
Oct 25, 2017
Went on a Tinder date with a woman earlier this year. Only date I've been on in years. Thought it was going well. At the end of the date:

"Can I get your phone number?"
"Err, I'll message it to you tomorrow."

Couldn't get to sleep that night. The next day (after getting a "let's just be friends" message), I slept for twelve hours. It felt awful, but it was nice feeling those feelings.


Oct 25, 2017

It really stung. She's a great person, but she has absolutely no patience. If something isn't entertaining quickly then she'll lose interest and want to move on.

I want to high five that person.

You forego sex for stupid Star Wars? Yeah, right.

All the movie opinions, objecting to that is so nerdy. Yeah, people will find 2001 or anime boring. Get over it.

I did get over it, it just was disappointing at the time because I wanted to share something I like with my girlfriend. No need to be a dick about it.

This was basically me TBH. Everyone else I've show Part 4 to loved it, so I was really surprised.

Deleted member 3837

Went on a Tinder date with a woman earlier this year. Only date I've been on in years. Thought it was going well. At the end of the date:

"Can I get your phone number?"
"Err, I'll message it to you tomorrow."

Couldn't get to sleep that night. The next day (after getting a "let's just be friends" message), I slept for twelve hours. It felt awful, but it was nice feeling those feelings.


The Fallen
Oct 27, 2017
Colorado Springs, CO
I landed a date with a girl I had known for a couple of weeks. At dinner, this happens:
Her: "I got you something."
Me: "Oh really?"
*She hands me a book*
Her: "This really helped me a lot and I think it would be great for you."

It was a self-help depression book. The rest of the night went as well as you might think. She never talked to me after that either.


Oct 27, 2017
I landed a date with a girl I had known for a couple of weeks. At dinner, this happens:
Her: "I got you something."
Me: "Oh really?"
*She hands me a book*
Her: "This really helped me a lot and I think it would be great for you."

It was a self-help depression book. The rest of the night went as well as you might think. She never talked to me after that either.

My stomach dropped when I read what the book was. My condolences.


Oct 25, 2017
It really stung. She's a great person, but she has absolutely no patience. If something isn't entertaining quickly then she'll lose interest and want to move on.

I did get over it, it just was disappointing at the time because I wanted to share something I like with my girlfriend. No need to be a dick about it.

This was basically me TBH. Everyone else I've show Part 4 to loved it, so I was really surprised.
No need to call me a dick about it, either.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 29, 2017
"I just moved to Vancouver. Maybe you can help me go furniture shopping and move stuff. You've got a car, right?"

I responded that I'll help her move if she puts out. She responded maybe, and I blocked her after that. Was bored with the games.
Oct 25, 2017
I've had a couple from a past gf:

She used to call Obama "Obomber" because she thought it was funny

Talking about sexual issues we had in front of her friends and me.

Both made me want slam the fucking door.


Oct 26, 2017
Damn some of you dated some real assholes. Definitely would have told off a few of your dates. Not sure how you can let people disrespect you like that lol.


Ghostwire: BooShock
Nov 6, 2017
Ive never had anything as bad as some of the things mentioned here but I remember one time after a shift at work during highschool, a friend was hitting on a mutual coworker of ours and he was being a nice guy, asking her about her ex who she'd broken up with recently. After a bit of pleasantries, she started getting pretty personal (she was an open-person who didnt need much conversing to get intimate with a stranger) and said one of things that led to their break up was his dick being too big and she couldn't have sex with him anymore.

I'll never forget the look on his face. As an adult, I doubt he would care now, but back then you could imagine how an 18 year old would struggle to process a proper response. Watching his reaction almost killed me.

Deleted member 14002

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
Ohh, I was going to meet with a woman from OkCupid at a restaurant for dinner. I saw her and walked up to greet her and said my name. She was like "...what?" Confused, I said my name again and how were supposed to me. She looks at me dumbstruck and says my name and i'm like "Yeah that's me." and showed her our chat. She goes pale and says "Oh my god, im so sorry, I thought I was meeting a white guy with the same name." Things are awkward now and I ask if she still wants to get dinner and she's like "I'm sorry, I only date white guys." and leaves.
Christ that's horrible.

A girl I dated told me she never saw Star Wars on our first date.

We watched ANH at her place on our second date, and a couple of other dates were ESJ and RotJ.

We are getting married in April.

Congrats man.


Oct 25, 2017
Ohh, I was going to meet with a woman from OkCupid at a restaurant for dinner. I saw her and walked up to greet her and said my name. She was like "...what?" Confused, I said my name again and how were supposed to me. She looks at me dumbstruck and says my name and i'm like "Yeah that's me." and showed her our chat. She goes pale and says "Oh my god, im so sorry, I thought I was meeting a white guy with the same name." Things are awkward now and I ask if she still wants to get dinner and she's like "I'm sorry, I only date white guys." and leaves.
What a racist POS, goddamn.


Oct 30, 2017
Salvador, Brazil
"It's like you didn't even know what you were doing!"

"I mean, why would I come over to your place, so we meet each other to just look at one another without doing anything? I just don't see why you'd want us to meet, I see no reason." (This was her bailing a date that SHE angrily insisted for us to have a week prior. The more I said "It's ok, you don't have to come", the harsher her words got.)

My ex-girlfriend said so many traumatic shit after our breakup that I've spent almost a year single. She absolutely destroyed me and any sense of self-worth and self-esteem I had (and I had a lot - it's what attracted her in the first place.)

Worst part is I didn't want to keep in touch with her after the breakup, because I was fine and ready to move on. But she wouldn't leave me alone, kept pestering me and trying to gain me back only to ultimately bring me down once I was of no use to her. Jealousy, neediness, harsh words online, dismissal. She would get angry and insecure if she knew I was seeing someone else, even though we weren't together anymore for months already. She would act entitled and try to blame me for simply wanting to move on with my life. It pretty much devastated my whole year, and while I'm getting better, some scars still remain.

It got so unhealthy I had to straight up ask her for us to not keep in touch for a while. She screamed at me, blamed me for a ton of things, hung up on me and said wouldn't ever bother my life again. This was over four months after the relationship was done. Even though the relationship had failed, something which I accepted quite easily, she didn't want to let me go.

It's weird how the same person who once said the mellowest and most heartfelt things I've heard in my life is also the person who single-handedly brought me down without an ounce of sympathy. She devastated me and whenever I tried to talk about it, she made it seem like it was my fault and that I brought it to myself.

"I still think you're perfect", she said to me when we were having our second breakup. I knew I wasn't, and never was, but it was how she defined me. The fact someone who was once astoundingly important to me also nearly broke me in half is something that's not going to get away from me anytime soon, if ever.

Jesus Christ, this was a fucking hellish year. I'm just glad I survived all of this.


Self-Requested Ban
Oct 29, 2017
The entire area can't be that fucked. Where were you finding these ones?

It's Just Lunch, Match.com, OKC, POF, friends of friends, picked up at bar.

Vancouver is Vancouver. Pay to play. It's fun so long as you know exactly what the beast is and how fucked up it is. As said in the crypto thread, know when to cash out before you're bankrupt.


Oct 27, 2017
I landed a date with a girl I had known for a couple of weeks. At dinner, this happens:
Her: "I got you something."
Me: "Oh really?"
*She hands me a book*
Her: "This really helped me a lot and I think it would be great for you."

It was a self-help depression book. The rest of the night went as well as you might think. She never talked to me after that either.
Was it a self help book, or was it one of those self help new age religion books. Either way its bad but the second one just means shes crazy.


Cheering your loss
Oct 25, 2017
I landed a date with a girl I had known for a couple of weeks. At dinner, this happens:
Her: "I got you something."
Me: "Oh really?"
*She hands me a book*
Her: "This really helped me a lot and I think it would be great for you."

It was a self-help depression book. The rest of the night went as well as you might think. She never talked to me after that either.
So... did it help?


Oct 27, 2017
Had a girl tell me she didn't believe dinosaurs really existed. We didn't speak again.


Oct 30, 2017
It's not a date, but it's applicable. I was at a family wedding, and my sister got really drunk. My older cousin mentioned that when she was talking to him she wasn't making eye contact, instead she was looking at his [receding] hairline. She laughed at said "Yeah, you look like Jimmy Neutron!" and walked away.


Oct 29, 2017
"I'm full already" -barely touched her food-
*40 minutes later next place ordering a ton of food*


Not so much said this part...

Dating a girl who likes black men (me) likes buying gorilla items and toys as well.

nah, I'm good.
Oct 30, 2017
"How much money do you make?"

Lost count how many times I was asked something like this. I avoided these kinds of women like the plague. I didn't even make much money but I'll be damned if it didn't come up on the first or second date in some "cute" way. It was like all the women in my county were reading the same magazine giving them clever ideas on how to ask this or some shit.

"Do you drive a car or a truck?"

Got this question twice from different women. I asked "why?" both times and got nearly the same answer. "It says a lot about what kind of man you are" ... ok? lol.. *dial tone*


Oct 30, 2017
I'll be honest this one hurt; while watching a TV show with a girl I was dating she said "I find black men physically attractive" which is totally cool but then she followed up with "I probably find Asian men the least attractive."
I'm Filipino :/

She walked it back after I told her how that made me feel, but the damage was done. She insisted it came out wrong, but. Idk.


Oct 25, 2017
Getting the "we need to talk. Let's meet tomorrow" text, and then her not answering my calls. I was fucking wrecked that whole evening and had to leave work early the next day because I couldn't even think straight.


That's the kind of shit that ruins your whole day. You can't sleep, you can't work, you just want to get it over with but you don't want it to happen. It sucks.


Oct 25, 2017
"My favorite movie of all time is Lady in the Water".

I had never seen it, so I gave it a shot that night.


That didn't last long. She was a starfish anyway.


Oct 31, 2017
Holy shit, some of you got totally destroyed - and I'm guilty of a few hearty chuckles at your expense

I was asked if I was on the spectrum. On date one. Screw you, lady. You look nothing like your dating site pics.

Another girl I went out with like three times ended things over text saying she could not stand another minute in my presence.

I swear I am not a total weirdo.

Your avatar says it all ... you gotta be a weirdo to like the pain your guys put you thru, it's an abusive relationship ... seriously
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Oct 27, 2017
"I'm really into talking politics"

Dropped. 95% of people I've ever talked politics with have a myriad of baseless opinions and know fuck all about anything beyond intermediate-level economics. If I hear another liberal arts major lecture me on the dangers of the free market I might scream.

You mean some people disagree with you and you think that makes them stupid. Nobel prize winning economists think there's issues with the free market dude. Blind faith in it is a fringe belief in actual economics.

Deleted member 15447

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I had a woman say to me 'my friend told me not to trust single men who own cats'.

I actually replied, 'that's ok, I don't trust people who let their friends influence them over something so trivial'.

We surprisingly talked over coffee another 15 minutes or so but it was going nowhere and we said bye without even a hug or smile.


Oct 27, 2017
Took an ex to a pretty nice restaurant once. Only thing she recognized on the menu was chicken gnocchi... I look down and realize I'm done with my food and she hasn't touched hers. I asked if there was something wrong with her food and she said she didn't like it because it wasn't as good as the stuff at Olive Garden... I don't think she had ever tried asparagus before then either...

Deleted member 10234

User requested account closure
Oct 27, 2017
I had a woman say to me 'my friend told me not to trust single men who own cats'.

I actually replied, 'that's ok, I don't trust people who let their friends influence them over something so trivial'.

We surprisingly talked over coffee another 15 minutes or so but it was going nowhere and we said bye without even a hug or smile.
As a single guy with cats, I totally agree with her friend
Oct 26, 2017
Haha. Funny that some treats it (correctly) as a thread for when dates said something that made you feel like shit.

But some (narcissists?) treat it as a "stupid thing a date said that made awesome me dump them".

Anyone, remembers another thing from a few years back.

Went to "college" for a year and lived at the school. Was madly in love with a girl/classmate. To a degree that for that year everyone joked about it at partys, at lunch etc. Even the teachers did.

A year after school we ended up living in the same city and hooked up. Which obviously was like a dream come true to me.

So one day this exchange happend:

Girl: ...my mom asked yesterday if I was in love with you..
Me: ... A-are you..?
Girl: *laugh* No.

I even made a 45 sec short film about it later putting in the exchange verbetim, that won some awards here in Sweden. Haha.

But yeah. That made me feel crushed.

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Deleted member 6949

User requested account closure
Oct 25, 2017
I had to spend 5 days in a mental hospital at one point because I was depressed and having bad panic attacks. Like a year of therapy and meds later I was doing better and decided to try Tinder. I met a woman for coffee, and for a while we were having a good time, but then she got super weird all of a sudden, and when I asked if she was ok she brought up having been to a mental hospital. I thought she was embarrassed about it or something, so I told her about my experience to put her at ease.

Then she told me that she hadn't actually been to a mental hospital. She was a nurse at the hospital I went to, and she thought she recognized me from when I was there, so she said that she had been to a mental hospital just to bait me into opening up so that she would know for sure. Then she just up and left. That was like 3 years ago and I haven't been on a date since. She made me feel like I was a monster who had somehow tricked her into thinking I was a human.


Shinra Employee
Oct 27, 2017
Ohh, I was going to meet with a woman from OkCupid at a restaurant for dinner. I saw her and walked up to greet her and said my name. She was like "...what?" Confused, I said my name again and how were supposed to me. She looks at me dumbstruck and says my name and i'm like "Yeah that's me." and showed her our chat. She goes pale and says "Oh my god, im so sorry, I thought I was meeting a white guy with the same name." Things are awkward now and I ask if she still wants to get dinner and she's like "I'm sorry, I only date white guys." and leaves.
Thats f-ing awful. This thread though, I admit I find it entertaining
Oct 25, 2017
Please tell me everyone that judges someone based on what movies they like are joking.

Come on, you just know they are not. It was a lucky escape for the women and these guys can complain about being single and not being able to find anyone. I think the odds are they were not going to get a 2nd date anyway. So claiming it's because she didn't like anime/movies/persona allows them to stay in their bubble of just that.