
Oct 25, 2017
Well, that's ironic to say the least.

Sadly the damage is done at this stage, and the conversation of how we exist to prey upon women and strip them of their rights marches on.

I think it is good to reinforce that "we should forbid trans women from entering women only spaces" is a good way to not force any actual sexual abuse protection since most of these people have a SO BINARY view of the world that i bet they don't believe in cis women being able to be rape.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I think it is good to reinforce that "we should forbid trans women from entering women only spaces" is a good way to not force any actual sexual abuse protection since most of these people have a SO BINARY view of the world that i bet they don't believe in cis women being able to be rape.
Completely. Not to mention the suggestion of segregation comes with the knowledge that with us making up such a small % of the population that we do, and lacking funding support for even our most basic healthcare needs, it makes it a geographical impossibility to have such things be dedicated spaces. Which reinforces the point that none of this is to protect cis women, it's to punish trans women.


Oct 27, 2017
Seems like every week now BBC hits a new low.

I feel sorry and fearful for the safety of trans women in the UK. I need to look up good charities to donate to over there, if anyone has any recommendations please let me know.


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA


Oct 26, 2017

she has made an apology
which implies she acknoledges that this is real

Saw this earlier too:

Obviously straight up assault is an escalation on her admitting that she takes sexual pleasure in coercing people who normally use protection into not doing so, but the two behaviors definitely feel connected. Even when she is with consenting partners, she enjoys getting them to do things they don't really want to do.

It's almost as if some people have a particular vested interest in the TERF rhetoric insisting that you require a penis in order to violate.
Oct 26, 2017
It's just so freaking disappointing how the UK has fallen into the hole of TERF and Brexit.

I think it is good to reinforce that "we should forbid trans women from entering women only spaces" is a good way to not force any actual sexual abuse protection since most of these people have a SO BINARY view of the world that i bet they don't believe in cis women being able to be rape.

Yep, they don't believe that men can be raped either. It's really gross.


Oct 27, 2017
Saw this earlier too:

Obviously straight up assault is an escalation on her admitting that she takes sexual pleasure in coercing people who normally use protection into not doing so, but the two behaviors definitely feel connected. Even when she is with consenting partners, she enjoys getting them to do things they don't really want to do.

It's almost as if some people have a particular vested interest in the TERF rhetoric insisting that you require a penis in order to violate.


"Gender Critical"s: gender-neutral terminology is erasing women!
also GCs: trans women don't have the reproductive organs of a female ape like we do

... the fuck


Oct 27, 2017
Wild watching TERFs defend Lily Cade by touting the awful British laws defining rape as an act by a penis only

Almost like they don't actually give a fuck about violence against women

Lee Morris

Oct 28, 2017
Thanks. What was so bad about it? Genuine question, haven't listened (and may not now).
It basically was saying that the BBC had been "strong armed" into listening to advice from stonewall on how to approach LGBTQ subjects editorially and also advice for staff. But it painted Stonewall as a political action group and that their involvement didn't allow "both sides of the argument" to be heard. There was only one source in the article I read based on the podcast. Complete BS of an article and I presume podcast.
Oct 29, 2017
The BBC have responded to complaints about this article, here's what they've written to me:

Thank you for getting in touch. We have received a wide range of feedback from those who find the article challenging as well as those who welcome its publication.

The article was carefully considered before publication, went through a rigorous editorial review process and fully complies with the BBC's editorial guidelines and standards.

Some argue that the article is flawed because it is "based on a survey of 80 people". The article itself states there is little research in this area; that the survey featured was conducted on social media and is therefore self-selecting; and even the author of the survey admits it may not be a representative sample. Furthermore, there is a link to the detail of the findings which enables the reader to make up their own minds about the replies the sample generated.

But the article is more than just the survey.

The journalist's work involved months of speaking to many people about the topic and the article includes testimony from a range of different sources and provides appropriate context.

As a public service broadcaster we explore a wide range of issues and perspectives. And we believe it deals with a matter worthy of investigation. We have a strong commitment to impartiality, which means we constantly consider and evaluate which stories to cover and how. Impartiality is fundamental, and includes covering stories on any point of the spectrum of debate. And stories should be seen not just individually, but in the broader context of our wider coverage.

The piece has prompted many complaints and many appreciations and we will consider all feedback carefully.

Kind regards,

BBC Complaints Team

The key line is stories should be seen not just individually, but in the broader context of our wider coverage and that We have received a wide range of feedback from those who find the article challenging as well as those who welcome its publication.

In the context of their wider coverage, I think it's clear that the BBC is institutionally transphobic and will just get worse.


Oct 25, 2017
The BBC have responded to complaints about this article, here's what they've written to me:

The key line is stories should be seen not just individually, but in the broader context of our wider coverage and that We have received a wide range of feedback from those who find the article challenging as well as those who welcome its publication.

In the context of their wider coverage, I think it's clear that the BBC is institutionally transphobic and will just get worse.
I got the same response from them, and it's complete bullshit.

They're pushing bigotry and they dare to handwave it as something that's merely "challenging" to certain people.

I expected a higher standard of integrity from BBC, and that was confidence was clearly misplaced.


"This guy are sick" and Corrupted by Vengeance
Jun 17, 2018
"The article itself states there is little research in this area; that the survey featured was conducted on social media and is therefore self-selecting; and even the author of the survey admits it may not be a representative sample. Furthermore, there is a link to the detail of the findings which enables the reader to make up their own minds about the replies the sample generated."

What an incredible way to circle from saying the article has selectively applied worthless data (but it noted it, so don't worry, nobody's going to think it proves anything, it's only in the article as a supplement to the lack of data informing their bigotry!) all the way to saying "though the link from the details of the article to their data supplied substantiates it."

It's so, so fucking stupid. It's embarrassingly blatant transphobia. There is no way my 6th form teachers would have accepted this as a well reasoned argument, and here's the fucking BBC leaning on this shit for justification.

I'm so sorry for everyone who has to suffer under this.


Oct 27, 2017
Big 'ole "we hear your complaints that we published hateful propaganda demonizing the trans community and we'd just like to say: nah, fuck off"

BBC ain't turning backing from this, the institution itself is loaded with these sentiments and they'll continue to fight tooth and nail to continue this nonsense.

Also, still no goddamn acknowledgement that they platformed a serial rapist for the piece in question ffs, how many responses is it gonna take until they get around to that nugget of shit?
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
There's now a post going around from Lily Cade's blog where is openly calling for the lynchings of trans people. It is incredibly disturbing.

The link to that is here so only click it if you're ready to read some hate speech:
"Evil...I should fucking know" I mean at least she's aware she's evil and a rapist. Lily Cade doesn't deserve a platform, maybe needs to be kept away from society if she's calling for violence against people.


Unshakeable One Winged Slayer
Oct 28, 2017
That blog post is beyond the pale, absolutely disgusting. And these are the people BBC want to interview to "counter" "trans views"


Oct 25, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
I mentioned it in the Open Letter thread but yeah Lily Cade's been saying absolute vile shit against the trans community on her twitter as well since they article came out.

The BBC absolutely does not give a shit that they're sourcing their "news" from blatant hate groups and the most violent of bigots.
Oct 25, 2017
There's now a post going around from Lily Cade's blog where is openly calling for the lynchings of trans people. It is incredibly disturbing.

The link to that is here so only click it if you're ready to read some hate speech:
Always depressing to see someone unable to work through whatever trauma they've endured. Obviously these opinions are vile but she seems...unwell


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
There's now a post going around from Lily Cade's blog where is openly calling for the lynchings of trans people. It is incredibly disturbing.

The link to that is here so only click it if you're ready to read some hate speech:


Oct 25, 2017
I got a follow-up survey from BBC, asking how I felt about their response to my feedback.

I did not hold back.


Oct 25, 2017
I can't expect them to not respond to this, even if it was written after publication.

that stuff would absolutely be against the law in this country given how brazen it is in calling for violence

Now it's whether they merely remove her contribution from the article (thereby weakening an already dubious piece of journalism by removing a named source) or scrap it entirely.

i dunno, I might be being optimistic here, but this is a vast leap beyond the usual thinly veiled rhetoric


Oct 27, 2017
Honestly what really gets to me isn't that Lily Cade could be so vile - I'm very well-versed in the revolting amount of transphobia that's out there.

What really fucks me up though is how non-trans outlets just don't pay any attention to the harm we're constantly faced with even by supposed ally sources. What's going on with the BBC is fucking grotesque, it's a world-renown news organization that's often held the perception to be impartial and above the American news circus. It's significantly important to call out an organization that internationally holds such high regard but frankly if you aren't actively following trans issues or within the social circles of trans people you quite likely would have no idea what's going on. The public at large is just woefully ignorant any trans issues and yet they have the absolute nerve to start caring when a beloved celeb makes a transphobic joke or tweet.


Oct 25, 2017
if she has any documentation of their contact then I hope she submits that to the BBC

that was a rather major claim of the article which the author used to justify who she quoted - not good if she's then been selective with who she's quoted after making an absolute statement to the contrary!


Oct 28, 2017
This whole thing is collapsing like a house of cards - increasingly difficult for the BBC to hide behind the "impartial and rigorously researched" defence.


Oct 26, 2017
The Lily Cade diatribe reads like a shooter's manifesto and it's genuinely surreal that so few people are talking about it outside of trans people on Twitter. I get that she's a nobody but the content is so shocking you think there would be a larger response.

Other terfs are apparently trying to compare it to people saying things like "punch a terf today" to downplay it, because I guess expecting them to have any line at all is hoping for too much.


Oct 25, 2017
I really wish more people were aware of how the BBC is acting on this particular issue. Either it shows how standards have fallen there in general, or they are willing to throw all rules out the window when publishing transphobic propaganda. Either way, not exactly a great look.

The BBC have been a propaganda wing of the right wing government this last 10 years.

They haven't said one bad thing about anything the government has done. One presenter who did on the news was told off for showing an unbiased opinion and taken off air at the time IIRC.

Anything that deviates from what the government wants you to think is based. They even had a debate on the flat earth theory, they had a flat earth theory 'expert' and they were given more time to speak than the actual scientist they bought in and when the scientist tried to talk over the person spreading obvious bullshit they got told off.


Oct 25, 2017
Is there an investigative body that can be reported to about BBC and this journalist for collaborating and platforming a far right extremist and rapist Lily Cade? They need the pressure.


Oct 26, 2017
Looks like the main person who has been updating people on the Cade situation has been locked out thanks to mass reporting (presumably from TERFs) as if it was her words.