
Oct 25, 2017
For all intents and purposes, she's not really back. It's a whole different Gamora, without the experiences of the one we'd come to know (who is gone forever).

No idea what y'all are on with this.

Yeah people don't seem to get this.

what I think is incredible is the Gamora we watched for 3 films and everyone loved really got brutally murdered by her father, she'll never be back, and everyone will have really lost her like that. So ballsey for them to comit to that.


Oct 28, 2017
Tony has his armour taking the brunt of the radiation which allowed him to make the snap.

I heard that just having the gauntlet on his hand was killing the Hulk. I also heard that what Hulk was wearing was basically the arm part of an Iron Man armor.
Also, if not being fully armored was really a factor then weird that the damage to Hulk was worst where he was armored.


Oct 25, 2017
I heard that just having the gauntlet on his hand was killing the Hulk. I also heard that what Hulk was wearing was basically the arm part of an Iron Man armor.
Also, if not being fully armored was really a factor then weird that the damage to Hulk was worst where he was armored.

Just the hand.

And Tony is visibly struggling with the stones before he snaps, just like Hulk was.

If you're not gonna watch it, sit this out.
Nov 30, 2017
I heard that just having the gauntlet on his hand was killing the Hulk. I also heard that what Hulk was wearing was basically the arm part of an Iron Man armor.
Also, if not being fully armored was really a factor then weird that the damage to Hulk was worst where he was armored.

It was killing Tony while he was wearing it. You could see his facial reactions as it starts to burn. Just the armour was taking most of it since the gauntlet was also attached to his armour not just his arm.
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Oct 28, 2017
Just the hand.

And Tony is visibly struggling with the stones before he snaps, just like Hulk was.

If you're not gonna watch it, sit this out.

The nature of the contact with their bodies was exactly the same
But if you want to believe that Tony's body is as durable as Hulk's go ahead.


Oct 25, 2017
The nature of the contact with their bodies was exactly the same
But if you want to believe that Tony's body is more durable than Hulk's go ahead.

That's not what anybody said. Tony's body visibly starts to burn up even worse than Hulk's does before he even snaps his fingers, and he's wearing a whole set of armor vs Hulk just having a gauntlet.

If you're not gonna see the movie, quit trolling the rest of us. It isn't conducive to actual discussion.

subpar spatula

Refuses to Wash his Ass
Oct 26, 2017
So, like, why was everyone dressed up ready for battle when Hulk was doing the snap? Like, were they thinking they were gonna have to fight a crazed hulk if it backfired?

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
If you reverse what killed Tony you have to undo him using the stones.

1) the time stone probably cannot undo an effect caused by all 6, which includes both Tony dying and him wiping out Thanos.

2) even if you could, you've brought Thanos back and undone what he sacrificed it for in the first place, and are risking Thanos getting the gauntlet again.

I think your right. These are both logical outcomes for sure.

Could Carol use all six? Maybe. It could be written that way. Or use the reality stone? If you write out something that works it could work. Its the power to do anything but with a cost and there may be a person there who could pay it. Or not.

Marvel should make an MCU "What If" comic, like the classic "What If" series. Would be rad.


Oct 27, 2017
Absolutely none of them.

Hell, they straight up improved one of them by taking out their Thanos.

"Events will precede slightly different in that timeline"=/="we screwed that timeline up"

It's not about not creating an alternate timeline, it's about those alternate versions of Tony and Nat not wanting to leave their own friends and family behind.

What good does it do them to steal an Iron Man or Black Widow that resents them forever? To orphan another version of Morgan Stark?

Use your common sense.
Who said anything about stealing them? They go back a short time explain what happens and them have them return with them and to Tony and Natasha nothing's changed except they've won. Either way they were going to die in their timeline anyway, but at least this way one of the timelines will have them in it. Also, at the same time that I can't say the timelines were screwed up, you can't say they weren't. The whole point is that they already mucked around with history and didn't care what effects it had on the timelines they left behind, why should they care now? As for the one they took Thanos out of, he had the locations of all the infinity stones in his era and you don't think he left some of his people behind to gather them while he was gone? Hell Ronan's still there and no Gamora means no Guardians, which means he cleanses the Universe with the Power stone anyway.


Nov 12, 2017
Carol had the stones and could have just flown that glove into deep space. Thanos didn't have a ship anymore to follow her.


Oct 25, 2017
Who said anything about stealing them? They go back a short time explain what happens and them have them return with them and to Tony and Natasha nothing's changed except they've won. Either way they were going to die in their timeline anyway, but at least this way one of the timelines will have them in it. Also, at the same time that I can't say the timelines were screwed up, you can't say they weren't. The whole point is that they already mucked around with history and didn't care what effects it had on the timelines they left behind, why should they care now? As for the one they took Thanos out of, he had the locations of all the infinity stones in his era and you don't think he left some of his people behind to gather them while he was gone? Hell Ronan's still there and no Gamora means no Guardians, which means he cleanses the Universe with the Power stone anyway.

.....why would any alternate version of Tony or Natasha abandon their own timeline? They'd be leaving their friends and family behind. They would not do it. Our Avengers would not wish to ask them either. Period. Use your common sense on this. Christ.

And no. The alternate timelines having different outcomes is not proof anything was mucked up. They've still got everything they need to defend themselves. And 2014 Thanos' entire army was laid to waste. He left no one behind (Ronan isn't cleansing the universe on his own. The Avengers are still alive and well to defend it).

Maybe something bad will happen in one or a few of them. Maybe they'll explore that in the future. But there's no definitive proof that says so, and if you're gonna be the one to initiate an argument saying so, the burden of proof is going to be on you to bring something tangible to the table.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
You cannot change your physiology without suffering the effects of using the gauntlet, especially if you're a mortal like Tony.

There is no escaping the fallout. You can only hope to tank it, like Hulk and Thanos.

This is a stupid thing to be hung up on. My 8 year old didn't struggle with it this much.
Except Thanos was able to use all the stones trying to stop Stormbreaker in Infinity War and their use there didn't seem to damage him in any visible way. I don't think the mere use of all the Infinity Stones is what would cause permanent damage, I think it's the scale at which you use them.

So I think that it should technically be possible, although I will relent that it would probably only in the case that one is already strong enough to wear the completed gauntlet without it killing them. So using the stones to make oneself stronger probably wouldn't work for Tony.

Thanos is the strongest being in the universe. The only person that could believably withstand the power of the gauntlet is Captain Marvel since she was able to siphon power from the Space Stone when holding Thanos' arm, maybe even Scarlet Witch since she could probably siphon power from the mind stone. Since they both got their power from the stones.

Hulk was barely even able to get the snap off. His body was dying just from wearing the gauntlet. Unlike Thanos who was able to handle the power until the snap.

Thinking about it more, using it to make oneself stronger probably isn't gonna work if the mere connection with the Gauntlet starts killing you, since you'd need to access even more power to use them to make oneself stronger. And yeah, Hulk was getting actively killed while the wearing the thing, so he probably wouldn't be able to do so. Captain Marvel would probably be the best candidate, as she was able to fight Thanos one-on-one and overpower him. I don't even think she was siphoning the Space Stone's power while doing so, even, at least I don't recall any visual indication of that.
Nov 30, 2017
Except Thanos was able to use all the stones trying to stop Stormbreaker in Infinity War and their use there didn't seem to damage him in any visible way. I don't think the mere use of all the Infinity Stones is what would cause permanent damage, I think it's the scale at which you use them.

So I think that it should technically be possible, although I will relent that it would probably only in the case that one is already strong enough to wear the completed gauntlet without it killing them. So using the stones to make oneself stronger probably wouldn't work for Tony.

Thinking about it more, using it to make oneself stronger probably isn't gonna work if the mere connection with the Gauntlet starts killing you, since you'd need to access even more power to use them to make oneself stronger. And yeah, Hulk was getting actively killed while the wearing the thing, so he probably wouldn't be able to do so. Captain Marvel would probably be the best candidate, as she was able to fight Thanos one-on-one and overpower him. I don't even think she was siphoning the Space Stone's power while doing so, even, at least I don't recall any visual indication of that.

Maybe I'm looking too much into it but I recall a stream of blue energy glowing from the gauntlet while she was holding it so i assumed she was siphoning it's power.


Oct 25, 2017
Except Thanos was able to use all the stones trying to stop Stormbreaker in Infinity War and their use there didn't seem to damage him in any visible way. I don't think the mere use of all the Infinity Stones is what would cause permanent damage, I think it's the scale at which you use them.

Operative word is bolded.

Thanos put on the full gauntlet and wasn't even effected by it for more than a second.

Hulk and Tony couldn't even wear it without their bodies deteriorating, and that's with Hulk's gamma absorption helping him.

This isn't hard.

What I want to know is how the hell could you "return" the Soul Stone?

And what a convo it would be eh, when Cap shows up at that planet and meet with the guardian :P

Drop that hoe off and dip?

Putting it in the exact same place isn't important. Just gotta get it back to its proper timeline.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Operative word is bolded.

Thanos put on the full gauntlet and wasn't even effected by it for more than a second.

Hulk and Tony couldn't even wear it without their bodies deteriorating, and that's with Hulk's gamma absorption helping him.

This isn't hard.
I know, which is why I said Tony likely wouldn't be able to do it. Nevertheless, you should be able to do so, provided you're strong enough to wear the gauntlet without it actively killing you. Captain Marvel would possibly be able to, looking at her strength in Endgame.
Maybe I'm looking too much into it but I recall a stream of blue energy glowing from the gauntlet while she was holding it so i assumed she was siphoning it's power.
I think Captain Marvel does have some blue streaks to her energy radiance by default, and usually the stones light up when being used, and I don't recall that happening when she was pushing Thanos back. Could be wrong on that front, though. Will probably have to wait until the home release is out to see.
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Deleted member 3815

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I'm pretty sure the energy emission of the gauntlet and stones are proportional with the task executed, seen with how freely Thanos used the stones in Inifinity War. Thanos and Hulk both suffered major damage because of the scale of an universal snap. 1 life should really not be a major toll for Hulk.

It's not, Hulk was struggling one he put the glove on and just barely managed to snap his fingers. Stark was also breathing very heavily and was panting as he delivered his final line.

It's clear that wearing the gauntlet and stone has a dangerous effect, Hulk was in no shape to take that risk again.

I heard that just having the gauntlet on his hand was killing the Hulk. I also heard that what Hulk was wearing was basically the arm part of an Iron Man armor.
Also, if not being fully armored was really a factor then weird that the damage to Hulk was worst where he was armored.

Go and watch the movie with your own damn eyes rather than going what someone else said, otherwise you have no reason to be in this discussion.


Nov 11, 2017
I don't think the stones work on people who have been killed by something other than the stones or stone energy.


Oct 27, 2017
.....why would any alternate version of Tony or Natasha abandon their own timeline? They'd be leaving their friends and family behind. They would not do it. Our Avengers would not wish to ask them either. Period. Use your common sense on this. Christ.
They'd be essentially giving them 2 options: 1) Stay there and sacrifice themselves, leaving their friends and family behind. 2) Come with them leaving their friends and family behind, but immediately rejoining them after the sacrifice. They die in both timelines either way, but in option 2 one of the Morgans has a father to raise her.

And no. The alternate timelines having different outcomes is not proof anything was mucked up. They've still got everything they need to defend themselves. And 2014 Thanos' entire army was laid to waste. He left no one behind (Ronan isn't cleansing the universe on his own. The Avengers are still alive and well to defend it).
It's a pretty reasonable assumption to make. Thanos had the knowledge of the location of every infinity stone, he also had Ronan collecting stones for him so logically he would've told him where to find them. Even if Thanos didn't tell him anything he already had an army of his own and that combined with the Power stone would've been enough even with the Avengers, considering they had a hard enough time with the Chittari. Not to mention if Ronan even touched the ground it would be all over anyway.

Maybe something bad will happen in one or a few of them. Maybe they'll explore that in the future. But there's no definitive proof that says so, and if you're gonna be the one to initiate an argument saying so, the burden of proof is going to be on you to bring something tangible to the table.
Good or bad they screwed up history just by being there, but by interacting with the past their actions rippled outward in any number of unforeseen ways altering those timelines forever. At least that's what happens according to the writers. Either way I'm done arguing about it.


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Use that extremis thing from Iron Man 3. Someones arm is damaged from the snap, just cut it off and regrow another.


Oct 25, 2017
I know, which is why I said Tony likely wouldn't be able to do it. Nevertheless, you should be able to do so, provided you're strong enough to wear the gauntlet without it actively killing you. Captain Marvel would possibly be able to, looking at her strength in Endgame

We've already been over why Carol isn't reliably tanking a completed gauntlet usage.

It certainly isn't worth it to risk her by trying.

They'd be essentially giving them 2 options: 1) Stay there and sacrifice themselves, leaving their friends and family behind. 2) Come with them leaving their friends and family behind, but immediately rejoining them after the sacrifice. They die in both timelines either way, but in option 2 one of the Morgans has a father to raise her

That isn't how any of this works.

If Tony leaves his timeline behind, his Morgan dies when Thanos wins (because they need him to win), and he has to live with that knowledge while living with a Pepper and Morgan that know he's not their Tony because Pepper would've already seen hers die in front of her. Nobody would fucking want that. Neither party. At all.

This is a stupid idea. No sane person would agree to it when they'd be leaving something/someone behind. Period.

It's a pretty reasonable assumption to make. Thanos had the knowledge of the location of every infinity stone, he also had Ronan collecting stones for him logically he would've told him where to find them. Even if Thanos didn't tell him anything he already had an army of his own and that combined with the Power stone would've been enough even with the Avengers, considering they had a hard enough time with the Chittari. Not to mention if Ronan even touched the ground it would be all over anyway

Ronan only knew where the Power Stone was. Thanos wouldn't have shared the location of any others with him. He was biding his time to collect the rest.

And Thanos never learns the Soul stone's location if not for Gamora, which you'd know if you paid attention in Infinity War, which I suspect you didn't.

Good or bad they screwed up history just by being there, but by interacting with the past their actions rippled outward in any number of unforeseen ways altering those timelines forever. At least that's what happens according to the writers. Either way I'm done arguing about it


That's not screwing up history. They appeared. Doing so sets those timelines on slightly different paths. It's inevitable. Torturing themselves on how every single one of their actions might've effected events down the line is meaningless for the same reason it's dumb for any of us to do so now. You can never know. They had a job to do to save their own timeline, and they left the rest in good enough shape to be saved themselves.

That's the most they could do. This is a stupid thing to get hung up on.
Oct 25, 2017
Honestly the real question is, why was Thanos such a push over when he like 80% of the stones on titan in infinity war.
But when he had zero stones and only a double bladed sword it took like 100 times more effort to bring him down.


Oct 25, 2017
Honestly the real question is, why was Thanos such a push over when he like 80% of the stones on titan in infinity war.
But when he had zero stones and only a double bladed sword it took like 100 times more effort to bring him down.

The Thanos in Infinity War isn't trying to kill anybody. He just wants the stones.

The Thanos in Endgame is younger, more vulnerable than he'd be with the stones (remember, he removes his armor in IW as soon as he gets his second stone), and becomes more ruthless when he learns there exists a timeline where he succeeds and he's murdered for it by the Avengers, who are now actively trying to undo his life's work.

He understandably becomes a lot more murderous as a result (hence what he says to Cap on Earth in the final battle).


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
We've already been over why Carol isn't reliably tanking a completed gauntlet usage.

It certainly isn't worth it to risk her by trying.
I'd probably disagree with you about Carol being able to tank a completed gauntlet. I think the movie makes is pretty clear that she's just as durable as Thanos is, if not more so. If Thanos can wield all the Infinity Stones on a smaller scale, I see no reason as to why Carol isn't able to.

My only point was just that, theoretically, one should be able to use the gauntlet to make themselves strong enough to do snap scale things without damage. Or at least be able to heal said damage that occurs afterwards. Perhaps you can't if merely having the completed gauntlet starts killing you, but if you're strong enough for that, then I see no reason why you couldn't use it to that effect.
Oct 25, 2017
The Thanos in Infinity War isn't trying to kill anybody. He just wants the stones.

The Thanos in Endgame is younger, more vulnerable than he'd be with the stones (remember, he removes his armor in IW as soon as he gets his second stone), and becomes more ruthless when he learns there exists a timeline where he succeeds and he's murdered for it by the Avengers, who are now actively trying to undo his life's work.

He understandably becomes a lot more murderous as a result (hence what he says to Cap on Earth in the final battle).

Alright you know what this actually makes perfect sense.
So basically IW Thanos knows his basically unstoppable so he's just trying to get his stones without making a big show.



Oct 25, 2017
I'd probably disagree with you about Carol being able to tank a completed gauntlet. I think the movie makes is pretty clear that she's just as durable as Thanos is, if not more so. If Thanos can wield all the Infinity Stones on a smaller scale, I see no reason as to why Carol isn't able to.

My only point was just that, theoretically, one should be able to use the gauntlet to make themselves strong enough to do snap scale things without damage. Or at least be able to heal said damage that occurs afterwards. Perhaps you can't if merely having the completed gauntlet starts killing you, but if you're strong enough for that, then I see no reason why you couldn't use it to that effect.

Nothing in the movies supports any of this. It's just conjecture.

Alright you know what this actually makes perfect sense.
So basically IW Thanos knows his basically unstoppable so he's just trying to get his stones without making a big show.


Yeah. It's less about him dying for it though (when he discovers that they kill him, he basically just shrugs), and more about the fact they're trying to undo it. Which is why he amends his plan to just offing everyone so nobody will be alive to know what he did to the universe.


One Winged Slayer
Nov 6, 2017
Because whoever did the snap would've died. Hulk nearly died. Who knows if Captain Marvel would, but why we she trade her life or impair herself for Stark? They don't have the infinity gauntlet anymore. Iron Man's version is functional but clearly self harming.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Nothing in the movies supports any of this. It's just conjecture.
Of course it's just conjecture, that's gonna be the case for any what-ifs with the Gauntlet just on the basis that it wasn't shown in the films themselves. Doesn't mean that one can't come to conclusions from what was shown in both films.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
For all intents and purposes, she's not really back. It's a whole different Gamora, without the experiences of the one we'd come to know (who is gone forever).

No idea what y'all are on with this.

Unrelated to the topic at hand but this sums up my attitude towards Thanos in Endgame. The Thanos from Infinity War has a really anti climatic end and gets replaced with some other Thanos that might as well be a clone or twin but I didn't really care about this new other Thanos.

He like Gamora are not the same ones we know, they have had different experiences and have a different view of the world. It's a different character like Big Boss and Solid Snake.
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