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Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
As I previously stated, I'd love if someone made petition to all third parties and indies - Ubisoft, EA, Activision, Warner Bros. - to cut ties with their storefront. It could actually work as their sales are marginal compared to Steam or their own storefronts. Could someone organize such petition?

The power to make a petition is in your hands!

Be the change you want to see in the world!


Feb 2, 2018
Might as well have snuck a "We sincerely regret you feel that way" in while they were at it, christ what a pathetic non-apology


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Yikes. That GG call sign. Yeah, CDPR and GOG are dead to me.

Please don't say that this apology is anything but their true colors showing. This was tweeted by somebody much higher up in the totem pole so clearly the company is fine with this bs.

Don't make more excuses for them. They want to tackle a game about transhumanism but then belittle transgendered people? They can fuck right on off.

If you want to believe this is another accident on their part. Fine. Go on and be an awful human being who values their video games over the dignity and rights of a minority group attempting to do what they can to even be considered as existing.

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
Christ, I can't imagine how angry some cdpr and got workers are right now. Your shitty unforced errors are overshadowing all of the hard work they're doing.

At this point, just don't have a social media account.


Unshakable Resolve - Prophet of Truth
Oct 25, 2017
Has their comment about it been posted yet?

The problem with this is and what they fail to capture completely in this apology is that it doesn't matter what you intended its recognizing the harm it does to trans people by perpetuating and normalizing the abuse they receive. It comes off as completely insincere.


Oct 27, 2017
That's pretty messed up if true. Why is Poland like this?

If it's anything like where I'm from in Central/Eastern Europe, religious leaders and affiliated political parties partake in very strong propaganda against LGBT.

They're basically taught it's okay to be like this by important authority figures, so from a moral perspective, they often don't see a problem. It's not everyone, but it's definitely a lot. Enough to influence important policy.

That's my experience, anyway.


Oct 25, 2017
why wouldn't he be serious?

What is it supposed to achieve exactly? And why not also then ban discussion of Square Enix' games? (Dragon Quest composer). And why should we only apply this to Gaming side? Let's ban discussion of American Football and DC. Hell, let's not talk about the USA, Russia, and Saudi Arabia at all. That'll make these problems disappear. Out of sight, out of mind.

Like seriously?

Deleted member 11995

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I think for absolute clarity it is kind of important to note that Good old Games the storefront, and CD Projekt Red the developers, are not one and the same entity.

Don't get me wrong, they're connected and I'm hoping for some kind of statement from someone at CDPR about this situation, but people are mixing the two of them up, so it's probably important to be as clear as possible here.


Corrupted by Vengeance
Nov 23, 2017
To all of those in this thread who care about trans people, thank you. Being trans, I see this day in and day out. Honestly, nothing bad is going to happen to CD Projekt Red sales-wise until the mainstream press does something about it. Transgender people like myself are on the low end of the totem pole. Thank you for your support but I still expect millions of people to continue to support them and look the other way. It's sad but it's the reality I have to face.
Oct 25, 2017
The first thing a few month ago, might have been a tone deaf fuck-up. I could see it.

This here was - there is no doubt in my mind - an attempt to make fun of the gender debate and the affected minorities.
There is only two ways from that point, either you find and point to the person that composed the tweet and distance yourself from the individual (read: firing is the best solution imo) or you essentially do nothing (that apology tweet was essentially that: doing nothing) and position yourself on an alt-right viewpoint.

Times of dodging this political issue are over.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 25, 2017
Oh God! This "apology" stinks! And the shit icing on the shit cake is that the replies on the apology tweet are enough to make me think people have lost all sense of decency. How the fuck are you gonna defend a corporate co-opting a hashtag that's about marginalised people fighting to stay defined as human beings and then call the LGBTQ community "weak". The bastards who support trashy behaviour like this deserve things that would get me banned for writing them down here. I think I'm gonna swear off twitter now.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
The non-apology is disgusting.

"We focus only on games"? Really?!

Which is the dumbest thing they have come out with considering the language they used to justify having nudity.

"Nudity is important for us because of one reason," Badowski said. "This is cyberpunk, so people augment their body. So the body is no longer sacrum [sacred]; it's profanum [profane]. Because people modify everything, they are losing their connection to the body, to the meat. And that's why we need to use the nudity in many situations.

"You see that there are bodies in the tub, and you need to take care of this woman. But at the same time she is augmented," he continued, searching for the right words. "She is not clean. Maybe she is augmented too much. Maybe the humanity level is pretty low in her, so it's an interesting topic. It's one of the key themes in cyberpunk. The very first scenes in the original Ghost in the Shell anime show exactly the same aspect. Because where is sacrum and where is profanum in a world when you can simply modify yourself to such limits that it makes you a different kind of person? It's one of the most important themes in cyberpunk, as a genre."

It's like, do they want their game to have many layers and be a complex world with many different people, situations and beliefs or do they want it to be a basic world where there is barely any focus on exploring social situations?

Really, this is a case of a developer wanting to eat their cake and still have it afterwards. If it's nudity they will try and act like they are providing some deep analysis but if it's actually exploring more current pressing issues? "We focus only on games".

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
What is it supposed to achieve exactly? And why not also then ban discussion of Square Enix' games? (Dragon Quest composer). And why should we only apply this to Gaming side? Let's ban discussion of American Football. Hell, let's not talk about the USA, Russia, and Saudi Arabia at all.
not going to address the ridiculous whataboutism and hyperbole of your post, but banning OT and hype threads that acts as advertisements for a transphobic company makes complete sense.

-Le Monde-

Dec 8, 2017
Christ, I can't imagine how angry some cdpr and got workers are right now. Your shitty unforced errors are overshadowing all of the hard work they're doing.

At this point, just don't have a social media account.
Can't be that mad if they aren't taking any actions against the people in charge of tweeting. They probably feel the same way.


I'm totally fine with a ban on a company that promotes transphobia and GG.
I'm all for it.


Nov 5, 2017
People who have nothing to do with the failures of a company always lose out when their company takes a hit. This type of worrying is totally weird. If the engineering part of a company is great but their marketing sucks, people are going to lose their jobs who made no error. This is part of working for a company. Your fate is intrinsically tied to the actions of the rest of the company.

I don't get why people treat this as a new concept worthy of sympathy. Start your own company if you can't handle how this works.

While I personally don't worry about this, I can see their thought process being something along the lines of this being something they will or won't actively participate in, making them feel some needless personal responsibility. Whereas if that engineering team is fired because marketing sucked, the person you quoted wasn't personally involved. I can see why some would feel conflicted about taking up the proverbial pitchfork and joining in personally with stuff like this. Again, I have no such issue. Fuck GOG and CDP.


Oct 25, 2017
I would not blame people for that opinion. At all.

I myself don't think the forum should do it (I mean, even Kingdom Come didn't get that treatment - and ultimately people will discuss things they want to, and the games themselves aren't inherently more transphobic than most games), but I do understand people thinking otherwise.

And you certainly won't see me argue on behalf of gog after this.
I feel like the mod team handled the kingdom come situation very well, if they did the same with cyberpunk i'd be more then fine.

Defending their views being banable but game discussion still allowed.


Oct 25, 2017
Let their ashes scatter in the wind with that non-apology bullshit. Waypoint or Kotaku, where is that much needed article on this?


Oct 26, 2017
*Ctrl F: Sorry - No results found*

*Ctrl F: Apology - No results found*

GOG (and CD Projekt) should focus on not being a fucking trashfire of a company.


Oct 27, 2017
That "apology" is about as real as that apology written by that YouTube plagiarist. Fuck you CDPR. I'm done with your products and services. Sorry trans people scare you.


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
I feel like the mod team handled the kingdom come situation very well, if they did the same with cyberpunk i'd be more then fine.

Defending their views being banable but game discussion still allowed.

Those threads still had many, many problems, and a ton of people ignoring the warnings and discussion happening anyway because it's just not enough. You need to have a shitlist pinned thread to the gaming side that lays out the issues and why discussion is banned.

Deleted member 10737

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
To all of those in this thread who care about trans people, thank you. Being trans, I see this day in and day out. Honestly, nothing bad is going to happen to CD Projekt Red sales-wise until the mainstream press does something about it. Transgender people like myself are on the low end of the totem pole. Thank you for your support but I still expect millions of people to continue to support them and look the other way. It's sad but it's the reality I have to face.
as a gay man, it's the least i can do to support my trans sisters and brothers

Deleted member 32374

User requested account closure
Nov 10, 2017
Can't be that mad if they aren't taking any actions against the people in charge of tweeting. They probably feel the same way.

We haven't heard from management. I m really hoping we do soon and they announce the end of their Twitter account/removing a few people.

Rank and file who aren't part of the social media account, I can't blame them yet or assume that they feel the same way.
Oct 25, 2017


Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
To all of those in this thread who care about trans people, thank you. Being trans, I see this day in and day out. Honestly, nothing bad is going to happen to CD Projekt Red sales-wise until the mainstream press does something about it. Transgender people like myself are on the low end of the totem pole. Thank you for your support but I still expect millions of people to continue to support them and look the other way. It's sad but it's the reality I have to face.

Stay strong, trans sister. It's been hard in the thread but I've been doing what I can even though I am absolutely exhausted emotionally by all of the everything in the world right now.

We haven't heard from management. I m really hoping we do soon and they announce the end of their Twitter account/removing a few people.

Rank and file who aren't part of the social media account, I can't blame them yet or assume that they feel the same way.

There is no way that this statement wasn't approved by the higher ups. That's why it has a corporate feel to it's sliminess that is lacking elsewhere.


Oct 25, 2017
not going to address the ridiculous whataboutism and hyperbole of your post, but banning OT and hype threads that acts as advertisements for a transphobic company makes complete sense.

You can't just label it whataboutism and wave it off. You're picking and choosing. Seems a bit childish really.

Deleted member 19218

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
To all of those in this thread who care about trans people, thank you. Being trans, I see this day in and day out. Honestly, nothing bad is going to happen to CD Projekt Red sales-wise until the mainstream press does something about it. Transgender people like myself are on the low end of the totem pole. Thank you for your support but I still expect millions of people to continue to support them and look the other way. It's sad but it's the reality I have to face.

I can't really say anything worth while, but just remember that you're never alone no matter the size of those that continue to support this stuff, people here will always help each other in need.

Deleted member 41271

User requested account closure
Mar 21, 2018
Once again, the fact that something hasn't been done before is not an argument that it should not be done now or in the future.

I'm absolutely not going to argue against this, nor will I argue in favor of keeping gog threads around, don't worry.

Heck, I'm going to drop any support for gog over this. I've already requested an account deletion.


Oct 25, 2017
To all of those in this thread who care about trans people, thank you. Being trans, I see this day in and day out. Honestly, nothing bad is going to happen to CD Projekt Red sales-wise until the mainstream press does something about it. Transgender people like myself are on the low end of the totem pole. Thank you for your support but I still expect millions of people to continue to support them and look the other way. It's sad but it's the reality I have to face.
You shouldn't need to thank us. You should be allowed to live your life the way you see fit and I'm sorry that all I can do in this case is not give CDPR my money for CP2077. It's not a lot and frankly I wish I could do more, but that's the extent of it in this case.

hydrophilic attack

Corrupted by Vengeance
Oct 25, 2017
Let their ashes scatter in the wind with that non-apology bullshit. Waypoint or Kotaku, where is that much needed article on this?
i saw austin walker retweeting something about this, so hopefully they will cover it

they don't really do much straight-up news reporting, but i would expect them to address it on the podcast

The EA Bad/CDPR good memes are actually becoming pretty hilarious because EA/CDPR are practically polar opposites.

EA Bad because anticonsumer/treat their employees well/supports LGBT

CDPR good because proconsumer/treat their employees poorly/makes fun of LGBT

I guess we really do live in a society.

it would be good if a company existed that treated ALL of consumers, staff and LGBT well
Last edited:


Oct 25, 2017
Has their comment about it been posted yet?

hey, guess what. when a vulnerable group is fighting for their basic rights, including the right to exist, a belittling pun at their expense has the force of a comment

framing that group's fight as a mere "ongoing social debate" also qualifies as a comment

responding to all this criticism with something that doesn't even meet the low standards of a non-apology is very much a comment, as well

and your commentary happens to mark you as, at best, indifferent and unsupportive toward the basic rights of a vulnerable group that is currently being attacked

"sticking to games" isn't going to fix this


Oct 25, 2017
This billion dollar publicly traded corporation needs to hire an American PR firm to handle their PR since social media is dominated by Americans, as well as much of global English language discourse--assuming they want to avoid this type of incident.

Although, I do not know if they do want to prevent these things, as I cannot say whether putting this stuff out and then backtracking will make them more money or not.


Oct 26, 2017
When thinking about the culture that leads to these kind of "mistakes" from CDPR and GOG, at least for me, I am always willing to give the benefit of the doubt at the beginning.

But when they establish a pattern of behavior as clearly as they've done here, it's impossible for me to give them any more benefits and the conclusion has to be that someone, perhaps multiple someones, within CDPR and GOG are diametrically opposed to me politically and morally. Even their statement after the fact is slyly attempting to wink and nod to certain deplorables with their thinly veiled "apolitical" language.

I can't support either company anymore at this point. Which is a shame because I was very much looking forward to Cyberpunk. I'll get over it there are plenty of companies making great games every year.


Banning discussion about the game here on ERA is stupid however. The game itself does not represent the political views I find abhorrent, unlike other games that have been banned from discussion in the past.
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