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Oct 25, 2017
Well the fear is always how infectious these things are. These novel diseases don't tend to be as infectious as the common cold or flu, but the fear that people in the CDC/WHO is eventually we're gonna have the wrong animal cross with the wrong human and create something like SARS that spreads as easy as a common cold. That's why novel outbreaks are so hyped up and so dangerous, you don't know what you're dealing with until you do. So far these high mortality infections are only human-human in very close proximity, but all it takes is wrong place wrong time and that changes.

It's also important to note that unlike previous pandemics, we have international cooperation and global government agencies that watch over these novel outbreaks and can clamp down on them in ways that we couldn't back in the 20th century. But in the same breath, we didn't have massive hubs of near instantly global travel to major population centers during previous pandemics.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding, if a novel virus mutates to be more infectious, it has to pay for it in other regards evolutionary speaking. Like it won't be as virulent or it won't be able to multiply as efficiently. Isnt that why most airborne viral disease tend to have Mild/moderate symptoms?
The most deadly types are usually transmitted through very close physical intimate contact or blood to blood exposure like hiv.

I mean yes a lot of people will still die but it won't be a civilization ending thing. I don't think any natural viruses are capable of that at least in our modern setting.

But I'm no expert.


Oct 27, 2017
I live in Thailand and came down with something today... so... thanks to whoever made the inflammatory thread title that's made me panic.

DoctorERA, do you recommend going in to the hospital? My daughter had strep this week. I figured i just got it from her and was going to wait it out.

Even if it's just strep you should see a doctor
Nov 1, 2017
So what are the symptoms of this stuff? Anything blatantly obvious to where I can tell if I or someone near me has it, like bleeding out of the eyes or anything?

What to look out for
According to the CDC, a person could be at risk if they have:

  • Fever and symptoms of lower respiratory illness, such as coughing or difficulty breathing, after travelling to Wuhan or having close contact with someone who was ill and is now under investigation for the virus in the past two weeks.
  • Fever or symptoms of lower respiratory illness after having close contact in the past two weeks with someone who's been confirmed to have the virus.



Oct 26, 2017
there is also the added complication that the virus seems to be human to human in nature as well, which I believe SARS wasn't (correct me if I'm wrong) which significantly raises the chances
Of the virus spreading

It's HUbei province, not HEbei which where I am not. Hebei province actually surrounds Beijing city. And currently there 0 confirmed cases in Hebei.

Deleted member 8561

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Oct 26, 2017
Correct me if I'm wrong, but from my understanding, if a novel virus mutates to be more infectious, it has to pay for it in other regards evolutionary speaking. Like it won't be as virulent or it won't be able to multiply as efficiently. Isnt that why most airborne viral disease tend to have Mild/moderate symptoms?
The most deadly types are usually transmitted through very close physical intimate contact or blood to blood exposure like hiv.

I mean yes a lot of people will still die but it won't be a civilization ending thing. I don't think any natural viruses are capable of that at least in our modern setting.

But I'm no expert.

You're describing a natural balance of infectious diseases, but as for the bolded, we've had plenty of major pandemics like the 1919 H1N1 outbreak that infected one third of the global population and had a mortality rate of 10%-20%. You don't need something with a stupid high mortality rate to cause social disruption, the fear isn't of "end of society" infections, but "disruption to society" where people can't go to work, health centers become understaffed, health workers become ill, containment (like in China) becomes used to stop the spread. It's easy to look at what's happening in China right now as something on your TV, but it doesn't take much of a thought experiment to ask "what if WHO recommends a quarantine of Boston?" and how that would fly in a western nation.

But yea, when you have people shitting blood and bleeding out of their eyes, that tends to sideline them and makes them less infectious to the population, even if the virus is still highly contagious from their own fluids and waste.

Which is the big fear of H5N1/H7N9(Bird Flu) is so monitored. It's jumped from bird -> human two decades ago(iirc) with a mortality rate of 15% (meta study analysis based on likely global unreported cases vs. official number of people who have died from H5N1/H7N9) to 60% (the known infection total vs official number of people who have died from H5N1). It's also jumped to pigs, and the general fear is since pigs are hosts to Human Flu, Swine Flu and now Avian Flu, it's a literal flu factory that can shit out a novel flu infection that has just the right genetic mix that makes it deadly to humans due to no immune response and infectious like Swine/Human flu.

And also, I'm not an expert either, this is just general knowledge and google-fu that I've done over the years.

Either way, I'm glad I'm getting my masks today lol


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
I'm in China for the next 2 week in Shenzhen. I was unaware of this when I was on the plane last Sunday, but since we landed, my parents in law won't go out unless necessary, I'm wearing a mask as soon as I go out, my whole family is worried right now and so am I.

Yeah, I'm having some nice vacations.


Oct 25, 2017
I mean at this point this seems way more easily transmitted than SARS. With the rapid spread of transmission and China locking down entire cities....

Deleted member 8561

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Oct 26, 2017

Not sure how accurate the translation is, but Fanatic seems to think it's a fairly accurate translation.


Note, Guan Yi is the guy who is one of the key reasons why SARS didn't take off in 04 and is the primary researcher on H7N9.

I mean at this point this seems way more easily transmitted than SARS. With the rapid spread of transmission and China locking down entire cities....

Based on Guan Yi's assessment, it definitely is trending that way.


Feb 25, 2018
They may have been mortality cases not reported, but at the same time, lots of mild cases that went unreported because symptoms were mild / asymptomatic. We just don't know yet.

Also, could someone explain to me why so many people are saying this is a totally novel virus? Even when comparing it to bird flu? Coronaviruses represent 10 to 30% of the common cold. This is a new strain but not totally novel either.

Deleted member 8561

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Oct 26, 2017
They may have been mortality cases not reported, but at the same time, lots of mild cases that went unreported because symptoms were mild / asymptomatic. We just don't know yet.

Also, could someone explain to me why so many people are saying this is a totally novel virus? Even when comparing it to bird flu? Coronaviruses represent 10 to 30% of the common cold. This is a new strain but not totally novel either.

No, this is novel. It's part of the Coronavirus family, but the virus itself has never been seen in humans before. That's why it's nCoV. The common cold is part of the same family as SARS, and those are two completely different beasts.

nCoV so far has more similarities with SARS in respect to respiratory issues/complications it causes in moderate/severe cases. That doesn't mean it's mortality rate is SARS like, just that symptom wise it's more similar than dis-similar
Last edited:
Oct 26, 2017
They may have been mortality cases not reported, but at the same time, lots of mild cases that went unreported because symptoms were mild / asymptomatic. We just don't know yet.

Also, could someone explain to me why so many people are saying this is a totally novel virus? Even when comparing it to bird flu? Coronaviruses represent 10 to 30% of the common cold. This is a new strain but not totally novel either.
They are saying that because it's in China. And people think China isn't being honest about the virus


Oct 27, 2017
What about this Chinese tourist that spent a day in Paris despite feeling like having a cold, then fled the country after taking some medecine to make her temperature go down ? Saw it on BBC and it's also reported in China.


Feb 25, 2018
Also ya'll want to see something straight out of Contagion?

Read above

How many people do that? I know countless cases of parents sending their child to kindergarden / school with fever by hiding it with Tylenol / Advils. How many of your colleagues still go to work while they are sick? It's stupid but quite common.

I can't read Chinese by my guess is she though she had a common cold.

Deleted member 8561

user requested account closure
Oct 26, 2017
How many people do that? I know countless cases of parents sending their child to kindergarden / school with fever by hiding it with Tylenol / Advils. How many of your colleagues still go to work while they are sick? It's stupid but quite common.

I can't read Chinese by my guess is she though she had a common cold.

Lots of people, but this seems to have happened recently when there were screenings and she's from the city that has a major outbreak of a novel virus. She specifically knew she had a fever, avoided international screenings while being from the city with a major outbreak, and bragged about it.
Nov 20, 2017
Lots of people, but this seems to have happened recently when there were screenings and she's from the city that has a major outbreak of a novel virus. She specifically knew she had a fever, avoided international screenings while being from the city with a major outbreak, and bragged about it.

Yep, it's very clear from her text she was bragging about evading detection.

For those of you who would like to know more about Wuhan besides 'virus incubator':



Oct 25, 2017
I'm gonna have to stock up on facemasks while taking transit into Boston for the next few months. Not gonna take chances with this one.


Feb 25, 2018
Lots of people, but this seems to have happened recently when there were screenings and she's from the city that has a major outbreak of a novel virus. She specifically knew she had a fever, avoided international screenings while being from the city with a major outbreak, and bragged about it.

Ok. Fuck her then.


Blue Venus
Dec 24, 2017
Would suck if a year from now we hear "We should have stopped international travel until it was under control but people had business trips and money to make"

Deleted member 8561

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Oct 26, 2017
There's literally only one case in the U.S and it's on the west coast. You'd think the plague is spreading again based on some of the reactions here.

A novel SARS like virus is spreading with limited information on its ability to infect/survive on surfaces and its overall numbers of infection. Wearing a mask is hardly "acting like the plague" is spreading, its basic precaution against an unknown virus in a modern world where air travel is a thing and people can be asymptomatic and infectious.

That being said, I'm in MA and I'm totally going to be wearing masks when they come in. I'm not taking chances, Dr. SARS himself is worried about this thing, so I'm going to listen and take basic precautions before there are confirmed cases in my area.

Just look at the thread today. There are cases popping up in multiple regions that are not the primary hot spot.


Oct 28, 2017
I'm guessing the virus is already more widespread than anyone has reported ... just look at where the virus have actually been detected, and then think about the odds of the person traveling from one place to the other and how many people they have been in contact with on that trip, especially considering they where present in airports.

I hope this shit goes away, but it will be hard to contain
Nov 20, 2017
So good news is that temporary facilities are being built to specifically treat the coronavirus

Bad news is that they really, really need the extra capacity and equipment

Also noticing some trending items on Weibo about mask factories in China running at full capacity for 24 hours to churn out the needed masks - tagged as a 'heartwarming' story


Feb 25, 2018
Would suck if a year from now we hear "We should have stopped international travel until it was under control but people had business trips and money to make"

The WHO is debating wether it should be treated as a global emergency. There is a danger in which you cry wolf too often and then, one day, a really dangerous disease gets out and people stop caring because of all the false alarms.

Anyway the virus is already out there, lots of people were already having cold and flu symptoms so it could pass under radar.

Deleted member 2802

Community Resetter
Oct 25, 2017
I'm guessing the virus is already more widespread than anyone has reported ... just look at where the virus have actually been detected, and then think about the odds of the person traveling from one place to the other and how many people they have been in contact with on that trip, especilly considering they where present in airports.

I hope this shit goes away, but it will be hard to contain
China suppressing information 😲

So good news is that temporary facilities are being built to specifically treat the coronavirus

My mind was thinking superhospital but XiaoTangShan hospital was just buildings with fences


Deleted member 11626

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
New disease shows up and kills 10 people: The world panics.
The Flu kills tens of thousands annually: Nobody notices.

Those same people skip the shot that would help them. If the Corona virus spreads, some folks are just going to ingest their elderberry soup, douse themselves in colloidal silver mixtures, hold a half-eaten potato to their eye socket, and think they're safe. The world is fucked if a superbug does start to spread (even though this isn't it), because so many neglect to take the same basic care they need to right now, like going and getting a flu shot for $20 (or free for a lot of folks that don't have the money).
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