

Dec 7, 2018
==== DAY 3 VOTES ====
Day Start

EvilChameleon (5 votes)
LaunchpadMcQ - #1,359
Vincent Alexander - #1,370
Conditional-Pancakes - #1,393
Zippedpinhead - #1,405
Verelios - #1,406

Conditional-Pancakes (0 votes)
A Wild Ambulance Appears - #1,200 #1,319
Zippedpinhead - #1,213 #1,405

Not voting: Neki, CaptainNuevo, EvilChameleon, Stantastic, anexanhume, BoJack Horseman

Post Counts:
LaunchpadMcQ: 59 EvilChameleon: 48 Vincent Alexander: 47 Verelios: 43 CaptainNuevo: 28 anexanhume: 27 Zippedpinhead: 24 Conditional-Pancakes: 20 Neki: 17 Stantastic: 12 A Wild Ambulance Appears: 3

Current Countdown:

Click here to go to the Vote Tool!


Oct 25, 2017
I think I've acquitted myself quite well here. It's telling that of the three people still eligible to vote that aren't me, none of them have voted for me to end this charade of lies and deceit from Launchpad. I've planted the seeds of doubt, and when I flip town here in less than an hour, those seeds will instantly grow into a tree that will quickly fall and bring down the house of lies Launchpad has built.


Oct 25, 2017
I think I've acquitted myself quite well here. It's telling that of the three people still eligible to vote that aren't me, none of them have voted for me to end this charade of lies and deceit from Launchpad. I've planted the seeds of doubt, and when I flip town here in less than an hour, those seeds will instantly grow into a tree that will quickly fall and bring down the house of lies Launchpad has built.
You have to admit that this is a good parody of open wolfing. Going out, but flavor is spot on.


Oct 25, 2017
I don't believe in normal games anymore. I've seen enough games that categorization of games is very broad.


Mascot Maniac
Oct 25, 2017
Glad I waited a bit since some folks were talking. Down to the wire

Hippie gets 3 months late on rent...So the landlord knocks on his door to let him know he's being evicted
He opens the door and tells him "Namaste"

Vote: Evilchameleon


Dec 7, 2018
==== DAY 3 VOTES ====
Day Start - Day End

EvilChameleon (6 votes)
LaunchpadMcQ - #1,359
Vincent Alexander - #1,370
Conditional-Pancakes - #1,393
Zippedpinhead - #1,405
Verelios - #1,406
CaptainNuevo - #1,468

Conditional-Pancakes (0 votes)
A Wild Ambulance Appears - #1,200 #1,319
Zippedpinhead - #1,213 #1,405

Not voting: Neki, EvilChameleon, Stantastic, anexanhume

Post Counts:
LaunchpadMcQ: 61 EvilChameleon: 51 Vincent Alexander: 47 Verelios: 46 CaptainNuevo: 30 anexanhume: 30 Zippedpinhead: 24 Conditional-Pancakes: 20 Neki: 20 Stantastic: 12 A Wild Ambulance Appears: 3

Current Countdown:

Click here to go to the Vote Tool!
Day 3 End


Dec 7, 2018
Wow I guess you all didn't like EC's routine. Speaking of chameleons did you know they never get run over by a car? Yep they look both ways.

EvilChameleon has died

What did the hat say to the shoe? "I'll go on ahead, you go on foot."

Welcome to Dad Joke Mafia!

You are Al Bundy and you are Vanilla.

You are aligned with the Good but Also Flawed Dads (that is Town).

Spending all day trying to sell shoes and then all evening dealing with Peggy doesn't leave you with much energy for any other actions. You do have the ability to vote each day though.

You can access the game thread here:

Break a leg out there!

Day starts in:


Night actions are due two hours before day starts.


Dec 7, 2018
testing to see if I can get Bojack to show up as dead correctly:

BoJack Horseman has died

and that did it, vote tool should be correct now with regards to him
Day 4 Start


Dec 7, 2018
Once again I come before you with some bad news. Zipped invited me to a meteor party last night but I couldn't make it, he was crushed.

Zippedpinhead has died

So what if I have trouble spelling Armageddon? It's not like its the end of the world.

Welcome to Dad Joke Mafia!

You are Harry Stamper and you are a 2-Shot Doctor (just go with me here).

You are aligned with the Good but Also Flawed Dads (that is Town).

At night you may attempt to protect someone (see, I told you to stick with me) from a night kill by submitting the command I never want you to close your eyes: Target. You have two shots of this ability.

You also have the ability to vote each day.

You can access the game thread here:

Break a leg out there!

Before we get on with the day I was just handed an envelope on who won the Best Joke of Day 3 competition! And the winner is.....Verelios for his entire first post! Congratulations to Verelios and you should be receiving your prize shortly.

Day 4 begins

Day ends in:


Majority is 5

Vote tool: https://vote.fireblend.com/515562/#


Oct 25, 2017
well, I was going to tell everyone to roleclaim to solve Zipped, but they figured that out for us.

Is there anyone out there that isn't a vanilla?


Oct 25, 2017
I can't be that frustrated by EC's EOD since I've done similar antics in the past. It still stinks we were all so unified on the wrong answer. Long live his meta.

The good news is that I have my vote back today.

I know Pancakes said she'd be away for a good bit of yesterday's day period, but I still don't like how her involvement just happened to taper off once suspicion got cast towards EC.


Oct 25, 2017
EC usually gets voted out late game to prevent him from being a big question mark but he definitely acted much differently from all the other times he was voted out. Good for his scum game at least.


Oct 25, 2017
I was thinking it when Kopite died, but with Zipped here, this certainly seems to form a profile that at least one of the remaining scum are new to scum and/or don't have many games under their belts. Killing Kopite on N2 when there was a claimed doctor and cop in play means they were probably afraid that Kopite would have more than one shot, but I assumed immediately that Kopite only had one just from general experience with games this size and X-shot roles.

Now it's Zipped who's dead and I also assumed he had two shots. Instead of letting us wallow in the WIFOM behind Zipped really being the doctor, whether my green check on Vere is legit, and whether I'm really the cop, they solve one of those puzzles for us.

I could tell you right away what I would've done - and what I think Nat/LP would've done, because they have the experience to make those role assumptions - is kill Zipped on N2 and me on N3.

Curious what everyone else thinks about a mass claim before I weigh in.

Also curious on your thoughts on how we all managed to get EC so wrong.
I'm not going to lie, I was extremely upset by how that went down. The read that EC was not contributing was correct, but that obviously didn't mean he was scum. I don't usually get upset when someone acts super scummy like that and gets voted out, but EC tripled down on confirming that our read of him was correct. I bet he's really pleased with himself, but he just wasted our time.

I can't be that frustrated by EC's EOD since I've done similar antics in the past. It still stinks we were all so unified on the wrong answer. Long live his meta.

The good news is that I have my vote back today.

I know Pancakes said she'd be away for a good bit of yesterday's day period, but I still don't like how her involvement just happened to taper off once suspicion got cast towards EC.
I need to step back and not have this be an echo chamber for my thoughts today. Yes, EC was an example where a player just lost his damn mind, but I've been the loudest voice in the room before and led town the wrong way. I won't be doing that this game.

So, let's talk about Pancakes. I need to review what everyone has said about her, but that profile I described above would fit with Pancakes. I don't know how much of her falling into the background were the holidays.


Oct 25, 2017
Also, at the risk of being skewered by Neki, I'm ok with a mass claim, but I'm pretty sure it's going to come back all vanilla.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, I'll just go ahead and claim and make this easy, particularly since my role isn't especially useful, and my play hasn't been that sparkling this game either.

I am Homer Simpson, fruit vendor.

Instead of delivering a fruit, I "steal" a donut from my player of choice. I chose Nat N1, genuinely thinking he was town. He confirmed receipt in the thread the next day.

My sidebar about boston cream donuts was to signal to him (before the suspicion gathered there), that I had sent the message. That's what I was told I received. I didn't know for sure whether he was told explicitly about the boston cream part, but I've been operating under the assumption that he picked up on it, and scum have known I'm the fruit vendor all along.

I missed the deadline to send N2 by a few minutes (got distracted with holiday). I voluntarily withheld last night because I've been told to be wary of a "forbidden donut." I don't know what that means, and it's too much of a liability to town to take more chances with the ratio starting to look less favorable to town (I'm assuming scum holds the forbidden donut). Because of that, I hadn't planned to deploy my ability again, so I may as well be vanilla.

I know I"m toward the bottom of some others' town reads, so I hope this helps us focus on others today.


Oct 25, 2017
I should note that this doesn't mean I'm necessarily in favor a mass claim. It just means I couldn't think of a good reason for me to not claim at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
Well, I'll just go ahead and claim and make this easy, particularly since my role isn't especially useful, and my play hasn't been that sparkling this game either.

I am Homer Simpson, fruit vendor.

Instead of delivering a fruit, I "steal" a donut from my player of choice. I chose Nat N1, genuinely thinking he was town. He confirmed receipt in the thread the next day.

My sidebar about boston cream donuts was to signal to him (before the suspicion gathered there), that I had sent the message. That's what I was told I received. I didn't know for sure whether he was told explicitly about the boston cream part, but I've been operating under the assumption that he picked up on it, and scum have known I'm the fruit vendor all along.

I missed the deadline to send N2 by a few minutes (got distracted with holiday). I voluntarily withheld last night because I've been told to be wary of a "forbidden donut." I don't know what that means, and it's too much of a liability to town to take more chances with the ratio starting to look less favorable to town (I'm assuming scum holds the forbidden donut). Because of that, I hadn't planned to deploy my ability again, so I may as well be vanilla.

I know I"m toward the bottom of some others' town reads, so I hope this helps us focus on others today.
Why did you choose Nat instead of Monkey, Donnie, or me on N1?
Oct 26, 2017

I have no great insight at this time. It's been a very busy weekend for me, so I haven't been able to re-read anything. I'll be hanging out off-and-on again tonight to throw out 2 cent opinions.

I am genuinely stumped about EC's play. By day end, I thought they were either scum or neutral---no way around it. Next time I play with EC, if they go down this path again, my takeaway won't be, "hold it. Last time they did this they were town." It will always be to flip. It's not a playstyle I understand. I will give it to him though:

If my posts don't make you question everything you thought you knew about mafia, then I've failed.
Mission Accomplished


Oct 25, 2017
Also, at the risk of being skewered by Neki, I'm ok with a mass claim, but I'm pretty sure it's going to come back all vanilla.

I mean we can all mass claim but like you said, it's mostly gonna come back vanilla. I also don't hate the idea late game but I doubt it's going to shed any light on us more than we already know.
Oct 26, 2017
Well, I'll just go ahead and claim and make this easy, particularly since my role isn't especially useful, and my play hasn't been that sparkling this game either.

I am Homer Simpson, fruit vendor.

Instead of delivering a fruit, I "steal" a donut from my player of choice. I chose Nat N1, genuinely thinking he was town. He confirmed receipt in the thread the next day.

My sidebar about boston cream donuts was to signal to him (before the suspicion gathered there), that I had sent the message. That's what I was told I received. I didn't know for sure whether he was told explicitly about the boston cream part, but I've been operating under the assumption that he picked up on it, and scum have known I'm the fruit vendor all along.

I missed the deadline to send N2 by a few minutes (got distracted with holiday). I voluntarily withheld last night because I've been told to be wary of a "forbidden donut." I don't know what that means, and it's too much of a liability to town to take more chances with the ratio starting to look less favorable to town (I'm assuming scum holds the forbidden donut). Because of that, I hadn't planned to deploy my ability again, so I may as well be vanilla.

I know I"m toward the bottom of some others' town reads, so I hope this helps us focus on others today.
I really wish you would've gotten your command in at least one other night so we had a chance of a town-read player confirming your power. As it stands now, only scum has confirmed, and even Nat's message wasn't specific.

I received a strange message last night, just to put that out there.
They never specified donuts, so it could've been the beginnings of a vague scum crumb that was later crafted into a donut thief.

Are you neutral, Anex?


Oct 25, 2017
I really wish you would've gotten your command in at least one other night so we had a chance of a town-read player confirming your power. As it stands now, only scum has confirmed, and even Nat's message wasn't specific.

They never specified donuts, so it could've been the beginnings of a vague scum crumb that was later crafted into a donut thief.

Are you neutral, Anex?
Nope, I'm not neutral. I hope we don't have any neutrals at this point.


Oct 25, 2017
I missed the deadline to send N2 by a few minutes (got distracted with holiday). I voluntarily withheld last night because I've been told to be wary of a "forbidden donut." I don't know what that means, and it's too much of a liability to town to take more chances with the ratio starting to look less favorable to town (I'm assuming scum holds the forbidden donut). Because of that, I hadn't planned to deploy my ability again, so I may as well be vanilla.
You said you missed the deadline on N2 - that means you intended to use your action on N2, right? What changed between N2 and N3 that made you decide to withhold?


Oct 25, 2017
You said you missed the deadline on N2 - that means you intended to use your action on N2, right? What changed between N2 and N3 that made you decide to withhold?
Going into N2, I had it in my head that I would send the message to Rando (Vere) to judge how he reacted and see if it could be a leverage point since his alignment was in doubt. Turns out that was resolved in the thread next day anyway, and when I reconsidered the action on the whole, it felt too risky to think that might be beneficial with the remaining pool of players.


The GIFs of Us
Jun 25, 2020
the wilderness
Conditional-Pancakes Vincent Alexander I wanted to ask both of you. You seem to be buddied up to each other. I would find it bold that you'd do this if you were both scum considering the interactions that were pointing us from Nat to Random. Any consideration to one of you having pocketed the other?

For sure. And I'm really not opposed to hear and consider any arguments pointing toward a scum VA. But I just don't personally see it. If anybody is seeing something I don't please bring the case forward!
Oct 26, 2017
Conditional-Pancakes Vincent Alexander I wanted to ask both of you. You seem to be buddied up to each other. I would find it bold that you'd do this if you were both scum considering the interactions that were pointing us from Nat to Random. Any consideration to one of you having pocketed the other?
Definitely. It's not difficult to pocket me. But the things that Pancakes has said that some would view as direct pocket attempts, such as below:

Vincent Alexander My list is pretty much identical to yours, with the exception of EC that I'm still not ready to read as town. In the current state of things, I definitely wouldn't push in that direction for now, though.

I do this stuff too---calling out things I agree with, even if it does come back to bite me later as hopping on wagons or agreeing with others too much. So, could Pancakes be scum? Sure. I just don't think they are. But I've honestly not had a moment to re-consider much since EC's flip, so everyone is back on the table today in my view. Except Launch.