Oct 26, 2017
Was in a shoe store with a girl I'm dating. She was walking around trying a pair of shoes and I was sitting down, waiting for her. She comes up to me, looking down seeing my scalp and says; "Oh... you're...really balding...".

I wanted to die. Or run away never contacting her again. Felt so belittled, ugly and embarrassed. Haha.


Oct 25, 2017
Yeah. That's just a dumb, insensitive thing to say.

"you don't look anything like your pictures."
And I don't think I photograph well..


Oct 29, 2017
Not saying something but if a date is glued to their mobile phone I would not be at all impressed. It's not happened to me yet but if it did I'd be quick to ask them to put it away.
Oct 25, 2017
Was in a shoe store with a girl I'm dating. She was walking around trying a pair of shoes and I was sitting down, waiting for her. She comes up to me, looking down seeing my scalp and says; "Oh... you're...really balding...".

I wanted to die. Or run away never contacting her again. Felt so belittled, ugly and embarrassed. Haha.
Could be worse, I told a friend his hair was thinning (I thought it was okay because I am too) and his response was to call me the n word. Needless to say, we're not friends anymore.

Yeah. That's just a dumb, insensitive thing to say.

Given the way the OP told the story, it seemed more like a reflex or she was just thinking out loud. I wouldn't hold it against them. I would let them know it was a sore spot though.
Oct 27, 2017
On my first date with my wife, I brought her to see Superman Returns since I love Superman and she really enjoys superhero movies.

As we left, she said "That was a good movie!"

I almost didn't call her back.


Oct 25, 2017
"I really like Adam Sandler movies except Happy Gilmore and Click."

This was something my roommate's girlfriend really said. He brought her over to watch Airplane, and she looked completely disinterested. I was like dude, you need to dump her.


Self-requested ban
Oct 29, 2017
Many years ago I dated this wonderful Vietnamese girl. Intelligent, ambitious, funny, gorgeous.

We went to a steakhouse and the majority of front of house were "sassy" black women and her accent changed to match theirs and I died inside cause she had not done so when we first walked in.

It's her accent changing that did it. Not the type of accent. That's just a really weird and embarrassing thing people do sometimes subconsciously. I would have felt the same had she changed to British accent.

julia crawford

Took the red AND the blue pills
Oct 27, 2017
That one time I was told "why can't you be normal like other people" I was literally dead for a couple of days


Oct 28, 2017
"I'm really into talking politics"

Dropped. 95% of people I've ever talked politics with have a myriad of baseless opinions and know fuck all about anything beyond intermediate-level economics. If I hear another liberal arts major lecture me on the dangers of the free market I might scream.


Saw the truth behind the copied door
Oct 25, 2017
"That D was just too big for me, sorry".


Oct 27, 2017
Was in a shoe store with a girl I'm dating. She was walking around trying a pair of shoes and I was sitting down, waiting for her. She comes up to me, looking down seeing my scalp and says; "Oh... you're...really balding...".

I wanted to die. Or run away never contacting her again. Felt so belittled, ugly and embarrassed. Haha.

"Thanks for noticing, have a nice evening, I hope you have a ride home (assuming you drove)." would have been my response.


Oct 25, 2017
Asked a girl out for a drink one time and she proceeded to tell me she had been on a UK tv tabloid talk show and that she was a lesbian.........now the lesbianism that's cool we can talk about women if you want but the TV tabloid talk show thing...nope. I just had nowhere to go after that. Being that I used to walk out the room when I stayed at home with my parents when it came on the TV because I hated the very concept of it - just no. Put me clean off asking women out for a drink for a while.


I love pineapple on pizza!
Oct 28, 2017
Earth, 21st Century
It was actually a backhanded compliment. I was worried about my thinning hair and complaining that I used to look better in high school (this was actually with my at-the-time fiance)

"I wouldn`t have touched you with a ten foot pole in high school. Don`t worry, you look better now."


▲ Legend ▲
Oct 25, 2017
Yeah...a date of mine said the exact same thing to me OP!
I thought it was rude but i joked about it.
But truth is, it REALLY bothers me


Oct 25, 2017
Was dating for about two months and "I'm not looking for a long term relationship right now". Get home and my date changed status to "in a relationship" with Jerkface McGee on Facebook (actually he might have been a cool guy, never met him).


Oct 27, 2017
I was asked if I was on the spectrum. On date one. Screw you, lady. You look nothing like your dating site pics.

Another girl I went out with like three times ended things over text saying she could not stand another minute in my presence.

I swear I am not a total weirdo.


Oct 31, 2017
Pacific Northwest
Went on what I thought was a date with a woman I met the night before. Midway through the conversation "My girlfriend _____".

Honestly didn't see that one coming.

Had a Bumble date that was going well, we get into the conversation of favorite bands. Her response: "Skrillex def my favorite band right now". Her list didn't get much better from there...
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Oct 27, 2017
The hive
nothing because i dont have dates

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Oct 25, 2017
Her: You're not very skilled.
Me: At what?
Her: Everything.

I kind of thought it was a joke at first but she seemed dead serious. I brushed it off thinking it was some black humor, but that day was the last time we ever saw each other after hanging out nearly every day for a month. Don't really know what happened, but that's the mystery of dating for you.


Nov 8, 2017
One time I was on a date with a woman who was talking about her ex for a while. After she was done talking she mentioned something about past relationships (in general) and I said "I've never been in a relationship, if it wasn't obvious." And her response was "Yeah, it was obvious," and then she proceeded to drill right into the fact that I'm really insecure and don't understand social dating norms that well. It probably would have hurt my feelings a lot if it wasn't all so damn true. After that I was sure I ruined my chances with getting anywhere with her but then like......she seemed to still show interest in me and even said something implying she wanted to hook up and I was like wtf. I ended up not going anywhere with her on that date because that convo (where she called out all of my insecurities) made part of me think that she didn't want to go anywhere no matter what. We tried to schedule a second date but our schedules didn't work out (admittedly this was mostly my fault, she was willing to meet the next week so maybe she did want to, idk).
Oct 25, 2017
Gordita Beach
I was asked if I was on the spectrum. On date one. Screw you, lady. You look nothing like your dating site pics.

Another girl I went out with like three times ended things over text saying she could not stand another minute in my presence.

I swear I am not a total weirdo.
I'm fucking crying.

I had a girl I talked to over the phone confuse me for a friend, and then upon realizing that Ben was in fact not Puck, looked to me and with a disappointed sigh "oh..."