
Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Yes, and it's all part of a conversation I think we should have as a community. I think we might learn a lot about ourselves in the process. This conversation is already happening naturally in this thread. I don't know what the process is or how open admin are to community involvement in this type of issue, but I think it is a community conversation that needs to happen, not just a new set of rules coming down from admin.
A slippery slope to what though, to holding companies accountable for their practices? Large companies like ActiBlizz rely of the hype and generation of such from places like ERA and the press, they want it, they need it. They rely on gamers being apathetic and it benefits them financially.

Nothing is done we go on and hype ourselves up over the next big thing and it is forgotten, and at one point it is too much. People are being harrased into taking their own lives. At some point we need to take actions, ERA needs to take actions the mainstream media needs to take actions.
I mean, I'm all for it.

We've been voicing our opinions since Ubisoft's case emerged too a while back, but nothing has been done on that and I doubt this will be any different. It was easy to ban a single game like Cyberpunk, but a whole major publishers like Ubisoft & Acti-Blizzard is another story since their games make conversations in Era. Just like what people often say in here, "It makes business sense" for Era to not ban them.


Oct 26, 2017
Maybe I should talk about the time the guy interviewing me at a game company talked about wanting to hire autistic people because at least they would never complain.


Shin Megami TC - Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
Considering Ubisoft rely on hype and "look new game" to distract people from the allegations against them its frankly disgusting any kind of Ubi hype thread or promotion or "OT" is allowed here at all.
Blizzard did the same thing. Remember Blitzchung, and how Brack "apologized" on stage at Blizzcon, but never said what they were apologizing for, or plans for reverting the ban, and called he a "heated Hearthstone eSports moment" and then went "Okay now that that's out of the way, LOOK HERE'S DIABLO 4!"?


Jan 14, 2021
A slippery slope to what though, to holding companies accountable for their practices? Large companies like ActiBlizz rely of the hype and generation of such from places like ERA and the press, they want it, they need it. They rely on gamers being apathetic and it benefits them financially.

Nothing is done we go on and hype ourselves up over the next big thing and it is forgotten, and at one point it is too much. People are being harrased into taking their own lives. At some point we need to take actions, ERA needs to take actions the mainstream media needs to take actions.
Well said.

Maybe I should talk about the time the guy interviewing me at a game company talked about wanting to hire autistic people because at least they would never complain.
My goodness.

What happened at Insomniac?
Allegations of abuse surfaced last year and have been discussed intermittently on the site since then.


Oct 28, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
I've been scanning the document submitted to the court and it is just wall to wall awful. What a hellhole.


Oct 26, 2017
I think looking at the kind of visibility Era gives to Activision Blizzard games is also a question of what kind of video game community do we want to promote?

I was talking to my partner about this news and she made the point that these behaviors are taught and learned much earlier in life, at home, at school, among friends, in online spaces. Activision Blizzard isn't directly responsible for that. But then this toxic, misogynistic abuse is tolerated and promoted internally, abusers are protected and promoted, victims are gaslit and pushed out. And when it's made public, laid bare for the rest of the video game community, how we respond in turn says something about us.


Oct 28, 2017
Yeah, there is some serious company rot there. Just a lot of as they said frat boy mentality ranging from "harmless" pranks to outright sexual harassment (and worse). The constant gaslighting is like the consistent thread to all of these stories.
I remember at my work when a male snuck up behind a female working at her computer and grabbed her to scare her. She screamed and the guy was instantly taken into a side room and yelled at. He was never promoted and I'm pretty sure the only reason he wasn't fired is because the female kept saying it was fine.

At Blizzard that makes you a leader.


Sep 5, 2019
The floodgates have opened. Many women who worked at Blizzard/Activision are now speaking up at things they experienced and saw. The company is a fucking dumpster fire.



"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
Management and HR just covered up the complaints and sexual harassment for years. Sickening. Can't do anything when the corruption runs that deep to protect the frat boys and gaslight or retaliate against the victims.
There was a time when I would have liked to work there years ago being a fan, but now, nah.
Don't give this shit company a single penny. Fuck them. I'm glad the women are speaking out.

Mortal Mario

Apr 15, 2019
Completely revolting. The industry needs to be cleaned of these toxic scumbags from top to bottom. If as an adult you can't understand why you shouldn't be behaving like that then you don't deserve a job, and in some of these cases you don't deserve liberty. That the game industry still has some of these retrograde, frat-boy arseholes isn't a surprise, but at Activision they seem to be allowed free reign to terrorise anyone they want to with no hint of repercussion, it's probably even encouraged. It's not a difficult to decision to stop giving this company any money.
Jun 20, 2019
For what it's worth the news has broken beyond the enthusiast press (and Bloomberg Law) with a short article in the New York Times.


Activision Blizzard Is Sued by California Over Workplace Culture (Published 2021)

The lawsuit says women at the gaming company were paid less and discriminated against, and it described a culture of sexual harassment.

There's nothing new in the article so don't bother if it's behind a paywall. I feel it's worth mentioning because higher profile general interest news items like this raise awareness which can lead to further consequences for the company, like shareholder pressure.


Feb 28, 2018
Holy shit. This convinced me to never buy a Blizzard or Activision game ever again. Fuck this shit.

Everyday Math

Oct 25, 2017
For what it's worth the news has broken beyond the enthusiast press (and Bloomberg Law) with a short article in the New York Times.


Activision Blizzard Is Sued by California Over Workplace Culture (Published 2021)

The lawsuit says women at the gaming company were paid less and discriminated against, and it described a culture of sexual harassment.

There's nothing new in the article so don't bother if it's behind a paywall. I feel it's worth mentioning because higher profile general interest news items like this raise awareness which can lead to further consequences for the company, like shareholder pressure.


Oct 26, 2017
Well, that suicide thing is grim.
Everything is bad mind you, but that one stuck with me.
I hope the company loses as hard as possible.


Oct 27, 2017
I mean, I'm all for it.

We've been voicing our opinions since Ubisoft's case emerged too a while back, but nothing has been done on that and I doubt this will be any different.

Oh gosh, sorry texh, I thought you were counselling that we not be "too hasty" as that's a slippery slope, my apologies. Alacrity in this affair I would say is very much warranted while it is still in the public eye, hopefully it would embolden more of the press to refuse to act as this piece of shit companies mouthpiece.

This has really upset me and affected me, as someone that has been bullied and gaslit to the point where I considered myself so worthless that it would be easier were I dead this has, affected me.

What people don't always understand about such workplace harassment is that the cumulative effect can be so hurtful and insidious. "Small" things designed to wear you down gradually over time, can nullify your defences to the bigger abuses and make you feel you "deserve" them to normalise them. Abusers know consciously or not exactly how to ride that line to give you just enough reinforcement so that you truly believe you are worthless when the negativity starts. Its relentless, I would be in tears on the way to work as I considered if it was going to be a "bad" day or not, if he was going to be there or not. I would hide from or skip lunch so that I had less chance of seeing him.

I have only been free of my abuser for 7 months and I still cry when I think of that time, my new work with wonderful colleagues are lovely and don't understand why I apologise so much for the smallest error, why I stay so quiet during team meetings why I feel the need to check everything so much. They do not understand why I lack confidence in myself and my abilities. I cry when they say "well done Cerys".
Slowly I am building myself back up though. I am lucky that I broke free and found somewhere with nice people.

Sorry rambly ramblings. Even now I am effected by such things, and a lot more I can't really allow myself to think about.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I wonder when they'll announce their next game or update, so that the gaming
press will talk about their products instead, just like with Ubisoft.

And yes, Acitivision Blizzard, that China obeying, tax evading and constantly workers firing shitcompany can burn in hell even more


Oct 25, 2017
On one hand, very little of that sort comes as a surprise in this industry but, on the other hand, I did think that Blizzard was among the more professionally managed studios.

Looks like I was very mistaken about that. How I hate this frat house behavior culture... Hope the company heads and managers suffer for it.


Best Avatar Thread Ever!
Nov 20, 2017
Kingdom of Corona
Not a day goes by that this industry doesn't show just how unwelcoming they are to women, POC, and marginalized identities.


Oct 27, 2017
Blizzard did the same thing. Remember Blitzchung, and how Brack "apologized" on stage at Blizzcon, but never said what they were apologizing for, or plans for reverting the ban, and called he a "heated Hearthstone eSports moment" and then went "Okay now that that's out of the way, LOOK HERE'S DIABLO 4!"?

Oh yeah, If we as a community and ERA are happy not to hold them accountable for all that, for the mass redundancies while that stain of a human Kotic reaps more and more bonus money he could never spend, and finally this. Then frankly this place is no better than the old place, is no better than 8chan. Literally at what point does the media and enthusiast press decide "this is enough". ActiBlizz need places like here to propogate their hype a lot more than we need them. There are other games, other games made by companies who will not drive their staff to suicide.


For real. Turning down the unqualified hype culture down a notch is a. hardly a tough intervention and b. arguably just generally for the better.

even if it were a blanket ban on all their content (and not just hype / preview stuff) then I argue nothing of value would be lost.

Not a day goes by that this industry doesn't show just how unwelcoming they are to women, POC, and marginalized identities.

And to seemingly take such pleasure in being so unwelcoming. :(


Shinra Employee
Oct 25, 2017
Oh gosh, sorry texh, I thought you were counselling that we not be "too hasty" as that's a slippery slope, my apologies. Alacrity in this affair I would say is very much warranted while it is still in the public eye, hopefully it would embolden more of the press to refuse to act as this piece of shit companies mouthpiece.

This has really upset me and affected me, as someone that has been bullied and gaslit to the point where I considered myself so worthless that it would be easier were I dead this has, affected me.

What people don't always understand about such workplace harassment is that the cumulative effect can be so hurtful and insidious. "Small" things designed to wear you down gradually over time, can nullify your defences to the bigger abuses and make you feel you "deserve" them to normalise them. Abusers know consciously or not exactly how to ride that line to give you just enough reinforcement so that you truly believe you are worthless when the negativity starts. Its relentless, I would be in tears on the way to work as I considered if it was going to be a "bad" day or not, if he was going to be there or not. I would hide from or skip lunch so that I had less chance of seeing him.

I have only been free of my abuser for 7 months and I still cry when I think of that time, my new work with wonderful colleagues are lovely and don't understand why I apologise so much for the smallest error, why I stay so quiet during team meetings why I feel the need to check everything so much. They do not understand why I lack confidence in myself and my abilities. I cry when they say "well done Cerys".
Slowly I am building myself back up though. I am lucky that I broke free and found somewhere with nice people.

Sorry rambly ramblings. Even now I am effected by such things, and a lot more I can't really allow myself to think about.
Oh no, not to worry about me. It should be me who should apologize since it looked like I was trying to handwave these issues in my previous post.

I'm sorry to hear your experience with abuse and harassment at your previous workplace. I'm happy for you to finally manage to break away from that. Things will only get better from here.


Oct 26, 2017
looks like we have a very good explanation for why afrasiabi quietly left last year...

although "bill crosby" is some sloppy work by the DFEH -- - you'd think between the three attorneys on the caption and at least one supervisor who reviewed the complaint, they'd catch this.


One Winged Slayer
Jan 10, 2018
Oh yeah, If we as a community and ERA are happy not to hold them accountable for all that, for the mass redundancies while that stain of a human Kotic reaps more and more bonus money he could never spend, and finally this. Then frankly this place is no better than the old place, is no better than 8chan. Literally at what point does the media and enthusiast press decide "this is enough". ActiBlizz need places like here to propogate their hype a lot more than we need them. There are other games, other games made by companies who will drive their developers to suicide.
It needed to be said. Nothing would be lost in a blanket ban on all content from Activision Blizzard; it's only a positive. My hopes aren't high though, so at least seeing hype and preview threads cut down would be a start.


Jan 14, 2021
Oh gosh, sorry texh, I thought you were counselling that we not be "too hasty" as that's a slippery slope, my apologies. Alacrity in this affair I would say is very much warranted while it is still in the public eye, hopefully it would embolden more of the press to refuse to act as this piece of shit companies mouthpiece.

This has really upset me and affected me, as someone that has been bullied and gaslit to the point where I considered myself so worthless that it would be easier were I dead this has, affected me.

What people don't always understand about such workplace harassment is that the cumulative effect can be so hurtful and insidious. "Small" things designed to wear you down gradually over time, can nullify your defences to the bigger abuses and make you feel you "deserve" them to normalise them. Abusers know consciously or not exactly how to ride that line to give you just enough reinforcement so that you truly believe you are worthless when the negativity starts. Its relentless, I would be in tears on the way to work as I considered if it was going to be a "bad" day or not, if he was going to be there or not. I would hide from or skip lunch so that I had less chance of seeing him.

I have only been free of my abuser for 7 months and I still cry when I think of that time, my new work with wonderful colleagues are lovely and don't understand why I apologise so much for the smallest error, why I stay so quiet during team meetings why I feel the need to check everything so much. They do not understand why I lack confidence in myself and my abilities. I cry when they say "well done REDACTED".
Slowly I am building myself back up though. I am lucky that I broke free and found somewhere with nice people.

Sorry rambly ramblings. Even now I am effected by such things, and a lot more I can't really allow myself to think about.
You don't need to apologize for any of this. I'm sorry that you had to go through all of that and am happy to hear you're in a better place now.


"This guy are sick"
Oct 25, 2017
I was quite happy to have them on my No-Buy list because of the Hong-Kong situation. This cements it in even further. Truly awful.


Oct 25, 2017
even if it were a blanket ban on all their content (and not just hype / preview stuff) then I argue nothing of value would be lost.

Probably right about that one. Also, thanks for opening up about your own experiences. Couldn't have been easy. I'm glad you found a better work place. It really shouldn't be up to victims alone to effect change by sharing their history. Hopefully we'll see something shift meaningfully in the way discourse goes here and elsewhere that presupposes a degree of recognition of the context under which many games are made (and how widespread these issues are generally, in or outside of games).


Feb 8, 2020
Holy fucking shit. This is, unbelievable.

So we're gonna ban discussion of actiblizzard video games now right?


Oct 30, 2017
Holy fucking shit, this is just... beyond evil. I don't think I can express how terrible this makes me feel. Harassment to the point of driving a person to suicide... it's incomprehensible.

I feel like shit just for buying the Crash Trilogy on Switch. Well, I know now I'm not buying anything from them anymore, and neither should anyone else. I really hope the lawsuit goes through and all the guilty parties pay for this.


Oct 28, 2017
Imagine being woman at Blizzard and hearing someone say it's time for a Cube Crawl.

Deleted member 5491

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
And we wonder why gaming communities and online lobbies are so toxic?
They are a mirror image of the fuck that is going on at these companies

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
This is the type of pr storm that a company will not recover from. Public perception and employee relations are irreparably damaged at this point, especially with a death tied to the lawsuit. Acti-Blizzard will survive, its too big to go down, but we should all hope that some measure of justice is done.

Nah. I wish you were right, but J Allen will go on stage, flutter his eyelashes, admit "mistakes being made" in a solemn voice, promise improvements, and then they'll show some more Diablo 4 and the majority will quickly forget.