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Nov 1, 2017
Whatever, if this can get Rogan's audience to vote for Bernie instead of either voting for Trump or getting high and staring at photos of shaved chimps, I'm all for it.
May 21, 2018
This is the thing about Bernie with me. I love him as a candidate and I would love either him or Warren as the Democratic pick.

But then every so often his campaign does things like this. I don't know if it's something they're doing on their own or if Bernie had some say in this decision. Either way it's either he's finding allies in bigots or he isn't as skilled in controlling and directing his people.


Apr 11, 2018
The quote from Rogan is true but I can see why it would upset fans of the other Democratic candidates.

Lord Fagan

Oct 27, 2017
User Warned: drive-by post

This is gonna be a wild thread.

Shaun Solo

Oct 25, 2017
Biden, Warren, and Pete all apparently asked to go on his show and he declined. So I assume they'd have done the same had he chosen to host them (and endorse them).


Oct 27, 2017
Because his campaign is becoming more about winning than it is about ideals.
I mean, I get it, they were never gonna win unless they got aggressive
Sorry, I was vague.
I'm still voting for Bernie, because no matter what I think he stands for the right things. Even if he throws stuff like this around, it's clearly about attracting the broader spectrum of people, and that's fine as long as he gets in office.


Oct 27, 2017
Rogan sucks, but he has a big audience that will actually be swayed by who he endorses.

I'm not fine with this, I just understand it.

Ziltoidia 9

Oct 25, 2017
If it was the general and Bernie had the nomination, it would be good to have Rogan pushing for him to win over trump. Much of Rogan's viewership is probably Trump voters.


Dec 10, 2018
Tulsa, Oklahoma
Rogan sucks, but if this will sway enough votes for Bernie over Trump in the general then oh well ill take it. We need to do whatever it takes to win!
Rogan sucks, but he has a big audience that will actually be swayed by who he endorses.

I'm not fine with this, I just understand it.
Yup same here.
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Deleted member 24149

Oct 29, 2017
Biden, Warren, and Pete all apparently asked to go on his show and he declined. So I assume they'd have done the same had he chosen to host them (and endorse them).
Understated point. Joe Rogan has stated that other campaigns have asked to go on his show.


Dec 18, 2017
Yes I agree. He should only attempt to appeal to the people he already appeals to. That's a great strategy for winning an election


May 12, 2018
morally bad strategically good.

The trans people on era will still gladly tell you who has the best policies regarding trans people and I'm going to wager it's democratic presidential front-runnter Bernhard.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Rogan's audience certainly leans right. Personally, I would never get involved with that POS, but if Bernie's doing it in an attempt to win some votes that would've otherwise gone to Trump, I'll try to swallow my tongue.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't like Rogan, but his endorsement is a big deal to a lot of people. Considering Bernie hasn't changed any of his policies to appeal to bigots, this seems like a big win.

This will be extremely valuable in the General vs Trump.


Oct 25, 2017
Bernie shouldn't try to capture an audience that is notoriously swayed by whatever opinions Rogan has or hosts?


Oct 25, 2017
It's dumb and he shouldn't have even thanked him for the endorsement let alone promote it. Also, not sure what the rules are re: signal boosting Rogan here.


Mar 24, 2019
I don't like Joe Rogan. I would however like his listeners to vote for Bernie instead of Trump. His platform is enormous. The man reaches far more people than NYT for example. There is a reason every Dem candidate really wanted on his podcast. Even appearing on the podcast is "validating him" I dont see how pointing out that you were on the podcast, and his endorsement is really different. It isnt as if the other candidates would go on the podcast, but want noone to know. Presumably Warren, Buttigieg and Biden were more than happy to appear on the show, and I very seriously doubt any of them would turn down his endorsement, or disavow it. If that were the case they wouldnt try to go on the show in the first place.


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
~95% chance the President in 2020 is going to be Biden, Trump, or Bernie. Trying to get the Rogan audience and brag about the endorsement is a good move, politically. We are in the final stretch now; it's time to be pragmatic, and squeeze as many votes as possible. That's simply the case now. The only people who will care about these ads are Joe Rogan fans. No one viewing these, is going to go down the Joe Rogan rabbit hole, view a Ben Shepiro video, and turn into a Neo Nazi.

There are perhaps more moral cases to make, but frankly, this is about choosing the president. This isn't going to do anything except convince some meat heads to vote for Bernie (the correct choice).
Oct 25, 2017
Not too sure how I feel about this. Oh one hand, Rogans audience is one the left doesn't reach out to, and the alt right have been actively recruiting them for a whole. On the other hand, it further legitimizes Rogan


Jul 13, 2019
This is the thing about Bernie with me. I love him as a candidate and I would love either him or Warren as the Democratic pick.

But then every so often his campaign does things like this. I don't know if it's something they're doing on their own or if Bernie had some say in this decision. Either way it's either he's finding allies in bigots or he isn't as skilled in controlling and directing his people.

If by every so often you mean like every week or so. He basically lurches from sexist gaffe to racist gaffe to association with toxic individuals and his base just scream that he's being slandered by the corporate media. The us should not exchange one cult for another.


Oct 25, 2017
Rogan leans left on most social issues, and has a young impressionable audience. It wouldn't make sense not to appeal to them, as much as people want to lambaste Rogan for being a 'both sides' kind of guy and providing a platform for everyone to come speak on.
Oct 25, 2017
Rogan is dangerous because his mind is like a grease trap and he will go along with anything his guest says and give them hours to talk, which is terrifying when it's some right wing dipshit but a massive advantage for a left wing movement, and to leave that on the table when you could take it instead seems moronic.

human onion

Oct 25, 2017
His audience is easily impressionable, might as well swing them to the left. Better than Howard Stern too.
Oct 27, 2017
Where did I say that? Just find it funny how many users here hate Rogan, Seems like alot of people see everything in black and white and never a grey area. I.e. enjoying some of rogans podcasts depending on guest makes you a bigot.
Hard to see grey when the guy gives a platform to and agrees with bigoted white supremacist talking points.

Terra Torment

Jan 4, 2020
Here's what I said on twitter:

As much as I appreciate Joe Rogan endorsing Bernie Sanders, Joe Rogan to me is kind of a doofus. He just absorbs whatever ideology he last heard. That's part of the reason he's a gateway to the alt right because he platforms people and nods along with them because he's a dope. But being a dope he's a dope with a big audience, and at this temporarily helps lead people to progressivism I can go with it. Think of him as a useful idiot. Don't let one endorser's transphobia mean that we ultimately oppose free healthcare and free college and national rent control because that will help trans people in all states of transition.

Bernie Sanders has a lot more patience than I do, I do consider that to be a merit for the most part.


Oct 27, 2017
Yep, Rogan makes a lot of people have a "hate-boner" irrationally, right? That's the implication.
So like... are you completely incapable of understanding the words people say?

Because you might as well say Bernie supports transphobia and white supremacy.

And that Bernie supporters support transphobia and white supremacy.

And that democracts support transphobia and white suppremacy.

And then socialists.

Just say whatever you want fuck it words don't matter!

Thats what it all reads as.

He doesn't need to retweet a known transphobe and white supremacist booster.

Seems like a lot of Era follows this person. I don't because I think he's an idiot (Im a Sam Seder stan) but people in here casting really wide nets and it feels like whatever goals people have they aint inching towards em by trying to pin this shit on Bernie when Bernie is clearly going after the audience and not the dude himself.
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