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Oct 25, 2017
I don't think BCS will ever be as good as BB but I think find BCS to be one of the best shows I've ever seen. The fact that the show lives up to BB and can be argued that it surpases BB for some people, is something that will never not be amazing to me. BCS will be the golden standard for how to do prequels for forever.


Oct 29, 2017
i've been missing the past 4 episodes as i'm travelling. So how's the season so far? Is the plot actually progressing now? The last episode i've watched, the plot progressing slower than an elderly snail.

The plot progression is slow compared to BB but the character development is superior. I care about every relationship in BCS, and I'm invested in the characters.
In BB, only cared about Walter, Jesse and Hank. All the other characters didn't develop well and became a waste of screen time in comparison to the plot progression.


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Oct 25, 2017
So, did he say "Saul Goodman" or "It's all good, man" at the end, I think it was Saul Goodman. As in the name he is going to use.

I saw this gif on the sub reddit and it's obviously title It's all good, man, but I don't believe these are the proper titles, and this storyboard for the final scene has it as Saul Goodman.


What a fantastic ending scene. Reminds me of Godfather's ending.


Kim has been the show stealer this season. Absolutely nailing every scene she has been in.

has this show surpassed Breaking Bad

simple yes or no?

I feel like its consistency is better than Breaking Bad. BB (to me) had a lot of dull and boring parts. This is almost all riveting to watch. Very little filler and all characters are fun to watch.

But it never hits the highs of BB either. There were times where BB was absolutely jaw dropping. This never gets there.
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Nov 3, 2017
Also did anyone catch Jimmy going right through Kim when the lady came out with good news? She had to get out of his way to avoid being run over. Devastating. Jimmy doesn't seem to need her anymore.

I don't know about that, the main reason he wants to be a lawyer is to get that office with her and basically be with her.


Dec 22, 2017
I think Jimmy still cares heavily about Kim. There's basically two things that need to change still for Jimmy to go full Saul. He needs to become a womanizer and he needs to be okay with advocating for murder. Kim's currently the roadblock to those two things.

I guess he also has to get somewhat wealthy, but we already know that probably happens between now and Breaking Bad once he gets his Sandpiper money.


Teyvat Traveler
Oct 27, 2017
One thing that has reached a breaking point in this finale was Jimmy's faith in the system. Until now he'd often try to play by the rules, but he's going to game everything from here on out, be it corporations or people's feelings.

I don't like to go for the "this is the moment where the character became Heisenberg/Saul" simplification, but his speech to Christy (and to himself) about people never seeing you past your mistakes followed by the breakdown in the car was a pivotal point. He's being fueled by frustration.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
That was arguably the weakest season yet. I didn't complain about the slow moving plot before but holy shit the dynamic between Jimmy and Kim at the end of the finale was the exact same as the end of the first episode of the season.

The secret village with imported German engineers was dumb as fuck and not worth having Mike spend an entire season on, especially when you've got him disrupting the Salamancas in S2 and almost sniping Hector and Five-0 in Season 1.

It's still good but damn Vince is really gonna try and stretch this baby out. At the end of SEASON 1, Jimmy rejected the Davis and Mayne job and started humming Smoke on the Water, it feels like the show is just treading water at this point. Also we finally got one scene post Ozymandias and pre-Felina... and it was just that one scene. The stinger at the Season 3 opening was just a false alarm as well.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Oh also Kim knows more than anyone else why Jimmy would have no love for Chuck, she even yelled at him for never giving Jimmy a chance and always looking down on him.

earlier in the SAME episode she was helping jimmy to feign respect for chuck by supporting him when he was crying over his grave

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Maybe this season has been missing Vince's touch?

It's been Peter Gould running things now with Season 4.
idk, I also completely disagree with the claims that Season 1 was the worst season. No season with five-o and "You're not a real lawyer" is the worst season.

Also "I just negotiated you down from a death sentence to 6 months probation, I'm the best goddamned lawyer ever"

Also also, funny that people think Nacho is gonna be Jimmy's link to the cartel's criminal underworld. He already was.... back in Season 1. Years ago.
Oct 26, 2017
Started watching the latest season finally...

Help me refresh my memory a little. Jimmy is now looking for a new job because he can't practice law anymore, correct? Because of what he did to. Chuck.

And Nacho, why did he want to kill Hector again? Initially I thought he and Gus were working together on ending Hector but that's clearly not the case. I kinda forgot why Nacho is doing this. I remember he switched the pills and now Hector is in a coma because of that.

Deleted member 31817

Nov 7, 2017
Started watching the latest season finally...

Help me refresh my memory a little. Jimmy is now looking for a new job because he can't practice law anymore, correct? Because of what he did to. Chuck.

And Nacho, why did he want to kill Hector again? Initially I thought he and Gus were working together on ending Hector but that's clearly not the case. I kinda forgot why Nacho is doing this. I remember he switched the pills and now Hector is in a coma because of that.
Nacho wants Hector dead bc he's a cruel son of a bitch that wanted to use Nacho's dad's car place as a facility for the drug trade. Nacho's dad would either refuse and be killed brutally or accept and be breaking the law and feeling ashamed.
Oct 26, 2017
Nacho wants Hector dead bc he's a cruel son of a bitch that wanted to use Nacho's dad's car place as a facility for the drug trade. Nacho's dad would either refuse and be killed brutally or accept and be breaking the law and feeling ashamed.

That was it, don't know how I forgot that. Thanks!

Damn, that scene where Kim goes at Howard in episode 2,that was powerful.


Oct 25, 2017
Argh every time this thread gets bumped I keep hoping it's news that Season 5 is announced.
Oct 26, 2017
That was arguably the weakest season yet. I didn't complain about the slow moving plot before but holy shit the dynamic between Jimmy and Kim at the end of the finale was the exact same as the end of the first episode of the season.

I don't think it ends the same way it begun at all. At the start of S4, we see Jimmy was in somewhat of a depressive state considering his last meeting with Chuck was about how Chuck never cared about him (though it's mainly Chuck lying to himself), and that there is a finality to that relationship that puts into motion the transformation of Jimmy McGill into Saul Goodman. What causes that is Jimmy's acceptance that if Chuck never cared about him, then there's no reason why he should start caring about him at all. Part of that is Hamlin admitting that he felt guilty, which makes Jimmy feel like he's absolved of any indirect responsibility in Chuck's death. Moreover, that lackadaisical feeling towards Chuck is what prompts Kim to consider trying to get him to feel something, aka, giving him the letter. Even despite all of that, we still see a Jimmy that is conflicted internally: he berates the copy guys for hiring him based on a desperate con job by Jimmy. The Jimmy at the end of S4 would have taken that job regardless of the method used to get it, but the Jimmy at the beginning of S4 is conflicted in regards to wanting to flip the middle finger at Chuck and make something of himself legitimately (at least until he gets his license back) vs. wanting to be his true self.

So when we get into the end of S4, we see a Jimmy who's left with zero options except for a bar hearing as far as returning as a lawyer is concerned. Which forces him to accept his reputation as "Slippin' Jimmy" (a callback to Chuck saying people never change). As a result, we see that Jimmy has doubled down on not giving a shit, going as far as to fake his own feelings about Chuck as a way to create an opportunity to get back into being a lawyer. Kim mistakes that speech at the bar hearing as Jimmy's genuine feelings, which is the first time she realizes the full extent of Jimmy's con-man abilities. If anything, the relationship dynamic has changed forever. Kim has felt emotionally betrayed by Jimmy for the first time in the series, and Jimmy adopting the Saul Goodman moniker as his identity despite the bs he said about living up to the McGill name shows her what Jimmy's intentions are.
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Oct 25, 2017
AMC really is the worst.

No kidding.

Breaking Bad season 5 was perfect television, in 16 episodes it chronicled the rise and fall of Heisenberg. If there ever was a 10/10 season, it was this, and the craziest thing is despite being so good... its easy to see how it could have been even better if each part was a full season of 13 episodes as opposed to 8.

I think having two more 10-season episodes is the way to go, one to wrap up the prequel timeline and one to wrap up Saul's story through a combination of BB-timeline (Nacho and Lalo are referenced in S2 so there has to be something to go on there) and one to conclude Saul's post-BB story.
Oct 26, 2017
Goddamn this, only two more episodes to go for the latest season. Episode 8 was fantastic with the whole Huell thing, loved it! It also once again shows that Kim is absolutely not against not always playing things by the book. Just like Jimmy she can be a little "rascal" and I love that.

That being said, so far I don't find the season as good as the others. Yes it has some great scenes here and there but nothing quite like previous season with Nacho trying to sneak in the pills in the coat of Salamanca or the scenes with Kim and Jimmy conning another guy in a restaurant. Don't know why but I absolutely blazed through these episodes. Kinda wish there were more.


Oct 28, 2017
The scene with Mike and the German (Cant remember his name) was the most powerful of the entire series as far as I'm concerned . And a milestone moment for Mike.


Oct 26, 2017
Goddamn this, only two more episodes to go for the latest season. Episode 8 was fantastic with the whole Huell thing, loved it! It also once again shows that Kim is absolutely not against not always playing things by the book. Just like Jimmy she can be a little "rascal" and I love that.

That being said, so far I don't find the season as good as the others. Yes it has some great scenes here and there but nothing quite like previous season with Nacho trying to sneak in the pills in the coat of Salamanca or the scenes with Kim and Jimmy conning another guy in a restaurant. Don't know why but I absolutely blazed through these episodes. Kinda wish there were more.

agree with what you say re: werner above. i could listen to that guy talk all damn day.


Oct 25, 2017
Phoenix, AZ
That was arguably the weakest season yet. I didn't complain about the slow moving plot before but holy shit the dynamic between Jimmy and Kim at the end of the finale was the exact same as the end of the first episode of the season.

The secret village with imported German engineers was dumb as fuck and not worth having Mike spend an entire season on, especially when you've got him disrupting the Salamancas in S2 and almost sniping Hector and Five-0 in Season 1.

It's still good but damn Vince is really gonna try and stretch this baby out. At the end of SEASON 1, Jimmy rejected the Davis and Mayne job and started humming Smoke on the Water, it feels like the show is just treading water at this point. Also we finally got one scene post Ozymandias and pre-Felina... and it was just that one scene. The stinger at the Season 3 opening was just a false alarm as well.

this season really did feel kinda like a filler season tbh

but now that they've reached jimmy -> Saul Goodman the show should hopefully be completely different going forward, and much faster.


Oct 25, 2017
Say what you want, there is no way BCS Season 4 matches up to Season 4 of BB.

But that's because it was a setup for seemingly an excellent upcoming Season 5.
Oct 26, 2017
Episode Wiedersehen ..

What was up with Werner when he was down in that area with the charges? Clearly wasn't feeling well for a second there and later Mike noticed the hand too.


Oct 27, 2017
Episode Wiedersehen ..

What was up with Werner when he was down in that area with the charges? Clearly wasn't feeling well for a second there and later Mike noticed the hand too.
There is no health explanation given to us... he just is having a panic attack because he misses his Wife, and home THAT MUCH
He is not like the people he works with, he is incredibly naïve, easy going, trusting fellow who has a strong sense of FAmily


Oct 25, 2017
Oct 26, 2017
There is no health explanation given to us... he just is having a panic attack because he misses his Wife, and home THAT MUCH
He is not like the people he works with, he is incredibly naïve, easy going, trusting fellow who has a strong sense of FAmily

He needs the wife, man.

Beyond the flip-flopping of Skylar, I enjoyed S5 about as much as S4..

Yeah I just saw the last episode.
It had to happen
, but if it had been up to Mike.... that makes Mike such a great guy.

Not sure if I need tags here, but just to be sure.

The last scenes where Jimmy talks about his brother. I seriously thought he was being genuine there, Kim clearly too. Man the shock on her face when Jimmy called them suckers and revealed it was all one big act.

He's such a great dude but can also be a big asshole at the same time. A complex guy for sure, that is what makes him awesome. So it now seems we are gonna get Saul Goodman in the next season. Wonder if we're gonna see him go into that well known little office from BB or if he has a different place at first.

More importantly, will we start to see a change in his behavior and personality towards Kim? We all know it won't last. Should be interesting to see him turn into the sleazeball lawyer he is in BB, because while he is slowly turning into that, very slowly, he's really not that guy from BB yet. He's still likeable now.

Good season but also slightly felt fillerish, still enjoyed it a lot because I just love this whole universe Vince has created. I could watch shows like BB and BCS so many times and not tire of it. Next season could have a lot of interesting stuff. Just a goddamn shame it will be slightly less than a year, Jesus.
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