
Oct 25, 2017
Wow that was cringe from both sides.

Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point

A heartbreaking story is currently unfolding that’s sure to have devastating ramifications for years to come. Just moments ago, without any warning, the worst person…

His smugness as he walks off at the end…
Honestly, it wouldn't be hard to chastise someone for drinking in a kids park and not be the asshole but this guy pulled it off.


Feb 11, 2018
I little bit off topic, but on mobile the Imgur embeds when I try and click the sound on or interact them at all it takes me to their external site and away from the thread.. anyone have a fix?


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

View: https://i.imgur.com/tRtY3Qo.mp4
I little bit off topic, but on mobile the Imgur embeds when I try and click the sound on or interact them at all it takes me to their external site and away from the thread.. anyone have a fix?
I'd like to know a fix as well but I think that's how imgur is setup with embeds as same thing happens on desktop.
Wow, I do not condone at all what the mother is doing in this video, but the dude behind the camera comes off as the biggest asshole. It's gotta be more for clout right?


Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

View: https://youtu.be/QXmTF5C43yw?feature=shared

View: https://youtu.be/j315LGFjYHk?feature=shared

is there more to this guy? the videos above is particularly alarming because the kid who is getting sniffed on by the dude has the PARENT'S CONSENT?! which is like his trademark catchphrase by saying "Plenty of Consent" that he says in his other videos too lol and then continues to like abuse the peeps that show up?



Fallen Guardian
Oct 25, 2017

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hw1_eZjVTSY
My girlfriend graduated in this ceremony and I was sitting in the audience so I can clear this up, although I too was crying with laughter throughout.

Basically, each of the graduates was given a sheet of paper with a phonetic spelling of their names printed on it, which is what the guy on the right is taking and scanning with each passing graduate. He would then pass that to the speaker, who — instead of reading the standard names from the book in front of her (or the top of the paper with the phonetic spelling), was ONLY reading the phonetic spelling without even looking at how they're spelled normally.

Now this doesn't take away from the obvious incompetence on display here, as she read upwards of 50 names before correcting herself, but she also wasn't having a literal stroke as the video makes it seem, she was just being an idiot and not looking at the way the names were spelled first and then using the phonetic spelling as needed, like she should have done.

Still, this was maybe the funniest thing I've ever witnessed live and I wish no one had corrected her, I could have watched her read nonsense names for hours