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Nov 15, 2017
molnizzle the directors have confirmed you were right about the alternate realities.


The Fallen
Oct 28, 2017
Ah, didn't get that your MCU Prime was already an alternate reality.

Wait wait, okay, in that reality, that's the history yes. So then when they go back in time at or after that point, the Hulk from another reality will be there, because otherwise.. it wouldn't be their past. Yes correct. But then who was Hulk though? Oh shit, this does get crazy.

Okay okay. Let's say we have MCU, which is the initial reality we see in the movie, then MCU A, which is the reality in which MCU Hulk speaks to MCU A TAO. Then MCU A Hulk, in the future, will go "back in time" to, say MCU A.A and talk to MCU A.A TAO, BUT, because MCU Hulk was there, there has to be an MCU Hulk there now too, but from which reality then??? I guess that means that all other realities must be copied then as well, holy shit.

Ok so in the scenario you're describing, there would be MCU A Hulk, in reality MCU A.A, trying to talk to MCU A.A TAO, BUT there's already an MCU.A Hulk there.

So for every recursion like that, every single previous reality that visited them will be copied, which would grow... exponentially?

Yes, exactly.

Unless... Cap prime left a message telling them they had to pick new times to visit, but the choices of times and places to get an Infinity Stone are limited, and they would still eventually run into the same issue.


Game on motherfuckers
Oct 25, 2017
I would really like to see what happened when Cap realized who he was delivering the Soul Stone to.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
I think we will inevitably see both RDJ and Evans again in the MCU in some capacity or other down the line after a nice lengthy break.

In Evans' case, I see him directly playing Cap again for a once off in like 10 years.

Oh for sure, I can totally see Old Man Cap maybe lending a hand with helping civilians in some future anniversary movie (for the 20th in 2028? the 25th in 2033?). Or RDJ making a cameo as a Jarvis-like AI assistant.

I'm so glad the Russo's confirmed that Cap did indeed jump back to his original timeline to give Sam the shield. Now we can move on....right?
Link? edit: nvm


Apr 27, 2018
As Ford/Fisher/Hamil returned to the Star Wars films, Evans at least will return at some point down the line, maybe not 30 years down the line but in like 10 and everyone will lose their minds.


Oct 25, 2017
I know the main thrust of the 1970 sequence was the emotional/character scenes for Tony and Steve, but I wish there was more heist stuff with Tony using his modern tech to get past the '70s security measures


Nov 15, 2017

"If Cap were to go back into the past and live there, he would create a branched reality," Joe explained.
They're still being a bit coy, but we can finally put that to rest.
I think because they have plans for teling that story in the future and don't want to spoil it.

Now, this brings us back to all the theories about Cap in the alternate reality. What if he stops Hydra and saves Bucky, which stops Howard Stark from being killed, which makes the super solider serum a thing and then makes Sam an actual super-soldier and the real Cap in his universe. The whole "it feels like someone else's" "it's not" exchange could literally mean that it's Sam's in his alternate reality.
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Oct 25, 2017
Does Dr. Strange telling Tony if he "tells him how it is supposed to go that it won't happen" mean that Tony wouldn't go through with it if he knew he was going to have to die to do it? Does that remove a little of the self-sacrifice arc of Tony Stark if that is true?

If the roles were changed and it was Cap asking the question, Dr. Strange would've probably just said, "You're going to put on the gauntlet and end up dying." Cap would have just said, "just tell me when to do it" with out hesitation.

Cap still the best :P

You're reading this wrong. If you're 75% of the way through a plan and hear the end, you'll work to get there but there are too many variables. If at 99.99%you say this is it, there isn't room for variables to screw it up.


Jan 24, 2018
After rewatching Infinity War I noticed that Vision turns grey after getting his stone removed.

I was hoping that someone from wakanda would be able to repair him but he would be memory wiped thus pissing of Scarlett Witch even more. It was great to see her put the smack down on Thanos but I wanted her to become even more unhinged.
Oct 28, 2017
It's not about Tony selfishly trying to protect his life. In Endgame, Tony's attachments are:

1. his desire to continue his relationship with his family. He loves them fiercely, doesn't want to leave his daughter fatherless, and he wants the chance to continue *being* her father.
2. his related desire to *protect* his family - a continuation of the theme of protection going back all the way to the beginning of the MCU. His desire to protect is why he endlessly improves his tech. This is why he builds Ultron. And this is why he reiterates over and over that no matter what they do in the Time Heist, it can't affect his family.

These two desires / attachments have been clearly developed in the movie and throughout the series (including the maturation of Tony's desire to be a father, starting with his relationship with Peter Parker).

What dr strange wants to ensure is that Tony doesn't get caught up in the "there must be some other way this can work" mindset. If he tells him ahead of time, that's where Tony's mind goes. Instead, the conviction has to come from him.

Tony and Cap are the best.
"I think I would just cut the wire."


User-Requested Ban
Oct 27, 2017
You could create so many "universes" where people are happy and safe just by time hopping around.

this is all bullshit

This does remind me of a fairly recent argument that our physics may be fundamentally invalid because of the potential for infinite numbers of Boltzmann brains whose experience of reality would be significantly different from ours. It's a weird argument and I'm not even sure I understand it, but it didn't come out of comic books.


User requested permanent ban
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, does it make me racist if I think Anthony Mackie is a complete charisma vacuum? Cant help but think Chadwick Boseman would be a better Cap replacement but then you'd need a new Black Panther lol
i don't think we are talking about the same thing.

Disliking a minority actor is fair but I was more concerned about the twitter shitstorm from racists (meaning regardless of actor).


Chicken Chaser
Oct 30, 2017
So when everyone came back from time heist missions except Black Widow, the Nebula at that time was the bad Nebula. That means she acted along about being sad for the death of Black Widow the whole sequence. That's cold.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw the movie yesterday and a small percentage of me expected the movie to cut to the credits when the two armies were about to clash.


Oct 25, 2017
We were right about the time travel. He even used the term prime universe lol
From Joe Russo's interview

If you go back to past, you simply created a new reality. The characters in this movie created new timeline when they went back to the past, but it had no effect to the prime universe. What happened in the past 22 movies was still canon.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
What the ending tells me is that Mordo is very bad at eliminating sorcerers


Jul 11, 2018
just realised that since Fortnite exists in the MCU, the game mode where you can play as Thanos also exists.
Which makes a grim situation where you can recreate the moment of the snap, where he killed half of humanity, including some people the player would know.
Also means Thor has been playing for 5 years because it is the only place he can get his revenge.
If it is a limited time mode, Thor would be on Twitter tweeting at Epic Games repeatedly to add Thanos back in the next season pass.
"Tim Sweeney, Bring Me Thanos!"

Deleted member 36578

Dec 21, 2017
I'm glad they finally confirmed all this. My head canon still remains that selfish Cap went back with the stones and Hammer to annihilate the Nazis and rule the universe with Peggy as his queen. Other realities be damned. No sweat off his back.
Oct 29, 2017
I'm wondering if instead of using the gauntlet to snap Thanos and his army out of existence, Tony may have been able to harness the stone's power to fight and beat the army.

Better safe than sorry, though. If the battle continued it probably would have led to casualties that could have been avoided by Tony's sacrifice, so I definitely see the logic in it.


Nov 15, 2017
I thought that the discussion about time travel details and "plot holes" here is serious business but then i just went into the GoT S08 OT, after catching up with Ep 3. Damn...

Going into vacation to the UK but maybe i'm going to catch another EG showing there. Hope o since i want to soak in the details i missed the first time around.


Oct 27, 2017
We were right about the time travel. He even used the term prime universe lol
From Joe Russo's interview
Wait, where was that in the interview? The EW one just has them talking about Cap going back to the 40s and living out his life.

I don't know, I still have a hard time buying the alternate timelines thing if only because, what is Steve talking about with "clipping the branches"? Why return the stones at all? The whole point of Steve's trip to the past was to prevent the creation of alternate timelines. If we are dealing with alternate timelines, then Steve's trip probably does more harm than good -- there's no Chitaurai invasion of Earth if there's no tesseract, no Ronan attacking Xandar if there's no power stone, no attack on London without the reality stone, etc.
Oct 25, 2017
I dunno, does it make me racist if I think Anthony Mackie is a complete charisma vacuum? Cant help but think Chadwick Boseman would be a better Cap replacement but then you'd need a new Black Panther lol
I'm not quite on the level of thinking he's a vacuum. I haven't written him off, but I don't feel overly optimistic either. I guess "pessimistic but wait and see" is where I'm at. Because while I don't find him interesting yet, marvel has shown they can take just about anything and make it work. So I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt for a while. Totally open to their attempt.

I guess I would have been more excited for giving Bucky a shave and a haircut because he's got that whole redemption thing going after being a hydra tool, and the pressures of living up to the scrawny guy he used to save from fights. It's an interesting emotional dynamic and there's a more intimate connection there between him and Steve. Plus he's also got the same soldier from the past thing going on. Just feels a more natural fit to me. But I'm not mad that it wasn't him or anything.

Then again you can't deny that the potential imagery with Sam is fuckin awesome.

Open top masks like his in the comic always look weird to me so I prefer this sam-steve hybrid helmet for him.
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