
Oct 27, 2017
Have to agree with complaints about the story. There's no good setup. I don't really know which factions are what and why, and I'm still surprised whenever some troops go aggro on me out of the blue. Worst is when I'm minding my own business and get caught up in some kind of rebel attack where I'm expected to help them, and nearby soldiers just start attacking me even when I've got nothing to do with it.

I think I'm nearing the end of the story (currently level 32), and there are just things happening, one after the other and I feel just along for the ride, but with no center to it all. Feels like there may have been a comprehensible story at one point, but it got cut to shreds.


"I'd buy that for a dollar!"
Oct 25, 2017
I've got the Xbox One X version still at 1.03 and didn't update because of the issues in 1.04. Is it now safe to upgrade to 1.05 or are the graphical issues still present?


Oct 27, 2017
If I've ever played an AC game, but like horizon, uncharted, etc would I like this game? I'd be playing on an XOX.
This is the best game to start with in terms of AC. Also the best game for previous lapsed players. A buddy of mine who only ever dipped his toes into AC back when AC2 came out had his mind blown by this game, and its not surprising.

Its the most refined of the bunch, has the most variety and arguably the most freedom. The story is all over the place but keeps things moving.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 26, 2017
I've got the Xbox One X version still at 1.03 and didn't update because of the issues in 1.04. Is it now safe to upgrade to 1.05 or are the graphical issues still present?

I just loaded it up for the trial on 1.05, and it looks the same maybe even worse. These trees I loaded in right in front of are all pixely.



Oct 27, 2017
I think I've been doing too many side quests as I seem to be way over powered for the main quest line.

My current level is 29.
My next main story mission is level 21.



I shed
Oct 25, 2017
There's a quest where you convince a guy to go worship cats at a temple instead of murdering cat-killing Romans. He leaves Alexandria with his herd of cats so I followed him (having nothing better to do with my time) and he walks (slowly) all the way from Alexandria to Marmarica where Romans are building a road. There, his cats desert him, and he decides to give up cat worship (and hating Romans). He picks up a hammer and starts pounding rocks into the ground.

Not at all how I thought his road trip would end.


Nov 13, 2017
If I had one complaint, I wish the story was more than a personal story of Byaek. You're just kind of thrust into the world without any historical context. No dates or any real documentation.

AC1 and 2 really felt like they explained the history and time that you were involved in. Other than that, it's the best AC since 2.


Oct 26, 2017
is it normal for the trial of sobek to be available again after beating it? I beat it, fast traveled to do ambush at sea, then it asked me if I wanted to track trial of sobek and its back where it was


Lead Animator, MLB The Show
Oct 27, 2017
Really enjoying the game so far, but I have a quick question (sorry if it has been answered earlier in the thread).

I have found a bunch of notes while I am looting places, which generally point to a hidden treasure, or something. Usually I am in the middle of a quest and don't want to go hunting down the treasure when I find the note.

So, are these notes available to read after intially reading them?

Or should I be taking notes? Which I haven't done since playing Ultima IV on my C-64 :)

Nov 8, 2017
Stockholm, Sweden
So is this playable with a mouse and keyboard, i have broken my left thumb badly and won't be using controllers for a long while (if ever again), but i really want to play this now.
This is clearly a game designed to be played with a controller, i know it has m&kb support i just don't know if it is feasible to play it that way, does anyone have experience using m&kb here?
Oct 27, 2017
Really enjoying the game so far, but I have a quick question (sorry if it has been answered earlier in the thread).

I have found a bunch of notes while I am looting places, which generally point to a hidden treasure, or something. Usually I am in the middle of a quest and don't want to go hunting down the treasure when I find the note.

So, are these notes available to read after intially reading them?

Or should I be taking notes? Which I haven't done since playing Ultima IV on my C-64 :)


If you're talking about the notes with the "blue inverted pyramids" when you scan for loot, then yes you can go back to read them - but you have to go back to where you found them.

Some of these notes are just for context on the life and times of those who lived there. You can tell when other notes refer to a nearby location. It's nice that you can go to these locations on your own and find something there. Same with the roads on the map that lead to dead ends.


Oct 27, 2017
Don't know if anyone already mentioned it, but I thought it was a fun glitch: If your friends gather trophies the game is still called AC:Empire in the PS4 OS



Oct 27, 2017
Don't know if anyone already mentioned it, but I thought it was a fun glitch: If your friends gather trophies the game is still called AC:Empire in the PS4 OS
Hahaha now this is funny.

I suppose they'll keep "Empire" for the sequel, it's gonna be more fitting there. I'd love for them just to call it Origins 2 but it's not going to happen.


Oct 27, 2017
Whats a point of that damn leveling system. You cant even play main mission quest, if you have shitty level. I have level 8 and main mission is level 11, and all the side quest is 15 and above, fuck this shit!


Oct 27, 2017
Whats a point of that damn leveling system. You cant even play main mission quest, if you have shitty level. I have level 8 and main mission is level 11, and all the side quest is 15 and above, fuck this shit!

I don't see how that should have occurred, maybe head back to Alexandria or other areas you've previously visited, there should be plenty of side quests or ? Icons on your map to uncover to help you get xp.


Oct 25, 2017
Might have to boot up the game again for this trial later. Never did get to try the Anubis one, so lets see what these trials are all about.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I can't help but feel like this suffers from the Ubi issue again of a map just absolutely cluttered with things to cross off the checklist, except now we have a levelling system it becomes a choice of bypass much of the content and play it in a trivial form later due to overlevelling or vice versa with the story being too easy.

There's so much stuff to do I can't see any way you could feasibly do all the content close to recommended levels without large portions of it being left behind.


Oct 29, 2017
So is this playable with a mouse and keyboard, i have broken my left thumb badly and won't be using controllers for a long while (if ever again), but i really want to play this now.
This is clearly a game designed to be played with a controller, i know it has m&kb support i just don't know if it is feasible to play it that way, does anyone have experience using m&kb here?

I use kb/m, it works fine for the most part, just takes a little getting used to. You can change the keymapping to your liking.


Crash Test Dummy
Oct 25, 2017
This is the greatest bargain in gaming history. Will take me at least 800 hours to 100% the game. Slowly chipping away at it. Have 36 hours played and feel like more and more question marks just keep popping up. Never ends.

Ubisoft definitely did not give a fuck about completionists though. So hard to read the map and the spot the icons. No area % completed stats or anything.

Small thing I love and not sure if a bug but you don't have to swim more than a few seconds before a fishermans boat spawns up to you and you can borrow his boat.