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Oct 25, 2017

Next gen upgrades + Dolby Vision will cause my eyes to rupture and bleed from beauty overload. Seriously, if DV implementation is half as meaningful as it's been for film, this is going too look insane. Really happy I went with the XSX version on console.

Jamrock User

Jan 24, 2018
Keep asking but does anyone knpw if Dolby sound on windows is a one time payment? The store listing only mentions a free trial.


Aug 31, 2018

This is a reference to what Fortnite was doing yesterday when the season ended, where they released a lot of audios like this one:

That's why they put "Cybernight" at the end ('cause Fortnite)

They are just riding the marketing wave. To the Cyberpunk game, it means nothing (I think)


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I'll offer a rare counterbalance in a moment of tired frustration. A portion of it really is in wishing I could be as pogged about everything as others here. Like the hype when the reveal hit. It's hard to just shrug off the knowledge of how media representation affects us though, and what real-world impacts that results in. It's not cute, it's not edgy. It's harmful.

That's why I'm sincere when I mean both the game and the company would be better off without it; I genuinely mean it and wish it were the case. I resent having to see shit like trans-related drinks labelled poison, people mocking our bodies, relating them to beasts and the like, because it just feels so damn unnecessary. When removed from the game - even without the depth most are hoping for - there's a lot on the surface that looks decent. So I really do hope there is that depth around the themes that it's choosing to touch on, particularly those close to home. I just have little cause to believe it will. Having a game that has the scope to actually go into things on that level feels a loss when it's passed by, even moreso when it veers in the opposite direction toward mockery and derision.

Even with the potential to play without paying a dime it's hard to muster any sense of hype. I think there could be a lot to go into and write about over it, and part of me is interested to; especially around such a notable release and one that's already veered into the negative. The other part though, the majority, just wishes I didn't have to. That it was untwined from the unnecessary crap CDPR chose to bring to the table with it.

So believe me, I do appreciate why people are hyped. I just also wish more would understand that it's as a result of the actions of CDPR that not everyone can be, despite having wanted, or wanting, to be. Which sucks.

I agree.
I've been looking forward to this since 2012. But I'm honest enough to say it looks boring or bad when it does. The latest footage leak looks bad and boring. It's really baffling how some of us don't understand that you can critique a game, point out its faults, and still look forward to playing it.
Completely. Some (all?) of my favourite games I have bones to pick with in some way, shape or form. There's no benefit in masking them. Ultimately I'd hope that come a future iteration they were addressed in each case, so we could end up with something even better.


Oct 25, 2017

Bit updated model for Placid, I think hair is new?



Oct 25, 2017
The game can suck ass big time but ill just be ok with taking pics...heh, i spent a lot of time in Ghost of Tsushima doing nothing more than using photo mode.


Nov 7, 2017
I just realized as an OLED owner im now terrified of this game. RED ICONS EVERYWHERE ! I hope this is customizable and dynamic.


Oct 25, 2017
the edge
As the topic is ramping up in activity I think it's worth posting a reminder on the background to a lot of the sentiment. These issues are actively ongoing in each case, so any attention and time given to reading and considering the below alongside the hype for the trailer would be appreciated.

As CP77 features transphobic elements and is made by a company that's repeatedly been transphobic, while operating within a country that's in the midst of a severe nationwide crackdown on LGBTQ+ rights and people, in addition to bodily autonomy with a proposed new anti-abortion ruling (1,2) – one that has seen delay through widescale protest – I want to take a post to draw attention to the issues alongside the hype.

CDPR have spoken about the desire to reflect a range of political sympathies from staff in their game and are not only leaning on diversity and inclusivity as a promotion tool for it, but doing so at the expense of consideration for trans identities. A game having transphobic elements is problematic in and of itself but when it's being upheld as art and reflective of political sympathies from a country that's currently doing its best to ensure trans people - and all those under LGBTQ+ umbrella - don't exist, it should warrant an extra layer of scrutiny. Especially from a company with a history of transphobic output.

Media influences a lot of how the public perceive trans people and their identities so it isn't just a game and the backing to it isn't apolitical to start. If you're hyped for the game and can't wait to hit the streets of Night City it's still good to be understanding of the context. It isn't a guess that the transphobia present in CP77 is representative of the views widespread within their country, it's part of what they're stating is important to them.

Being fans of the game and giving the feedback to CDPR that their company and games would be better off without the transphobia is as beneficial as it is possible. Alongside the adoration and praise, being critical of these problems in alongside any positive feedback of the game in general could help nudge CDPR to be more inclusive and less bigoted toward trans people. There's really is no need for the transphobic elements in this game and from the company, and media like that we see paraded by them has a material impact on trans lives and the threats we face.

It would be appreciated if people could consider the below, in addition to the issues surrounding the company, alongside the celebratory hype in the runup to, and past, launch 💛

Poland: Crackdown On LGBT Activists

Polish authorities should stop trying to silence activists who support lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people’s rights, and instead promote and protect the right to equality.

Inside Poland’s 'LGBT-free zones'

Dozens of Polish towns have declared themselves free of "LGBT ideology". It means difficult choices for gay people living in them.

Poland's anti-gay crusade: “The most aggressive homophobic campaign I have seen in my life”

As Poland’s right-wing Law and Justice party continues to leverage prejudice against LGBTQ communities, those on the frontline say the impact has been devastating

Brussels unveils first-ever strategy for LBGTIQ equality

The Commission wants to strengthen legislation on hate crime and hate speech, and the protection of rainbow families.

Poland to consider outright ban on LGBT+ Pride parades after horrifying bill backed by more than 200,000 homophobes

Poland will consider a LGBT Pride ban after a citizen's legislative initiative amassed more than 200,000 signatures.

LGBTQ+ Charity & Trans support organisation:

Lambda Warszawa

Walczymy o równość, pomagamy i wspieramy
osoby LGBTQ+ od 25 lat.

Trans-Fuzja Foundation • articles • portal

Trans-Fuzja Foundation • articles



please help!

Donate to Trans-Fuzja! • Donate • articles • portal

If you want to support our work for transgender equality in Poland, you can do so easily by donating to our cause! You can do so via bank transfer, credit card or Paypal!


Excellent post. Thank you.

You can be a fan of the game and be really excited about it while acknowledging the issues at the same time. Doing it doesn't mean you're supposed to feel bad, it won't hurt the game nor will it magically "cancel" it. All it does is driving the conversation forward and help people in the process.


Oct 26, 2017

Next gen upgrades + Dolby Vision will cause my eyes to rupture and bleed from beauty overload. Seriously, if DV implementation is half as meaningful as it's been for film, this is going too look insane. Really happy I went with the XSX version on console.

As far as I know there's no real benefit to Dolby Vision for gaming. As dynamic metadata is already a thing with how games work. Someone mentioned it might make setting up\calibrating HDR way easier which would be awesome in it's own right. Happy to be corrected though if someone has a link.


Oct 25, 2017
Atlanta, GA
Two things I am concerned with:
Not enough ethnic black people hair being seen in all footage I see the same ugly dreads. Second every person has the same body type the women all look like Barbie dolls, yes they did show that one bigger girl/guy but I hope there are more varieties.


Oct 25, 2017
Two things I am concerned with:
Not enough ethnic black people hair being seen in all footage I see the same ugly dreads. Second every person has the same body type the women all look like Barbie dolls, yes they did show that one bigger girl/guy but I hope there are more varieties.

I've seen a couple characters with this type of hair.


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 27, 2017
Do we have any information on how exactly the PS4 -> PS5 upgrade will work? Is it true that you need to have a disc version PS5?

There's no PS5 version of the game.

If you insert the PS4 disk of the game you can play the PS4 version in bc mode on Ps5.

If you bought the digital version it's the same just without inserting a disk.

Of course you can't insert a Disk into a non-disk PS5 but if you bought the game digital there'll be now problems for you.


Oct 26, 2017
I haven't watched [and won't] the leaked footage - but keep in mind that it is pre day-zero/day-one updates👍
I did take that into account and still came out with that frame of mind. There's just a lot of those in but the prologue part of the game. I dunno how game development works but that patch is going to have to do ... a lot.


Oct 27, 2017
This may affect UK only, but for anyone who pre-ordered on the Xbox store, check how much you were charged.

I pre-ordered when the game was listed for £59.99; it's now £49.99. However, a couple of days ago I was charged, and MS still took £59.99 and not the lower price. I had to request a refund and order again.

Also, if you are pre-ordering on Xbox, check the MS rewards app as you get 6000 points (~£/$6) back for doing so.

His Majesty

Oct 25, 2017
I agree.
I've been looking forward to this since 2012. But I'm honest enough to say it looks boring or bad when it does. The latest footage leak looks bad and boring. It's really baffling how some of us don't understand that you can critique a game, point out its faults, and still look forward to playing it.
I think everyone understands that a game comes with positives and negatives. I will likely have plenty of complaints about Cyberpunk 2077 by the time I'm finished with it just like I have with nearly every other game. But labeling a game "bad and boring" based on heavily compressed and unpatched leaked footage doesn't seem like food for an interesting discussion, especially when we're talking about a slow paced RPG. I could show you hours and hours of gameplay footage where Fallout New Vegas looks "bad and boring" yet it is one of my favourite games of all time. People were also jumping to the conclusion on some trailers that the game is poorly written edgelord material. Turns out that maybe that's not the case and that one-liners used in marketing material don't represent the tone of the game.

As of this moment all we can do is be excited/worried about the possibilities this game offers and whether or not the game can end up a spiritual sequel to e.g. Deus Ex, New Vegas or Bloodlines. What I'm most worried about is that the choice and consequence system in the game will be mostly for show, as was the case with The Witcher 3 and that the progression systems are lacklustre as I haven't seen too many information on those. And of course there remains the question how CDPR will handle representation of minorities. Oh yeah and the prevalence of bugs. Visual bugs are a given in these types of games but I hope they will at least have addressed the gamebreaking ones.


Prophet of Truth
Nov 22, 2019

What's the thinking? Maybe a full standalone type game akin to GTA online/red dead online? Maybe even like FiveM but built-in within cyberpunk? That would be neat. There's a huge market for RP type gameplay on twitch and privately. I've never really seen a game actually incorporate stuff like that so that would be neat or it could just be more details on the DLC that was delayed.


Oct 25, 2017
Do we know if anyone from the press actually got a review copy? AFAIK the PR company distributing review copies in the US hasn't sent them out yet. Greg Miller of Kinda Funny Games also mentioned not getting one as yet.

If the embargo does indeed go up on Monday, there's barely 5 days for the press to play through a significant chunk of what is seemingly a massive open world game.
Haven't gotten any code here yet either. At this point, I'm figuring that the bigger outlets (IGN, GameStop, etc) probably have codes already. There's just no way that isn't the case at this point, IMO.

As for the person with a PS4 copy, I'm guessing they're in the EU. If not, maybe only console codes have been given out in all regions. Who knows.

I guess we'll know for sure when Monday hits and this supposed embargo date is lifted (I still don't know if that's official), and we see what outlets have reviews up. If it's only/mainly the bigger outlets, then we know what the deal is.

Right now, we're all kind of in the dark and probably anxiously checking our emails repeatedly throughout the day. I know I am.
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