
Oct 27, 2017
Do you get enough material to fully upgrade all the gun forms or should you pick and choose which to focus on? I've only unlocked the first three so far and can upgrade Grip to level 2.

Also, I assume you can only focus on a few abilities with the points they give you? I'm primarily leveling launch and health.

Depends if you're only doing the main story or also the side missions. You'll get more then enough on both if you do the side content, but if that's not for you then pick and choose what fits your play style.


Oct 27, 2017
Think I said this earlier but I really wish there was a super volatile area or astral plain zone that poured enemies, or even just much more frequent bureau alerts. Too quiet post credits.


Jul 15, 2019
Do you get enough material to fully upgrade all the gun forms or should you pick and choose which to focus on? I've only unlocked the first three so far and can upgrade Grip to level 2.

Also, I assume you can only focus on a few abilities with the points they give you? I'm primarily leveling launch and health.

You can get enough material as they are drops from killing things but you will probably finish the main story before you do. My recommendation is upgrade the ones that feel good with how you play first.

Sad fact, I was almost finished with the game when I realized how you could switch out the different gun forms in the menu. I kept thinking you could press X (Xbox) to change between them all... yeah, I felt pretty dumb when I figured it out, so I pretty much played the whole game with grip and spin, lol.


Jan 24, 2018
Just finished the game, and realised that I never got an ability to deal with those random colourful Black Rock rooms scattered throughout that hurt you when you step inside.

Did I miss something, or are those rooms just no-go zones?
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
Just finished the game, and realised that I never got an ability to deal with those random colourful Black Rock rooms scattered throughout that hurt you when you step inside.

Did I miss something, or are those rooms just no-go zones?
Yes, you missed something. go down in that pit in the back of the Central Research Division room

You have a lot left to do.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
yep did all of that, still take damage when going into those rooms ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
that's a bug, 100%.

I hate to say it, but the only way to fix that is going to be to go to the last chapter select available and reset your save to that point. You'll lose anything you got after finishing the game, but if you're a completionist it's the only way.

If it makes you feel better, you're not missing anything but some lore and a few gold boxes. Nothing special at all in those rooms.


Oct 27, 2017
that's a bug, 100%.

I hate to say it, but the only way to fix that is going to be to go to the last chapter select available and reset your save to that point. You'll lose anything you got after finishing the game, but if you're a completionist it's the only way.

If it makes you feel better, you're not missing anything but some lore and a few gold boxes. Nothing special at all in those rooms.

I figured that was the case

Not that big of a deal if that's all there is


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Is the upgrade system bugged? I have every weapon maxed out except for Pierce, which has no upgrade options at all.

Deleted member 203

user requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think I'm almost done with the game and I've used Grip for >90% of it. With damage+headshot mods you rarely need anything else (except Launch ofc). I use Shatter and Charge? (the explodey one) for fun every now and then but I feel like Grip is kinda OP and you don't need much else. Between Grip and Launch I haven't had trouble with any of the bosses, which I heard can be nasty. I even beat the one in the Pit on my first try in like a minute.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
I think I'm almost done with the game and I've used Grip for >90% of it. With damage+headshot mods you rarely need anything else (except Launch ofc). I use Shatter and Charge? (the explodey one) for fun every now and then but I feel like Grip is kinda OP and you don't need much else. Between Grip and Launch I haven't had trouble with any of the bosses, which I heard can be nasty. I even beat the one in the Pit on my first try in like a minute.
Grip is very effective, the problem is that's it's also very dull. I only used it for the boss fights (once I had other weapons available).


Oct 25, 2017
is there a way to track how many bureau alerts and countermeasures you have done?

Like I did an alert and I cleared the room but I didn't get any skill points or anything for it like I have before so I dont know if I completed it or the timer ran out because the game does not tell me if I fail it.


Oct 28, 2017
A horde mode is a must.
The more i play the more i want from the game in terms of content. It's so good.


Oct 27, 2017
my gripes with CONTROL, in no particular order. i dont often think this deeply about a game, but i love this thing so damned much.

  • getting blind-sided by rocket mobs. frequently when multiple hiss spawn there will be one or two that fire rockets. they are hugely deeply annoying.
  • lack of variety amongst mobs. i honestly feel like this is due to resources. that's fair. remedy clearly chose where they thought their artists and designers would have the biggest impact.
  • those goddamn invisible mobs. i hate invisible mobs. it's not cool. grrr.
  • the service weapon is cool, but really when it comes down to it you'll end up picking two weapon and sticking to them for the whole playthrough. pierce and spin for me.
  • i find the weapon/personal mod icons incomprehensible. something about the symbols and interface makes it really hard to read them. most of the time i just didn't bother to really try and optimize them and just only faffed around and deleted the lowest level mods when my inventory was full.
  • the item pop-up after a boss is so fast, if you aren't looking at the bottom right you might miss what you've got. if you get a lore-dump and you don't click into it, then go searching for it under assets, accidentally clear its new status without clicking into it, cant remember its name, then you have to scan through all your documents til you work out what it was.
  • imo it would have been nice to be able to generate some kind of armor forcefield like enemies, to make yourself a little less squishy. getting one shot by certain enemies when things become chaotic in certain situations is extremely frustrating. the shield is extremely useful but situational. having actual armor, perhaps as part of the shield tree, would have been useful. perhaps generating the armor would have always left your your energy with say -10% reduced.
  • cameras - i'm sure more than a few of us plunged to our deaths multiple times fighting the former because we couldn't see our feet and found ourselves falling through holes left by the boss.
  • why the mold... the side missions are a lot of fun, but it doesn't really feel that connected to the greater story of the game. also the mold-1 is just the most frustrating boss. again this feels in part like a 'fighting the camera' boss, where i didn't realise at first that i was getting ganked by the toxic floor because of the camera.
  • lack of closure on at least 4-5 characters. i don't need them to have every single facet cleared up, but certainly there are things i'd like to see elucidated.
    • Marshall - Most obvious one, and i wish they'd rounded it out even if you didnt find her. i'm sure y'all spent some time in the quarry looking for her. i did. possibly covered in dlc?
    • ahti - so uh, is this dude's like a norse god? i think this is best left ambiguous, but i'm not sure if you get to see him again after jesse gets trapped in her head. i'm going through each area again.
    • darling - i deeply suspect that even if we never actually meet him we might see more evidence of what happened to darling in a sequel. it was so ambiguous what happened to him, seeing him in his underwear freaking out, as his last message was cool, but perhaps a little more intimation of what happened to him after exposure to hedron wouldn't have been entirely bad
    • the Former - i fought the former twice, but it felt like there should have been a third outing. perhaps something for the foundation dlc? a deeper discussion of the Board and how the Former relates to them.
    • The Hiss/Polaris - by the end they are both still entirely enigmatic. we get that they're at odds, but we never really get further context.
    • The City - i feel like i remember reading something about a city in the astral plane, or perhaps past the quarry. i wanna know! what is it?
  • it felt weird getting case notes on items/mobs just after dealt with them. just a personal preference but i'd prefer they become accessible in central admin afterwards, rather than pop the moment it happens, because they read like case reports, so they feel like they've been typed up and submitted. this is a minor gripe and perhaps just me being anal.
  • redactions on file and case notes are often pretty dumb and uninteresting. remedy understood that the trope of redaction played well into the conspiratorial story of the FBC and its role, but didn't quite get how to redact items in an interesting way, often just stripping out words/figures you could guess, leaving less room of wild speculation
  • lack of achievements on the EGS release of the game. i'd love to know if i have all the case notes and collectibles. i wanna know if i'm close to 100% it.
  • lack of photo mode - this is going to be added in a patch, along with a fix to the bug of not being able to upgrade the pierce. at this point i've already resorted to using cheat engine to enable the debug camera to take screenshots.
  • the save point system, lack of saves game files, the poor spacing of the savepoint/fast travel nodes. i'm sure we're all on the same page on this. the save game system in control is not amazing. e.g. let us restart a boss fight without having to run back through the level.
  • ads in boss fights. ads in boss fights are never fun. tomassi was a total pain in the ass.
  • bosses in general were kind of a weak point of the game. despite the former looking amazing, it was frustrating. the mold-1 was annoying to corpse run and a battle of attrition til i started using the shield, and even then was a race to kill before getting overhwelmed by chaos. the named hiss bosses (e.g. tomassi etc) are effectively all just hiss with powers similar to yours. this kinda loses its luster.
  • it would have been nice to see contextual enemies. e.g. ashtray hotel was amazing, but it felt a bit odd fighting the same generic hiss that you saw everywhere else there.

i adored this game. it's hands down my GOTY. None of my gripes above change that. I'm excited for the DLC. I cant wait to learn more about the oldest house. i think that once i finish the last few bits including essej, i will then concentrate on producing some high quality screenshots of the various parts of the game. ps, fuck rocket mobs.
Last edited:


Wonder from Down Under
Oct 27, 2017
Wrapped up I think the last thing I had to do, the optional super hard boss fight others have talked about; Tommasi.

Absolutely fucking hated it, and probably my least favourite thing in Control by far. I get that it's supposed to be a tough fight but the environment is oddly cluttered with clumsy props and obstacles, Tommasi's projectile attacks take off literally almost half your health if they scrape your ankle, and the audio cue is weak on back up Hiss arriving, particularly the invisible ones. It's just a really messy boss fight that wasn't at all rewarding to beat, as I felt like I was more trying to exploit the environment and cheese through than play super well. I also have grievances with games trying to do "super tough boss fights" that amount to the boss dealing absurdly huge damage and back-up enemies flowing in and that's about it. Control ain't Souls and it doesn't work here, in my opinion. I'd probably have enjoyed it more if the set piece was more interesting or flowed better, like the first time you fight him.

Glad it's done. Bring on the DLC.


Oct 28, 2017
Australia (GMT+10)
So now that Remedy have bought back the publishing rights to Alan Wake, and we know that not everyone in their studio was working on control... are we thinking that they're working right now on an Alan Wake sequel, or an Alan Wake Remaster (particularly for the PlayStation), or something else?


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA

I think this might just be my favorite game yet. I'm not finished yet Looking for the projector... done lots of side stuff so far so that's a big part of why it says 'might' in the previous sentence... but yeah. Wow. I'm a huge Remedy fan, so obviously I like Sam Lake's writing, and their voice cast, and Poets. I'm a Twin Peaks fan, so even going back to Max Payne, I've enjoyed that heavy influence (I was called Address Unknown on a Twin Peaks message board well before Alan Wake was announced).

And yeah. Ray tracing excitement and all that.

So keep that in mind.

But the world building, the art style, the music, the technology. All ridiculously on point.

Finding out the spiral door in the Seaview Motel leads to where Alan Wake is still trapped is the kind of mythology that really gets me.

The gameplay is peak Remedy TPS, with Metroid Prime level boss encounters. I can't praise that enough. The side bosses have been kicking my ass *just* enough.

I found a hidden area in the main research area filled with so many mold enemies I didn't stand a chance.

It's got the *medium* sized world that most of my favorite games tend to have. Large enough that you get a genuine sense of exploration, but small enough that you really start building a mental map of the place.

I'll be playing more again tonight. Had visiting family which prevented me getting heavily into it before this weekend just finished, but. Yup. Wow. Great great game that leans so heavily into my tastes that I can't fight it.
Oct 25, 2017
So I've had a sidequest available since nearly the beginning of the game that I haven't found a way to access. As far as I've seen I have no way to enter the Field Training room. The main door in Central Maintenance is blocked. Certainly there's a path I've overlooked, right?

Chitown B

Nov 15, 2017
i'm super early. i just got to the janitor.

but I'm loving it so far. It's super creepy and I can't handle too much each night. And I am the biggest Alan Wake fan ever.


Oct 25, 2017
I seem to recall someone saying that you can play the Kojima-cameo mission on PC. Can anyone tell me how to do it?


Oct 27, 2017
Was Pierce supposed to be upgradeable? I'm suddenly very aware that I just beat the game and it's the only gun stuck on level one. (Edit: whoops, literally answered on this very page.)

Other than the major performance issues on base consoles, I really enjoyed Control. Just got a couple of side-missions left and a few more ability points to go. The optional boss everyone complains about is gonna be tricky; I've already been humbled enough by Sekiro this weekend.
Oct 25, 2017
Miami, FL
my gripes with CONTROL, in no particular order. i dont often think this deeply about a game, but i love this thing so damned much.

  • getting blind-sided by rocket mobs. frequently when multiple hiss spawn there will be one or two that fire rockets. they are hugely deeply annoying.
  • lack of variety amongst mobs. i honestly feel like this is due to resources. that's fair. remedy clearly chose where they thought their artists and designers would have the biggest impact.
  • those goddamn invisible mobs. i hate invisible mobs. it's not cool. grrr.
  • the service weapon is cool, but really when it comes down to it you'll end up picking two weapon and sticking to them for the whole playthrough. pierce and spin for me.
  • i find the weapon/personal mod icons incomprehensible. something about the symbols and interface makes it really hard to read them. most of the time i just didn't bother to really try and optimize them and just only faffed around and deleted the lowest level mods when my inventory was full.
  • the item pop-up after a boss is so fast, if you aren't looking at the bottom right you might miss what you've got. if you get a lore-dump and you don't click into it, then go searching for it under assets, accidentally clear its new status without clicking into it, cant remember its name, then you have to scan through all your documents til you work out what it was.
  • imo it would have been nice to be able to generate some kind of armor forcefield like enemies, to make yourself a little less squishy. getting one shot by certain enemies when things become chaotic in certain situations is extremely frustrating. the shield is extremely useful but situational. having actual armor, perhaps as part of the shield tree, would have been useful. perhaps generating the armor would have always left your your energy with say -10% reduced.
  • cameras - i'm sure more than a few of us plunged to our deaths multiple times fighting the former because we couldn't see our feet and found ourselves falling through holes left by the boss.
  • why the mold... the side missions are a lot of fun, but it doesn't really feel that connected to the greater story of the game. also the mold-1 is just the most frustrating boss. again this feels in part like a 'fighting the camera' boss, where i didn't realise at first that i was getting ganked by the toxic floor because of the camera.
  • lack of closure on at least 4-5 characters. i don't need them to have every single facet cleared up, but certainly there are things i'd like to see elucidated.
    • Marshall - Most obvious one, and i wish they'd rounded it out even if you didnt find her. i'm sure y'all spent some time in the quarry looking for her. i did. possibly covered in dlc?
    • ahti - so uh, is this dude's like a norse god? i think this is best left ambiguous, but i'm not sure if you get to see him again after jesse gets trapped in her head. i'm going through each area again.
    • darling - i deeply suspect that even if we never actually meet him we might see more evidence of what happened to darling in a sequel. it was so ambiguous what happened to him, seeing him in his underwear freaking out, as his last message was cool, but perhaps a little more intimation of what happened to him after exposure to hedron wouldn't have been entirely bad
    • the Former - i fought the former twice, but it felt like there should have been a third outing. perhaps something for the foundation dlc? a deeper discussion of the Board and how the Former relates to them.
    • The Hiss/Polaris - by the end they are both still entirely enigmatic. we get that they're at odds, but we never really get further context.
    • The City - i feel like i remember reading something about a city in the astral plane, or perhaps past the quarry. i wanna know! what is it?
  • it felt weird getting case notes on items/mobs just after dealt with them. just a personal preference but i'd prefer they become accessible in central admin afterwards, rather than pop the moment it happens, because they read like case reports, so they feel like they've been typed up and submitted. this is a minor gripe and perhaps just me being anal.
  • redactions on file and case notes are often pretty dumb and uninteresting. remedy understood that the trope of redaction played well into the conspiratorial story of the FBC and its role, but didn't quite get how to redact items in an interesting way, often just stripping out words/figures you could guess, leaving less room of wild speculation
  • lack of achievements on the EGS release of the game. i'd love to know if i have all the case notes and collectibles. i wanna know if i'm close to 100% it.
  • lack of photo mode - this is going to be added in a patch, along with a fix to the bug of not being able to upgrade the pierce. at this point i've already resorted to using cheat engine to enable the debug camera to take screenshots.
  • the save point system, lack of saves game files, the poor spacing of the savepoint/fast travel nodes. i'm sure we're all on the same page on this. the save game system in control is not amazing. e.g. let us restart a boss fight without having to run back through the level.
  • ads in boss fights. ads in boss fights are never fun. tomassi was a total pain in the ass.
  • bosses in general were kind of a weak point of the game. despite the former looking amazing, it was frustrating. the mold-1 was annoying to corpse run and a battle of attrition til i started using the shield, and even then was a race to kill before getting overhwelmed by chaos. the named hiss bosses (e.g. tomassi etc) are effectively all just hiss with powers similar to yours. this kinda loses its luster.
  • it would have been nice to see contextual enemies. e.g. ashtray hotel was amazing, but it felt a bit odd fighting the same generic hiss that you saw everywhere else there.

i adored this game. it's hands down my GOTY. None of my gripes above change that. I'm excited for the DLC. I cant wait to learn more about the oldest house. i think that once i finish the last few bits including essej, i will then concentrate on producing some high quality screenshots of the various parts of the game. ps, fuck rocket mobs.
Man you really should have been using Throw. Your read makes it sound like you were killing bosses with guns which is like, the wrong way to do things.

Also reads like you weren't using throw to toss those rockets back at their senders. Rocket dudes are only annoying if you're out there tanking rockets...which should never really happen. You can also use Throw to turn invis douches visible.

Like, Throw trivializes boss fights. For example, the Former fight that takes maybe 4-5 minutes of plinking away and stress with the gun takes about 40 seconds total time when simply throwing objects at it for massive damage. Mold-1 is a < 30 second fight with Throw properly leveled up.


It's Pronounced "Aerith"
Oct 25, 2017
So, finished the game, what can i do now?
apart from sidequest, they said that i need to clean all remaining hiss to lift the lockdown, is that possible? is there a "true ending" or something?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017

I think this might just be my favorite game yet. I'm not finished yet Looking for the projector... done lots of side stuff so far so that's a big part of why it says 'might' in the previous sentence... but yeah. Wow. I'm a huge Remedy fan, so obviously I like Sam Lake's writing, and their voice cast, and Poets. I'm a Twin Peaks fan, so even going back to Max Payne, I've enjoyed that heavy influence (I was called Address Unknown on a Twin Peaks message board well before Alan Wake was announced).

And yeah. Ray tracing excitement and all that.

So keep that in mind.

But the world building, the art style, the music, the technology. All ridiculously on point.

Finding out the spiral door in the Seaview Motel leads to where Alan Wake is still trapped is the kind of mythology that really gets me.

The gameplay is peak Remedy TPS, with Metroid Prime level boss encounters. I can't praise that enough. The side bosses have been kicking my ass *just* enough.

I found a hidden area in the main research area filled with so many mold enemies I didn't stand a chance.

It's got the *medium* sized world that most of my favorite games tend to have. Large enough that you get a genuine sense of exploration, but small enough that you really start building a mental map of the place.

I'll be playing more again tonight. Had visiting family which prevented me getting heavily into it before this weekend just finished, but. Yup. Wow. Great great game that leans so heavily into my tastes that I can't fight it.
I know how you feel, and you've still got (imo) the best gameplay moment of the generation coming up. As a quick aside; what of Twin Peaks should I watch. Guessing the old ones holds up so old + new Showtime one but Judy wanted to check.


May 31, 2019
I know how you feel, and you've still got (imo) the best gameplay moment of the generation coming up. As a quick aside; what of Twin Peaks should I watch. Guessing the old ones holds up so old + new Showtime one but Judy wanted to check.
I would watch Season 1, Season 2, Fire Walk with Me and then Season 3 (The Return). :)


It's not a loop. It's a spiral.
Oct 25, 2017
Cape Cod, MA
I know how you feel, and you've still got (imo) the best gameplay moment of the generation coming up. As a quick aside; what of Twin Peaks should I watch. Guessing the old ones holds up so old + new Showtime one but Judy wanted to check.
We don't talk about Judy.

Seriously though, the only rough patch is the middle of the second season. Go american pilot, season 1, season 2, Fire Walk With Me, Missing pieces, season 3.