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Oct 25, 2017
Maybe that person offering suggestions suffers from social anxiety and is trying to "break out of their shell". Maybe they're on the spectrum and struggling to fit into society. Maybe they're just really lonely and looking for any kind of social interaction, no matter how small.

Point is we really can't read anyone's minds so if something like this happens to me out of the blue I just try to be polite. This lousy world needs more kindness in it and I try to do my part, even if it's small
It also could be that OP's body language was giving an air of impatience, and was making them uncomfortable. We don't know.

What OP needs to realize is that their reaction is atypical. While the reaction could be considered valid given certain personal circumstances, they need to realize that this is their own internalization of the situation, and that the person offering them guidance is not specifically "out to get them". When they realize this and accept it, they can manage their reaction better, because going through life like this is unpleasant and unhealthy.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
I do get annoyed when I'm doing something weird and people try to stop me from it. I wouldn't do things in a weird way if I could do them in a normal way! I don't want to explain this whole history of my life and the fact that I've thought of every idea they've got plus 11 more they wouldn't!


Oct 25, 2017
Maybe that person offering suggestions suffers from social anxiety and is trying to "break out of their shell". Maybe they're on the spectrum and struggling to fit into society. Maybe they're just really lonely and looking for any kind of social interaction, no matter how small.

Point is we really can't read anyone's minds so if something like this happens to me out of the blue I just try to be polite. This lousy world needs more kindness in it and I try to do my part, even if it's small

You realize it's not random people's responsibility to participate.

Bless your heart. Y'all are absolute pleasures to talk to.

Yeah I am, when I actually want to talk with people that I care to talk to, not random people that want give "advice". I can only imagine how many people you give unsolicited tips to I'm your day to day.


Sep 11, 2021
Some people don't have an internal monologue and just blurt out whatever their brain is passively processing for no reason, and it's harmless. Maybe a few are conscious of what they're doing and have a dickish urge to direct/micromanage other people as you suggest, and others just for whatever socialized reason think theyre genuinely being helpful. Wouldn't overthink it beyond those reasons.
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Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I am, when I actually want to talk with people that I care to talk to, not random people that want give "advice". I can only imagine how many people you give unsolicited tips to I'm your day to day.
None because I have social anxiety and don't talk to people unless prompted, but my point is that you sound like you're really unnecessarily rude to people for little reason. Unsolicited "advice" is just small talk. Not worth being aggravated over.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
Cashier: Would you like a hand baggi-



Sep 11, 2021
Man era loves derailing threads by reducing argument/point/question to absurdity, most of these are "you just hate people talking lmao get clapped" in essence.I don't think I would get extremely annoyed or whatever but it's easy to see why OP would be curious what leads people to do this. Majority of people definitely do not act on giving random minimally useful advice to strangers so its interesting to think about how the brain ticks.


Oct 27, 2017
What? I live in a big city and it forces you to have conversations with strangers a lot and most aren't trying to start shit with you. You can tell when someone is flagging you down because they want money or because they need directions.

Shit, one time I was walking with my suit on and some dude in a car, looked like Uber, was trying to get my attention. My city senses went up so I tried to ignore them, but they were insistent so I turned around and made eye contact with them in their car. Turns out there was something hanging on my suit, dude pointed it out and actually got out of his car to brush it off me and then went about his day. Just another brother helping another brother. ✊

And no, they were not trying to pickpocket me. I legit had dumb tags on my suit I hadn't taken off and they just wanted to make sure I was looking sharp.

But I guess I should've told him to mind his own DAMN business!
The difference here is that this person was actually helpful. I'd appreciate this too.
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Oct 26, 2017
You people criticizing the OP are worse than his stories.

The comments back to the people are a bit extreme. Just say "it's actually ok, these boxes aren't heavy" and "I'm comfortable standing." However, there are people out there who do say these things not from a pure place.

If you want to be left alone, live in a major city. I only ever hear these types of interludes outside the city. I don't particularly enjoy them either but I usually just brush them off. 50/50 it seems condescending or helpful. But never worth it to get worked up.
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Lobster Roll

signature-less, now and forever™
Sep 24, 2019
This is one of the more entertaining tailspin threads I've seen in a while.


When the music hits, you feel no pain.
Oct 25, 2017
Some of y'all really do not know how to process kindness and good intentions.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Mar 4, 2022
There's a real irony in saying this regarding an OP in which the user was smarmy, aggressive, and overly-assumptive about the intentions of the very people about whom they were talking, whose actions were ultimately relatively harmless.

lol hardly. The OP's concern is that they're being condescended to when they'd rather be left alone in these cases, and being frustrated by that is a pretty natural concern even if it's just a suspicion. Especially so since they've said that old white people are exclusively the ones that are doing this to them, which would raise some red flags to me as well if I noticed the pattern.

Also, those people the OP interacted with were either ignored or curtly dismissed. That's a far cry from what's happening here, wherein posters are tripping over themselves to put the OP on blast. The social situation isn't even comparable.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, those people the OP interacted with were either ignored or curtly dismissed. That's a far cry from what's happening here, wherein posters are tripping over themselves to put the OP on blast. The social situation isn't even comparable.
It's not comparable in that OP opened up a thread, laid it all out on the table with some strange verbiage, and essentially asked Era's opinion on the matter.


Oct 25, 2017
People were largely going to get smarmy, dismissive, and overly-assumptive instead of making any kind of effort at all to be charitable towards a perspective that they might find disagreeable
This is a...weird defense of a thread about someone being dismissive and making hostile assumptions about small daily interactions. Maybe extend that charitable perspective to the people making small talk or trying to be helpful in real life?

Like, I'm sorry, I get it, I understand being momentarily annoyed, I simply do not understand how something like this can matter to a person enough to even remember it minutes later


Feb 12, 2018
This is a...weird defense of a thread about someone being dismissive and making hostile assumptions about small daily interactions. Maybe extend that charitable perspective to the people making small talk or trying to be helpful in real life?

Like, I'm sorry, I get it, I understand being momentarily annoyed, I simply do not understand how something like this can matter to a person enough to even remember it minutes later
No see, this is era. Where the only real people are the ones telling the stories, not others in the story.


Oct 27, 2017
No see, this is era. Where the only real people are the ones telling the stories, not others in the story.

Era, anyone get annoyed when you offer a kind suggestion to someone and they blow you off?

So, the other day I was in line at the post office and I noticed someone waiting in line for sometime while carrying a box in one hand. I've been to a few post offices where they are really annoying and force you to carry your package at all times. But I know this particular office doesn't make you do that and are fine with you setting your packages down while you wait. With this in mind, I tried to tell the person waiting they didn't have to hold their package the whole time and could set it down.

Well, apparently I said the wrong thing and they completely blew me off as if I had annoyed them somehow. Era, what gives? Why are people like this when you try to help?

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
Nothing incredible about it; these kind of thread pile-ons are extremely predictable and happen literally EVERY time somebody makes a thread about specific, personal nuisances that most people may not share. I could immediately tell how this thread was going to go when it first appeared: people were largely going to get smarmy, dismissive, and overly-assumptive instead of making any kind of effort at all to be charitable towards a perspective that they might find disagreeable but is relatively harmless. It's not uncommon for people to have specific hangups for various reasons. Once again, this pile-on tendency happens literally every time with these kinds of threads; it's mundane.

Also, you know what would be a more benign situation? Two people ignoring each other, much like how you're probably going to ignore most people when out in a public space. Can't say I "struggled" to come up with that one.
Yes you're very special and everyone is impressed.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
people were largely going to get smarmy, dismissive, and overly-assumptive instead of making any kind of effort at all to be charitable towards a perspective that they might find disagreeable but is relatively harmless.
All this could apply to the OP and them getting upset over these situations.

atomsk eater

Oct 25, 2017
If a random stranger gives a small suggestion/piece of advice when I'm out and about, if I don't want to take it I'll usually just say "Thanks, I'm good though" and keep doing what I want. I don't think I've ever thought "the AUDACITY" or been really super annoyed by it, not unless I was already in a shit mood anyway.
Jul 12, 2022
Is making a thread some sacred thing? Ive seen several people say they cant believe I made a thread about this. Theres a fucking thread on the front page of people counting as high as they can.
I wonder if a lot of people are just using this thread to make themselves feel better by acting superior to you, tbh. It's a very common human trait.


Oct 26, 2017
Era, anyone get annoyed when you offer a kind suggestion to someone and they blow you off?

So, the other day I was in line at the post office and I noticed someone waiting in line for sometime while carrying a box in one hand. I've been to a few post offices where they are really annoying and force you to carry your package at all times. But I know this particular office doesn't make you do that and are fine with you setting your packages down while you wait. With this in mind, I tried to tell the person waiting they didn't have to hold their package the whole time and could set it down.

Well, apparently I said the wrong thing and they completely blew me off as if I had annoyed them somehow. Era, what gives? Why are people like this when you try to help?
Yeah, you're still here commenting paragraphs haha. Sure you're chill about this?


One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
One time I was at a restaurant with my girlfriend, looking at the menu trying to decide what to get when some guy walked by and said "try the steak." I was so irate that I got up, turned 360 and glassed him right then and there.

...Okay but really, no I don't get annoyed by it, I find it pretty easy to ignore the opinions and suggestions of strangers because I have zero reason to value their opinions.


Oct 26, 2017
I find it harmless. Though I can see people who like to be left alone will not take kindly to it. It's why I don't approach strangers with any dump advice. Unless for some reason they ask for it.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 27, 2017
Yeah I've seen enough threads like this to know era is not the place to talk about how these tiny social interactions affect me way more than they should.


Oct 25, 2017
I was in a hotel lobby reading my phone email while waiting for my coworker to come down so we can go to a conference together and this guy sits down right next to me and says "you know there's a whole world out there to explore if you just put your phone down for a minute". I just grabbed his hat and threw it across the room.
Ok that's legitimately a "who fucking ask you" situation lol


Jan 6, 2021
Ok that's legitimately a "who fucking ask you" situation lol
My other go to responses for these type of things is look at them and belch (I had no gas) or get right in their face and act really interested (like the close talker in Sienfeld). It's my weird humor and I like to throw the cringe back in their direction with some equally unexpected and awkward


Oct 25, 2017
My wife got wrecked by a stranger the other day...

2 weeks ago we're at the beach and she gets a bug bite on her face, gets inflamed, she scratches it like nuts, opens this wound on her chin. She always gets the worst bug bites and then itches them till they bleed, w/e. She covers it up w/ makeup and all, typical shit.

She's at a coffee place the otehr day after going to the gym, and there's this beggar out in the lot asking for money, and shes' like well I don't have money but I could get you food or coffee or something. The person is like, coffee. So she goes back in and gets the guy a coffee. Waits for like 10mins for it. Goes out and gives it to him and he replies "y'know you should really fix your face it looks horrible"

She told me this story and I just fucking laughed at her. No good deed ever goes unpunished.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
As someone with social anxiety, ADHD, and probably autism (getting diagnosis is really hard and expensive, I can sort of empathize with the OP here. These kinds of remarks can feel very condescending and feel like the person saying them has an ulterior motive or making fun of you or something. However this isn't necessarily something they did wrong, as like many pointed out, they were just being nice. It's a very hard and arbitrary line that is in different places for different people, and I honestly don't blame people saying these kinds of things unless it actually is with malicious intent.

Saying something like a waiter asking if you want water falling under this is a very reductive take. That's absolutely fine and doesn't fall under this. If you don't see a car and are about to cross the street and someone says something, that also doesn't fall under this.

I don't think there's a real answer to "solve" this in an end all be all fashion. I don't think the people doing it are wrong, but I also see how it can feel condescending to the person it's said to. It absolutely depends on the person. I get it.

While not a stranger, I was visiting my parents house and was doing something and my dad said "you need help?" when I clearly have it, I say no and then he says "you need some light?" (As in turning another light on in the room), and I got very annoyed and it felt very condescending. I know my dad was trying to be nice, but it was really not helping at all and was just making me more irritated. I know that's a me problem.

I don't think the dogpile on the OP is completely warranted here.


Oct 27, 2017
Oh I've actually got an example even you social butterflies will agree is annoying. I was at the gym and between my sets I would take out this small book and read. Some lady comes up to me and says something like "you know you should really be doing one or the other. By doing both you're not doing either of them well. You can't focus like that." I didn't say anything but I was definitely thinking "lady shut the FUCK up and mind your own business please."


Oct 27, 2017
Unfortunately, after posting this thread a lot of strangers will suggest inconsequential things to you now OP.
Enjoy being extremely annoyed.
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