Jun 17, 2019
Your argument is overly semantic. It's not question of whether ALL cops are good or bad. It's the nature of policing and the overall effect on communities and their role in the system of justice.

If enough cops are bad and do enough damage the good or normal police activity is negated. When people say cops are bad they of course can't know the actions of ALL police officers but the overall effect on their reality is the same.
And to expand on that point, past a certain point when you realize how many cops are like this, you have to treat every interaction with a cop as a major risk and a potential threat to your safety, every time, because if you don't and you make the smallest slip up around the wrong guy, then you might end up the next one on the news.


Oct 26, 2017
How do you propose they be out at the forefront? How do they avoid being blacklisted by the bad ones?

Doing the wrong thing to curry favor with the bad ones doing the bad shit makes you a bad cop by definition. You seem to be missing this and thinking somehow that just because doing the right thing isn't perfectly easy that you get a pass.

You fucking don't. Those bad cops stack the goddamn bodies and prison sentences on my fucking people daily and you wanna talk about how "hard it is" for them? Fuck that, fuck that shit to death.


Oct 27, 2017
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania


Alt account
Jan 30, 2019
lol wow

The cops in this thread are piles of shit and there's tons of shitty cops out there, but this blanket "all cops" shit is weak sauce, wow.

Guess I shouldn't be surprised actually.

And I'm definitely not a big fan of the police. I've had my share of total assholes here in Vancouver Canada. I've personally witnessed varying levels of outright corruption, breaking the law, threats, etc, but just blanket shitting on every cop? What?!
Man, shut the fuck up.

Dark Cloud

Oct 27, 2017
There's just too many bad cops man. The profession requires fair justice. You always feel so helpless and powerless too because these shitheads can make up or frame you.
Jun 17, 2019
Only that it makes you not look serious in your argument. Also I'm old so I have an irrational dislike of memes.

well, I've seen shit like this video happen too many times to count online at this point, and I've run out of ways to dourly point out how awful it is. I reserve the right to be a little flippant in blowing off steam when talking shit about cops like that.

Boy Wander

Alt Account
Oct 29, 2017

well, I've seen shit like this video happen too many times to count online at this point, and I've run out of ways to dourly point out how awful it is. I reserve the right to be a little flippant in blowing off steam when talking shit about cops like that.

Yeah and I don't want to thread whine or have a go at you personally. I see it as analogous to a TV debate show. If I flick the TV on and people are debating a serious topic and you're on there saying how if an institution is corrupt, everyone in it is also corrupt by association unless they're seen to be actively working to change it, I'll be like "yeah good point, might not fully agree but can see where they're coming from". If you then go "blue lives matter" in a derpy voice and pull out a piece of cardboard with Sonic on it, I'm going to think "Who is this fucking clown" or assume I've accidentally flicked onto a comedy panel show.


Oct 27, 2017
It's funny how people came into this thread talking about how if you think cops are bad that you shouldn't call them or use their services.

Motherfucking no shit. You know what happens when a cop is called and a black person is within 50 paces? They die. No shit black people don't call the police. They want to live.

Black people pay taxes to supply a police force that not only won't help them but kills them for free.

Powdered Egg

Oct 27, 2017
"I'm not buying that there is a fundamental problem with US policing since a cop held a door for me and my baby's stroller yesterday."


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
I "came into a thread" and my post was crystal clear and there was nothing wrong with it.

I love the part where you ignore where I said these cops and others like them are assholes though.
I love the part where you totally gloss over the fact that the police force, as an institution (especially in the US) is designed to oppress minorities. On a side-note, I'm guessing you're also of the #notallmen variety?


Oct 25, 2017
Vancouver BC
I love the part where you totally gloss over the fact that the police force, as an institution (especially in the US) is designed to oppress minorities. On a side-note, I'm guessing you're also of the #notallmen variety?

What the hell are you talking about? "I glossed over". When did I gloss over anything????

Did I ever say otherwise or comment on that subject at all??

Absolutely ridiculous.
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Oct 27, 2017
This is what happens when you have nothing but a bunch of buzz-cutted good ole boys who had someone pull their application. Even in the small town I live in, they're here to do nothing but tail gate you and sit at speed traps and ridiculously long red lights. They're a legion of insecure, tobacco chewing sociopaths.


Oct 29, 2017
The state of the law enforcement system in US is so fucked up, that looking from outside it is difficult to even comprehend.

A serious reform was needed yesterday.
Oct 25, 2017
"Hey, I had a nice encounter with an officer once, he seemed like a good cookie. So, I won't stand by and let you call all of them bad!"
Silly as fuck.

You have to fundamentally change the nature of policing in this country in my opinion but apparently that's too radical for this board.
There're too many bootlickers.
(It's the truth)
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Deleted member 6230

User-requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
The state of the law enforcement system in US is so fucked up, that looking from outside it is difficult to even comprehend.

A serious reform was needed yesterday.
You have to fundamentally change the nature of policing in this country in my opinion but apparently that's too radical for this board.


Oct 25, 2017
This is what happens when you have nothing but a bunch of buzz-cutted good ole boys who had someone pull their application. Even in the small town I live in, they're here to do nothing but tail gate you and sit at speed traps and ridiculously long red lights. They're a legion of insecure, tobacco chewing sociopaths.

Dude, when I see them sitting at speed traps I am like, "get a life you bored mother fucker." Imagine being such a cornball that your job is hiding behind a bush for 7 hours a day. If you hid for 7 hours in a retail job you'd get fired.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Athens, Greece
Kinda on the police's side here because it absolutely should be against the law to carry a gun around. I mean it isn't, and the police were wrong, but lets change this law.
Hey everyone this guy did something legal that should be illegal, cops should be allowed to do whatever they want to ruin his life, right?



Oct 25, 2017
The american police really is a fucking joke and needs to be reformed from the ground up.


Attempted to circumvent ban with alt account
Oct 25, 2017
Hey everyone this guy did something legal that should be illegal, cops should be allowed to do whatever they want to ruin his life, right?

BUT NOT ALL COPS! I once saw a cop pet a puppy and I'm sure he would never do anything bad, I swear!


Oct 27, 2017
I love the part where you totally gloss over the fact that the police force, as an institution (especially in the US) is designed to oppress minorities. On a side-note, I'm guessing you're also of the #notallmen variety?

"Hey, I had a nice encounter with an officer once, he seemed like a good cookie. So, I won't stand by and let you call all of them bad!"
Silly as fuck.

There're too many bootlickers.
(It's the truth)

BUT NOT ALL COPS! I once saw a cop pet a puppy and I'm sure he would never do anything bad, I swear!

Calm down maybe.
Yeah I'm the ass.
Now I'm being insulted for saying something not even remotely out of place.
Grow up.

Problem with generality is it shows lack of true understanding in the world but the "#notallmen" take gives off a perception of "Lack of empathy". I brush off childish general statements but I really do understand the anger and outcry. When you hear "All men are assholes" and "All police are assholes", Its a warcry for something to be done about the disturbing percentage of these groups who commit acts against humanity and especially minorities.

Its one side taking things too literally and failing to read inbetween the words and another side wanting change so bad they feel they need to make it be as serious as it can sound.

At the end of the day, These things are a major major problem and if generalizing gets the world to wake up then fuck it, Lets go.


Oct 26, 2017
Its one side taking things too literally and failing to read inbetween the words and another side wanting change so bad they feel they need to make it be as serious as it can sound.

Then the correct response to "not all" would be "Yeah, absolutely not all. But enough that it's unsafe to assume for a randomly selected member of the group that they don't, which makes it just as bad a problem as if all of them were," which would cut that argument off at the knees. Instead you get what happened in this thread and happens in discussions like it across the internet.

Truth of the matter is that "not all" is probably correct in pretty much all of the cases where it's an issue, but in the same way that you only need a certain small percentage of people to be anti-vaxxers to cause epidemics of deadly diseases, you only need a certain small percentage of, say, cops to be genuinely fucked-up levels of bad to cause the equivalent in law enforcement. And it seems pretty obvious to me (and probably to a lot of people who'd argue 'not all' when faced with the extreme view) that in the US not only are they way over that percentage, but the whole structure of policing seems geared to increase the numbers that are, and decrease the numbers required to make it a problem.

Not all doesn't matter. Even not most wouldn't help. Hell, even not the vast majority wouldn't make a difference, particularly with the way the structures in place work. It's not a point worth arguing (for or against) because it's so fucking irrelevant. The only thing that's going to help is major reform of those structures, and then systematically removing the ones who are bad, one by one and permanently, however many there are.


Oct 29, 2017
It's funny how people came into this thread talking about how if you think cops are bad that you shouldn't call them or use their services.

Motherfucking no shit. You know what happens when a cop is called and a black person is within 50 paces? They die. No shit black people don't call the police. They want to live.

Black people pay taxes to supply a police force that not only won't help them but kills them for free.
Right? Black & brown people already do the calculus of debating whether or not they should trust the police and call them when necessary. There was just a post about this in the Blank While Black thread where a woman's friend called the police and specifically told them the issue yet she was unjustly arrested and the circumstances the police used to justify it were 100% false. Minorities already live in an environment where they literally cannot trust yet are stuck with relying on such a broken institution. There are black and brown parents who rightfully worry that a phone call to 911 is a toss up as to whether they are treated fairly or if they'll soon end up having to bury a child because the wrong trigger happy bigot showed up. Morons want to act like saying that "well if you hate cops, what are you gonna do when you need 911" is some sort of gotcha but it isn't. If you're sick and there's only one shitty hospital in the area where you're just as likely to get even sicker or die under their care as get sufficiently treated: your only options are to die at home or take that risk by using that hospital services.

And all of this is without even broaching the fucked up implication that the police doing their jobs should be conditional. That people are only allowed to rely on their services if they bend the knee and heap praise and respect on officers. How is that any less fucking slimy than an officer not doing a proper job because the victim of a crime is black or Muslim? Cops are there to do a job. The motto is serve and protect and that is and should be for all people regardless of their opinions on the institution. People who say "fuck all cops" aren't less worthy of being protected by the men and women who, as citizens, they still literally pay through taxes to protect them.
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Oct 28, 2017
Doing the wrong thing to curry favor with the bad ones doing the bad shit makes you a bad cop by definition. You seem to be missing this and thinking somehow that just because doing the right thing isn't perfectly easy that you get a pass.

You fucking don't. Those bad cops stack the goddamn bodies and prison sentences on my fucking people daily and you wanna talk about how "hard it is" for them? Fuck that, fuck that shit to death.

If your logic was followed, there really wouldn't be any good cops. If good cops were constantly attempting to internally police their colleagues they would likely be blacklisted.

Does that mean they're not good cops? No.

It means the system itself is broken.

You could argue then that they should just quit. I know 2 former cops that have because they hated the system and their colleagues so much. That's unfortunate because the system lost 2 good cops. There are more like then that stick it out, trying their best to be "one of the good ones" and changing the system from the inside as best they can.

Which brings me back to ACAB. It's just a very immature, illogical viewpoint. You can even say Most Cops Are Bad. I won't disagree. But all of them are not bad.

It's these extreme view points that are counterproductive to needed movements.


Oct 29, 2017
If your logic was followed, there really wouldn't be any good cops. If good cops were constantly attempting to internally police their colleagues they would likely be blacklisted.

Does that mean they're not good cops? No.

It means the system itself is broken.

You could argue then that they should just quit. I know 2 former cops that have because they hated the system and their colleagues so much. That's unfortunate because the system lost 2 good cops. There are more like then that stick it out, trying their best to be "one of the good ones" and changing the system from the inside as best they can.

Which brings me back to ACAB. It's just a very immature, illogical viewpoint. You can even say Most Cops Are Bad. I won't disagree. But all of them are not bad.

It's these extreme view points that are counterproductive to needed movements.
This does not matter. The cause of corruption in law enforcement has nothing to do with people's negative view of police. Yeah the system is broken but that doesn't mean it can't be fixed. A broken system can be repaired when people actually earnestly invest in addressing the issues. It only remains broken because the people who can fix it aren't doing the work necessary to do it. The cause of this corruption lies within the institution and the way to fix it relies on the people who populate it. People saying "fuck all cops" isn't counterproductive because it isn't a factor at all in the actual goal of fixing what is broken. I've posted this list of issues before but I'll post it again.

They get hired despite being proven to be incompetent (Tamir Rice's killer being hired by another PD)
Employ power hungry brutes who take advantage of citizens. (Daniel Holtzclaw)
Multiple times (CNN expose on how US officers were charged with 400+ rapes over 9 years)
Or employ and integrate white supremacists into their ranks (FBI investigating white supremacist infiltration of law enforcement)
Are genuinely taught in too many places around the country to act with racial prejudice (Police explain how they are encouraged to act in a racist way)
As well as racially profile
Freely violate the rights of citizens when they aren't held accountable (Ferguson Police routinely violating the rights of black people)
Continually "police themselves" and find nothing wrong with their own behavior. Over & Over.

With this consistent pattern appearing in modern law enforcement, I'm not sure why you or anyone cares about people who gain a negative view of cops expressing it. If literally everyone with a negative opinion on police just stopped expressing those opinions, that would have zero impact on actually putting an end to any of the shit outlined. There are officers right now just like Daniel Holtzclaw who are using their power to sexually abuse citizens and their actions aren't fueled by gangster rap lyrics. There are officers right now just like the ones in this video who are ruining innocent lives just because of their own petty emotions and they aren't remaining employed because of Era members saying fuck all cops. There are parents and families who have lost children due to police brutality and will never get deserved justice and saying "fuck all cops" isn't the driving force of that cruel reality.

The burden to change is on police & not on citizens to treat them nicely and heap praise on them that they haven't earned. We pay them as citizens to do a job and whether you think it's unfair or not, we give them powers in society that demands more than just doing the thing they're payed to do. It is not an insane demand to want to see these "good cops" do more than just the bare minimum. That's because doing the job correctly means not only catching criminals but directly addressing the corruption in their coworkers. I'm not sure why we as citizens have to give a fuck whether they're blacklisted or not when the consequences for doing nothing means that we pay the price for dealing with abuses of power and abortions of justice that ruin and end lives and families. It's a complete fucking bummer that they have to deal with blacklisting and retaliation but nothing worth doing is without risk. Like I said before, they literally are already employed in a highly risky occupation that no one forced them into and the risk they take every day should be no different than the risks they'd take to empty their institution of garbage.
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Oct 25, 2017
If your logic was followed, there really wouldn't be any good cops. If good cops were constantly attempting to internally police their colleagues they would likely be blacklisted.

Does that mean they're not good cops? No.

It means the system itself is broken.

You could argue then that they should just quit. I know 2 former cops that have because they hated the system and their colleagues so much. That's unfortunate because the system lost 2 good cops. There are more like then that stick it out, trying their best to be "one of the good ones" and changing the system from the inside as best they can.

Which brings me back to ACAB. It's just a very immature, illogical viewpoint. You can even say Most Cops Are Bad. I won't disagree. But all of them are not bad.

It's these extreme view points that are counterproductive to needed movements.
Your semantics are counter productive. People are venting and you're going "no, no, no, say it right".


Oct 26, 2017
This is what happens when you have nothing but a bunch of buzz-cutted good ole boys who had someone pull their application. Even in the small town I live in, they're here to do nothing but tail gate you and sit at speed traps and ridiculously long red lights. They're a legion of insecure, tobacco chewing sociopaths.

The only person I know from high school who became a cop was a buzz cutted racist from the suburbs who had his uncle pull in the application for him. He openly gloated about this too.