
Oct 27, 2017
My initial reaction to the tone of this trailer was to feel a bit incredulous about the wacky dialogue, the smarmy british female soldier fighting on the frontline, with her prosthetic arm just to make it even more ridiculous, the V2s falling out of nowhere, shooting grenades out of the air...

There's no need to jump on me and tell me that women fought in the war too. I know that the Russians and other countries employed female soldiers. It's just seeing a brit female soldier on the frontline , with a prosthetic arm (something that never in a million years would have been seen in frontline combat itself at the time, as a soldier with a disability like that would put the entire unit at risk), coupled with my expectation of authenticity from this franchise in general, that kind of surprised me.

It's clear that this game is not taking itself super seriously. Having let it settle in for a little bit now, I'm actually kinda relieved that the game won't be taking a super serious and historically accurate tone. I just got done listening to the entirety of "Blueprint for Armageddon" from Dan Carlin's Hardcore History and to say I'm a little burnt out on stories of the unimaginable horrors and human tragedies of war is a complete understatement.

The game itself looks phenomenal and I can't wait to play it.


Oct 25, 2017
Again, playing as a pigeon was mechanical device not a visual one. I'm also not dismissing Battlefield V entirely, just saying the based on what they've shown I'm pretty lukewarm until I see more.

I can understand that. I'll wait to see more til I pass more judgement and I'll wait until I play it to form an opinion. I think it's going to be a blast, in my opinion.

That Jackfrags video is blowing my mind.

Deleted member 1258

User Requested Account Closure
Oct 25, 2017



Fucking hell


Nov 22, 2017
I laughed at "no season pass". Sure. They'll get our money in some other way though from loot boxes for cosmetics to DLC for all those extra maps. EA doesn't just flip the script out of the kindness of their heart.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 26, 2017
Oh man watching the alt-right meltdown and show their ass over this is already delicious.


Oct 27, 2017
Damn. Lots of mixed attitudes on this.

Wonder if they framed it as a Bad Company 3 game, reception would have been different. Some of the "wackier" elements may have just been designated to the Bad Conpany charm.

Either way, excited for this mostly. Looking forward to further MP reveals!

Fighting nazis with a barber wired nails cricket bat. When WW2 meets left4dead.


I mean that shot just screams Bad Company to me!


Oct 26, 2017
Clemson, SC
I wish they would make a Battlefield and CoD game with nothing but female characters. I'm going to pick the female character anyway, so just give me lots of females to pick from. Really give all the little insecure babies something to cry about.

(No..I'm not joking..I always pick the female character if it's an option)

This looks really good, and sounds really deep game-play wise from the in-depth looks.

Why did they just put a UI over CGI to try to make it look like gameplay?

Perhaps you should buy an Xbox One X or a high-end PC...so this wouldn't look like "CGI" to you.

Edit* (yes, obviously, it's scripted)


Attempt to circumvent a ban with an alt account
Oct 25, 2017
man gamers are triggered when women show up in their war games


Oct 27, 2017
Trailer didn't do a whole lot for me, looking real pretty.

Interesting to see Battlefield also removing auto regenerating health.

Edit: seems I jumped the gun and it hasn't been removed, just adjusted in the way it works.
Dec 13, 2017
Times change and no footage I have seen from then is so vividly colorful. I don't see why they went with a modern colorful tone in a darker time in the world. Weird choice.

Post like this are so deliciously weird imo ... as if the color or rather lack of color of those footage were a style choices rather than dealing with technical limitations . I would not dare say that the game got lifelike color and photography , especially when it does try to set a less serious tone , but it's probably closer to reality than the usual grey and depressing tints and hue than those games can't seem to get away from ... because of war movies and outdated footage


Oct 29, 2017
I laughed at "no season pass". Sure. They'll get our money in some other way though from loot boxes for cosmetics to DLC for all those extra maps. EA doesn't just flip the script out of the kindness of their heart.
Just like Battlefront 2. Unfortunately people don't learn and will still eat this game up instead of waiting to see how they implement microtransactions.
Nov 1, 2017
Because it wasn't CGI. Are you new to Dice games?

Sorry I typed that wrong. Not CGI, it's the in engine footage but it's like they just slapped a UI over it in the second half attempting to show real gameplay? It just looks weird.

Plus it goes from third person to first person of someone who appears out of nowhere?


Oct 25, 2017
The history nerd inside me is laughing, but the rest of me is just enjoying how much this will trigger the gamergaters.
Oct 25, 2017
I'm no historian but I'm pretty sure the world wasn't so vivid in those days. It's a shame that Dice is giving up realism and historicity for flashy eye catching graphics. EA only cares about the masses and has no respect for the fans. Damn Shame from my perspective.

You don't need to be a historian to see that they aren't running with a realistic color palette and using a high level of HDR and god rays.


Oct 25, 2017
okay... so the trailer screamed fast paced arcadey action, which some people liked and some people did not.
all the reviewers have obviously seen a completely different game in the preview because they say it's not like that at all. lol

guess we'll have to wait to see what the game is actually going to be like.


Oct 25, 2017
It's only ok because that's ok with you. And that's a totally fine opinion to have. Visually and tonally, from what I've seen so far, I'm not too optimistic, but I'll keep following the game until launch like always and I'll make a decision about it when it's necessary. I would never want to force my ideas of what a Battlefield game should be, nor would I even be able to do that. But, I do think a WWII Battlefield game should feel at least as dark tonally as Battlefield 1 felt. But that's just my opinion.

Yeah thats fair. I actually dont really know what to feel. I trust the larger picture-- big open maps, the weapons and vehicles, the intensity. But the characters are just something else


Self-Requested Ban
Jan 21, 2018
What a load.

Look at us! Things are constantly happening!

Looks so outlandish and stupid.

Cat Pee

Oct 25, 2017
I was not expecting a serious "the world had less colors back then" type of response.

And yet here we are.


Oct 27, 2017
man gamers are triggered when women show up in their war games

Only sexist would complain if they introduced female soviet soldiers and french partisan. That would be historically accurate and welcomed.
Overall design seems unrealistic - vivid colours etc. one guy looked like they took him straight from Vikings tv series. I am not a fan.

Now we have sexist who complain about women (in general) 0in BF V and people who are not sexist but prefer more realistic and historically accurate take on a game. You have to differentiate these two.
Last edited:


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Austin, TX
So I downloaded In the Name of the Czar DLC for BF1 cause it's free. Fire it up and there's literally no conquest games going on for that particular dlc. None. They just put me in a lobby by myself.



Nov 8, 2017
The trailer was pretty good imo, but it was bordering on comical. I found that a bit sad because that shit is serious, tense, and just fucked up.