queens", refers to people as "dudes in wigs", harasses women sexually, threatens people, whose wife called people the r-word.
- A man who said in one of his videos - "I'll slap you like a woman"

There was a drunken rant at the end of the stream by one of them calling the Amico critics psycopaths and scumbags, lol.

So family friendly.

Was this the one where Tommy "partnered with Crayola"*?

*booked the Crayola place for an event.


Jul 15, 2018
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Jul 15, 2018
what IS this, holy shit
It's just a bunch of middle aged dudes getting drunk and ranting about Amico "haters" while their kids run around. No big deal...

On another note, in a separate video uploaded today by one of the Amico fans, a guy called TurboJoe (the one who said "I'll slap you like a woman") threatened to "bounce" and "quietly eject" people at the Crayola event with his high school wrestling brother.

Oh my god, it's happening now. I can't even imagine bringing my kids out to see some Crayola stuff for an outing and the entire place being packed with weird nerds lining up to pretend they're having fun playing Shark Shark!
It would be an amazing sight to see and I hope there are videos.


Oct 30, 2017
what IS this, holy shit

Tommy's approved marketing for his family-friendly console!

The trouble with Nintendo is that their Nintendo Directs aren't a bunch of random fans drunkenly swearing and complaining about being victimized.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the bald guy has significantly invested in Amico via Fig or whatever, so he has a bunch of skin in the game that he never acknowledges.


Jul 15, 2018
Tommy's approved marketing for his family-friendly console!

The trouble with Nintendo is that their Nintendo Directs aren't a bunch of random fans drunkenly swearing and complaining about being victimized.

Also, I'm pretty sure that the bald guy has significantly invested in Amico via Fig or whatever, so he has a bunch of skin in the game that he never acknowledges.
The bald guy is behind this Youtube channel



Neon Deity Games
Oct 26, 2017
On another note, in a separate video uploaded today by one of the Amico fans, a guy called TurboJoe (the one who said "I'll slap you like a woman") threatened to "bounce" and "quietly eject" people at the Crayola event with his high school wrestling brother.
Wait where is this one haha I can't keep the craziness straight

B. Spaceman

Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 29, 2017
It's so crazy this whole thing. These, at the surface, inoffensive and inocuos console and games, turning into such a toxic atmosphere lmao. I mean look at that fish game up there, it's so weird. But this is fascinating in a way...


Fallen Guardian
Oct 27, 2017
There was an Amico "event" yesterday, one of the Amico channels streamed it (though they barely showed any of the actual console). Tommy was there hanging out with them. Some of the people included;

- A man who calls people "it", "queens", refers to people as "dudes in wigs", harasses women sexually, threatens people, whose wife called people the r-word.
- A man who said in one of his videos - "I'll slap you like a woman"

There was a drunken rant at the end of the stream by one of them calling the Amico critics psycopaths and scumbags, lol.

So family friendly.
Quality people = quality product.


Jul 15, 2018
Cincinnati, OH
I guess I didn't get plugged into the whole youtuber or toxic community side of this, I've just been seeing the release stuff that makes it seem like it's going to be a disappointment.

The problems with the Amico boils down to the fact that it's too expensive. It's $50 cheaper than a Switch and not nearly as capable. Its games are going to be limited thanks to their policies and novel controllers. He was pushing the in person multiplayer experience, which the Switch has in spades. I've played the Switch plenty of times with family when they come over and the ex-girlfriend, the difference being when they went back home I could still play my other games. The Amico doesn't have the other games

What they needed to do was get the price down to $100-125 and get it in stores where it won't sit next to a Switch or an Xbox Series S. Sell them at Walgreens or CVS near the cash registers around Christmas. See if they can get stocked in Kroger/Ralphs or Publix, put the game cards where the gift cards are near the checkouts.

But it doesn't matter, thanks to the spectacle and the fact that this thing will be gone less than a year after it comes out, this will just be something that will get some YouTube videos in a decade talking about this weird thing that happened that you probably will have forgotten about until then.


Jul 15, 2018
He just about covered every single Trump apologist talking point, no? What site is that, anyway?

(Also, man, he'd been going on about "gaming bigots" since 2006?)
Top 3 are the IGN forums, bottom right is AtariAge, left is Facebook.

Yeah he seems to say the same stuff he's been going on about for years, he hasn't seemed to grow up at all. He calls his Amico defenders the "Amico mafia", and back on the G4TV forums he used to go on about the "Judgment Day mafia", loads of stuff is the exact same with him.


Jul 15, 2018
"BLM riots, Trump is not a racist, Steve Bannon is being taken out of context, gaming racists". What a complete and total fucking chud.
There are also multiple Facebook posts/comments where he's posted about Columbus Day where's he's said stuff like... "But the indigenous people were also violent, had slaves and raped people too!"

He's such a prick.
Jul 7, 2021
Was never a fan of Tallarico myself, mainly due to his gigantic ego and the blowing of his own trumpet. But with the refusal of calling Doug TenNapel out, as well as his revealed list of followers I'm happy to see this thing crash and burn.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
Top 3 are the IGN forums, bottom right is AtariAge, left is Facebook.

Yeah he seems to say the same stuff he's been going on about for years, he hasn't seemed to grow up at all. He calls his Amico defenders the "Amico mafia", and back on the G4TV forums he used to go on about the "Judgment Day mafia", loads of stuff is the exact same with him.

I'd heard he'd said some kooky/egotistical stuff back in the day, but I just assumed that nonsense popped up amid the Amico trainwreck. Boy, is he flushing any and all goodwill down the tubes...


Oct 25, 2017
Birmingham, UK
Sony, Nintendo and Microsoft have nothing on the Amico when it comes to dedicated console warriors. Sammy the Bull will f*rk you up.

This is something I just don't understand. Why are there so many rabid stans for these kinds of projects? The Polymega also seems to have a bunch of obsessed fans despite the many delays and litany of excuses for the non-appearance of most of the pre-orders.

Deleted member 51848

Jan 10, 2019
I was mildly interested in the Amico. Intellivision was my first system and I have a six year old boy who loves video games. We have lots of ways to play games from the switch and 3ds to xcloud but the nostalgia runs deep. After reading this thread I'm not touching it with a fucking barge pole.


Oct 25, 2017
tbf it's been full on clown car from the start, it was just so low profile that no one really cared
Tommy fancies himself as a PR man but has skin an atom thick, and every time he opens his big yap he makes things worse
a hardcore conservative christian grifter who wants to sell a "safe" console without all that sex n guns n dlc to the concerned parents of the world


Jul 15, 2018

The Switch is a "rape console"? Excuse me?

One of the big things Tommy has been going on about since he first started talking about the Amico is how many games with rape and nudity there are on the Switch.





He's said it many, many times, that's a tiny selection.


Sep 3, 2018
How do dopes like this become so confident?

This fuckface listens to fascists and then has the nerve to scold people that they need to have an open mind. Hey moron we've heard the shit these monsters say. We don't want any. Why would we continue to listen to them?