
Oct 28, 2017
So, Eurogamer changed their logo on Facebook. Now it's coloured like a Pride flag.

4 out of 7 Top comments:

And this is the moment in which i fly away from this page.

Why not just stay neutral and focus on games?

Change the name to "eurogaymer" too :| goodbye!

It's strange how the lgbt community keeps on reminding us how different they are posting rainbows everywhere. Why do we have to fall in the trap? If you really want to be considered normal, as I think you all are, then please stop to underline the differences or you just remark you want to be considered differently!

It's mind-blowing to me how so many people do not realize that such gestures may be something amazing for members of LGBTQ community. They have enough problems and often much hate towards them irl, so I bet seeing such symbol may be a little uptlifting, right? It's just that. Just being... nice.

If such gestures are triggering you, you have zero empathy and you are plain stupid - because that's the only explanation why you don't understand the point.
Oct 27, 2017
No shit. They're racist too, the sooner you realize the world has a hate problem the sooner we can really try to tackle this shit instead of letting it slide.


Jan 14, 2018
Yeah it sucks, as a gay boy growing up on Minecraft servers and COD and hearing all the homophobic slander sucked a lot and still does, but I don't think it's a gaming community exclusive problem, there are homophobes in the card playing community, sports community, music industry, and much more you'll find them everywhere


The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
Any page I've seen add the rainbow gets these kind of comments on Facebook.
Well, yes, the gaming community is full of shitstains. This is not a new development.
Unfortunately its not limited to gaming. The page for the football team I support had the same kind of comments when they added the rainbow to their profile picture.


Oct 28, 2017
Also it's Pride Weekend in Brighton where Eurogamer is located and a few of the staff are probably there having fun.

But one thing you failed to mention I love about this is EG's replies to these with GIFs. They don't mind people unsubscribing because of this and that's great. Good riddance.

Here's the link if you want to enjoy the show. I did. https://www.facebook.com/42657691753/posts/10157400937226754/


user requested ban
Oct 28, 2017
Gotta love it when people staring claiming that sites should be neutral.

The thing is, equality shouldn't be a partisan issue.

And clearly, the LGBTQ community needs all the support it can muster in our current climate.


Oct 25, 2017
I have seen this on every comment section of companies that did that. The only one where I didn't see any negative comments were on Media Molecule.

It really sucks that there are so many homophobic people on this planet.
Oct 27, 2017
My personal theory is that gaming attracts a high proportion of young and/or immature males and that's why we always see a lot of this intolerant, racist or misogynistic bullshit.


Oct 27, 2017
Yeah there is a lot of hatred in the gaming community. Its fucking sad. The worst thing is to make new friends online, then have them pop off with racist and hateful shit. It's so pervasive in gaming
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panama chief

"This guy are sick"
Oct 27, 2017
No shit. They're racist too, the sooner you realize the world has a hate problem the sooner we can really try to tackle this shit instead of letting it slide.

Correct!! I've become a fan of the internet witch hunt when people show their true colors. Want to be racist/homophobic behind your gamertag(or in any way where you think it's ok to be a monster because of anonymity)? Then let's show the world who you really are.


Oct 26, 2017
Gaming enthusiasts are generally sexist, anti-LGBTQ and racist.

There's a lot of good people. But also plenty of shit .
The fourth quote is a flawless example of people who would claim they are liberal and "open minded" framing merely existing while being LGBT as a controversial political opinion that shouldn't be expressed openly in polite company.

It's the homophobic version of "I don't see race" and "talking about race makes you the real racist".


Nov 2, 2017
I wouldn't even say some people are anti per se. They will act shocked and say they are not homophobic or they are pro equal rights and they don't see people as gay or straight, just people, man. They are just completely insulated from LGBTQ people's reality and think that because it's not illegal in most countries and many prominent western countries have equal marriage that it's not a big deal anymore. They don't have any daily exposure to people's real experiences and don't know what the fuss is about. It's blinkered privilege, pure and simple, and wilful ignorance at that if they refuse to see and acknowledge their straight privilege to not have to think about sexuality because they have the "default" one.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I live in a giant bucket.
The "why don't you just focus on games???" argument is so transparent it's not even funny.

Also it's Pride Weekend in Brighton where Eurogamer is located and a few of the staff are probably there having fun.

But one thing you failed to mention I love about this is EG's replies to these with GIFs. They don't mind people unsubscribing because of this and that's great. Good riddance.

Here's the link if you want to enjoy the show. I did. https://www.facebook.com/42657691753/posts/10157400937226754/

This rules.


Nov 16, 2017
I hâte this kind of attitude we see everywhere.
Who cares if you're gay, black, ginger,fat, woman, religious etc...
Can't we just have fun?

I'm going back to the perfect world in my mind now...
Have a nice day!


Oct 25, 2017
My personal theory is that gaming attracts a high proportion of young and/or immature males and that's why we always see a lot of this intolerant, racist or misogynistic bullshit.
It's not shocking. I mean the whole "I fucked your mom" meme is a thing for a reason. It's those kids that grew up from the og xbox/360 xbox live era that became alt right fucks.


Oct 28, 2017
It's a Facebook problem too. Facebook's algorithms promote these caustic comments for whatever reason.


Oct 31, 2017
It's strange how the lgbt community keeps on reminding us how different they are posting rainbows everywhere. Why do we have to fall in the trap? If you really want to be considered normal, as I think you all are, then please stop to underline the differences or you just remark you want to be considered differently!
Maybe straight people should stop conversion therapy and killing gay people first.


Oct 28, 2017
It's so fun to see the "Why do gay people have to remind us that they're gay???" arguement when you consider how much of the public and mainstream spectrum is so heavily focused on straight relationships only. Jeez straight people, shoving your sexuality down our throats much?


Oct 30, 2017
Seeing all this regarding gamers recently has certainly been a shock. But going by here and elsewhere, there are also just as many who are for LGBT+ rights.

There is a lot that these haters need to catch up with, but it will happen.

I'm speaking here as a gay man writing this
Oct 26, 2017
This says nothing about "gamers" just people. Facebook is full of hate speech. Look at the people making these comments all over the place and tell me being a gamer is the important factor.

On that post for example "Well, definitely don't like this. Why pander to the howling minority? You think its progressive? Is that why so many other companies have to? Disgusting. Not following here or Youtube anymore." - Former Preacher at Romney Church of Christ. But you think playing video games is what influences his attitudes the most?

If you really think this is about gamers being hateful, you are ignoring the world at large. They would post this hate all over facebook, because its acceptable within their social circles.


“Fuck them kids.”
Oct 28, 2017
Disgusting. I don't understand this mindset. To me, it's like they're thinking: "People are gay. This effects me in every possible way!"

Like, seriously?


Oct 27, 2017
Chief's Kingdom
Yeah it sucks, as a gay boy growing up on Minecraft servers and COD and hearing all the homophobic slander sucked a lot and still does, but I don't think it's a gaming community exclusive problem, there are homophobes in the card playing community, sports community, music industry, and much more you'll find them everywhere
You are absolutely correct. Now, I don't have a dog in this fight (although as a black man I can kind of relate), but I hate when blanket labels are applied to groups of people. Not all gamers homophobes, racists, misogynists, etc, etc. It's just that those that are like to trumpet it from the highest mountaintop, so their voice seems the loudest.

X1 Two

Oct 26, 2017
Shocking news, the gaming community is filled with the worst fucking people.
The gaming community is everyone. IDK why anyone expects them to be different or better than the overall population they come from. Gamers are rapists, pedophiles, murderers. They are also teachers, judges and mothers. Being a gamer is not some sort of quality indicator.


Don't F5!
Oct 25, 2017
Hamburg, Germany
I mean, go and comment positivity and thanks. Show them not all "gamers" are horrible dickheads. I'm sure someone in their social team would be very happy about it.