
Oct 25, 2017
Holy fuck I can't imagine how painful that must have been. I've landed on my back and tailbone without any serious injury and I felt like I was going to throw up. Hope she can heal up okay.


Oct 26, 2017
I beg anyone who believes the McDonald's hot coffee court case was some sort of frivolous lawsuit to just please Google the pictures of the woman's burns. Don't fall for the corporate propaganda that got spread to discredit the woman. What happened to her was terrible.
The images of this are really graphic. I'm not saying don't google them, but you should almost certainly include a warning that what you will get is an image of third degree burns on someone's pelvis.

Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
Holy fuck I can't imagine how painful that must have been. I've landed on my back and tailbone without any serious injury and I felt like I was going to throw up. Hope she can heal up okay.
I once slid down some stairs and landed on my tailbone. No serious injury, but I was in pain for two months. That area does not heal easy. I can't imagine actually breaking my back.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
The images of this are really graphic. I'm not saying don't google them, but you should almost certainly include a warning that what you will get is an image of third degree burns on someone's pelvis.
jesus god in heaven I'm having like phantom pains just from looking at it, sweet christ almighty holy mother


Oct 26, 2017
It's just wild how many posts here went "well duh you're supposed to fall right." While jousting, no less lol


Oct 27, 2017
DIN EN 1176 would be the German regulation for this.
"Series of standards for the maintenance and testing of playground equipment"
Aug 17, 2022
I'm all in favour of reviewing a situation from all perspectives and ensuring the correct responsibility is attributed and common sense is used.

But in this case? Fuck. That. An event needs to be safe from every possible angle, especially when something physical is involved. In no way was this safe, in no way can any amount of blame be placed on anyone except the organizers, and back injuries and pain are no joke. I feel sick seeing such a horrible thing happening to anyone who was just there to have a good time. Zero room for other interpretation here. Hope she wins a billion dollars.


Sep 9, 2020
I'm all in favour of reviewing a situation from all perspectives and ensuring the correct responsibility is attributed and common sense is used.

But in this case? Fuck. That. An event needs to be safe from every possible angle, especially when something physical is involved. In no way was this safe, in no way can any amount of blame be placed on anyone except the organizers, and back injuries and pain are no joke. I feel sick seeing such a horrible thing happening to anyone who was just there to have a good time. Zero room for other interpretation here. Hope she wins a billion dollars.
The organizers in this case being Lenovo/Intel right?


Oct 25, 2017
Twitch: "have you done all the proper testing to ensure your booth is safe?"
Lenovo/Intel: "sure!"

I don't know what else Twitch could've done.

In any reasonable world overall organization responsible for the event (Twitch) would be responsible for what is going on said event, even if 3rd party like Intel held torture foam pit events there. I just don't see Twitch shrugging responsability off with "lol, not on us because branding on the pit didn't say Twitch".

They should have been overseeing overall safety etc. of whole event, but from visitor accounts we know they somehow did less than bare minimum on many fronts.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
The booth organizers fucked up badly. The injuries these people suffered are serious and I winced watching the videos.

If you are defending the booth company and/or Twitch please get a fucking life.

Doc Kelso

Oct 25, 2017
Twitch: "have you done all the proper testing to ensure your booth is safe?"
Lenovo/Intel: "sure!"

I don't know what else Twitch could've done.
Ask to see the paperwork that verifies the proper testing was completed?

There is no way this would have passed the bar set by American Gladiator, the gold standard for jousting over foam pits.

In all seriousness, event organizers are held liable for the safety of those attending their event. This is event planning 101; Paperwork, paperwork, paperwork. The only way Twitch dodges any liability is if they can show that Lenovo's paperwork passes muster through several event safety agencies. And even then, it's fully possible that Twitch's safety standards could be considered sub-par.

She deserves better than she's getting, no matter what.


Oct 27, 2017
Holy fuck, that pit was not even knee high, there were WAY too few foam cubes and they didn't even bother to put mattresses or something on the floor...

I find it really hard to believe it was incompetence/negligence that lead to this, some fucker in a suit saw a quote for a proper and safe cushioning and decided 'nah, let's drop the mattresses and just get the cubes, but only half of them, that will be enough'.

I wonder how many interns and whatnot noticed this and raised it as a concern only to be told to stfu and stay in their lane.

Really shitty what happened to her, as someone who is struggling from back and neck pain since last year I shudder to even imagine how much it must hurt to have your fucking spine broken in two places from a fall like that.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Jun 5, 2020
Twitch: "have you done all the proper testing to ensure your booth is safe?"
Lenovo/Intel: "sure!"

I don't know what else Twitch could've done.
twitch was absolutely aware of the injuries throughout the day. the booth stayed open for most of the day regardless of it spreading on social media. as owners of the convention they should have shut it down, period.


Oct 30, 2017
Someone legitimately could have gotten paralyzed from this if they had gotten knocked off and gone into the foam at a bad angle and broken their neck.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Heartbreaking updates. Like I'm glad her surgeries are a success but man for that to have done THAT much damage and be that life changing really sucks. :(


Oct 31, 2017
Damage to my back would be the most terrifying thing for me. The potential issues scare the hell out of me. Best of luck!


Oct 27, 2017
Gosh, she must have been really hurt by her previous career. That much damage from landing on your tail bone. It's crazy. Wish her the best of luck.
Law school student here, she'll lawyer up and have a huge negligence claim. Sue Twitch, Lenovo (who hosted the pit), organizers etc. Safety protocols were just completely ignored.
She's probably looking at a massive settlement claim out of court. These companies have a ton of money and don't want that publicity.
I hope she's wise and doesn't just get money but also have the companies pay for her medical expenses (current AND FUTURE) as well as pain and suffering.

Good luck Adriana.


Oct 30, 2017
I'm so disgusted by people blaming her for what happened. I just hope she can live without pain at some point going forward.


Oct 27, 2017
Twitch: "have you done all the proper testing to ensure your booth is safe?"
Lenovo/Intel: "sure!"

I don't know what else Twitch could've done.

I think this is probably sarcasm, but just in case it isn't-

Pretend this booth had been at PAX. Do you think the enforcers would have let it stay open? It's the responsibility of the event organizers to organize their event, so in this case both Lenovo and Twitch are equally responsible.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
PAX would have absolutely 100% shut the foam pit down after the first injury.

Davey Cakes

Oct 27, 2017
Sounds horrific. Imagine just trying to have a fun time at a con and ending up having to use a catheter, never mind the potential permanent damage to other areas.

The foam pit was an exercise in pure negligence. I hope people learn from this.


▲ Legend ▲
The Fallen
Jan 25, 2018
Fuck Twitch/Lenovo for putting people in harms way

Hope she recovers fully, this sounds like an absolute nightmare scenario


Oct 25, 2017
It's so sad to have this kind of lasting damage over something so dumb as a foam pit gone wrong. The proportion of damage is just so fucked up when I think about it. And apparently she already had damage to her neck by her acrobatics.

I think the lawsuit will be a flam-fucking-dunk though and since the companies we're talking here are so damn wealthy I think the settlement will at the very least leave her in a place where she won't need her previous career in order to survive since that career might be severely compromised after this.


Oct 30, 2017
Idk. If she walked up to the foam pit, walked through the foam pit, opted to participate, and opted to jump into it like that the onus is on her.

Don't get me wrong, I want her to be made whole again mostly to due with empathy towards another person.

As an example. If I own a pool with a diving board there are conceivable uses where it is 100% safe. There are also usages that become unsafe based on the user's actions like Gainers, Inwards dives, diving towards the wall, inappropriate attire like wearing a dress, not allowing clearance of other swimmers, swimming during a lightning storm, etc. Homeowners shouldn't be on the hook in those cases.

I haven't watched the video but I imagine if she had walked up to the platforms from height and wasn't aware of the depth (like entered from a separate location with no lighting or visual frame of reference ) then maybe I'd say she has a case. If she were wearing a big sumo inflated outfit to fight other people and decides to run full speed towards a brick wall and ends up breaking her neck when she bounces off she has no case there either.

Just because the option presented itself (in her mind) doesn't mean the event holder is responsible. Now if the event were billed as diving contest or something then she might have a case. Regardless of what announcers are saying she has to use her adult judgement. There was a waiver and I'd love to see what she initialed. (She'll claim she didn't read it.) I'm glad this will be resolved in court by old fuddy duddies that will ask the tough questions like, "how old are you?" Entertainers attempting to entertain is always going to end badly. This ain't a Michael Jackson Pepsi ad.


Oct 25, 2017
As an example. If I own a pool with a diving board there are conceivable uses where it is 100% safe. There are also usages that become unsafe based on the user's actions like Gainers, Inwards dives, diving towards the wall, inappropriate attire like wearing a dress, not allowing clearance of other swimmers, swimming during a lightning storm, etc. Homeowners shouldn't be on the hook in those cases.

If she were wearing a big sumo inflated outfit to fight other people and decides to run full speed towards a brick wall and ends up breaking her neck when she bounces off she has no case there either.

Just because the option presented itself (in her mind) doesn't mean the event holder is responsible. Now if the event were billed as diving contest or something then she might have a case.
Go ahead and outline how the foam pit can be used safely for the event as stated and what purpose it was meant to serve.