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Oct 25, 2017
I think you could have sunlight and still satisfy the people who are disappointed in this thread. To me the thing thats a bit off is the tone of the trailer is a little too optimistic and spunky. People were hoping for more dark and edgy stuff. You can do that with sunlight.


Powerhouse Protector / Self-requested ban
Oct 25, 2017
How did anyone see this trailer as too optimistic? It's literally a murder montage.

You see someone killed by their VR set on an airplane.

You see a military lookint VTOL just straight blast a dude on what looks like an apartment balcony.

Corporate types who look to be ordering these assassinations.

The trailer was really Grim

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
I think you could have sunlight and still satisfy the people who are disappointed in this thread. To me the thing thats a bit off is the tone of the trailer is a little too optimistic and spunky. People were hoping for more dark and edgy stuff. You can do that with sunlight.
There's no optimism present in the trailer AT ALL. If anything it's cynical af. I mean just look at the first scenes where you have a dude in a business suit being harassed by some mohawked punks. You got entire buildings being shot up. A dude gets an eyeball ripped out.

Deleted member 5864

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes. Opposite way. Again I point to these quotes.

And I agree. There was lots of cyber, and lots of punk. It just wasn't presented in a way that's consistent with its previous self.
This is a whole new Cyberpunk, and I'm just going to have to get used to that.

But you can't say that there's no precedent the franchise had previously set that lead many of us to expect a certain tone/mood to be struck.
I've read those quotes many times and I don't see the problem. It's also completely disingenuous to act like nothing at all has happened since those quotes. Like the genre has taken or could take no other form. Yes there is precedent for neon nighttime (which is not absent from the trailer), just like there is precedent for a million other things that you willfully ignore:


Guess what.

The game also has these expansions:




And goddamn, don't even check the UK-centric expansion if the redneck couple triggered something inside you.

there is also precedent that the author himself has endorsed the look and feel of the trailer. And again, it was presented in a way that is consistent with its previous self:

that can also be fresh and different. So yea, there is no "opposite" here. Your narrow head-canon of what cyberpunk is, based on couple of lines and 4 decades of BR derivative looking media isn't actually the only form of what cyberpunk can be.
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Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I think you could have sunlight and still satisfy the people who are disappointed in this thread. To me the thing thats a bit off is the tone of the trailer is a little too optimistic and spunky. People were hoping for more dark and edgy stuff. You can do that with sunlight.
What do you attribute that to? Because this trailer is pretty damn dark and edgy to me. There is a lot of sexiness, but there is a lot of brutal violence — like a guy getting his eyes ripped out, two characters getting kicked the shit to the floor, shot in the face, and a lady casually missing more than half of her face. Also at least one braindance assassination.


Oct 25, 2017
I think the thing I'm most looking forward to is the divergence of the story depending on what role you pick.

While I want to be a street level nobody building my way up, I must admit the corporate route could be really cool too considering how much control and resources they have.

Gonna be the sort of game you need to play multiple times to get the full picture it seems. Wonderful but damn, after spending over 100 hours on W3 I don't know if I'm ready to multiply that a few times over lol.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
I think you could have sunlight and still satisfy the people who are disappointed in this thread. To me the thing thats a bit off is the tone of the trailer is a little too optimistic and spunky. People were hoping for more dark and edgy stuff. You can do that with sunlight.
I would argue those people weren't actually paying attention to the content of the trailer.

People coming away from the trailer using words like spunky and wacky are leaving me super confused.


Oct 25, 2017
There's no optimism present in the trailer AT ALL. If anything it's cynical af. I mean just look at the first scenes where you have a dude in a business suit being harassed by some mohawked punks. You got entire buildings being shot up. A dude gets an eyeball ripped out.
Yes but its presented with energetic music and a guy who sounds excited. He even says people want to go to the city despite its problems. Think people were expecting the whole thing to be cut in a way that evokes hopelessness and depression like the first trailer. You can have a bunch of killing and still feel a bit more optimistic, just look at all of the call of duty trailers.

Dash Kappei

Nov 1, 2017
Art direction is superb.
Dystopian future without constant rain/deserts/drab colors. Great achievement. The use of color really is something else in the trailer. Even the logo is super fucking cool.
Not sold on the mc at all, but I'll be watching mostly at his neck lol


Oct 25, 2017
Art direction is superb.
Dystopian future without constant rain/deserts/drab colors. Great achievement. The use of color really is something else in the trailer. Even the logo is super fucking cool.
Not sold on the mc at all, but I'll be watching mostly at his neck lol
Game has a character creator. The theory is that the various characters shown throughout are the different classes you can be: corporate, fixer, netrunner, etc

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Yes but its presented with energetic music and a guy who sounds excited. He even says people want to go to the city despite its problems. Think people were expecting the whole thing to be cut in a way that evokes hopelessness and depression like the first trailer. You can have a bunch of killing and still feel a bit more optimistic, just look at all of the call of duty trailers.
Only if you take the voiceover at face value and not even look at the content of the trailer can I see an optimism present. They cleary showed a dog eat dog world where no one is safe. That's not an optimistic world here. The music also isn't something I'd called upbeat, it's energetic, but only to match with the frantic scenes of moral decay, social strife, and open murder on the streets.
Nah son, there's no way you can convince me there's a shred of optimism here. It's cynical all the way.


Oct 25, 2017
Only if you take the voiceover at face value and not even look at the content of the trailer can I see an optimism present. They cleary showed a dog eat dog world where no one is safe. That's not an optimistic world here. The music also isn't something I'd called upbeat, it's energetic, but only to match with the frantic scenes of moral decay, social strife, and open murder on the streets.
Nah son, there's no way you can convince me there's a shred of optimism here. It's cynical all the way.
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. To me it had a similar tone to first GTA V trailer.


Oct 25, 2017
This game and DMCV have been my favorites so far. Never played a CD Projekt Red game, but I'll definitely keep an eye on this one!

I liked this trailer BECAUSE it wasn't dark and rainy like Bladerunner. It depicts so many unique and creative ideas that really drive the overall insanity of the world. Humanity isn't yielding to technology, it's taking it and being as reckless and indulgent as it always has been. Really gives my some Fury Road vibes.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
I guess we'll have to agree to disagree. To me it had a similar tone to first GTA V trailer.
But I agree that the trailer has shades of GTA. But GTA also is not a franchise I would associate with optimism. GTA prides itself on being a satire on the American dream, it makes fun of people who are optimistic that it actually exists.
It sounds to me that the sarcasm is going over your head. And please don't take that to mean I'm being condescending.


Nov 4, 2017
Contrast is so important in any game, but particularly open world games. Day/night cycles, weather systems and affects and biomes with their own atmosphere help make a world fresh, varied and reduces repetitive.

The Witcher 3 did this very well, by making many small villages and towns that where built and laid out like they would have in a real medieval region, but the geographical layout, different lighting, ambient effects and so on helped create a lot of contrast. Contrast that keeps the game from being boring. You have dark grimy swampy villages full of death and decay, and beautiful lush open fields, and everything in between.

It's the expectation from all CDProjekt fans that Cyberpunk will bring that diversity. CP being a much less explored genre, not just in gaming, but just the fact that we are referencing a small amount of works, just tells us that Cyberpunk is not developed to where it should be (prob like Steampunk- but that's for another discussion) and as a result we have people with very strong opinions about the aesthetic and heart of what makes cyberpunk, cyberpunk.

It hadn't occured to me, but Akira and GITS is prob the first CP films I ever saw. And I see the similarities to CB2077 a lot. Also during the day scenes.



The neon / sunlight is less pronounced in their daytimes though. I don't remember if Ergo Proxy had day scenes, alhthough that was years later (2007?)

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Yes but its presented with energetic music and a guy who sounds excited. He even says people want to go to the city despite its problems.
I don't really find that monologue itself as optimistic as you do, but I do agree the issue is the voiceover. I think the content is fitting as it is plainly about the capitalistic lies of Night City. It's the actor's sardonic delivery. But I do think the trailer would be better without it altogether, or maybe the narration should've at least ended with the train.

I like the energetic music.


Oct 25, 2017
But I agree that the trailer has shades of GTA. But GTA also is not a franchise I would associate with optimism. GTA prides itself on being a satire on the American dream, it makes fun of people who are optimistic that it actually exists.
It sounds to me that the sarcasm is going over your head. And please don't take that to mean I'm being condescending.
Nah its not going over my head, i totally get what its doing. But to me being bleak and depressing and being satirical to show how fucked up things are are two very different tones.
Oct 27, 2017
You know colour palettes can really effect people psychologically without them being aware of it at all. Warmer colours Reds, Yellows and their secondaries are generally seen as positive while colder colours, Blues and Greens are more neutral and even associated with sadness.

Some people reacted to the tone of the trailer and not the content IMO. I mean people being beaten to death and having their eyes gouged out is not exactly satire, but I can see where people are concerned with a satirical slant because GTA has established that framework and 5 and Vice City especially are strongly associated with Bright and Gaudy aesthetics in gamers minds already.

Basically the atmosphere set is a dream come true for me and if you take the time to examine the trailer the details and world building seem pretty bonkers good IMO. This whole thing kinda reminds me of what happened with the CIv 6 reveal TBH. We'll get over it.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Nah its not going over my head, i totally get what its doing. But to me being bleak and depressing and being satirical to show how fucked up things are are two very different tones.
Fair enough. But we're talking about you calling the trailer upbeat and optimistic. Which I disagree with. However you feel about the tone between the two trailers is a different matter.
With that being said, I feel like both tones are likely to exist within the game. The Witcher is a game that could do satire, straight comedy, and the grim stuff all very well. There's no reason to believe Cyberpunk will be any different, especially considering that they even have the IP creator (who has also done some viddo game design himself) on board.


Oct 29, 2017
So, I definitely thought the trailer was "off" somehow aesthetically, but it's hard to put into words. I see lots of posts diving into the semantics over words that people are sort of grasping for to begin with, such as "optimistic". Annoyingly, I can't begin to put into words what I want for this game, but I would know it if I saw it. It's not even that it's sunlight... even the dark and rainy shots aren't doing it for me. One thing I can say for sure, I wanted something more futuristic than this... something less familiar. A few Akira style megastructures would go a long way.

Anyways, the trailer has grown on me since my first reaction which was pretty meh. Given that it's CDPR I'm sure it will end up a great game regardless.

Dream Machine

Oct 25, 2017
Contrast is so important in any game, but particularly open world games. Day/night cycles, weather systems and affects and biomes with their own atmosphere help make a world fresh, varied and reduces repetitive.

The Witcher 3 did this very well, by making many small villages and towns that where built and laid out like they would have in a real medieval region, but the geographical layout, different lighting, ambient effects and so on helped create a lot of contrast. Contrast that keeps the game from being boring. You have dark grimy swampy villages full of death and decay, and beautiful lush open fields, and everything in between.

It's the expectation from all CDProjekt fans that Cyberpunk will bring that diversity. CP being a much less explored genre, not just in gaming, but just the fact that we are referencing a small amount of works, just tells us that Cyberpunk is not developed to where it should be (prob like Steampunk- but that's for another discussion) and as a result we have people with very strong opinions about the aesthetic and heart of what makes cyberpunk, cyberpunk.

It hadn't occured to me, but Akira and GITS is prob the first CP films I ever saw. And I see the similarities to CB2077 a lot. Also during the day scenes.



The neon / sunlight is less pronounced in their daytimes though. I don't remember if Ergo Proxy had day scenes, alhthough that was years later (2007?)
Ergo Proxy had different unique bio domes that they main characters visited though, if I'm remembering right, so it had a some more wacky aesthetics in some episodes.

Deleted member 1656

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Nah its not going over my head, i totally get what its doing. But to me being bleak and depressing and being satirical to show how fucked up things are are two very different tones.
While I grow tired of the discussion about what exactly cyberpunk and Cyberpunk is, one the pillars of Cyberpunk as a setting is satirically powerful megacorporations and technological advancement. It's a satirical, fucking ridiculous world only trying to be real science fiction sometimes. Other times, it's just like that because it's cool.


Oct 25, 2017
Fair enough. But we're talking about you calling the trailer upbeat and optimistic. Which I disagree with. However you feel about the tone between the two trailers is a different matter.
With that being said, I feel like both tones are likely to exist within the game. The Witcher is a game that could do satire, straight comedy, and the grim stuff all very well. There's no reason to believe Cyberpunk will be any different, especially considering that they even have the IP creator (who has also done some viddo game design himself) on board.
Yeah i guess sarcastic and snarky are better words. As the poster above me said its hard to put into words what felt off.

Truly Gargantuan

Still doesn't have a tag :'(
Oct 25, 2017
Contrast is so important in any game, but particularly open world games. Day/night cycles, weather systems and affects and biomes with their own atmosphere help make a world fresh, varied and reduces repetitive.

The Witcher 3 did this very well, by making many small villages and towns that where built and laid out like they would have in a real medieval region, but the geographical layout, different lighting, ambient effects and so on helped create a lot of contrast. Contrast that keeps the game from being boring. You have dark grimy swampy villages full of death and decay, and beautiful lush open fields, and everything in between.

It's the expectation from all CDProjekt fans that Cyberpunk will bring that diversity. CP being a much less explored genre, not just in gaming, but just the fact that we are referencing a small amount of works, just tells us that Cyberpunk is not developed to where it should be (prob like Steampunk- but that's for another discussion) and as a result we have people with very strong opinions about the aesthetic and heart of what makes cyberpunk, cyberpunk.

It hadn't occured to me, but Akira and GITS is prob the first CP films I ever saw. And I see the similarities to CB2077 a lot. Also during the day scenes.



The neon / sunlight is less pronounced in their daytimes though. I don't remember if Ergo Proxy had day scenes, alhthough that was years later (2007?)
Well heckin said bud.
GitS and Akira are also my first forays into cyberpunk
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