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Dec 10, 2017
How I've felt about Bernie from the start.

This is starting to feel like a man who's had a taste and wants to keep saying whatever to remain relevant.


Oct 25, 2017
Just listened to the interview
Bernie isn't blaming the Clinton campaign nearly as hard as the politico headline makes it sound.
So basically folks are arguing over a pretty inflammatory interpretation of something Bernie has since walked back.
And yet we must relitigate 2016 until we're all dead.


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Feb 14, 2018
dems needs fresh blood

why are these losers still mentioned by the media

move on and up for 2020
Oct 27, 2017
Bandung Indonesia
And if they did that, you'd still shit all over them and say they should have gotten a third opinion.

If they did that then the breach might not happened in the first place, yeah?

I don't see why putting some blame on Clinton's team for not having strong enough security protocols/procedures to guard against something like phishing attacks is controversial. Why is it controversial, exactly? Their candidate is vying to become the leader of the entire world, for crying out loud.
Oct 25, 2017
The thread title is very misleading after having read the article. Makes me wonder if Russian trolls were behind the thread title lol.


Oct 25, 2017
He's not blaming Hillary for Russia's interference. The interviewer asked him why his team didnt notify the Clinton campaign or go public once they found out about it. Bernie told her that they didn't suspect or find out about anything until September, at which point he was working with her anyway, and is stubbornly suggesting "Why are you asking me? She was in charge at that point, ask her." Which is, you know, petty and curmudgeonly but not Bernie cooking up a conspiracy theory.

The problem is Bernie also thinks his campaign team directly informed hers, but according to the Clinton team that didn't happen. Bernie apparently got this idea from a news report about a peripheral campaign member, John Mattes, who did inform the Clinton team when he got suspicious but it was late in the campaign and Bernie didn't know about it at the time. Hence why Weaver said Bernie got this info from the news.

I'm just going to quote myself for the new page since I think the title is wrong and the Politico article is framing it incorrectly.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Did you listen to the interview?

I don't understand why the question is relevant since I didn't actually state my opinion on the discourse one way or another, but it's interesting that you appear to have inferred a conclusion on my part based on nothing.

In any case. There are people here that are discussing what he said fairly. Many of them, and people who already mentioned what you had. You seemed to be implying differently. Which is why I asked if you'd been reading the thread or not.

And in any case, to give you my personal viewpoint on the matter, I kind of loathe Bernie so I'm not going to listen to an interview. Reading one instead is just fine for me.


If you actually listened the NPR interview, interviewer kept repeating a loaded question on why Bernie didn't do anything if he knew? His answer was he was busy campaigning for Clinton.

Ask her, not him.

Interview goes on to talk about other things.

I think you people are creating drama because you're bored or something.


Oct 25, 2017
What are they allowed to be victims of?
The answer to that has no bearing on this discussion, and is not something I claim to know anyways. I am saying Presidents are responsible for the security of their confidential information. If their security is breached they failed at that part of their job.


Oct 27, 2017

Yup. I can't wait for the purity tests to come bite him in the ass if he tries running again, since the right wing hate machine didn't really set (much of) a target on him and instead used him against her. They were focusing on Hillary because they thought she'd win. Everyone else escaped their targets. But now that she's out of the picture, we'll see how clean he looks after being put through all the shit she was. If he decides to run, that is.

Maybe people will learn that politicians aren't perfect but some still try to do good.

are you just not reading the thread, or....

I don't understand why the question is relevant since I didn't actually state my opinion on the discourse one way or another, but it's interesting that you appear to have inferred a conclusion on my part based on nothing.

In any case. There are people here that are discussing what he said fairly. Many of them, and people who already mentioned what you had. You seemed to be implying differently. Which is why I asked if you'd been reading the thread or not.

And in any case, I kind of loathe Bernie so I'm not going to listen to an interview. Reading's just fine for me.

I inferred your opinions on those statements. I feel like if people have actually gone to the source they would have acquired a different reaction than the disparaging remarks against Sanders still currenting going.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I inferred your opinions on those statements. I feel like if people have actually gone to the source they would have acquired a different reaction than the disparaging remarks against Sanders still currenting going.

Except I did. And I still hold all of those viewpoints.

Nice try, but no. Believe it or not, it is possible to have an unfavourable view of Bernie based entirely on his own actions and words. It must be shocking to you.


Oct 25, 2017
Did anyone read the article? The author is creating a narrative and cherry picking quotes in an attempt to start shit. Don't give this guy the time of day.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 27, 2017
He's right. The Podesta e-mails were hacked because her staff fell for a blatant phishing attack that anyone with even the most basic common sense would have avoided.

And the defining issue of her entire campaign would have never been an issue if she hadn't been breaking the rules in the first place.

As for the DNC e-mails, there was plenty of legitimately damning stuff in there and the fact that it was obtained and leaked to the public illegally does not excuse the actual highly troublesome contents of the e-mails in any way.

LOL amazing.


Dec 10, 2017
Well he's a sitting senator and one of the most popular and well-liked politicians in the country, so he's relevant whether you like it or not.
You sound defensive of your man; but it's alright for others to have different opinions of him. I don't feel what you've said is accurate, but I'm trying to be nicer to Sanders supporters so I'll leave it at that.

An old man who feels the need to constantly say sensational things to keep the public's attention.

This guy gets it!


Oct 27, 2017
Why is he still talking about the 2016 election? Move on pls and focus people's time and energy on 2018.


Oct 25, 2017
The answer to that has no bearing on this discussion, and is not something I claim to know anyways. I am saying Presidents are responsible for the security of their confidential information. If their security is breached they failed at that part of their job.
I would assume almost, if not all, modern day Presidents have had confidential information hacked/leaked/etc.


Oct 25, 2017
He's right. The Podesta e-mails were hacked because her staff fell for a blatant phishing attack that anyone with even the most basic common sense would have avoided.

And the defining issue of her entire campaign would have never been an issue if she hadn't been breaking the rules in the first place.

As for the DNC e-mails, there was plenty of legitimately damning stuff in there and the fact that it was obtained and leaked to the public illegally does not excuse the actual highly troublesome contents of the e-mails in any way.

There was Jack shit in there.
Oct 25, 2017
I decided to actually listen to the interview and the line of questioning. Unfortunately the OP omits some important context from his statement and what he was actually responding to. Shame.


Oct 25, 2017
And yet again an other thread where nobody actually inform themselve,for exemple listening the full interview to notice on how context freaking matter, always!

Don't believe everything from the start, inform yourself, go further, please, whatever your opinions are!


Oct 25, 2017
It sure sounds like he is running again in 2020 with the way he dismisses the Russian stuff just like that. Godspeed us all.
Oct 25, 2017
Except I did. And I still hold all of those viewpoints.

Nice try, but no. Believe it or not, it is possible to have an unfavourable view of Bernie based entirely on his own actions and words. It must be shocking to you.
Why are you being so antagonistic? You're the one who challenged someone who simply pointed out that people were clearly responding to excerpts which lacked context and not the actual interview.


Oct 25, 2017
Bullshit. They contained significant evidence of highly unethical collusion and favoritism towards the HRC campaign from what is supposed to be a neutral and independent body.
Only in your fever dreams. People have combed through those e-mails a thousand times and have come up with jack shit that the DNC did that was illegal or showed one IOTA of rigging or sabotaging Bernie Sanders campaign.

Did members of the DNC favor Hliary over Bernie? NO FUCKING SHIT. Bernie wasn't even a goddamned Democrat. So what?

There was Jack shit in those E-mails.
Oct 27, 2017
He's not wrong. I hope we can go out with the old and in the with the new. I've liked everything I've read and seen from Tulsi Gabbard. She might seem flawed to the far left but I think she could win in 2020. She's the first Democrat I've been excited about since Obama's 1st term


Oct 25, 2017
The title of the article and the thread is off.
In an interview with Vermont Public Radio, Sanders was asked why he did not warn his supporters leading up to the 2016 presidential election that Russian bots were attempting to sow division between him and Clinton by attacking Clinton on pro-Sanders social media forums.

"I did not know Russian bots were promoting my campaign," Sanders said. "In the midst of all of this, I was out campaigning very hard for Hillary Clinton. So, let me leave it at that."

Sanders said a member of his team did speak with the Clinton campaign in September 2016 to warn them of "strange things happening" on social media, but suggested his opponent's campaign had more information about the nature of the attacks.
"If you and your campaign knew there was Russian meddling and it was trying to sow division, why not take that directly to your supporters?" radio host Jane Lindholm asked.

Sanders responded that the "real question to be asked" was why didn't the Clinton campaign do something.

"They had more information about this than we did. And at this point we were working with them," Sanders said. "We knew what we knew, when we knew it. And that's about all I can say."

Saying he blames her for the interference is really bad wording that does more harm to the reality of what he said. It was a very reflexive response to "Why didn't you do anything" and him stammering with "Why didn't the Hillary Campaign do anything if they knew more than us". Obviously not a great answer, but not accurately described by the title.


Oct 25, 2017
It's telling that Politico didn't even include the whole exchange. Had to find it at another news source.


Nov 7, 2017
"They were supporting my campaign? No. They were attacking Hillary Clinton's campaign and using my supporters against Hillary Clinton," Sanders said in the radio interview.

What about this part was wrong? Title confuses me. He's right. Russia full on interfered.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
Why are you being so antagonistic? You're the one who challenged someone who simply pointed out that people were clearly responding to excerpts which lacked context and not the actual interview.

Because accusing everyone in a thread with a specific opinion of not reading an article in an effort to invalidate their viewpoints is trite and antagonistic and nobody should have to put up with that shit. "If only you'd read..." -- I did. Many others here did too. Sure, some didn't. But Sanders supporters like to think that everyone who has an unfavourable opinion of the man is misinformed. I'm tired of that shit.
Oct 25, 2017
The title of the article and the thread is off.

Saying he blames her for the interference is really bad wording that does more harm to the reality of what he said. It was a very reflexive response to "Why didn't you do anything" and him stammering with "Why didn't the Hillary Campaign do anything if they knew more than us". Obviously not a great answer, but not accurately described by the title.
Not to mention that he was being grilled and became a bit defensive. He answered the question multiple times before pushing it onto Clinton.


Oct 25, 2017
As far as im concerned, Bernie staying in the race until after the last primary is what cost Hillary the race. Bernie just poisoned the well and turned liberals against her. He gave credibility to the Republican attacks and was partially responsible for almost 6% of Americans voting third party.

Not surprised to see him say this.


Oct 25, 2017
As far as im concerned, Bernie staying in the race until after the last primary is what cost Hillary the race. Bernie just poisoned the well and turned liberals against her. He gave credibility to the Republican attacks and was partially responsible for almost 6% of Americans voting third party.

Not surprised to see him say this.
What liberals turned on her?


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
As far as im concerned, Bernie staying in the race until after the last primary is what cost Hillary the race. Bernie just poisoned the well and turned liberals against her. He gave credibility to the Republican attacks and was partially responsible for almost 6% of Americans voting third party.

Not surprised to see him say this.

What I find it interesting is that he claimed no knowledge of efforts to poison his base against Clinton. Was he just not paying attention to discussion, like, anywhere? Like, sure. Okay. He didn't know about Russia specifically. But for someone who claims to be against souring his base against Clinton, he sure as hell had a blind eye towards it and did the barest minimum possible to condemn it. I think he was bitter.
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