Bora Horza

Oct 27, 2017
Excellent, most excellent, the Castlevania series is one of my favourite things Netflix have put out, heck any streaming platform really.


Oct 25, 2017
I'm excited to see the roles Annette, Tera and Iris will have.

The first show handled it's female characters pretty well imo.

And of course Maria but that goes unsaid, she'll be the Sypha here I'm so excited!


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
Nice, I wasn't over the moon for the Netflix Castlevania but I liked it enough that I wouldn't mind seeing another show from the studio.

John Rabbit

Oct 25, 2017
As a huge Castlevania fan I am...mystified by all the clamoring for them to "do SOTN" as though that game's narrative is more than like 5 total minutes of poorly voice-acted 'cutscenes' about the most basic "break the magical curse" story imaginable. They already covered the majority of interesting things from that game in the previous show anyway.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
As a huge Castlevania fan I am...mystified by all the clamoring for them to "do SOTN" as though that game's narrative is more than like 5 total minutes of poorly voice-acted 'cutscenes' about the most basic "break the magical curse" story imaginable. They already covered the majority of interesting things from that game in the previous show anyway.

Yeah. I honestly think that Season 2 already covered the fated clash between Drac and Alucard well enough that I don't know HOW you follow up on it. Making Dracula go crazy again and then having Alucard put him down again doesn't really feel like something you can do without YEARS of buildup they don't have time to execute on. At least not if you want it to feel meaningfully different from the "I'm murdering my boy" moment at the end of S2.


Oct 25, 2017
As a huge Castlevania fan I am...mystified by all the clamoring for them to "do SOTN" as though that game's narrative is more than like 5 total minutes of poorly voice-acted 'cutscenes' about the most basic "break the magical curse" story imaginable. They already covered the majority of interesting things from that game in the previous show anyway.
The biggest things they should take from SotN

1) Richter being influenced by Shaft and taking over the castle. Go more in depth with it than basic evil possession. Make it part of his character arc etc. Hell for fanservice, adapt the fight with fake Trevor and Sypha.

2) Alucard coming back to stop him and joining forces with Maria

They don't need to bring back Dracula really.

The writers really adapted CV3 super well and took liberties where they needed to, I'm sure they can do the same here


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
The biggest things they should take from SotN

1) Richter being influenced by Shaft and taking over the castle. Go more in depth with it than basic evil possession. Make it part of his character arc etc. Hell for fanservice, adapt the fight with fake Trevor and Sypha.

2) Alucard coming back to stop him and joining forces with Maria

They don't need to bring back Dracula really.

The writers really adapted CV3 super well and took liberties where they needed to, I'm sure they can do the same here

Agreed. We already had "religious nut decides to resurrect Dracula, things go extremely poorly" literally last season, so Shaft's gotta have a new plan or a new goal in mind. After that, let Richter fall victim to his hubris and Maria and Alucard have to team up to bring him back to the light, and then all three can face a new threat together to close out the show.


Oct 31, 2017
I think it was smart to skip Simon. There's just nothing there. He's just a mid-tier Belmont who beat Dracula. He doesn't have any allies or friends, he doesn't have any particular feats to speak of, he's just one of the Belmonts. If his game didn't come out first he'd be the least memorable one of the bunch.

Considering how cancel-happy Netflix has become, it makes sense for them to jump from one story-heavy Belmont to the next story-heavy Belmont without worrying about doing filler seasons about the less interesting Belmonts just to cover them. Even Christopher has more plot to draw from than Simon does.


There's very little different between Richter and Simon other than Maria and weapon skills. Richter arguably has less story than Simon. Simon has Castlevania II, and there's a LOT that can be done there. Richter had his game, just like Simon, and then was a side character in the only other game he appeared in (main line).

I get their decision making here, I really do. SotN and Rondo of Blood (by extension of SotN, let's be real) are more popular. I just wish my boy Simon got a little more rep is all.


Oct 25, 2017
Agreed. We already had "religious nut decides to resurrect Dracula, things go extremely poorly" literally last season, so Shaft's gotta have a new plan or a new goal in mind. After that, let Richter fall victim to his hubris and Maria and Alucard have to team up to bring him back to the light, and then all three can face a new threat together to close out the show.
Exactly. And for villains besides Dracula and Shaft, they could pull Olrox, Galamoth, Succubus etc.

Dracula is a huge part of the series' iconography though, so I'm not ruling out that he'll play SOME part


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Exactly. And for villains besides Dracula and Shaft, they could pull Olrox, Galamoth, Succubus etc.

Dracula is a huge part of the series' iconography though, so I'm not ruling out that he'll play SOME part

Honestly it would be pretty great if Dracula's appearance in Nocturne is to step in to save Alucard from something, rather than to act as a villain. Lisa's dead and gone, he's lonely and tired, and his last act is to protect the son he failed so many times before.


Ban made permanent due to harassment of staff
May 27, 2020
I feel like the only way to tackle a Simon story anyway would basically be a two or three episode jaunt through Dracula's castle in the style of Primal.
Just a burly dude rocking through the monsters of the castle with no dialogue...

Fuck, why did I make myself want this as well now.
If you throw in material from other versions of the first Castlevania (such as his wife getting kidnapped on their wedding in the arcade version), flesh out the invasion of Dracula's castle and the events leading up to it, and include Simon's Quest (the aftermath with the village where Simon is cursed and has to gather Dracula's body parts), and add connective plot between the first two games and the aftermath of the second, then I think you could make a full 2-3 seasons out of it pretty easily.


Son Altesse SƩrƩnissime
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
What has the new writer worked on? I need to see his rƩsumƩ.


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
If you throw in material from other versions of the first Castlevania (such as his wife getting kidnapped on their wedding in the arcade version), flesh out the invasion of Dracula's castle and the events leading up to it, and include Simon's Quest (the aftermath with the village where Simon is cursed and has to gather Dracula's body parts), and add connective plot between the first two games and the aftermath of the second, then I think you could make a full 2-3 seasons out of it pretty easily.

I just don't really think that meshes with Dracula as he's been written here. I don't think you can have him just pop up and die over and over again over the centuries like he did in the games, especially when as a character he got what he wanted in the end. Like I just don't think it suits the story to have Lisa get murdered again and then Dracula goes insane again and then spends the next 400 years getting beaten into submission by the Belmonts.

It works for a video game, especially in the NES era when games had no story, but for a TV series, do we really just want to see that beat repeated ad nauseum? From a screenwriting perspective, there are ways to remain honorable to the source material without necessarily relying on its storytelling limitations.

Like instead of having Shaft resurrect Vlad, maybe he's trying to CREATE a new Dracula.


Oct 27, 2017
Looks cool, I love this show and series so I'll be there. I wish they would have stuck with his original look though. I didn't care for the psp re-designs at all.


Mar 11, 2022
I assume it'll be without the abuser known as Warren Ellis as the writer. If that's the case, I'll consider watching it


Oct 26, 2017
Would be a good time to port Requiem around. Just hire M2 and base it on the originals this time.

Weltall Zero

Game Developer
Oct 26, 2017
Poor Simon. I guess they couldn't figure out how to make a show out of Castlevania I's sparse story that wouldn't be a retread of what they've done so far.

Richter has Sypha's eyes, that's so cool. :)


The Abominable Showman
Oct 25, 2017
Poor Simon. I guess they couldn't figure out how to make a show out of Castlevania I's sparse story that wouldn't be a retread of what they've done so far.

Richter has Sypha's eyes, that's so cool. :)

I still think the best way to handle Simon is via flashbacks. Refer to him as a legendary vampire hunter and the ancestor who inspired Richter to be the hero he wants to be.


Oct 25, 2017
Skipping Simon sucks. A very liberal adaptation of Simon's Quest with new characters could have been great.

This should be good though.

FF Seraphim

Oct 26, 2017

If this makes it in somehow I will be happy:



The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Damn. Given this was announced some time ago I was really hoping it was farther along than it would seem to be. I totally get ditching Ellis but I hope the new people involved can live up to the first series.

Also, I wouldn't want to see the series watered down too much but I really hope one day we get Simon. He's always been my favorite and I'm glad to see I'm not alone.

I'm still in awe that after so many years (decades really, at this point) of dreaming of a Castlevania movie and all the various announcements about one what we finally got was an anime series at a time when the franchise was perhaps the most dead. And that that anime series was fucking incredible. Somewhere there is a world where they just got the Paul W.S. Anderson movie and I am so glad it wasn't us.


Oct 25, 2017
I hope they don't age up Maria for this, I need to see Richter having to deal with a little girl in a pink dress who's a better vampire hunter than he is.


Oct 25, 2017

Agree with the sentiments that having Dracula become the villain again doesn't feel like it would work though anything is possible I guess.

Focusing on Shaft and him managing to corrupt Richter seems a better place go with things.

They never really went into it but maybe play around with that whole concept of a force of Chaos that seeks to create a being like Dracula.

Honestly it would be pretty great if Dracula's appearance in Nocturne is to step in to save Alucard from something, rather than to act as a villain. Lisa's dead and gone, he's lonely and tired, and his last act is to protect the son he failed so many times before.

Could also work as an eventual setup for a series based on Aria.