Deleted member 6056

Oct 25, 2017
Yall aint ready for my Huitzil.
IM not ready for my Huitzil.
My Huitzil is ass lol.

Fuck im glad theres training modes bein added to all these along with the rollback. Maybe next Frosty Faustings I can play TVC, Darkstalkers and Kofxv.

First sf collection now this. Please say vs series collection with rollback is next.


Oct 25, 2017
  • Hyper SF2 instead of Super Turbo
  • No Alpha 2/3
  • No Third Strike
  • No MvC2
  • No CvS2
  • No JJBA


Oct 25, 2017
Day 1, would have loved inclusion of Rival Schools and Project Justice but this collection is still too good to pass up.


Oct 25, 2017
Did you ignore the posts pointing out Alpha and SF3 are on the SF 30th anniversary collection?
And as others have pointed out, SF30th is trash, so this should have been their chance to erase that collection's stink from existence with good versions of all those games.
And those last three titles are licensed games, no way were those getting included.
DGAF. Capcom needs to pay up and re-release them already.


Nov 16, 2017
With all the Darkstalkers game in there could they be testing the waters for a new entry?


Oct 25, 2017
People asking where SFIII is... they already released that as part of a Street Fighter collection. They arent releasing it yet again (duplicating releases should be discouraged...)

Warzard/Red Earth FINALLY getting ported is excellent news, its taken them long enough but hey Im not gonna complain, and a physical release at that! Makes me wonder if these games (sans Cyberbots) were supposed to be added as part of Capcom Arcade Stadium but were nixed in favor of being its own collection? Again, not really complaining because CAS was digital only, while we are getting these games released physically AND with netcode.

Only remaining question I have is related to Hyper SFII:
Looks like the trailer confirms - but hopefully we can swap regions as like IIX, the USA version has the insane AI which is a nightmare to fight against on any difficulty setting.
Hopefully its a port of the arcade version instead of the inferior PS2 version.

Makes me wonder what they'll do for the 40th anniversary... guess that's when I might finally get a home console port of Street Fighter EX2.

wow is that ninja from Red Earth the same from Captain Commando?
No, different ninja's.


Oct 27, 2017
Is Capcom done pulling the Mega Man collection of putting half the game in the physical release and having to download the other half?


Oct 25, 2017
Is Capcom done pulling the Mega Man collection of putting half the game in the physical release and having to download the other half?
Here's hoping. They did do physical releases of the second classic collection and X collection (on Switch as well) but only in certain regions, and in Legacy Collection 2's case, only in a special edition package (I should know, I own them lol)
Here's hoping everything is on disc, works proper day 1 so no extra patches or shit is needed.


Oct 25, 2017
Finally, no Digital Eclipse. They are great with offline games but their rollback netcode and system aren't good...


Oct 27, 2017
They keep ignoring the EX games, man. And it's not like Capcom doesn't have a relationship with Arika, they had the skins on SFV and everything.


Oct 25, 2017
  • Hyper SF2 instead of Super Turbo
  • No Alpha 2/3
  • No Third Strike
  • No MvC2
  • No CvS2
  • No JJBA
Hyper SFII is a blast to play, and not a game ported all that often. This is most likely the first time the arcade version - assuming they are using that as a base - has ever been ported to a home console. So that's a good thing. The PS2 version was inferior and rushed, though the Japanese PS2 re-release was slightly better. So this is excellent news.

And Im far more glad we are getting Darkstalkers and other games that havent seen a modern port in years than re-porting more games... I get the point over wanting them done better, but realistically I want Capcom to focus on stuff like Warzard that have never been ported, not just doing Hyper Fighting, 2X and Third Strike all over again.

And yeah, licensed stuff would be nice, but we aint getting that on a physical collection, so again, concessions have to be made. Who knows, maybe they'll come later as digital releases - at least CvS2 might be possible as SNK has been re-releasing most of their Capcom crossovers again lately. But Marvel? Well who knows how Disney feels...


Feb 14, 2018
That's really nice !

That's weird,Red Earth was always a solo boss rush for me.Does it have a versus mode?i can't remember !


Oct 26, 2017
They keep ignoring the EX games, man. And it's not like Capcom doesn't have a relationship with Arika, they had the skins on SFV and everything.

To be fair, collecting or releasing early 3D games seems like a complete impossibility for any publisher. MMZ collection before a RE 1-3 collection, Red Earth before Rival Schools. Don't know why, but every new collection that gets announced seems to further and further cement the fact that early 3D efforts are just lost to time , locked on increasingly hard to access ecosystems.


Oct 25, 2017
That's really nice !

That's weird,Red Earth was always a solo boss rush for me.Does it have a versus mode?i can't remember !
Vs mode is limited to fighting against other peoples versions of the 4 playable characters - Leo, Kenji, Tessa and whatsherface, the arcade mode is the only place where you can fight against Hauzer etc.


Oct 25, 2017
Darkstalkers are (kinda) not dead!
I still really hope one day we will get console port of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs from Capcom.


Oct 25, 2017
I still really hope one day we will get console port of Cadillacs and Dinosaurs from Capcom.
Getting one licensee to agree for a game to be ported (like SNK, Disney/Marvel) etc. is a nightmare. Now imagine trying to do that for not only the car company but also whoever even holds the license for the comic book these days ;( I fear its a game lost to time.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Probably should have called this Darkstalkers + collection since half the line up is Darkstalkers :P


Oct 26, 2017
Getting one licensee to agree for a game to be ported (like SNK, Disney/Marvel) etc. is a nightmare. Now imagine trying to do that for not only the car company but also whoever even holds the license for the comic book these days ;( I fear its a game lost to time.

It seems impossible, and these points are always brought up, but then you constantly see arcade 1up's wizard entertainment lawyers do things like effortlessly relicense individual players in NBA jam and hangtime like they had spare time on their lunch break. The hard line drawn in the sand in these types of collections seem to inevitably be the hardware they are working from.

I 1000% expect to see 2D titles like x-men, Simpsons, and tmnt relicensed and made available, even with a company like Konami who is willing to never touch their own IPs such as MGS or Silent Hill again; or significantly obscure games like Avengers Galactic Storm from defunct publishers like Data East before any sort of investment into porting/collecting titles that have any 3D assets.

I feel it's an absolute guarantee we'd see Cadalacs and Dinosaurs rereleased on every platform long long long before we'd ever get something like a classic Resident Evil 1-3 collection. Or a Mega Man Legends collection when Capcom has diligently worked their way through collecting every other Mega Man series. We're already seeing how these collections gleefully abandon extra content on titles like SFA3 or Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire because it wasn't a part of the titles as they appeared on their original 2D dedicated hardware.


Oct 25, 2017
Going to get this on steam purely for Darkstalkers and Puzzle Fighter. Hell who am I kidding it's just puzzle fighter.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Huh, so a Darkstalkers collection with some other games thrown in. Alright, I'm down.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
It seems impossible, and these points are always brought up, but then you constantly see arcade 1up's wizard entertainment lawyers do things like effortlessly relicense individual players in NBA jam and hangtime like they had spare time on their lunch break. The hard line drawn in the sand in these types of collections seem to inevitably be the hardware they are working from.
It's assuredly a lot easier to license something expensive/difficult like 90's NBA players or Disney/Marvel or Alien & Predator as a one off agreement for a 50,000 units $400-800 mini arcade cabinet print run then it is for a digital collection that has to be available for 5 years on digital store fronts that only sells for $20-40.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
No 3D games. Predictably. Fingers crossed for a second collection

Still. Sick. I hope it's not just an arcade rom dump, and that features from console ports are included. Prob not given how many are in one package.


Oct 26, 2017
It's assuredly a lot easier to license something expensive/difficult like 90's NBA players or Disney/Marvel or Alien & Predator as a one off agreement for a 50,000 units $400-800 mini arcade cabinet print run then it is for a digital collection that has to be available for 5 years on digital store fronts that only sells for $20-40.

Why is that so though? The legwork of contacting every single retired player that is no longer in the NBA players association and signing them separately seems to be more man hours than scaling agreements from a physical unit to something with a limited term digital release, surely? It's not like there isn't an established deal structure in place for profit share amongst license holders with things like the Disney Afternoon or Disney Classics collection or the rereleased of the SNK vs Capcom titles from Neo Geo Pocket that would hinder a digital rerelease of MVC2 or CVS2.

I still can't help but notice things like Zombies are my neighbors and Ghoul Patrol are collected without Herc'a Adventures, or SSF2T and other CPS2 titles are redundantly collected across different collections while something like Street Fighter Zero/alpha 3 upper or Max aren't being touched, and I have to assume the costs and efforts of working on PlayStation or Dreamcast based hardware must far far far outpace the requirements of well treaded 2D focused hardware like NES, SNES, Genesis/MD, and CPS 1-3. We see the releases of games on the latter hardest constantly rereleased, while nobody has made the effort to normalize working with anything up to early 3D capable hardware.


Oct 25, 2017
I might try to get into Darkstalkers. Always felt like if I played a fighting game it'd be one of those.

Geist 6one7

Oct 29, 2017
Would rather we just got the home version of Vampire Savior with all the characters and rollback instead of 5 disparate versions but alas. Even a port of Vampire Chronicle would have been preferable.


Oct 26, 2017
I wonder how red earth will play online, like will it just be between the 4 playable characters and if so at their highest or base level? or will they make all the characters playable somehow and say balance be damned


Oct 26, 2017
No Capcom vs SNK 2
The knife turns deeper once more, licenses be damned.

I still think it has more to do with the hardware than the licensing. Capcom Fighting evolution/Jam sucks, but it would be a layup on this from a rights perspective; nobody has any workflow of engineering namco's system 246 hardware for modern architecture though. SNK vs Capcom match of the millennium from the Neo Geo pocket was recently released on steam and SVC card fighters clash on switch.