
One Winged Slayer
Oct 25, 2017
I was asked if I was on the spectrum. On date one. Screw you, lady. You look nothing like your dating site pics.

Another girl I went out with like three times ended things over text saying she could not stand another minute in my presence.

I swear I am not a total weirdo.

Holy fuck


One Winged Slayer
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I was asked if I was on the spectrum. On date one. Screw you, lady. You look nothing like your dating site pics.

Another girl I went out with like three times ended things over text saying she could not stand another minute in my presence.

I swear I am not a total weirdo.

yo damn


Oct 26, 2017
I was asked if I was on the spectrum. On date one. Screw you, lady. You look nothing like your dating site pics.

Another girl I went out with like three times ended things over text saying she could not stand another minute in my presence.

I swear I am not a total weirdo.



More helpful than the IRS
The Fallen
Oct 25, 2017
I was asked if I was on the spectrum. On date one. Screw you, lady. You look nothing like your dating site pics.

Another girl I went out with like three times ended things over text saying she could not stand another minute in my presence.

I swear I am not a total weirdo.

Where the hell are you finding these people.

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
"To be honest and nothing personal but I would never date a muslim guy".

This was after we had met three times and me being about as much of a muslim as Aziz Ansari. More hilarious then heartbreak though, the "nothing personal" killed it for me.


Oct 27, 2017
Where the hell are you finding these people.

Both online. I am married now and have had several healthy, normal romantic relationships in my past. I dated until my mid 30s, so you're bound to get some weirdos.

The girl who texted me the dumping was just incredibly odd, but I enjoyed her oddness. I guess she didn't enjoy mine.
Oct 25, 2017
On my first date with my wife, I brought her to see Superman Returns since I love Superman and she really enjoys superhero movies.

As we left, she said "That was a good movie!"

I almost didn't call her back.

"I really like Adam Sandler movies except Happy Gilmore and Click."

This was something my roommate's girlfriend really said. He brought her over to watch Airplane, and she looked completely disinterested. I was like dude, you need to dump her.

You movie people gotta let this go. Being THAT guy usually gets you dumped.


Oct 25, 2017
I was asked if I was on the spectrum. On date one. Screw you, lady. You look nothing like your dating site pics.

Another girl I went out with like three times ended things over text saying she could not stand another minute in my presence.

I swear I am not a total weirdo.

What the fuck? Why would anyone ask someone that, especially someone they just met?

ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
I got another one,
Her: "Why do you love this country so much, you weren't even born here" while we were both immigrants.

And later that night:
Me: "that subway musician is awesome. I love music, it feels like expression of the soul"
Her: "Souls aren't real"

Yes thank you for elaborating that much needed point. She really wanted to insist on her liberal atheist credentials.


Oct 25, 2017
I got another one,
Her: "Why do you love this country so much, you weren't even born here" while we were both immigrants.

And later that night:
Me: "that subway musician is awesome. I love music, it feels like expression of the soul"
Her: "Souls aren't real"

Yes thank you for elaborating that much needed point. She really wanted to insist on her liberal atheist credentials.

I take it this woman is a very boring person? Sounds like you may have dodged a bullet.

Deleted member 2099

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
Never made it into the dating field after all but someone who I thought liked me said two things to me...

"Why don't you try to be like every other girl and try to wear make up?"
"You're like a child."


Oct 25, 2017
That's not a good thing to say on a first date for sure, but if you've been dating for a while then it might not be so bad.

My wife made a comment about me balding when we were dating, and I just laughed it off. She was more worried about it than I was.


Oct 27, 2017


Oct 27, 2017
This was like a decade ago, but:

"You've got a nice smile. It's the rest of you that's the problem."


ginger ninja

Oct 25, 2017
I take it this woman is a very boring person? Sounds like you may have dodged a bullet.

She wasn't boring but I sure did dodge a bullet. I would describe her as a liberal elitist, she couldn't let go of the fact that I choose to join the military even as well off person and then she made that really stupid comment about love of country. Thats what happens when people go too far to the left or right of the political spectrum, you fall into an abyss of stupidity and arrogance.

My only regret was not making fun of her for working on Hillary's campaign. Real bang up job on that one fam.


Self-Appointed Godmother of Bruce Wayne's Children
Oct 25, 2017
"Batman shouldn't have Robins."

Emergency & I

Oct 27, 2017
Dumped on the spot:

Radiohead is okay but Muse is really great!
Well I'll just get what I need from Fox and call it good.
Big Bang Theory is so lol-worthy


Oct 26, 2017
"I am having my birthday party early this month, but be warned there will be some hardcore drugs." in serious way. He mentioned to me that he had drug problems in the past, but the reason I started going out with him is because I thought he cleaned up and was going to college rebuild himself. Apparently he still hanged out with his old friends. I grinned and never texted back afterwards. It didn't help that he was also a smoker.


Oct 26, 2017
I was out shopping with my then-GF for new clothes for her to take on our vacation together to Paris.

Her: "So my friend went to Paris and she ended up meeting some rich guy and getting married... I don't know why I don't get to be that lucky."
That comment exposed many problems at once. You are lucky that was brought up before marriage. I would assume you guys were serious to take a trip to Paris together?Assuming you are American?