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Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017
If anything it makes Corbyn look a bit better as he can project an image of taking charge rather than letting people do whatever they want. Well, assuming he doesn't somehow fuck the whole thing up and just end up making it worse, which is hardly beyond the realms of possibility.


Oct 25, 2017
Dumb time to do it. I wouldn't bother going after him at all personally though.. His sniping isn't helpful but he's largely a spent political force imo.

Just let him snipe and ignore him. The battle you'd need to go through to remove him just isn't worth it, especially right now.


Oct 25, 2017
McCluskey is the boss.

I've lost count the amount of own goals scored by Labour since 2016.

Corbyn's polling numbers, labour's dreadful europe election and council results has nothing to do with Tom Watson.

For as long as I can remember one of the laws of UK politics is the winning party has to be or look united, if you have splits on big issues, if own people infer the leadership is cool with bigotry, isn't in control etc then how do you convince people to vote for you.

It isn't all Tom Watson and the PLP that is to blame, its just not helping, neither is the judgement of the people around Corbyn.


Oct 27, 2017
Ah, that was a debunked number. The site who opted to use that number, actually used the number of times he was mentioned in the media as the basis for the claim. Labours own numbers have him at;

10 EU Rallies
A bus launch
A Sky News debate, Andrew Marr twice, Peston once
6 statements in HoC, and 10 PMQs
Two Op-Eds (Observer, The Mirror)

That said, I don't think any other MP has been scrutinised so much for the amount of Remain support they gave, which is all honesty, pretty fair given his previous stance on the EU, and him being the LotO at the time. I would like numbers for other prolific remain MPs but I don't think it's likely to obtain them, precisely due to the lack of scrutiny on their position.

I hate to say it but I don't think facts are important anymore.

Deleted member 13077

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Oct 27, 2017
For as long as I can remember one of the laws of UK politics is the winning party has to be or look united, if you have splits on big issues, if own people infer the leadership is cool with bigotry, isn't in control etc then how do you convince people to vote for you.

Tory's have managed to get votes in spite of this for years though...


Oct 25, 2017
Oh god I'm so sorry, when did you get the news?
Well considering we have the most shambolic government in history and yet Labour are in danger of slipping into third and have done in a poll already and almost in another, how can anyone see them winning an election when they have the worst rated leader in living memory and his cult in charge. I was a lifelong labour voter, voted every election from 1992 until 2010 for them, helped my local mp campaign in several elections. Now I cannot justify voting for a party who was in involved in fake promises and lies during the Scottish Independence referendum, which I stupidly bought into.


Nov 6, 2017
And regardless of what happens, his move to the LD'S is pretty much guaranteed... This just speeds this process along


Oct 25, 2017
Tory's have managed to get votes in spite of this for years though...

Oh i know, the Major years excepted they have got away with it because of who was being difficult and friendly media control.

I don't think it's fair and you end up with stale politics because debate gets portrayed as arguments etc, still, Labour need to get a grip for a few weeks instead of boosting the libdem poll numbers.


Nov 6, 2017
Every single time Watson opens his mouth the media and opposition parties jump up and down in glee shouting "Labour is split" "labours position isn't clear" etc etc.

This gets rid of all this


Nov 1, 2017
Pull the plaster.
The PR fallout from keeping him on and having to deal with his constant sniping would be far worse

If they had done this in 2017 it would be another story, what part of a GE is coming don't people understand. The one focus should be getting rid of the Tories not causing a party civil war.

Deleted member 862

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Oct 25, 2017
The good reason for keeping him right now is the PR shitstorm that it will and is causing if it goes through, this is especially bad so close to a GE.
If Corbyn steps in to calm things down is Tom Watson going to wind his neck in and actually do his job though? I just don't know. Maybe the damage is already done.

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
If they had done this in 2017 it would be another story, what part of a GE is coming don't people understand. The one focus should be getting rid of the Tories not causing a party civil war.
true which is why Tom Watson shouldn't be making up his own policies and having press conferences the day after the leadership decide on something. That's not a united front.

How many times is the guy allowed to undermine the party before people have had enough? Watson said it was a "drive-by-shooting" this morning but clearly this didn't just come out of the blue.

edit: The guy literally set up a party within a party to try and seize some control over the process, he's tried to take over the complaints procedure (which is massively out of his reach), he recommends we don't have an election, he's making up his own policies (often times that go directly against the party and are then used to trash it), he's off having press conferences with other parties that directly contradict his own AND let's be honest if he looked up and said he was joining the Lib Dems would anyone be surprised?

This is no way for the deputy leader to act.
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Gabe’s little helper
Oct 25, 2017
Hull, UK
What Labour should be discussing is a plan for Government and bringing the country together. They need it given the weak polling figures and Corbyn's personal ratings in the country.

Instead they're spending the start of the conference on petty factional fights that will shatter the party. Damn good stuff.



Nov 6, 2017
Oh no, Blair is going to attack Corbyn again, that'll be something new....

If Blair, Brown etc want any influence with Corbyn they need to, occasionally, support him


Oct 25, 2017
Should have done it a year ago or the day after the next election, now the media can run any made up bollocks until its resolved and make everyone look bad whatever happens.

Car crash politics.

Has Watson really not attended any NEC meeting for 6 months? That can't be right.


Oct 27, 2017
Whatever the reasoning, it'll get spun as Labour's Marxist cabal erasing centrist views from the party.

It'll really help the poor and needy for Labour to be infighting and slipping further from power.


God and Anime
Oct 25, 2017
I suspect a number of them view this time as 'breathing room' in which they can focus on things other than Brexit, and then try to get the weight of the party behind such, rather than room in which to actually figure out how they get back into power to prevent No Deal, and otherwise, a Tory majority


Oct 30, 2017
I'm not gonna argue with anything else cus I don't know what the fuck I'm talking about, but I just wanna point out that the left wing government thing isn't necessarily true, not directly at least. Many left wing policies are very popular with the general population. In fact, some research (by BMG) I've seen actually puts 55% of the population at left wing economic views. It's just that some with those views vote for right wing parties for other reasons.

The policies are fine it's the party that's the problem. The mainstream don't want to vote for a party overrun by a hard left that is self obsessed with purity tests and infighting with a damp squib of a leader.

To win elections, political parties have to be united and welcoming open churches. If Tom Watson isn't pure enough to be part of the Labour party then what message does that send to the average voter in a Tory/Labour marginal who may just want better schools and an NHS but isn't part of the socialist struggle.

How does this action on the eve of an election possibly make the party more appealing to precisely the sort of voters that Labour need to prevent a catastrophic Tory majority and No Deal Brexit?


Oct 25, 2017
It's pretty bad for the remain wing of the party to be wasting ammunition on looking like they are using brexit to undermine Corbyn yet again.

I hope the Brown's and Blairs are pushing equally hard on Watson to not overplay his hand because this is time that should be spent ironing out the second referendum policy etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Chesire, UK
The hard left of the Labour party have no concept of optics. This whole thing shouldn't be happening in the first place, the quicker Corbyn comes out and says something the better.

The hard right of the party went after a cancer patient. A cancer patient who still does her job, unlike a certain deputy leader.

Fuck your optics. You think the left playing nicely nicely will change how the Mail, Telegraph, BBC, etc. treat them? Come off it.
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Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The policies are fine it's the party that's the problem. The mainstream don't want to vote for a party overrun by a hard left that is self obsessed with purity tests and infighting with a damp squib of a leader.

To win elections, political parties have to be united and welcoming open churches. If Tom Watson isn't pure enough to be part of the Labour party then what message does that send to the average voter in a Tory/Labour marginal who may just want better schools and an NHS but isn't part of the socialist struggle.

How does this action on the eve of an election possibly make the party more appealing to precisely the sort of voters that Labour need to prevent a catastrophic Tory majority and No Deal Brexit?
This is so disingenuous because Tom Watson isn't the bastion of moderate centre politics in the Labour party. As someone else said on the last page if someone like Kier Starmer was put forward as deputy leader he'd win easily even though he's been at odds with Corbyn over brexit for years and supported the other candidates in both leadership elections. But he also isn't a massive fucking prick about everything and doesn't use his platform to constantly trash the party and undermine the leadership. Tom Watson is just shit at his job and is only there because the rules are outdated and the members have no other way to voice their disapproval. This is the nuclear option.

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
anyway, Corbyn stepped in.

I can't imagine this genie is going back in the bottle though unless Tom Watson backs off for a bit.


Oct 30, 2017
This is so disingenuous because Tom Watson isn't the bastion of moderate centre politics in the Labour party. As someone else said on the last page if someone like Kier Starmer was put forward as deputy leader he'd win easily even though he's been at odds with Corbyn over brexit for years and supported the other candidates in both leadership elections. But he also isn't a massive fucking prick about everything and doesn't use his platform to constantly trash the party and undermine the leadership. Tom Watson is just shit at his job and is only there because the rules are outdated and the members have no other way to voice their disapproval. This is the nuclear option.

I'm not defending Tom Watson but how exactly is using the nuclear option 2 months before a general election going to help anything?

Why is this the most important priority right now? Why would you possibly want all of the reporting coming out of the party conference on the eve of an election to be about party infighting? Why would you not want it to be about policy and a show of unity? How exactly is this move going to temper the centre of the party? How exactly is this going to give the impression the party are fighting on a united front ahead of an election?


Nov 1, 2017
The hard right of the party went after a cancer patient. A cancer patient who still does her job, unlike a certain deputy leader.

Fuck your optics. You think the left playing nicely nicely will change how the Mail, Telegraph, BBC, etc. treat them? come off it.

We should play nicely with those in our party, if we do want to get rid of someone, we should do it in a way that causes the least damage.

The fact is that Corbyn isn't that popular, some people really dislike him but they will still vote for him holding their nose to get rid of the Tories and to remain in the EU. All this does is push those people away and makes the LibDems stronger.
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