
Oct 25, 2017
I'm just waiting for the Tiktok lawyer to explain that you have nothing to worry about if someone puts a gun to your head because murder is illegal.


Oct 25, 2017
Doesn't need a magic wand if he has the complacency or support of 70 million Americans alongside Republican leaders as well as the rank and file, has fired the head of the DoD Mark Esper so that he can use the insurrection act to put down upcoming protest with the help of the US military, is using the attorney general Bill Barr as his own personal attorney, and is working on firing the FBI director Wray as well as CIA director Gina Haspell. In addition, Emily W. Murphy, the administrator of the General Services Administration, a Trump sycophant, is refusing to provide Joe Biden with the authority to begin transition. As explained numerous times already, there are ways for him to steal this election, and he has, at the very least, put the machinery into motion.

If you can't hear the alarm bells, pull your head out of the sand.
i get people wanting to be optimistic, but this is fucking terrifying stuff.


Oct 25, 2017
Republicans will slowly get over it as months pass by with no evidence of voter fraud. Y'all being scared of civil war 2/armed violence/race war for like four years now and it still ain't happening, it didn't happen on Election Day, and it won't happen now. Just empty threats and angry message board posts from whitey.
I agree with you except on one point.

I don't see a civil war happening but I could definitely see some nuts shooting up a post office or some government officials.

Sometimes whitey takes it from Facebook to real life.

Hopefully I am wrong and Trump is ejected into Canada (sorry guys) by catapult.

Doc Holliday

Oct 27, 2017
For those freaking out, listen to the latest Lawfare Podcast about transition laws.

a lot of this is out of Trumps hands. Even the GSA thing is about money and easing of transition. Biden doesn't need it. GSA doesn't authorize transition so to speak.


Oct 25, 2017
Tell you what bro, if trump steals the election im giving you and everyone else here alarmed free permission to drop a huge I TOLD YOU SO WERE FUCKED DM in my inbox after inauguration. But when this doesn't happen just know I'm gonna laugh at the doomsday scenario writing here.
Right now we must trust in the institution, but it is quite clear at this point where he is headed with this. His success is another matter entirely. All I am urging is that people are aware and not simply dismiss it as fantasy, as you have, the scenario I described does not contain fantasy elements, just a factual description of where we are today. 60% of republicans believe there was mass fraud in the election.

Here is Barr's Election Fraud investigator reigning

I guess the better question is - what would you need to happen to agree with the assessment that we should be concerned.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm sorry but appeals to laws, norms, rules, etc. are not convincing under a Trump administration


Oct 25, 2017
If you loved "I can't release my taxes because they're still under audit", now get ready for "I can't leave office because the election is still under investigation."


Oct 25, 2017
Right now we must trust in the institution, but it is quite clear at this point where he is headed with this. His success is another matter entirely. All I am urging is that people are aware and not simply dismiss it as fantasy, as you have, the scenario I described does not contain fantasy elements, just a factual description of where we are today. 60% of republicans believe there was mass fraud in the election.

Here is Barr's Election Fraud investigator reigning

I guess the better question is - what would you need to happen to agree with the assessment that we should be concerned.

I would need some actual real tangible belief this can happen. Every time we point to a law or rule that says it can't happen, y'all just dismiss it and say "ITS TRUMP HE DOESNT CARE ABOUT RULES!"

if you wanna spend the next two months refreshing Trump doomsday scenarios in concern be my guest, but don't be surprised when others aren't as scared as you are. I'm done with worrying about Donald trump, finally.

Deleted member 1238

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If you loved "I can't release my taxes because they're still under audit", now get ready for "I can't leave office because the election is still under investigation."
Trump can say whatever he wants, but on Inauguration Day Joe will be sworn in and he will be president. It's not the same thing as hiding your taxes.


Oct 25, 2017
Campaigns are entitled to recounts under very specific conditions. In Georgia one of the conditions is if the vote is within 0.5%, so they can legally demand a recount, there is no need for a court order. Under Georgia law, they cannot do a "partial" recount: https://ballotpedia.org/Recount_laws_in_Georgia
Exactly. They put out that statement just to seem tough.
GA is about 0.2% right now. Recount incoming.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
This is just a dog and pony show to act like they're trying to do something when nothing will change. The doom posting is out of control and everyone just needs to take a deep breath and relax. Honestly investigating nonsense voter fraud is a far better alternative then trump and co being intelligent and actually going scorched Earth with his last 2 months.


Oct 31, 2017
I'd hate for it to happen but I sure would love to see it... Trump getting dragged out of the White House and all his shit being thrown into U-Hauls.

Coyote Starrk

The Fallen
Oct 30, 2017
The thing is, if the Trump team doesn't follow the Fed Rules of Civ Pro, the case gets thrown out just like all of his cases so far.

My personal fear is they uncover a few hundred cases of fraud here and there across the country. They then take those cases to the SCOTUS. The SCOTUS then obviously rules in his favor because he has stacked it in his favor.

I'm not a lawyer so idk if that is possible, but thats whats in the back of my mind when I read all of this shit.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
And even if a case got to the supreme court with some kinda "evidence" from this federal investigation, the SC has sided with "states rights to decide an election" every single time. Even with 3 Trump stooges on the SC it doesn't matter they're not going to overturn stare decisis for flimsy nonsense.


Aug 1, 2018
My personal fear is they uncover a few hundred cases of fraud here and there across the country. They then take those cases to the SCOTUS. The SCOTUS then obviously rules in his favor because he has stacked it in his favor.

I'm not a lawyer so idk if that is possible, but thats whats in the back of my mind when I read all of this shit.

SC has pretty much always said that states decide elections. They won't suddenly make Trump the winner in all the states. In fact, I'm willing to bet that they don't even hear a case. His lawyers have been incredibly inept so far.

I get it though. I get why you would be worried.


Oct 25, 2017
Salt Lake City, Utah
I can understand why people are worried because Trump has managed to accomplish things that seems to defy all common sense and logic so to speak. While I agree everyone should stay vigilant just in case, he telegraphed this move before the election and it seems people are ready for this and everything will be okay in the end.

I think it's very scary how willing republicans (that should and do know better) are to jump on board this nonsense just because their team didn't win though.

Oh. Well yeah, there you go. Carry on! (What the hell are 'faithless electors'?)


Oct 27, 2017
Denver, CO
Not gonna lie: feeling a bit nervous about this. I know these allegations are baseless, but what are the chances that—through corruption and legal fuckery—something actually comes of this?


Oct 25, 2017
Oh. Well yeah, there you go. Carry on! (What the hell are 'faithless electors'?)
Depending on the state, the people who actually go to vote in the electoral college can cast their votes for whoever they want, rather than who they're supposed to vote for. It's not common and the supreme court recently ruled that states can penalize or potentially replace them, but each election usually has at least a few.


Oct 27, 2017
I think it's very scary how willing republicans (that should and do know better) are to jump on board this nonsense just because their team didn't win though.
they know it's bullshit, but they're terrified of losing his insane base

they need those wackos to stay afloat now


Oct 25, 2017
I think there are a few things we can all agree upon:

  1. No evidence of widespread voter fraud in 1 let alone 10 states (Guliani)
  2. GA will have a recount
  3. AZ, PA will not have a recount
  4. NV has recount possible if paid for by Trump Campaign
  5. any recount is extraordinarily unlikely to overturn result
I don't think he has much to gain here, so why is he doing it? It is to delay the result, in the meantime he can continue to sow doubt and discord, whipping his base into a frenzy. He will continue to disband federal officials he has power over who are not completely subservient to him. He really is just chumming the waters and hoping for ??? to come and fucking save him. He is winning the Republican court of public opinion, and the far right is on the verge of violence.