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Wrong About Chicken
Oct 26, 2017

He right about the papers



Oct 25, 2017
Looking forward to the impassioned centrist defense of private schools.

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Oct 25, 2017
Coming back to a point someone made earlier.

A bunch of us are fighting for Labour to move towards supporting freedom of movement. We got a motion to conference and managed to get it onto the schedule, it will be debated and voted on tomorrow.


Apr 21, 2018
not surprised by the brexit notion but it's politically bonkers. i personally support staying neutral to try and give a referendum some integrity, but it's an insane position to attempt to sell given current polling with remainers and having a post-election conference to decide is just ridiculous and is so easy to attack as a stitch up to voters already angry at labour playing political games over brexit

attacking the media and private schools are probably popular policies but we need to get real on brexit or the election is going to be a disaster


Oct 25, 2017
It feels like Corbyn is playing this badly enough to face a real leadership challenge in the near future, its hard to gauge from reports but members seem really fed up with him and the unions.


Apr 21, 2018
It feels like Corbyn is playing this badly enough to face a real leadership challenge in the near future, its hard to gauge from reports but members seem really fed up with him and the unions.

there's always been some tension over corbyn amongst his internal support base that public displays of partisanship in backing the project publicly at all costs have occluded, but it definitely feels like the levee has broken this weekend from my observations

corbyn protecting watson was the trigger moment but i think the failure of the new PLP re-selection policy to have any real effect and the reality of current polling have made people realise that corbynism is basically dead. even if corbyn does become prime minister it will be as part of a minority government where the lib dems or the conservative parts of the PLP block most everything radical, and the transformation of the party long term clearly hasn't succeeded given that even the despised watson can't be deposed.

problem for corbynism is that there's no clear successor. they never prepared properly for corbynism without corbyn. thornberry will win imo and tack right.


Nov 1, 2017
problem for corbynism is that there's no clear successor. they never prepared properly for corbynism without corbyn. thornberry will win imo and tack right.

Can't wait for someone like Emily Thornberry or Keir Starmer to take over. Only hope the shift to the right isn't too drastic when it happens.


Community Resettler
Oct 25, 2017
It'll probably be someone like Clive Lewis or Emily Thornberry, can't see the more centrist side winning for a while now

Deleted member 862

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Oct 25, 2017
Labour is a bottom-up orginization and this is the biggest change that's happened in the past few years. You've seen recently that they could've easily ousted Tom Watson if Corbyn hadnt stepped in, what do you think is going to happen when someone like Corbyn isn't there? Anyone who thinks that getting rid of Corbyn is going to cause a drastic change and go back to some mythical centre ground politics are in for a big disappointment.

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
who wants more centre ground policy anyway

how can you claim to be in any way progressive and think shifting policy back rightwards (when policy isn't THAT far-left anyway) is something to be excited about

Deleted member 8579

Oct 26, 2017
Why can't they just have similar polices but a better leader, team. Just because Corbin goes doesn't mean they shift massively right.

That aside how did Blair work with this bottom up organisation or was it not a thing back then and how did he quiet that bell end McClusky?


Oct 25, 2017
Kier Starmer or David Lammy?

Neither of those are particularly left wing. The problem with having a left-wing successor is the nominations have to made by the PLP which is significantly to the right of the membership. Corbyn only just scraped enough nominations because Margret Beckett felt sorry for him at the last moment, thinking there was no way he could win.


Apr 21, 2018
Why can't they just have similar polices but a better leader, team. Just because Corbin goes doesn't mean they shift massively right.

That aside how did Blair work with this bottom up organisation or was it not a thing back then and how did he quiet that bell end McClusky?

mcclusky's politics are unusual and also opposed by GMB and unison, labour's rightward shift in the 80s and 90s primarily took place under kinnock and smith (blair's changes from 1994 were mostly cosmetic) and were the result of the st ermine's group of right wing union leaders who consolidated power away from the membership and in the NEC which they controlled.

i personally don't agree that labour is a bottom up organisation, the unions and the PLP are very powerful.


Oct 25, 2017
I will take Thornberry, she wouldn't shift the party that much and she has a brain. Plus the party in Westminster will work with her and end the weird farce of a stand off.


Oct 25, 2017
The plp will throw everything at trying to stop a leftist getting nominated and without one figure for the left to rally around they will take control of the party again.


Oct 27, 2017
it might sound a bit weird and off topic, i apologize, but, from a french pov, it's amazing to see both the classic right and the classic left in the uk self destruct in exactly the same way as they did in france, with a 7-8 years delay.
The classic right by catering to the right wing crazies, splitting itself, while his still respectable members and most of its electorate slowly went away because they ain't that crazy.
The classic left by sabotaging itself from the inside shouting that they are not left enough, socialist enough, condemning itself to irrelevance pursuing unicorns & utopias while it was obvious that only a assumed centre left position would get them into power because that is where the voters are.
The right is pushing not crazy people to the left, the left is pushing not crazy people to the right.
The difference being that In France, a wild macron appeared, who miraculously popped right at the right time to grab both side exiled people looking for a moderate way to end the madness, in the uk, you got nothing, because the lib dems are rotten and people, rightfully so, do not believe them to be capable of governing.

me think the crazy changing surveys are a symptom of this massive chunk of voters that simply have no idea where to go and are constantly flip flopping.
I thought Les Républicains were due to take power last time out, but Fillon got found out as a corrupt greedy shit?


Oct 28, 2017
Party conferences are meant to resolve internal disputes. That's the whole point.

You go to conference, argue the toss, come to an agreed position, then take that to the country.

Complaining about "internal fighting with opposing factions" during conference is either hopelessly ignorant or totally disingenuous.
You would think that at this critical point in time we wouldn't be seriously trying to remove the deputy PM position and trying to forcefully shut down various factions of the party (Student Labour). There's a god damn election coming up any moment now and this is a perfect time to get everybody on board and prepared and to suggest that the point of party conference is also purely for disharmony is hopelessly cynical or totally disingenious.

Flammable D

Oct 30, 2017
You would think that at this critical point in time we wouldn't be seriously trying to remove the deputy PM position and trying to forcefully shut down various factions of the party (Student Labour). There's a god damn election coming up any moment now and this is a perfect time to get everybody on board and prepared and to suggest that the point of party conference is also purely for disharmony is hopelessly cynical or totally disingenious.
I don't even disagree that this was an inopportune time to go for it but on the other side of the token we're going into an election, let's get rid of the people who keep trying to fuck with things before we go into a campaign that needs a unified message


Oct 28, 2017
Sadly I think you are wrong. Corbyn is at least ok with most casual racists as he is white.
But how many people are there that are left wing enough to vote Corbyn but also racist enough to not vote for a black man? I mean I know they are racist enough to not vote for a Jewish person but seemingly that's the one problematic area right now.

Surely, if the god damn USA, a country built on slavery, can elect a black President, we can elect a black PM.

I'd love Lammy to be Labour Leader, he has a really good energy behind him with some great momentum.
Oct 26, 2017
Yes he says nice things but he didn't point out how stupid the Iraq invasion was, instead voted for it. That's basically kryptonite for a lot of the party and rightfully so.

Deleted member 835

User requested account deletion
Oct 25, 2017
But how many people are there that are left wing enough to vote Corbyn but also racist enough to not vote for a black man? I mean I know they are racist enough to not vote for a Jewish person but seemingly that's the one problematic area right now.

Surely, if the god damn USA, a country built on slavery, can elect a black President, we can elect a black PM.

I'd love Lammy to be Labour Leader, he has a really good energy behind him with some great momentum.
You have a lot of Labour people freaking out over Labour's stance on private schools... It will be even worse for a black guy like Lammy sadly. I know plenty of white guys that vote labour, but are racist as fuck.

You may well be right. In a perfect world he'd be a great pick though. He's an amazing speaker and he appears to actually give a shit. He's also one of very few in parliament who have stood up and pointed out exactly how stupid Brexit is in no uncertain terms.
He gets a few things wrong but then all pms do, but I like him. Sadly he will never get close to being in charge of Labour.
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Sep 21, 2018
I thought Les Républicains were due to take power last time out, but Fillon got found out as a corrupt greedy shit?
truth is, it's far more complicated than that, that is an easy way to read what happened. but over-simplified.
Yes the corrupt Fillon shit did have an effect, but even before that, "les républicains" were like going much more to the right ( sarkozy going harcore right chasing le pen, abortion, gay marriage => the whole political structure of LR was infiltrated by the hardcore anti gay marriage folks, it was crazy, you had people saying on twitter gay marriage was like people marrying dogs still within the LR structure, those people are still there).
People (voters) ran away from this shit, fillon being a corrupt pos was the cherry on the cake, but honestly macron would have won without it, because it was obvious to anyone but the most hardcore LR supporters where they were heading (aka : far right le pen copycat, us republicans) .
The hardcore on both sides did not made macron win, it was the moderates not crazy people (either right leaning but not crazy or racist or left leaning but no utopians or communist/populists, social democrats if you want) disgusted by either side that did.
people in the middle just asking for someone moderate and a bit sensible basically.
But my observation was no about about macron, more about how the way the tory and labour are self destructing themselves is an incredible copycat of what happened in france, anyone who is interested in this should look up on google the inside history of both sides ( from the left french "frondeurs" to the right sarkozy'" chasing after the nazi/racist FN ).
it's amazing really.
like a glitch in the matrix, the exact same shit, happening in the exact same way.
we live in a simulation.
note : in the last EU elections, the classic right 'les Républicains' did 8%, (nothing), the classic left 'socialist' 6% (less than nothing) , irrelevant, both of them.
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Oct 30, 2017
As much as I love Lammy, isn't he the most abused MP online? It's so sad how upset white people get when a black man points out racism. His tweet replies usually consists of "Why do you make everything about race?" *Click on their profile* *Shocked to discover they're white as fuck*


Oct 27, 2017
Labour is a bottom-up orginization and this is the biggest change that's happened in the past few years. You've seen recently that they could've easily ousted Tom Watson if Corbyn hadnt stepped in, what do you think is going to happen when someone like Corbyn isn't there? Anyone who thinks that getting rid of Corbyn is going to cause a drastic change and go back to some mythical centre ground politics are in for a big disappointment.
So you're saying Labour are not only electorally fucked short term, but also medium-to-long term? Great.


Aug 22, 2018
So after all the talk Corbyn gave about putting power back into the hands of members he's ignored the 80 or so motions on supporting Remain put forward by local parties and instead issued an overriding motion for members to vote on that Labour not even decide what to support until after a GE, even though 88% of Labour members would vote Remain in a second referendum.

Tory antics always make Corbyn look good by comparison but once the spotlight shifts off of them you realise just how crap he's always been.

Same shit in a worse suit.


Oct 25, 2017
So after all the talk Corbyn gave about putting power back into the hands of members he's ignored the 80 or so motions on supporting Remain put forward by local parties and instead issued an overriding motion for members to vote on that Labour not even decide what to support until after a GE, even though 88% of Labour members would vote Remain in a second referendum.

Tory antics always make Corbyn look good by comparison but once the spotlight shifts off of them you realise just how crap he's always been.

Same shit in a worse suit.

It's weird how he seems to be prepared to blow it all on a pretty naff kicking the decision down the road plan, perhaps that's why some on the NEC have looked like they are preparing for what to do when he goes and to fix the result.

I mean this is a quote from what should be his base.

Laura Parker, Momentum's national coordinator and a prospective parliamentary candidate, said Corbyn must decide on Labour's Brexit this week, not after a general election.
"We have to decide at this conference. The one we have come to, the one we have travelled across the country to come to, not at some putative further conference which is presumably in the mythical land with that fucking table with all our options on it," she said.

Deleted member 862

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
So after all the talk Corbyn gave about putting power back into the hands of members he's ignored the 80 or so motions on supporting Remain put forward by local parties and instead issued an overriding motion for members to vote on that Labour not even decide what to support until after a GE, even though 88% of Labour members would vote Remain in a second referendum.

Tory antics always make Corbyn look good by comparison but once the spotlight shifts off of them you realise just how crap he's always been.

Same shit in a worse suit.

It sounds like they couldn't agree so two motions to be voted on tomorrow. The "neutral" one and a remain one.
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