
The Walnut King
Oct 25, 2017
Washington, D.C.
Epileptic PSA: There are reports that animations and flashing lights in this game can cause seizures. Read this article for more information

Why is there controversy surrounding CD Projekt Red and Cyberpunk 2077?

CD Projekt Red has a history of transphobia. This is well documented at this point and not a matter of debate. Due to this context there is particular concern about transphobic or insensitive content in Cyberpunk 2077 itself, such as the decision to tie gender to voice in the character creator, and trans fetishization in illustrations in the game—and these are just examples from prerelease footage. Additionally, there have been concerns about racist imagery and stereotyping. This article goes into depth about some of these issues.

What incidents of transphobia have occurred surrounding the game and the company, and why are they hurtful?

This list will be updated over time as more examples come to light, especially as the game releases and more content is uncovered. If you wish to have something added to this list, please send me a DM and get my attention.

Why is ResetEra allowing an official thread for this game?

There has been a lot of discussion about whether there should even be an official thread for Cyberpunk 2077, and many points of view were considered for this decision. Ultimately, a thread like this can serve as a platform for minority concerns to be aired and discussed respectfully, and given appropriate attention. We've also heard from minority members, including some trans members, who have asked for a space where they can talk about the game without needing to worry about trolling and bigoted posting. We expect all posters in the thread to extend the consideration and empathy to give them that space. We will be moderating as strictly as necessary to make sure they do.

What can I do to help fight transphobia?

Transphobia exists in many aspects of our lives. From casual discrimination such as the continuous misuse of a person's preferred pronouns, to more serious ramifications such as housing being denied, legal rights being taken away, and being discriminated in the legal system. Every trans person either has experienced transphobia in their lives, or will experience transphobia at some point.

Moreover, transphobia is a systematic issue that is present in every level of our society. Politicians fight to take away our rights. Celebrities use coded language and religious justifications, if not outright hostility, in order to continue to deny our existence. Media continues to portray us as the butt of a joke, or acts like we're something to be fascinated by, rather than treated with respect.

Actions speak louder than words: Become active in your local politics, donate to transgender causes, stand up for these issues wherever they arise, and if you know transgender people in your life be there for them and support them.

Here are some pro-trans organizations around the world where you can make a donation and show your support
  • For those of you in the US, The Trevor Project is one of the leading LGBT organizations. They are dedicated to crisis intervention and suicide prevention for people who are in need of support, love, and care.
  • For those of you in the UK, Mermaids is dedicated to the support of transgender, non-binary, and gender-diverse children, young adults, and their families. They have been around since 1995, and have been one of the most vocal voices speaking out against transphobia in the UK, including showing the dangers that transphobia imposes upon our youth.
  • If you would like to donate to CDPR's native country of Poland, you can find the Trans-Fuzja Foundation website here. The Trans-Fuzja Foundation has been around since 2008, and is dedicated to the support of transgender people in Poland in many aspects of life and society, including politics.
We are your friends. We are your family members. We're your coworkers. We're the people you meet on the street. We're the essential workers who keep society running in a pandemic. We're everywhere. We're not some sort of freak or joke, and we're not going away.

I want to give major thanks to Uzzy for lending her talent, time, and effort in putting together graphics and material for this official thread. Without her, this would not have been possible on such short notice. I would also like to give a shout out and thanks to Kyuuji for allowing me to use images and links from her own thread for this posts.


Oct 28, 2017
How the heck do you holster your weapon on keyboard? Also is there a key to access the quick item menu (hold Y on controller)?


Oct 26, 2017
How common is the game-breaking bug I had where Jackie vanishes if you walk too far from him during the Heist mission? Legit had to roll back two hours of progress to finally make it through.

The game is in such a sad state right now. It's a huge bummer, and made the story beats at the end of that mission fall so flat, because I was just happy to be done with it.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
As i'm reading reddit, it seems people wanted GTA with cyberpunk setting but what they got is Witcher 3 with cyberpunk setting, lol.
It seems only people thay play it like Witcher game (Linear path Main quest - side quest side quest side quest - main quest) enjoy it couse they don't interact at all with random NPC and all those stuff that you do in GTA.
Ya just based off the vibe of the game I could see how a lot of ppl thought they were getting a more GTA style game. I've already seen a lot of videos of ppl just running around chucking grenades and shooting ppl in the streets.


Oct 27, 2017
Anyone notice that ray tracing reflections do not accurately reflect some ad billboards (they reflect different ads than what's actually behind you)?


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
As i'm reading reddit, it seems people wanted GTA with cyberpunk setting but what they got is Witcher 3 with cyberpunk setting, lol.
People keep saying this but some of the most upvoted posts are about the game being a large disappointment, from those coming to it as TW3 fans and expecting a deep RPG lol.


Oct 25, 2017
All right i am gonna have to seriously spend a lot of time upgrading my Stealth character perks and finding weapons that you can use silently.I feel so underpowered when sneaking.Otherwise this game might lose me.

Basically all i do is disable cameras and manipulate the dumb AI to neutrilize enemies.I want a double or higher jump 100%.


Oct 29, 2017
I read through some of the Reddit comments. This one got me, and if it is true (seems it is), it's so disappointing.

  • No NPC Day/Night cycle. NPCs spawn and despawn outside of the player's view.
  • If an NPC is doing an action, they will do that action forever until the player moves.
  • NPCs that are not story/side quest related have one dialog reply.
  • If one NPC is assaulted, every other NPC in a large circle around the player will crouch to the floor in the same animation, even if they did not see the original assault.
  • NPCs in a car will follow a specific route. If the route is even slightly interupted, for example by your car, they will cease to move forever until you remove the obstruction.
  • NPCs in a car will not attempt to move or exit their vehicle if you assault them with bullets/another vehicle.
  • NPCs will not acknowledge the player if they run the player over with their car.
  • NPCs will not attempt to steal their vehicle back if you steal it from them.
  • NPCs will not attack you or defend themselves in any way or form, even if engaged upon with just fists.
  • Police spawn around the player's vision when the player is wanted, forever, until they attempt to hide or drive away.
  • Police to not attempt to question, warn, or arrest the player for even the smallest crime commited, for example if you bump into them or accidently enter a private area.
  • Police are incapable of driving cars and chasing the player if they drive away.
  • Police will not attack hostile targets like Gangs if they are not already doing so in an activity.
  • Police will know if the player has attacked an NPC in the middle of the badlands and spawn next to the player, without vehicles.
  • NPCs will rarely thank or acknowledge the player if they are helped by the player.
  • Scripted NPCs that have dialog will say their dialog then proceed to stand there forever. They will also repeat the same dialog if the player leaves the area and visits again later.
No interactivity with pretty much anything as well. Can't sit down to have a bite to eat from street vendors. Can't go into most doors, can't play arcades. No mini games, no unique events (not quests) or interesting NPC AI. I guess this is more Metro Exodus with some Deus Ex mixed in vs what a lot of folks were hoping.

I am going to still keep my Best Buy physical copy since it came with a steelbook and wound up being about $40 for me, but with a 1080Ti I am going to wait for a few more optimization patches. Although I am kind of tempted to return it (haven't opened it).

It feels like they spend more time building the world then focus on npc AI or combat and things like minigames and secret. It really feels rushed for a game that has been in the oven for 7 years. Its such a beautifull world and yet feels so static.

Deleted member 46948

Account closed at user request
Aug 22, 2018
I'll echo this, though have had a number of bugs that forced me to either reload the save or restart the game to resolve. Things like items being unequippable, not being able to move up and down on dialogue options and permanently being stuck walking slow.

I've had visual bugs aplenty, especially Johnny's cigarette gets doubled and tripled in most interactions where he smokes. Phones, French fries and guns floating mid air are also very common. Plus a couple of times the game froze for a couple of seconds while (presumably) it loads a new area, but that only happened a handful of times in my 20+ hours. Playing in Quality mode if that makes any difference.


One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I watched the new DG video and my mind was blown that the ps4 version on ps5 is running at 60fps? It does not feel or look that smooth at all when I play it and thought it was a locked 30. Jesus


Oct 25, 2017
They probably should've promoted this as a more linear action adventure with RPG elements to appeal to console demographic than GTA: Blade Runner/next level WRPG. A lot of the main quest/main side quest stuff is surprisingly really solid, but as soon as you step off the beaten path the wires and duck tape holding this thing together start to show. I kept thinking of that Fable comic from years ago.



Prophet of Truth
Jun 12, 2020
Well I haven't had any crashes with 1.04 on PC yet which is nice. I had gotten like 5 crashes before the patch. Played around 20 hours so far, 5 of that since latest patch. The patch said it improve RT performance but I dont see it. Still need to turn RT off to get a stable 60+ even with a 3080, though at least I can run with everything else maxed out. I still get blown away by how good this world looks, and how good the characters in missions look and act. NPCs out in the world is another story, obviously... just a facade. No soft locks yet, just some visual glitches.

My main beefs right now is the stealth system seems a little bit too unforgiving. Maybe I'm just used to games where the NPCs eventually "give up" on looking for you. I feel like going full stealth is not a great way to play either way. Have way more fun just going in blazing with smart guns and sniper rifles. Also the wanted system is just ridiculous. They really neee to stop cops literally spawning on top of you. They should drive in after like 30 sec or something, giving you a chance to lay low and avoid them.

But the main missions and some of the side missions? Soooo good. I feel like if this was marketed as a "wide linear" action adventure it would make more sense.


Nov 1, 2017
Eastern US
As i'm reading reddit, it seems people wanted GTA with cyberpunk setting but what they got is Witcher 3 with cyberpunk setting, lol.
It seems only people thay play it like Witcher game (Linear path Main quest - side quest side quest side quest - main quest) enjoy it couse they don't interact at all with random NPC and all those stuff that you do in GTA.
Witcher 3 had more believable random NPCs then Cyberpunk from the sound of it. Witcher 3 had a day/night cycle from NPCs and not random spawning NPCs as soon as you turn your head away. Let's not even start about police BS. Witcher 3 also had a ton of doors/houses you can enter.

Seems something went quite wrong with at least NPC AI mechanics (including car NPC AI) during dev, most likely that being lack of time to implement.


Oct 27, 2017
In this case, I don't blame Sony at all. This game should of never been released on the PS4 & Xbox One. Should've been a PS5 & Xbox Series X|S exclusive game (aka next gen only).
I feel the same way. The potential for this game is humongous. It's such a shame that so much got cut because they had to get it to run on current gen hardware. Watching the DF video on a maxed out PC made me want to wait for the real next gen version. It's just so much better, and it doesn't even include the cut content.

I guess the only hope is that CDPR finds a way to put the cut content back in, and improve the AI with the next gen version, but I don't know how they're going to do all that.


Dec 4, 2019
All right i am gonna have to seriously spend a lot of time upgrading my Stealth character perks and finding weapons that you can use silently.I feel so underpowered when sneaking.Otherwise this game might lose me.

Basically all i do is disable cameras and manipulate the dumb AI to neutrilize enemies.I want a double or higher jump 100%.

When stealth fails and shits hit the fan, use a sniper rifle in fire fights. I have no combat perks and can drop most enemies with a single headshot.


Contains No Misinformation on Philly Cheesesteaks
Oct 28, 2017
I read through some of the Reddit comments. This one got me, and if it is true (seems it is), it's so disappointing.

  • No NPC Day/Night cycle. NPCs spawn and despawn outside of the player's view.
  • If an NPC is doing an action, they will do that action forever until the player moves.
  • NPCs that are not story/side quest related have one dialog reply.
  • If one NPC is assaulted, every other NPC in a large circle around the player will crouch to the floor in the same animation, even if they did not see the original assault.
  • NPCs in a car will follow a specific route. If the route is even slightly interupted, for example by your car, they will cease to move forever until you remove the obstruction.
  • NPCs in a car will not attempt to move or exit their vehicle if you assault them with bullets/another vehicle.
  • NPCs will not acknowledge the player if they run the player over with their car.
  • NPCs will not attempt to steal their vehicle back if you steal it from them.
  • NPCs will not attack you or defend themselves in any way or form, even if engaged upon with just fists.
  • Police spawn around the player's vision when the player is wanted, forever, until they attempt to hide or drive away.
  • Police to not attempt to question, warn, or arrest the player for even the smallest crime commited, for example if you bump into them or accidently enter a private area.
  • Police are incapable of driving cars and chasing the player if they drive away.
  • Police will not attack hostile targets like Gangs if they are not already doing so in an activity.
  • Police will know if the player has attacked an NPC in the middle of the badlands and spawn next to the player, without vehicles.
  • NPCs will rarely thank or acknowledge the player if they are helped by the player.
  • Scripted NPCs that have dialog will say their dialog then proceed to stand there forever. They will also repeat the same dialog if the player leaves the area and visits again later.
No interactivity with pretty much anything as well. Can't sit down to have a bite to eat from street vendors. Can't go into most doors, can't play arcades. No mini games, no unique events (not quests) or interesting NPC AI. I guess this is more Metro Exodus with some Deus Ex mixed in vs what a lot of folks were hoping.

I am going to still keep my Best Buy physical copy since it came with a steelbook and wound up being about $40 for me, but with a 1080Ti I am going to wait for a few more optimization patches. Although I am kind of tempted to return it (haven't opened it).

Weirdly it's little details like this that make Rockstar open world games standout. They're just so systems rich.


Oct 25, 2017
I read through some of the Reddit comments. This one got me, and if it is true (seems it is), it's so disappointing.

  • No NPC Day/Night cycle. NPCs spawn and despawn outside of the player's view.
  • If an NPC is doing an action, they will do that action forever until the player moves.
  • NPCs that are not story/side quest related have one dialog reply.
  • If one NPC is assaulted, every other NPC in a large circle around the player will crouch to the floor in the same animation, even if they did not see the original assault.
  • NPCs in a car will follow a specific route. If the route is even slightly interupted, for example by your car, they will cease to move forever until you remove the obstruction.
  • NPCs in a car will not attempt to move or exit their vehicle if you assault them with bullets/another vehicle.
  • NPCs will not acknowledge the player if they run the player over with their car.
  • NPCs will not attempt to steal their vehicle back if you steal it from them.
  • NPCs will not attack you or defend themselves in any way or form, even if engaged upon with just fists.
  • Police spawn around the player's vision when the player is wanted, forever, until they attempt to hide or drive away.
  • Police to not attempt to question, warn, or arrest the player for even the smallest crime commited, for example if you bump into them or accidently enter a private area.
  • Police are incapable of driving cars and chasing the player if they drive away.
  • Police will not attack hostile targets like Gangs if they are not already doing so in an activity.
  • Police will know if the player has attacked an NPC in the middle of the badlands and spawn next to the player, without vehicles.
  • NPCs will rarely thank or acknowledge the player if they are helped by the player.
  • Scripted NPCs that have dialog will say their dialog then proceed to stand there forever. They will also repeat the same dialog if the player leaves the area and visits again later.
No interactivity with pretty much anything as well. Can't sit down to have a bite to eat from street vendors. Can't go into most doors, can't play arcades. No mini games, no unique events (not quests) or interesting NPC AI. I guess this is more Metro Exodus with some Deus Ex mixed in vs what a lot of folks were hoping.

I am going to still keep my Best Buy physical copy since it came with a steelbook and wound up being about $40 for me, but with a 1080Ti I am going to wait for a few more optimization patches. Although I am kind of tempted to return it (haven't opened it).

I don't understand video game development, but this is the product after 7 years? The city and the inhabitants within are the biggest letdowns about this game. For an atmosphere that tried to evoke the hustle and bustle of a city this feels so on rails. You would think a bunch of NPCs walking around with cybernetic limbs, sparkly track pants and purple mohawks would make this aesthetic look even more "cyberpunk", but everything feels so vapid.


The Favonius Fox
Nov 8, 2017
I've had visual bugs aplenty, especially Johnny's cigarette gets doubled and tripled in most interactions where he smokes. Phones, French fries and guns floating mid air are also very common. Plus a couple of times the game froze for a couple of seconds while (presumably) it loads a new area, but that only happened a handful of times in my 20+ hours. Playing in Quality mode if that makes any difference.
Doubtful as I've been in Performance and encounter visual bugs every single block of play. That's not commenting on the IQ issues and sheer amount of elements that are pixelated to shit and remain as such from any distance. Was speaking more to the gameplay restricting ones though. Frustrating to be in a mission and suddenly be unable to move up/down on dialogue options or suddenly move at 2mph with no ability to speed up.


Feb 15, 2018
It feels like they spend more time building the world then focus on npc AI or combat and things like minigames and secret. It really feels rushed for a game that has been in the oven for 7 years. Its such a beautifull world and yet feels so static.
What i don't understand is they had 8 years.

They should have gotten their AI engine up and running in year 3 and then taken the next 5 years to find tune it. It seems like they never even bothered with an ai engine at all.

What exactly were they doing for 8 years.

This isn't assassin's creed where you are given 2/3 years to come up with a new version.

They had a massive amount of time and they wasted it.


Dec 3, 2018
Man every time I dip into this thread I'm encouraged more and more to hold off on jumping into this game even though I just got my copy. That and my 8700k and 1080ti won't be able to handle my ultrawide very well.

Mugen X

Oct 27, 2017
It feels like they spend more time building the world then focus on npc AI or combat and things like minigames and secret. It really feels rushed for a game that has been in the oven for 7 years. Its such a beautifull world and yet feels so static.
Ya, the way it is right now it definitely shines more with its world design and how well some of the conversations are done. Outside of that though, the game very much feels like everything else we got last gen, in fact I was more impressed by RDR2s, in terms of AI and just interacting with things in the world. However I have a feeling we're in more of the "early access" phase of development for CP2077, and they just haven't called it that to capitalize on those preorders.

Deleted member 34788

User requested account closure
Nov 29, 2017
XSX and PS5 in performance mode

- PS5 has a slightly higher resolution at 1188p with occasional drops to 1080p, vs the XSX's highest of 1080p with occasional drops below that.
- PS5 is pretty much a locked 60fps, with rare drops to a lowest of 50fps.
- XSX version has far more drops than PS5 in some scenes, plus has momentary pauses.
- Xbox version has more traffic density.

XSX quality mode

- Only the XSX has this mode.
- Pretty much a locked 30fps.
- Ranges between 1512p and 1728p.
- Has added SSAO and higher crowd density.

If you own both next-gen systems and care about frame-rate (eg want 60fps), go with the PS5 version I say. It offers a higher average resolution and the most consistent frame-rate.

If however you value IQ and visuals, go with the Series X version for the quality mode.

As I'm more of a visuals over framerate guy, I'll be swapping my PS5 version for the Series X version to play in quality mode, because who knows when the next-gen patch will arrive, and it's not like there's specific DualSense support either.

Watched the vid and dismayed by the hitches and freezes on even the x, this game needs serious work.

They cant even get the brand new powerful consoles to lock at 1440p 60fps on low to ultra low pc settings. Just a mess given the hardware. Then it dips to 1080p res on a fucking X of all machines.

The pop in and world loading is much better on these consoles but in return you see all the pop in and how bloody close the draw distance is on the game, it looks so stark watching on a 55 inch tv with how bad it all is.No exuse given the improvements we've seen in mitigating pop this gen. Looks like something from 2014 with all the shit loading in.

Tyrefire of a game.


Oct 27, 2017
Do the side quests become a bit more diverse later on?

Currently, I'm doing petty street crimes denoted by a baseball bat on the map (all really the same), and yellow icon objectives for a woman on my phone.

Does it get any more varied as the map opens up?


Oct 25, 2017
As weird as this sounds, the fact that it runs pretty dang well on PS5 actually makes me want to wait until the proper PS5 release. It's going to look incredible.


Oct 28, 2017
My friend said this game is like GTA 3, but with better graphics.

He's not wrong. The city is just the backdrop to the story, there's not really much to do in it on it's own.


Oct 28, 2017
Tbh i feel like this game was in dev hell and the actual dev time is no more than 3 years at max


Oct 25, 2017
Ya, the way it is right now it definitely shines more with its world design and how well some of the conversations are done. Outside of that though, the game very much feels like everything else we got last gen, in fact I was more impressed by RDR2s, in terms of AI and just interacting with things in the world. However I have a feeling we're in more of the "early access" phase of development for CP2077, and they just haven't called it that to capitalize on those preorders.
Oh yeah, RDR2, even GTA 4 or 5, felt vastly more interactive than Night City, and Yakuza's districts more lively


Oct 29, 2017
Do the side quests become a bit more diverse later on?

Currently, I'm doing petty street crimes denoted by a baseball bat on the map (all really the same), and yellow icon objectives for a woman on my phone.

Does it get any more varied as the map opens up?

Yes, the side content improves a lot.

But don't expect it to become Witcher 3 level.


Oct 27, 2017
Do the side quests become a bit more diverse later on?

Currently, I'm doing petty street crimes denoted by a baseball bat on the map (all really the same), and yellow icon objectives for a woman on my phone.

Does it get any more varied as the map opens up?
The big sidequests are really from people who call you :)


Jun 10, 2020
Ya just based off the vibe of the game I could see how a lot of ppl thought they were getting a more GTA style game. I've already seen a lot of videos of ppl just running around chucking grenades and shooting ppl in the streets.

It doesnt even matter if its like GTA or not but things like AI in an open world game should actually work and as a open world RPG there should be some kind of point to the open world. In Skyrim it was exploration. The Witcher 3 told alot of stories with a world that changed depending on how far you were into the game. You could play Gwent with most traders or explore the world.

Im.not that far into the game yet but CP feels like every place is the same. Some enemies, some loot. The reported crimes are nice but even there you basically only kill the guys there and thats it.
There is no exploration or places I like to visit that may hold some unique loot like the school gear in Witcher 3.
Or unique monsters.

Its not a bad game but the open world is pointless.
Oct 27, 2017
Any reviewer who gives this game more than a 8 is sus IMO.

That's kind of harsh haha.

at least on PC, I'd give it 9/10.

And that's totaly fine. If you're more accepting of bugs or you don't encounter that many bugs I understand. I mean I played Skyrim on PS3 and enjoyed it.

I just have a gripe with games media that they're supposed to be a consumer watchdog, they should warn buyers or help them make a informed purchase. And not many of them does that to be fair.