
Oct 25, 2017
Maxine waters is terrible and she allowed marrative to be changed for conserrvative talkers . That was a bad statement
She's not wrong. We should be pushing back and protesting government officials wherever we want. It's insane to me that it's even a question. Republicans are trying to make protesting against GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS seem unethical. It's fucking stupid. Of course she's right about it. If someone falls for the conservative narrative about never confronting cabinet members in public - they're an idiot. It's a ridiculous standard.


volunteer forum janitor
Oct 25, 2017
Also I find it kinda distasteful that Sanders pivoted right back into billionaires as if this is all that folks are mad about and not you know children being ripped from their families and locked up in camps... but best not be rude to those complicit in the act... that'd be bad.

One of the things that eventually turned me off of Sanders was his blinders when it comes to making everything about economic inequality.

Version 3.0

Oct 27, 2017
Normally, I might agree. But these are not normal times. This is not a normal administration. I hope, for our collective sake, that the day never comes when they realize how wrong they are. Like when Chamberlain realized Appeasement had failed.
Oct 27, 2017
Bernie's take is stupid. As are the other puckered buttholes worried more about this happening to them than the kids taken from their families and put in cages.


Oct 27, 2017
As I was saying in another thread, something about this response is...off. It's counter to what I would expect, which would be either tacit approval, or silence. So, why in the hell are people running scared over the Sanders issue and Maxine's call to raise hell?

There has to be something brewing that is making people skittish about getting up into Republican faces. This is beyond worrying about keeping your seat or rocking the boat. There's more bad news out there, under the surface.


What year is this?
Oct 25, 2017
Headlines and the American public are.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
One of the things that eventually turned me off of Sanders was his blinders when it comes to making everything about economic inequality.

I mean I'm pretty annoyed because yelling and being rude was certainly a feature of his side at the Nevada Primary Convention...

And he managed to come stronger against the Red Hen.


Oct 27, 2017
Proof positive that the elite look after their own in the end, regardless of their political affiliation.


Oct 28, 2017
The right play is just to fucking ignore it. Let Waters say her piece, let liberals vent, and wait for the next news cycle. Party leaders stepping in to admonish their own side is not a good look, especially when the GOP is routinely getting away with pretending they're completely oblivious to the news in order to avoid doing the same for their allies.
This. Right. Here.

The bolded part more so.

The republican play for decades has been to move the needle more and more to the right. Democrats must be great at drawing lines in the sand, because they keep drawing and stepping over their own masterpieces time and time again. People are itching for a fight, or for someone to fight for them.

Republicans don't give a shit what the democrats think about them. Full stop.


Oct 29, 2017
As I was saying in another thread, something about this response is...off. It's counter to what I would expect, which would be either tacit approval, or silence. So, why in the hell are people running scared over the Sanders issue and Maxine's call to raise hell?

There has to be something brewing that is making people skittish about getting up into Republican faces. This is beyond worrying about keeping your seat or rocking the boat. There's more bad news out there, under the surface.

I think people are starting to see just how badly divided this country is. All it would take is a spark to send us off into a dangerous place, an act of violence from the left. But how do you reconcile this fear with an administration that is actively plundering and hurting its citizens?
Oct 27, 2017
As I was saying in another thread, something about this response is...off. It's counter to what I would expect, which would be either tacit approval, or silence. So, why in the hell are people running scared over the Sanders issue and Maxine's call to raise hell?

There has to be something brewing that is making people skittish about getting up into Republican faces. This is beyond worrying about keeping your seat or rocking the boat. There's more bad news out there, under the surface.
They don't want it to happen to them. They're comfortable not being held accountable.


Oct 25, 2017
As I was saying in another thread, something about this response is...off. It's counter to what I would expect, which would be either tacit approval, or silence. So, why in the hell are people running scared over the Sanders issue and Maxine's call to raise hell?

There has to be something brewing that is making people skittish about getting up into Republican faces. This is beyond worrying about keeping your seat or rocking the boat. There's more bad news out there, under the surface.
Literally I was watching fox news last night and people said Maxine Waters was calling for violence and domestic terrorism (not even exaggerating). Republicans have no integrity and have no sense of moderation. That's why so many dems are afraid to confront them. This is what fox news viewers are being told - that confronting government officials in public is domestic terrorism.


Nov 14, 2017
I for one am shocked that career politicians would not like to be publicly taken to task for their political decisions that affect everyday people's lives.

Here's a thought, if politicians don't want to represent the people, don't run for office.

I Don't Like

Dec 11, 2017
All three expose their ignorance: they make this about "disagreeing" with people. It's not about fucking disagreeing with people unless you think so poorly of civil and human rights issues; that they're just something you either agree with or don't.

Fuck off with your "sea to shining sea" catch-phrase.


Oct 27, 2017
Didn't Bernie Sanders engage in civil disobedience in his youth? It seems inappropriate to chide them now especially when the Republicans will show far less, err, nuance in their discussions on this.


Oct 27, 2017
Most Americans don't buy the family seperation policy, they should be going hard not playing both sides.


Oct 27, 2017
Posting this again. As many times as necessary:

MLK's letter from a Birmingham jail is also appropriate.

Also, folks should check out this episode of Citations Needed.

Citations Needed Episode 40: The Civility Fetish
They're not lies, they're "falsehoods"; it's not racism, it's "racially charged comments"; it's not torture, it's "enhanced interrogation." For years, U.S. media has prioritized, above all else, norms and civility.

Mean words or questioning motives are signs of declining civility and the subject of much lament from our media class. However, op-eds explicitly advocating war, invasion, sanctions, sabotage, bombing and occupation or cutting vital programs and lifelines for the poor are just the cost of doing business. What's rhetorically out of bounds - and what isn't - is far more a product of power than any objective sense of "civility" or "decency."

Where did these so-called norms come from, who do they benefit, and why is their maintenance–-even in the face of overt white nationalism––still the highest priority for many liberals and centrists in U.S. media?

We discuss this, and more, with The Huffington Post's Ashley Feinberg.



Oct 25, 2017
I just posted the WaPo article on the harassment the Red Hen is receiving as a result of Sarah Sanders naming them- https://www.resetera.com/threads/ou...-ire-on-social-media-come-to-life-wapo.51951/

A big part of the Schumer/Pelosi statements is a necessity of saying "don't imitate Trump & co" and distancing the Dem party from the Right Wing's insane behavior.

Bernie Sander's statement is directly about the Red Hen ownership, though. He's up for re-election, and it shows.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Didn't Bernie Sanders engage in civil disobedience in his youth? It seems inappropriate to chide them now especially when the Republicans will show far less, err, nuance in their discussions on this.

What you are seeing is the bullshit "outsider" disguise coming off the career politician.


Oct 25, 2017
Waters is getting more shit in the last 2 days from fellow congressmen in her own party than Trump has in the last 1.5 years in his.

And we know why. It's crazy that we have Trump as president and a black woman says what a lot of people are feeling and is completely demonized but her own party. So typical of Democrats. They are lucky the alternative are just evil or they would have even less support.

'3y Kingdom

Oct 27, 2017
I know but I needed to mention it.

I just find Sanders of all people condemning this to be especially hilarious, I didn't expect Pelosi or Chuck to, but I kinda thought Sanders would manage to not be an absolute embarrassment on an easy issue.

Yeah, it's disappointing how many Democrats of all stripes are handling this, and Bernie's response is especially bad.


Oct 25, 2017
She's not wrong. We should be pushing back and protesting government officials wherever we want. It's insane to me that it's even a question. Republicans are trying to make protesting against GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS seem unethical. It's fucking stupid. Of course she's right about it. If someone falls for the conservative narrative about never confronting cabinet members in public - they're an idiot. It's a ridiculous standard.

There is a difference between pushing back and protesting. refusing service in a private personal setting isnt what you call push back and protest.


Oct 25, 2017
I just posted the WaPo article on the harassment the Red Hen is receiving as a result of Sanders naming them- https://www.resetera.com/threads/ou...-ire-on-social-media-come-to-life-wapo.51951/

A big part of the Schumer/Pelosi statements is a necessity of saying "don't imitate Trump & co" and distancing the Dem party from the Right Wing's insane behavior.

Sander's statement is directly about the Red Hen ownership, though. He's up for re-election, and it shows.
I think you got the wrong sanders


Oct 28, 2017
Apparently 'Politely asking someone to leave' is the greatest offense possible.

I guess stores and restaurants should remove their 'We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone' signs

Greg NYC3

Oct 26, 2017
I don't actually have a problem with Pelosi's statement, it's the right tone to take to not give folks like SHS the martyr material they crave, but Bernie and Schumer can both go fuck themselves with their "it's just politics" bullshit. They're doing nothing but contributing to lowering the bar as to what is acceptable to debate and placing vulnerable groups in danger.


Nov 14, 2017
The amount of vitriol Bernie receives around here never ceases to amaze me. And people of age it seems. You would have me fooled thinking these 3 actually support SHS's ideology.

I think it's totally fine to hate their stance on this and I'm with you on the civility bs, but yalls hate is rooted in something deeper.


Bad Praxis
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah, it's disappointing how many Democrats of all stripes are handling this, and Bernie's response is especially bad.

The worst.

I debated on if to make this thread just about him, but thought that also highlighting how he's basically acting like the people he thinks are what's wrong with the Democratic party to be a worthwhile endeavor, but at the same time it's taken away from his words and how fucking ridiculous they are especially in light of how a lot of things played out in 2016


Oct 27, 2017
The amount of vitriol Bernie receives around here never ceases to amaze me. And people of age it seems. You would have me fooled thinking these 3 actually support SHS's ideology.

I think it's totally fine to hate their stance on this and I'm with you on the civility bs, but yalls hate is rooted in something deeper.

Our hate is rooted in the fact that we're beyond frustrated with how people have been treated like animals, and the people who are supposed to have our back instead offer empty platitudes for the sake of playing nice.
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
The worst.

I debated on if to make this thread just about him, but thought that also highlighting how he's basically acting like the people he thinks are what's wrong with the Democratic party to be a worthwhile endeavor, but at the same time it's taken away from his words and how fucking ridiculous they are especially in light of how a lot of things played out in 2016
He's up for re-election in the second most white, second most rural state in the country.

You can take the old man out of Vermont, but you can't take the half-century of learned political habits coming from representing the second most white, second most rural state out of the old man.


Oct 27, 2017
Considering a lot of the recent "incivility" is being carried out by DSA members, Sanders maybe ought to think about what democratic socialism actually means to him


Oct 27, 2017
I mean does Red Hen just needed to hang the sign that says they reserve the right to refuse service to anyone like a lot of businesses? I don't get wtf are they saying that restaurants have no right to refuse service. These responses are infuriating.


Oct 26, 2017
You work for the people destroying this country, you deserve some spit in your soup...

Just sayin.