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Fraud & Player Security
Oct 25, 2017
Where was the Arrested Development easter egg/character?
Missed it but I noted the "thanks" line in the credits. Was it the stair car again? :)


Dec 25, 2017
I still don't think all the Asgardians are death on that ship Thanos blew up. I could easily see half of them being teleported out throughout the galaxy. I still believe the "wipe out half the universe" is a per planet term, so half the people of every population.

Thor specifically said at one point that half the asgardians were killed.

Movie was magnificent. Biggest reaction was Captain America's first appearance and Thor warping in like a fucking boss. People marked the fuck out. Audience here is usually super obnioxus and loud but the ending stunned every one into silence. Man I just got out and already want to see it again.
Was also staggeringly beautiful in Imax.


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Long Island
The interesting thing is....strange is dead...the one guy they need the most (that they know of) is gone....that feeling of hopelessness, I wanted that captured with them all together in one area.


Self-requested ban
Oct 27, 2017
Seeing this tonight with a bunch of friends, and I need to pretend that I didn't read all of this beforehand lol


Oct 27, 2017
So I need to leave the spoiler thread for a movie I've seen, because people want to spoiler the fucking sequel a year out?


Oct 26, 2017
what is thanos' motivation in the MCU and in this film?
i don't care about spoilers or whatever, if i remember right in the original infinity gauntlet comic Death tasked him with killing a whole bunch of people and he was basically infatuated with her, so that's why he wanted to gather all the stones, to do what Death asked him to and impress her

Lukemia SL

Jan 30, 2018
what is thanos' motivation in the MCU and in this film?
i don't care about spoilers or whatever, if i remember right in the original infinity gauntlet comic Death tasked him with killing a whole bunch of people and he was basically infatuated with her, so that's why he wanted to gather all the stones, to do what Death asked him to and impress her

Just basic balancing of the universe. He said to Gamorra that after he attacked her planet that there was no longer starvation or a strain on resources and that the ones left lived better lives because of it. Or something like that.

Death the character is not a factor in the movie.
Oct 27, 2017
what is thanos' motivation in the MCU and in this film?
i don't care about spoilers or whatever, if i remember right in the original infinity gauntlet comic Death tasked him with killing a whole bunch of people and he was basically infatuated with her, so that's why he wanted to gather all the stones, to do what Death asked him to and impress her

Thanos lived on a planet that suffered from overpopulation which lead to starvation. His plan was to hold a random lottery to kill half of the population. They rejected this plan and his planet died.

He survived, but now he wants to take his plan universe wide. Kill half of the living people in the universe to bring balance to the universe.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
I don't know why, but that moment Spider-Man first appears to help Iron Man fight Cull Obsidian is when it really hit me that they've actually pulled off a large scale crossover event like the comics.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
Southern California
Thanos lived on a planet that suffered from overpopulation which lead to starvation. His plan was to hold a random lottery to kill half of the population. They rejected this plan and his planet died.

He survived, but now he wants to take his plan universe wide. Kill half of the living people in the universe to bring balance to the universe.

And I'm pretty sure that planet at the end was Titan in the past. He used the gauntlet to wipe out half the life in the universe, AND went back in time to Titan before it was destroyed.


Oct 28, 2017
wow thats awesome.

I had two super annoying dorks next to me calling out stupid shit constantly like ohhhh THATS RED SKULL. And thats CAPTAIN AMERICA. I mean WTF who else could it be.

That's why I went to an early showing and chose the spots widely.

Always sit next to lone wolves, not groups.

Only thing you'll get is laughs when it's appropriate and silence and awe for the rest of the movie.

People are talking about set photos here?
I'm out!

Yes, this is a A3 spoiler thread.

Those who want to discuss A4, please make a topic.

I'm bailing out too.

I'm not even going to watch the A4 trailer.


Oct 25, 2017
This did comic books justice like no other movie. Lots of crazy comic book shit.

I like how they portrayed Thanos' motivation. When he's looking off into the middle-distance, explaining his plan, he seems to deserve the moniker of 'The Mad Titan'.

I didn't like how Peter Quill ended up causing the deaths of trillions. He understood the threat well enough to be willing to sacrifice Gamora, but hearing of her death he sacrifices half of the universe. No, Quill.


Oct 25, 2017
Had 24 hours to stew on this. I'm still sorta reeling from it all. I know the snaps aren't permanent, but the anguish as i happened was terrible. both on screen and for me personally. Like, from "Shit, he went and did it" to " i wonder if any of the heroes are affected" to seing Bucky disintegrate and then one after another after another. Spider-Man's turn to dust broke me. If they had to have the conceptually ho-hum thing where Peter kinda has an Avengers internship under Tony, they sure utiliszed it fully in the scene.

Tony must have the mother of all PTSD-ridden guilttrips after this. Holy hell. I almost hope for him May isn't around for him to tell her the news.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Saw it last night

It's a top tier comic book film, and is amongst the best MCU movies, no doubt. I loved that there was FINALLY a feeling of something being at stake, a feeling of dread and desperation.
Every fight scene felt like it had some significance to it, and every character had great moments and screen time worthwhile. I think the focus on Thanos was the glue that held the entire spectacle together, and boy was he an awesome villain. And i loved his henchmen (Black Order?)...they were nasty as hell.

The movie would have been my all time favorite CB movie if the post-snap death scenes actually meant something. They were just a cheap gotcha from something out of a 90's soap opera ending. I'm thinking of that Dynasty episode where a bunch of guys storms a wedding, shoots up the entire place of 100 people, and it ends with everyone lying "dead" on the floor. Queue next episode and 1 person is actually dead...
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